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Maybe you have a shortcut that's interfering. Did you check the manual for

Posted By: sm on 2006-11-21
In Reply to: trouble with instant text - problem with Instant Text

the program shortcuts that you might be hitting thinking it's for something else?

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Did that manual state that the funds that were to be used to immobilize this mission were diverted to homeland security.
Did you try their web site for manual?
C-Phone Manual

Does anyone have a CPhone manual?  I have found where I can buy one but I was hoping that someone might have one here they might email me..  Money is on the tight side.

Am just now getting back into transcription after a short period away from it and I can't remember all the darn programming and keys..  LOL

C-phone manual
I sent you an email. I have it on file on my PC and can send it to you if you will accept it as an attachment - I do a virus scan everyday and have no viruses. It's up to you, just let me know.
C-phone manual
Manual for Lanier LX-218

Does anyone have a manual for a Lanier LX-218?  Need one ASAP. 



EXText manual
Anybody know where to find an EXText manual to download?  Previous posts with website addresses do not work.
The help file IS the manual.
Well i found the manual but...
It is saying that you have to get the ID from the person who created the encruption and if they didn't do it in Scribe you may not be able to decrypt them. I don't know if you have access to another decrypttion type program and can open them and then copy??
EXtext manual

Try going to Nuance.com  for the dictaphone EXtext manual.

Just started last week on this program. Still learning it but overall seems to be good program.  Good luck!


see link for manual--sm
Manual or bimanual - especially OB/GYN
It is not manual labor...
just another excuse by you
Cphone manual
I emailed you re: above.
The help file in IT is the same as the manual. sm
You can right-click the gray phrases bar and choose Options, then click on the auto spacing and auto cap options to set those up as you want.
Awesome! Thanks so much for pointing me in the right direction.

Very much appreciated!
Straight Talk manual

I had emailed you and asked you to contact me for information regarding a manual. You can download it at Dictaphone's website, but since it has been a week or two since I emailed you I can't remember exactly where on their website. I guess just do some looking around. I think it was in frequently asked questions or something like that.

I looked in my manual but could find nothing-sm
to mute the ringer; however on the bottom-underside- of the phone there is a volume control that can be lowered.
Looking for Lanier 219 VoiceWrite EX manual
C-phone instruction manual
Could you please e-mail me a copy. I lost mine and have been unable to find it again. Thank you so much. My e-mail is diannalazan@yahoo.com.
Dictaphone C-phone manual

Does anyone one possibly have a PDF file with the operating instructions for a C-phone.  Please.

Thanks in advance

Dictaphone Extext manual

I was just wondering if anybody can tell me where to find a manual for Extext?  I did a Google search but could not find anything.  I do not need the whole manual, but I would like to know some of the shortcuts of using the program.


Does anybody know where I can get an ExText training manual? nm
The full manual is also in the Help file.
Read the manual again on how to use Includes.
My single words on the phrases side are in a separate glossary.
C-phone manual online...
For anyone interested...

Click URL (see hyperlink below or copy & paste URL here):


Scroll down and click where it says L-940 operating instructions.

Manual will open in Adobe reader. Click on File and Save As and save to desktop or My documents.
Free C-phone manual here...
Under L-940 Operating Instructions. Once you open up the PDF, you'll see that it's for the 0420, 0421, and 0424 models of C-phones.


See Classifieds for free C-Phone manual

There is a URL for free download for dictaphone C-phone 0421 and 0424.

I recommend Gregg Reference Manual for
There are many other good books out there too.  It took me months in medical transcription school to stop making the same punctuation mistakes over and over again.  My teacher told me repeatedly, but sometimes it just takes awhile to sink in, so you might be better off taking a class or reading a great book on the subject.  There are also a lot of websites to help with that sort of thing if you want to Google it.  Have you looked into joining AHDI (formerly AAMT)?  I believe they offer help from mentors.
Read the policy and procedure manual, maybe something is in there.
I do not believe there is a law, but you could check with the labor department.
Does anyone know where I can find an INSTANT TEXT MANUAL?? sm

I have my disk, but cannot find my manual/user guide to save my life.  I would really like to have one handy to keep from having to go through the CD menus.  I'd be willing to pay anything at this point.


Read the manual. It has full instructions.
Long, informative read - Merck vet manual (sm)
Does anyone has a user's manual for a Dictaphone voice processor? sm

I am new to using a C-phone, and I would appreciate any help.  If anyone has a user's manual for a Dictaphone Voice Processor, I would really appreciate it.


Also, I was able to learn Shorthand in just a couple of hours without reading the manual, lol.
Does anyone know if there's a free Dictaphone ExText instruction manual online somewhere? nm
Sounds like a wartime military POW personnel training manual..nm

I use shortcut
but this has happened to me with it and I was told to always make sure you open your expansion program behind the document you are working in.

What are "Shortcuts" and "Windows" expanders?  I don't like the Expander I have and I can't use the one I bought about five years ago.

No shortcut!
Notice all these products say somewhere in fine print (even on commercials) something like "works best with a sensible diet and exercise." Proper diet and exercise the ONLY answer to losing weight.
Another ? Has anyone used PRD and ShortCut?

I'm having to switch Expanders too and have used PRD.  While researching it seems that ShortCut is very similar to PRD.   Does anyone know if you can import Expander word list from Dos to Windows?

I use every shortcut I can
That is the way to make money
I think these only work if the software has it written into it.

Try Control plus "+" to enlarge and Control plus "-" to decrease the viewing size of the characters.

Otherwise, you could go into your software's "view" option and see if there is a shortcut there.
Here's a shortcut for you.
Using the information given to you below on how to write the formula, you can copy the formula(s) to a many rows below by doing the following:
Left mouse click in the first cell that contains the formula to be copied. Hold down that mouse button to highlight the cell(s) containing the formula(a) you want to copy and all the cells by dragging the mouse across them (still holding down that mouse button). When you get to the last cell you want to highlight, let go of the mouse button and hit Ctrl+D. This will copy the formula(s) into their respective columns, changing all cell references accordingly.
(Please post if you don't understand this and I'll try to re-explain.)
Here's another shortcut
If you have to have multiple apps open at once: i made a macro and assigned to an F key - so to switch back and forth I only have to hit one key.

Also did the same with block and copy - one stroke on an F key.
LOVE ShortCut and have used it for years with success on virtually every platform I have ever used
I use Shortcut
This one is really simple to use/edit. I've been using it for years but I can't rate it against anything else because I've never used anything else. If you're using a platform that doesn't work well with the expander, there is a way to load the Expander entries into the autotext function and it will expand the same way.

As for the entries themselves, here's what I usually do:

I'd enter "chff" for congestive heart failure, using the extra "f" because there are times when a client only wants the abbrev. This way I can type "CHF" without it expanding every time.
Have used shortcut for years, when I changed jobs, the tech people were able to do it, there is also an 800 number to call the company that distributes shortcut and they will walk you thru it when you first purchase - also I think their web site had directions. I currently work in Chartscript so don't know if it is the same.
I went to the website for ShortCut but still have some questions (there's not much info about it out there, like on Productivity Talk). Does it have a preview window like ShortHand and the old SmartType? Can you import your word list from other Expander programs into it?

There is a book Saving Keystrokes that can be purchased on the internet that of great help for some commonly used phrases and words.  I did find this website for downloading shortcuts, but I have not actually gone in and done it so not sure what is there, but probably not much for medical shortcuts  I just typed in autocorrect shortcut in the address box and there are several sites you might check also.


You can figure out from each of your doctors what they use a lot and make your own, and put them in autocorrect perhaps under the doctor's ID number and then something you will remember. 

Most of these shortcuts are your personal phrases and what your doctors use on a regular basis, so will have to be done individually and in ways that you remember. 

ROFL - Manual typewriter and belt back in 1973! Old geezard here :)