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Makes you wonder how they passed grade school grammar. No it is not acceptable.

Posted By: EFL MT on 2007-05-28
In Reply to: What is offended is my hearing! - Janie

I agree 100%.

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sorry, but this isn't grade school
When you get out of grade school and become an MT, try following the MT Book of Style, which contains the guidelines for this profession - whether you like it or not.
I was 15, in 10th grade, getting ready to go to school I guess - a bit hard to remember - nm
just reminded, did you know Einstein failed grade school? His teachers told
Thank god they didn't believe it or the world would have been robbed of one of the greatest minds.
My daughter already started 1st grade - year-round school. Yippee! (nm)
I'm embarassed to even work with you all. Sound like a bunch of grade school delinquents. Grow u

So disrespectful, and just plain embarassing.  You get whatever you desire, and based on your "class" on the boards, you all are getting it.  I thank God literally that I don't have to share office space with you "women". A priceless blessing.

What makes an MT school "accredited?" Who accredits them?? sm

The Med. Trans. Accredited Assoc?  I mean, that doesn't even exist.


Here is why I ask....I am seriously considering starting my own MT school/training program. I already have 2 students! I have the time, exp and knowledge right now in my career to take on a few newbies and help them along. I had the best training on-the-job with exp. MTs helping me along with my first job answering questions and new MTs need that!!


I am charging for my time and they are paying it! I have on-line access to a med. term and anatomy course, and am looking into lab, path, rad, pharm, and other courses to offer in the future. 


So, they will already put my business down on their resume upon completion, but I want to give them a diploma with my co. name on it.  I know I can do that.  But how does one become accredited after a while? Are many of the MT schools accredited? Who accredits them, I wonder.


I am itching to contact the AAMT about getting them involved, but the more I read the more I see that they are not highly regarded right now....


Thanks everyone.


PS:  I am a regular on this board. 

My boyfriend who is a school bus driver now makes more than me...
by $1.00 an hour. Only because they have a union, I guess, because the trend now would be to make them slave labor, as well....but their union holds on by a thread...

I have been an MT for over 14 years, started in the hospitals making what I make now, and am now working for a company (top of the line in the business) who says to stay competitive the MT pay has been cut. I was told to work more hours to make up the difference.

This is no longer a profession, and I think if we are suddenly required to be certified (which the AAMT is pushing very hard), I would highly contest this as I no longer consider myself a professional. We get paid only per line, lose our health benefits, if we do not work a required amount of hours, and are treated as laborers, not professionals.

Does anyone know, if any other 'professions' require certification for nonhourly positions, no guaranteed work, and no real long-term job security...

For myself, I can barely pay my rent now, there is no way I could afford a certification.

In other words, I would be expected to act as a professional, but would never ever be treated as one. I mean, what would WE get out of it?

Does anyone care anymore about people. When I first started working at 14, every job I ever had employees were always treated like they mattered...and were the heart of the job, the old 'we are nothing without the employees' - that is all thrown out like trash now and the mantra is we are nothing, we do not matter, we can be replaced, shut up and just do your work, your paycheck is your reward. What a bunch of crap and what a way to keep people down.

I was in shock when I saw my paycheck, and my boyfriend is making a whole dollar more an hour than I am...and that was a good, full 2 weeks of work for me, with the most lines I have typed since being with this company.

Can you imagine...
Sorry, butt I do not think that a 'lazy' MT makes it through an MT school,
no matter how bad the school is.
POLL: Home School vs. Charter School vs. Public School vs. Priv ate School...
Pros and cons of each too. I have two little ones that will be starting school soon and I would like opinions on all. Thanks in advance! :)
I think either is acceptable.
I think either is acceptable.  It depends on the account specifics, some accounts I have worked on request that it only be single space.  I learned to double space while learning keyboarding and I think it is accepted either way.  I think it makes the report easier to read if you double space, but that's just me. 
Of course, the acceptable way to do it is the
You really think it's acceptable sm

to pass up the "hard jobs" or ESLs that an MT might not be able to do and leave them for someone else who might be better equipped to handle them? 

I think the MT that needs to do that has not business being in that work pool in the first place even having the opportunity to pass those reports by.  They shouldn't be employed.


Thanks! It's nice to know what is acceptable. nm
Could they mean that a wireless USB is not acceptable
is it acceptable in our guidelines, if so I will

do it too.

SH's a lot more widely acceptable than not. SM
If I were interested in browsing the want ads, I'd contact ShortHand itself to chat about what platforms don't work well with Shorthand even after their finetuning. That way choices wouldn't be unnecessarily limited and no dependence would be placed on possibly questionable info from Personnel personnel. Best wishes.
My question - why is this acceptable? SM
When did it become OK to have a doctor with a thick accent dictating so badly that we can't understand simple diagnoses, lab values, and to submit reports full of blanks?  Why is it OK that docs without thick accents are mumbling, holding the phone so close we can't understand?  Why is the staff at hospitals so afraid of the doctors that they can't ask them to please slow down, speak clearly, etc.?  I am absolutely convinced that the staff and hospitals just don't care anymore.
I know it says it once and once is all it takes. We are moving away from it but still acceptable.nm
Is no raise after 7 years acceptable?
I work as an independent contractor.  I have been with my office (had two doctors to begin with, took on a third two years ago), and I have never raised my rates.  I went in and talked to my docs about a raise today (after emailing a couple weeks ago to set up a meeting about it).  Not only did they say that's NOT happening, but the doc actually told me he expected my line count to go DOWN with the new system they are implementing.  He was upset that he had been paying me for a line count that included macros of a few paragraphs and it only took me a few key strokes to get there.  Also, they checked around and someone under-bid me for 2 cents less, so they were acting like they are doing me a favor by paying me my same line rate.  Am I crazy to be super upset about this? 
Sounds like any old pair of cut offs would be acceptable....

The description reminds me of my MUCH older brother's wedding circa 1973.... She was barefoot, he was in ripped jean cut off shorts, the preacher looked like something that crawled out from under a rock, and when he asked my brother if he had anything to say, he "grunted."  Gawd, it was awful.  I'm sure this wedding you're going to won't be that bad, but if the bride is barefoot and the groom is in khakis, then any decide informal summery outfit would probably be A-ok.

Honestly, I've done both and QA is easier. If the pay is acceptable, TAKE IT! sm
I learned MORE doing QA than doing MT, and it's still easier. You have the benefit of the rest of the chart to help you fill in blanks. Trust, it's not a scary job. If I could make a decent wage at my company I'd absolutely go back to QA.
In BOS, pg 172, follow-up is still acceptable for noun/adj (see page 172 in parenthesis) nm
excuse sees acceptable to me since it's a mandatory call.
Life is too short and this seems small to me. Maybe it wouldn't be if I were in your shoes, but it does to me right now, for sure.

Enjoy life, one day at a time.
Never said that typos were acceptable, what I said was is 100% accuracy expected 100% of the time.

Yes, I used to work in a docs office doing this as well as other things and but never had this problem.That is why I am frustrated.  My question was whether or not there was a curve for MT'ing or not.  I guess I just was not clear on exactly what editors/QA were really meant for.  I thought they were more of a saftey net for a TX company to ensure that everythign that goes out is what it should be.  But I guess I was mistaken.

Anyway, I was thinking that maybe there was something else similar in this field that would be an option for me to do.  Since I actually like this line of work, I don't see why I should give up so easily.

Lastly, its just me, but I actually think staying at home with my kids is a perfect reason to do this for a living.  I mean seeing as though I actually do want to earn a honest living doing something that I have experience doing ...why not?  It's better than relying the government for money to support my family isn't it? 

I did that with 2 kids with time mgmt and a high school girl who babysat 3 days a week after school
When I grade I look for...
...correct terminology and spelling, and nothing else. I once scored a report with 17 spelling errors. I told the applicant that I failed her on those. She replied "I don't have time to watch for that c--p!"

Does anyone with that kind of work ethic attitude think they're going to get hired? Who'd want to work with them? Any of you account managers or QA peeps out there want them on YOUR team? Didn't think so.

Anyway, I know where the spots are that the inexperienced or too cocky people will screw up, and that's pretty much all I look at. I leave it to QA to teach/correct areas that need to be changed, if need be. I just want people who know the terminology and can use it correctly.

Recently I took a test where I was dinged for NOT using the JCAHO dangerous abbreviations. However, how is one to know what to do when there are no instructions whether to use intelligent transcription or transcribe verbetim? That's where the people who are doing the scoring need to actually USE their gray matter rather than assume that people who are testing have consulted their psychic the night before to know what that particular QA peep is going to get their panties in a bunch over.

I'll get down off my soapbox now. Lol....
My son has been on an IEP since 1st grade sm
he is now in the 5th. The IEP helped a lot. He has accomodations when taking tests i.e. tests are read aloud to him, when he has math a tutor sits right beside him and he has speech 3 days a week for 30 minutes.
My son is currently in 5th grade. sm
I have to say his elementary school has been great and it is a public school. In fact, his kindergarten teacher was the best anyone could ask for. She really got him interested in school and loving it. In fact, I was the only one crying his first day of school. He was in heaven.

I would suggest going and sitting in on the classes and spending time in the school to get familar with the staff. My son's school has a wonderful staff all the way down to the school janitors who are husband and wife and treat the kids great.

Although there are a couple of teachers that I personally did not care for, we were given the opportunity to request teachers and they were honored if at all possible. I was able to avoid the couple of teachers that I did not care for. They may have been great, but I just felt that their style and personality didn't match my son. This really makes a difference; a child needs someone he is not intimated by to learn from. If they are afraid to ask questions, the teacher will never know if they need help.

This is my son's last year in elementary school. I have to say I do have reservations about our middle school and high school. After we built our home, they redistricted our community into one of the worst middle schools and high schools in our county. We have been considering private school, but the schools close to us are so expensive. We could put him through college cheaper than middle school and high school.

Sorry so long, but I know all information helps especially when our children are concerned.
Gotta a question... When you have an offer from a company, is it acceptable to basically..SM

give the company a set of terms.  Here's my issue.  I have 15+ years experience as an MT and I am finding after I've accepted the job, that I am placed on the crappiest account they have because of my years of wonderful "experience".  Then I'm told that they are paying me the higher cpl rate not because of years of experience but because I'm working on the crappy account that no one else can do.

I find it very difficult to earn a living this way and wonder if there are jobs out there where a seasoned MT can just sit down and type carefree 8 hours a day.  I'm not saying I don't want to ever type ESL dictation, but can I get an account where the majority is not ESL? 

I'm good at what I do.  I love OP notes and don't mind challenging work, but it's simply not fair.  I feel like I'm being penalized for my years of hard work more than rewarded and I resent it.

It is good to know it is acceptable to wear slippers to the store, I have been wondering about
Hi TIA, my DH is a former 7th grade teacher and now....
is a high school principal.  Don't people like that ignorant poster above really burn you up?  As the wife of a teacher, I can vouch for the long hours and dedication that teachers put in.  My DH can talk you through a typical week that will prove that most teachers put in 12 months worth of full-time hours and MORE in the 9.5 months that they work.  That doesn't even count the summer hours preparing for the next school year.  I have sat home on my anniversary because my husband is off chaperoning a trip so the kids can attend a band competition a thousand miles away.  We have spent endless dollars of our own supplementing these trips, buying things for needy students, and making "sports supervision duty" a family night out so we can spend a little time with hubby and Dad.  Don't even get me started on the vandalism that we've incurred over the last 15 years.  Shall I start with the car that some little gang banger started by pouring a gallon of gas into our car and setting it on fire, because he was suspended?  Or how about the rocks put into our gas tank of our car?  Teachers ought to get hazard pay!  Wasn't an asst. principal just gunned down last week?  Teachers don't become teaches for the money, believe me.  Where else can you finish a bachelor's degree and an 18 month credentialing program for a whopping 25,000 dollars a year (in some areas, more in others).  A car mechanic makes twice as much as that!!!  So, I pretty much dismiss those people who think teachers sit on their butts all day and skate out the door at 2:30.  Their kids are probably the worst of them all.
Low grade olive oil is the best.
Fourth grade
Sounds like she is in 4th grade (age 9)? Most people agree that that is a tough year. I remember it was for me and my twin sister. I was not comfortable with competitive sports, but I think it would have given me confidence (and an outlet for all the negative energy of anxiety) if I had taken martial arts after school, or gymnastics or something like that to give me confidence and strength.
Furman grade
The cost of running a private school or any school is expensive....
Why do you think public schools are so run down and can't find good teachers?  Because the government and people to not put forth the effort or $$$$ to improve the educational system.
not at all. that word and the double hocky sticks were ruled acceptable in the late 50s -
and no longer curse words.

Funny, the other board Hitlered it, but they allow the one where the typist pounds his head on the keyboard and blood spurts EVERWYERE until he is dead.

Guess violence, suicide is funny to them.
grade versus stage
grades are regular numbers, 1, 2, 3, etc. Stages are I, II, III. It's easy to remember this way - The Romans are on the Stage.
I do think kindergarten and 1st grade might get a kick out of it.
Depends on which grade you will be teaching, but
1984. I was in 4th grade. I'm 32 and not ashamed to say!!
Good for you! Every vote counts!
grade typing back in the 60s...lol...sm
so today, that is kind of hard to change especially when you have everything saved (macros) the way we USED to type that....it's just THIS week, I'm trying to do only 1 space after a period and I'm older than dirt!!  And I find that particular aspect of 1 space after a period very time consuming.........to make sure you didn't hit that space bar twice. 
Word Help--Firmin grade 3??
Patient with kidney cancer.  Sounds like "Firmin" grade 3???
Hey how do you get any work done ROFL and LOL and LOL making QA grade
and all the busy little things you need to do? I think you are management and what happens on many jobs is managements fault. And many management decisions are REVERSED by protesting and that is what I am doing. You must have heard about unions haven't you? They exist to change situations for employees and create a fair playing field. You can go along with the plan or try to do something. I will try to do something. In the meantime, pick yourself up off the floor roley poley MT. I don't like the visual.
Hey how do you get any work done ROFL and LOL and LOL making QA grade
and all the busy little things you need to do? I think you are management and what happens on many jobs is managements fault. And many management decisions are REVERSED by protesting and that is what I am doing. You must have heard about unions haven't you? They exist to change situations for employees and create a fair playing field. You can go along with the plan or try to do something. I will try to do something. In the meantime, pick yourself up off the floor roley poley MT. I don't like the visual.
My son has played since 2nd grade, quit last year and sm

came back this year excited about it for the first time in 4 years.  I did not realize that he was not having fun anymore until I see how much fun he is having this year.  I also talked to a few college scouts who said that it does not matter if they take a year off to concentrate on grades.  My son missed it more than he thought.  I am just glad my husband and I kept our mouths shut last year.




As a former 2nd grade teacher... NO way. Why? (see rant inside! Ha ha!)

As a former schoolteacher.... We would not have done "snowman poop" in class.  No way, no how.  I think it's a little on the tacky side but still relatively harmless, so that isn't why I wouldn't do it. 

Too many parents with no life and too much time on their hands would complain.  Teachers have to walk on eggshells to avoid giving parents any tiny thing to freak out about.  The kids? They're great.  Parents?  Man, do we need some chlorine in the gene pool.  If they aren't expecting teachers to do free tutoring after school (Why would you expect that? Do we give away free MT for doctors? No! ) or to hold conferences after 6:00 PM so they don't have to leave early from work (Hello, teachers have families, too! They're YOUR kids, YOU take off work early rather than expecting a teacher to stay past 5:00, okay?) they're "forgetting" to send lunch money for weeks at a time or refusing to take any responsibility for their child's behavior and blaming it on a million different reasons other than that they just don't take the time to work on the problem.   

Two degrees in education and a gift for teaching, but never again.  I'm an MT for the rest of my working years.  

thanks everyone! I've passed all of this
info to my mother. i'm so glad it's her house and not mine :)
Oh how sad! I did not know she had passed.
I agree, RIP Shelly!!
Just passed the CMT...sm
I'm just bragging on myself.  I have 2 years' experience.  The transcription was easier than I thought!
yea - i passed
had gotten an error message - emailed the site - and was supposed to get back a response - of course, on this board, the response has never come. Not surprising. They don't care unless you post something controversial - then they are all up in arms and kick you off the boards - we all figure out how to get back on - though - we're never gone for long.
I passed it!!!
I was really shocked!!! It was not as hard as the review guide so that was a good thing. I finished the entire test in 2.5 hours but you have 6 total for both portions.

I'm going to repost at the top so maybe others can see my response and it can hopefully help others!

Thanks for asking!!!