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Majority of these came thru Ellis Island. Didnt

Posted By: sneak across border in dark of night. nm on 2008-01-16
In Reply to: Or when the Irish came over a century ago... - tnmt


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Johnny Deep and icewater, that's all I'd need..lol
Ok, but I would rather buy the island
and banish all of the whiners and complainers there!
Where are you at on the Big Island?
We origially were thinking of moving to the Hilo area, but since my fiance started searching for jobs (he's in construction), he has noticed most of the jobs are in Kailua-Kona. We originally wanted to stay away from the tourist spots (lived in Waikiki before and hated it) and heard Hilo was a more family friendly place. So at the moment we are kind of torn where we want to move. We are going to just live in sublets or temporary housing until we figure out where we want to end up permanently depending on where he gets a job and also where we can still get high-speed internet for mine. Care to share what area you are living in and how you like it?
Well I own my own island right next to Mr. Dicaprio's and as soon as
I have my little jaunt there (with my champagne and caviar), I will be sure to swing by Hawaii and say hello and tootles!! ROFL
Treasure Island
My husband and I were married in Las Vegas last October.  We stayed at Treasure Island in a honeymoon suite for around 140.00 per night.  This price was Sunday thru Wednesday and then the price is higher for Thursday through Saturday.  It was a really, really nice hotel.  Our suite had a hot tub and his and her bathrooms.  Treasure Island also has some nice restaurants to eat at as well.  We were married at Viva Las Vegas, which is right on the strip.  Everyone there was very nice and we had a wonderful time.  We went out by ourselves so it is nice that Viva Las Vegas has a live web cam so friends and family back home can see you getting married.  Getting married at a wedding chapel that is not connected with a hotel is a lot cheaper.  I think our wedding package was around 400.00 and that included everything including our proofs.  We had a limo that picked us up from our hotel, took us to get married and then brought us back.  This was a wonderful experience that neither of us will ever forget.  I would also suggest eating at Emeril's Delmonico Steakhouse as well as Hard Rock Cafe.  Any other info you would like I would be happy to share.  Conratulations and good luck!!!
I was just in Aruba -very nice island

Aruba is just like any other tourist destination where as long as you stay in the tourist areas, do not wonder off into the downtown areas at night and practice basic street-smarts, then there is no need for alarm and it is just as safe as any other place. I went to Aruba last month and we had a nice stay but I also went there years ago when I was about 16 w/my friend and her family. Of course we drank our little hearts out but we stayed in the hotel area and never wandered off. I will admit that we were harrassed by locals a bit (and I think it was because we were so young) but we ignored them and ALWAYS stayed together- we used our street smarts!!

It sounds as tho this young girl did not have as much street smarts as you or I.  I would never  leave with guys I just met by myself even if I were at a bar in my hometown area, nevermind in another country! It is common sense but unfortunately this young girl didn't know any better, or for whatever reason maybe she thought that she was safe with these boys and she probably thought they were just regular kids just like her & her friends. It is very sad that she possibly had to pay the ultimate price for what she thought was just an innocent mistake.

We as parents try to protect our children from so much, but at the same time, I think sometimes we are so focused on keeping the evil of the world out, that we possibly make our children more vulnerable.

Mine too!! Would love to be on that little island
$2.73 here on Vancouver Island, BC Canada
Its $1.05 a litre and with the conversion, about $2.70 a gallon. Yikes, when will it stop going up??
lori who? wonder what island SHE lives on - sorry for being cat-ee

not surprised  guess I should really go read the story but if no details

of this person first I wonder if she really exists and if so and if they

can't brag on her situation, why can't they?

it should have been gwendolyn gopp from Op, Alabama who has worked for MQ

for 5 years or something like that.  show a picture, show us her co-workers, show


Paradise Island Bahamas
It is beautiful there and lots to do
You know, I felt exactly like I had been "thrown off the island"

I never watch "Survivor" or any other reality TV show but I have heard enough about it to know how it works. It saddens me that our young people are growing up with that kind of example - plotting behind other people's backs, ganging up on one member of the "team", always being out for number one.

Maybe "Leave It To Beaver" and "The Andy Griffith Show" were unrealistic, but at least they had good role models and discussed issues such as being kind to others, being truthful, and being a good person.

I know there are good people in the world - I just wish there were more of them.

sounds good to me right about now. when's the next boat to the island?
i'm ready.
Tybee Island, GA? Just a jaunt from Savannah. nm
St. Simons versus Jekyl Island
Jekyl Island is 7-8 miles south US 17 of St. Simons. They offer beautiful beaches, hotels, bike trails, golf, camping, and fishing. It is a more secluded vacation place. As you already know St. Simons has great restaurants, boutique shopping, etc. Just depends on what you are looking for in a vacation spot. I live in Brunswick. Hope this helps.
Respectfully disagree island girl
I was merely trying to point out that if one comes to rally the troops on such a topic, they need to know what they talking about.  Quite honestly, this is a huge part of the reason MT is where it is today.  We have our own US MTs who know nothing beyond typing their report and tallying their line count.  Kudos to you for looking beyond and health care management.  Unfortunatley, you may find yourself on the other side of the ball though, so be prepared.  As part of the healthcare management team, you'll be expected to tow the line as far as cost cutting and hospitals are doing it every day.  It's not the MT companies choosing to offshore, but rather the larger hospitals are demanding it to cut costs.  Look around - hospitals are shutting their doors because they're out of money. 
Respectfully disagree island girl
I was merely trying to point out that if one comes to rally the troops on such a topic, they need to know what they talking about.  Quite honestly, this is a huge part of the reason MT is where it is today.  We have our own US MTs who know nothing beyond typing their report and tallying their line count.  Kudos to you for looking beyond and health care management.  Unfortunatley, you may find yourself on the other side of the ball though, so be prepared.  As part of the healthcare management team, you'll be expected to tow the line as far as cost cutting and hospitals are doing it every day.  It's not the MT companies choosing to offshore, but rather the larger hospitals are demanding it to cut costs.  Look around - hospitals are shutting their doors because they're out of money. 
Okay I'm Really Bored. If you could only have one food and one person on desert island, what and
who would it be?  No fair family members.  We want a famous person and one food item to picnic forever on this island.
Love at first sight on the Long Island RailRoad
On the Long Island Railroad, traveling to Greenwich Village for the day and he traveling to a concert in Queens, NY.  The instant I looked at his face and he talked to me and sat across from me on the train, I knew we would make history together, I knew something was gonna happen between us.  He got off the train, I continued on to Greenwich Village, NYC..didnt get his number, nor he mine.  Four months later I was driving into my apartment parking lot and he was driving behind me, said he recognized me from my sunglasses as I looked in the rear view mirror.  He asked for my phone number and the rest is history..It was truly love at first sight..
Forgot to give websites! Shell Island
East Islip High School, Long Island. ..nm
Thousands of peoples identification stolen in Rhode Island
to buy state permits.
No, she didnt but so what if she did?
She was self supporting.  She didnt take anything from anyone or go on the system. 
i didnt see that.
what was the report?
How do you know that she didnt get ....
the newest edition out used??? I agree with it being worthless after a while but you can get used books that are the newest editions.
She didnt say they

were paying production. Probably an hourly rate position. Wipe off the drool. they ain't no fool.



That didnt work out right! Sorry.. NM
Didnt Seem Rude
You didnt seem rude to me at all. You adressed exactly what I was looking to get more info about. Should I even invest in the training, and if so what was the best way to go? Was MT even something I should get into? Sounds like more bang than I want to get tied up in so I appreciate your reply! Thanks!!
DH now knows reality of my job, didnt at first.
A majority of . . .
one.  How interesting.  I will certainly believe one person over the countless others.  Uh huh. 
The majority of us do far, far less than that, unfortunately. Definitely
Why didnt your ancestors stay?
Why didnt your ancestors stay wherever they came from?  What a horrible statement.  We are all descendant from another country, unless we are American Indian.  I know two doctors who live here and do help in their home countries.  One from South Africa, the other from Mexico.  One goes back each year to hold clinics where they operate on children. 
Nixon didnt declare war
Lyndon Johnson stepped up the fighting in Vietnam, we were there back in the 1960's.  Pressure was put on Nixon from the courageous and so right protestors to end our participation in a wrong war a war we were in because we didnt want the South Vietnamese to become communist, which happened anyway.  The protests at Kent State were peaceful except some students started throwing rocks at inexperienced guardsmen.  The guardsmen were called before the protest to keep calm on campus, which is something that should never be done and was never done before.  You do not turn military against student protestors.  You do not use military to guard Americans, that is what police are for.  Only during Martial Law can you have military take over American streets.  We have a right to protest.  When the students saw the guardsmen, some threw rocks.  The guardsmen then shot their guns.  Trust me, this is how it went.  It is burned into my psyche.
Thank you. I didnt know if there were a lot of parts to assemble.
Didn't have to do much of that (didnt really mind that
part of the job, though). Just didn't like working 11-7, hated the fact that with being responsible for so many patients, I felt like I wasn't giving any of them very good care.
wonder why my email didnt work??
That makes me wonder, I have been getting emails lately, it should be working.
Vets were I worked didnt want to pay for MT. Had
Not RadGuy but didnt take much to get banned
You did call the school, didnt you?
Very wise post. Didnt look at it this way before.
Are you sure she didnt mean strap, like black
Didnt know we have our own country now of Georgia!
I love my country(and state).
I think the majority of mistakes are
merely typographical or expander errors.  If MTs weren't paid such rotten line rates on production, maybe they could afford to relisten to and reproof every single report.  However, the people responding to the original post have evidently never made a single mistake in their entire lives.  Ah, yes, condescending, snotty superiority complexes on the rampage.  I'd be interested in seeing the MT profiles on those quoted reports, how many lines per day they produce, how many years of experience, and so forth.  For that matter, we could all sit here and rip on the mistakes we've found on completed reports, but personally, I don't feel better about myself by trashing other people.  My self esteem isn't measured by how stupid I think everyone else is like some people on this board.
By the page if the majority
of your work types are diagnostic plain films, such as chest and bone x-rays but if you have a lot of MRI's, CT's and special procedures such as catheter placement and removal, PET scans, angiograms and stent placements then by the line is more profitable.
The vast majority...
of kids do not get wrapped up in the things you did.  My DH is a  public school administrator and sees this stuff playing  out first hand.  He sees all the trouble makers and generally it's the "apple doesn't fall far from the tree" syndrome.  Once he meets the parents, he can usually tell why the kids act the way they do.   I tell my kids that peer pressure is bunk.  The ultimately responsibility for making bad choices lies with the individual.  You can only be pressured into what you want to be pressure into.   You can't blame the schools totally, which by the way are not any worse than they ever were.  I was a teen in the 70s and there's nothing much new going on.   Ever generation thinks it's worse now than the good old days.  In the 1920s they were aghast at girls showing  their ankles. 
The majority of mine do not even...
bother saying that, they just continue on as though nothing happened... !!!
The majority of normals are seen
Normals can also be a repetitive statement that the dictator makes, which you then turn into a normal so you do not have to keep typing the same thing over and over again.  Some use shortcut keys or Expander program.  I am not an expert on any of these as I do not use them.  Some who work in MS Word use autocorrect to expand terms or phrases that are said time and time again by a specific dictator.  I use autocorrect in Word and like it.  Hope this helps.  
Majority of time, no MTs. Right now..sm
however, a lot of people are leaving one of the big nationals, some after many years of service. Many are very experienced in multispecialty/acute care transcription, so until that settles down, there are a lot of good MTs looking at the moment. That's probably why you are seeing conflicting reports. In my personal experience, the majority of the time, there IS a shortage of well-trained, experienced, and reliable MTs. The good ones often get snatched up quickly, net good-paying jobs, and stay at those jobs, so they aren't always looking. Timing is everything. ;)

Also, to answer your other question, if a company is offering only 5 cpl, they are likely going to get responses from 5-cpl MTs so that certainly can play a role. IOW, the very good MTs typically won't respond to an ad for a job paying only 5 cpl, as they realize they are worth far more than that.
So the majority would feel ?
If the remote MTs are employees and are scheduled for 8 hours for coverage, the company can require them to work a complete 8 hours ?  This means that the ones who can produce more lines in those 8 hours will be paid more, while the ones who produce only their line count will get compensated accordingly.   The schedule is for a reason and needs to be followed for coverage.  Some of the MTs are only thinking of the "required" line count, not thinking in hours.   Maybe the wording should be changed to "minimum daily line count".  Just want to be sure it is not a far-reaching thought to think if you are an employee and are scheduled for 8 hours, that you should work 8 hours.  I know situations vary, but do most of you work a complete 8 hours, or just until you reach your minimum line count ?  Thanks.
Can't stand the majority of them...

I have several on my account that just make me cringe.  One ESL tries to talk so fast she stumbles over nearly every word and says, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, repeatedly.  Another ESL ends every sentence like its a question, like a teenage girl.  I have one American woman who adds an extra ah-syllable at the ah-beginning of some of her ah-words.  Took me forever to figure that one out!  I had one at my first job who practically whispered huge operative reports.  Nuts!

I had another American this week that had me pulling my hair out.  She had someone else reading the PE and lab results to her in the background and then she was repeating them.  Drove me crazy!

If there are a majority of MTs making
the same mistake, send it to everyone. However, if 1 or 2 are making the mistake consistently they need to be notified, becuase no one believes it is them making the mistake a lot of the time.
majority are for at-home then?
I take it then the majority are for at-home positions?