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MTStars sure is festive! I love all the decorations!

Posted By: nm on 2006-12-01
In Reply to: AND the countdown to Christmas counter way up at the top--sm - nn

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I LOVE the snowflakes! Makes it so festive!

Wow, this is amazing! I love you MTSTars!
How cute MTStars - Love the snowflakes gently falling!! nm
Now Released! MTStars FlashCount & Invoice Generator. Completely FREE to MTStars Visitors.

Freeware - No Registration or Purchase required.

Lines and Word counter software. Scans your documents for lines, words, spaces and generates real time invoices the way you want. Full customization to generate invoices to save or email to your clients.

Click on link below.


I received MTStars Flashtype and MTStars Internet Speller!
You might try MTStars FlashCount. It's absolutely free to MTStars visitors.


Lots of inexpensive decorations at Big Lots. Had a party last year.
love, love, love the show. hate american idol. this show is for real.
the only reason i entertained watching it was because of mark burnett and as usual he has such genious casting and editing. btw, don't know who anything about "metal" music but these performers make me like it. love marty and jd as performers. HATE JESSICA. susie is so nice and so emotional. it seems they all support each other and enjoy each others skills. regarding ty and bob marley, ty was excellent but he also lucked out on the song! bob marley was genious too and his music is very easy to listen to. i don't like 3/4 of what the others are given to sing but their performances make me love the music. dave navarro shines on this show, very gracious for the most part and letting the contestants down easy when they have to leave. he was great last night with brandon (?). sweet, sweet show. i am so impressed with everyone involved.
Yep that's it, 4000. Love, love love the zoom
But I feel like a dork typing...every time I try to type But it is coming out as Nut!
I love it too - love doing my nails 5 hours a day and staying awake

Love NOT getting paid while sitting doing my nails too.  It's a real turn on.

I tell all my friends to try it -- sit in front of your computer while you have no money to pay your rent and instead do your nails, you get a real buzz down in the pit of your stomach.


Also LOVE LOVE ESCRIPTION and make good money but...
Can I ask how you sit there for 8 hours. Lately, I'm having a motivation problem. When I focus, I can rack up the lines, but lately, I get so easily distracted. My mind wanders and I struggle to get my lines. Any tips on how you stay productive who do you work for?? I work for Transcend.
Well Done MTStars!!!
They own MTStars.
Scroll down to bottom, and see. Long story short, they know the ins and outs of this field and never heard anything bad about them.

I know they (MTstars) can
I want the question to be absolutely clear to her (admin) because she is not answering the question. If she can read the replies she needs to say that she can instead of deflecting by not answering the question.
here at MTStars............nm
Thank you MTStars.
A big thank you to MTStars for
being the only MT site to honor us with really nice gifts year after year during MT week. My hat is off to you.
Thanks again MTStars!

mtstars sm
Great job, thankful!!!
oh, okay; but don't you mean MTStars
other than MTstars, ?, no. Why?
Thank you MTStars...
So cute! 
Time to thank MTStars...
Firstly, because they are always updating and perfecting the board...

and secondly because they sent me Happy Birthday wishes...(I signed up, but still, it is nice to get the message). 

You're still the best in my book! 

Thanks again...

Visits to MTSTARS...sm
How many times a day, on average, do you come to this website?  Just curious.
OMG, just found it myself! Your bad, MTStars.
See MTStars FlashCount.
MTStars FlashCount
See Freeware by MTStars.

Group you mean MTStars?
This group, you mean, MT Stars?  No, however, I cant let an ignorant poster get away with posting ignorant judgmental stuff..
Yes, and I use the mtstars search too!
this website...mtstars.............nm
Thank you MTstars for doing the giveaway again!

Thank You MTStars and Transcend! now...

please tell me which number I won with.  Was it 68??? 

 I need to play my winning number on the roulette wheel today!!   

Rock on MTStars
Thanks for the prize. I think it will come in handy for all those abbreviations they throw at us.
Ditto - thanks MTStars........

how long has MTstars been around?
How long has MTSTars been here?  I love this board but it can be addictive. Anyone know where the administrators are located?  Just curious. 
Thank You MTStars and Ascend...

I received my Godiva yesterday....thank you so much!  It arrived beautifully packaged and is sinfully delicious!

Thanks again!

Thanks to MTStars and MT-Stuff

I just received my mouse pad from MT-Stuff.  Thanks to MTStars and MT-Stuff for the great recognition of Medical Transcription Week.  It was great.  I usualy have no luck at all so this is truly amazing.

MTStars FlashType
see link
try MTStars flashcount
The invoices are professional and easy to use for a "newbie"
Your mtstars post
Hi - I just posted a reply to your post. I know it is a few days old so I wasn't sure if you would see the response.
mean? the rules here at MTstars is you cannot

Thanks MTStars and Santa!
What a wonderful and fun thing you provide for us MTs.  Indeed, it is we who should be thanking you for the opportunity to come to this board and network with fellow MTs throughout the year.  I am very grateful that you are here in spite of all the grinches who try to ruin it for the rest of us all year long.  Thank you very much for your thoughtfulness and care in giving us this respite from our difficult jobs and stressful holiday season.  It is MUCH appreciated by most of us!  God bless and Merry Christmas to all of you who do the hard work of monitoring and providing this outlet for us all.
MTStars Flashcount

Is there a way to enter your clients information and keep it stored in Flashcount so I do not have to re-enter it every time?  Also, what is the difference between Regular Word Count and Extended Word Count in the Rule Selection section?  I ran both and got a higher count with Regular than with Extended.

then what is the scoop on mtstars.. net t????
is that Sherrie (Sheerrrii was a bad word) or not? (MTStars. nettt was considered a bad word, makes you wonder, don't it?) Is she still running this site? Not according to the other site, this was was taken back by the former owner who happens to be in Pakistan. So I would presume this is going to be an offshore site from now on.
With new membership, will MTstars still have
MTStars boards
What does the blinking yellow symbol on the MTStars communication boards indicate?
MTStars boards

The main board, job board have sporadic yellow blinking symbols at the beginning of some the posts.  Just curious if that had a specific meaning. 

Did you try Expanderic by MTStars?