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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

MP Word platform

Posted By: Tillie on 2008-11-15
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Has anyone worked on this platform and if so, how did you like it?

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do they use MS Word platform? NM
Itype platform with MS word
Has anybody used this platform? What are its pros/cons? thanks for your input
Dolby platform, MS Word Help

I've never worked on Dolby (???) but a local hospital I'm talking to is using it with Word as their word processor.  The MTs who work there tell me they still have to write down all the job numbers and dates.  Back in the old days (after the IBM Selectric days LOL) we used Word Perfect and would make macros that would make an electronic log for us.  Anyone know how to do this in Word or within a Dolby system?



MS Word platform--who are the good companies?

I have been applying for and training for jobs for weeks now.  I have been accepted by a number of top companies, but I have found their word Expanders to be a big problem.  I have trained on a couple of sites already and ended up turning them down because of this. 

By now I have thousands of entries into MS Word/Smartype, and if I have to start with a new Expander without the ability to import my words, phrases, templates, etc., from Smartype, I just cannot afford the time for the learning curve. 

The technical aspect of transcription has always been my weak point, so this is perhaps a bigger issue with me than it would be with others. 

Right now I am willing to take even a mediocre line rate, providing it is an employee position with benefits and it is in MS Word so I would have some hope of making a living. 

Is there any hope for me?  Does anybody have any good companies to recommend who work in MS Word? 

We are at the point of losing our house and land.  This is serious! 

I am using my first Word-based platform and am using autocorrect
to add my short cuts into because my other short cut program is attached to the other platform I use so I cannot use it or convert it.  I am having trouble entering things into and not getting the results I want.  My headings I need bolded and I am not sure if those can be added bolded into short cut or if I have to keep going and bolding them mannually.  Also, I am getting an extra space when I put in "yo" and want it to come out -year-old.  The extra space is between the age number and the first dash (-) in front of year so I have to keep going back and taking it out.  Also, I can't figure out how to Center without having to use the mouse.  If somebody could help me, I would appreciate it.  If anybody out there has a cheat sheet they can e-mail me I would be forever greatful.  THANKS SO MUCH!!!
If the platform the company uses is Word-based,
then it's on their end and I don't see how you can change that. If by chance their stuff opens and uses your copy of Word, then you should be able to find Word by clicking the Start button (left bottom corner of screen) choose Programs, then look for Microsoft Office and then choose Microsoft Word. If you have it, then once Word opens, choose Format, then Font, then choose your options there (12 is a decent size for a typical font), click on the Default button and Click Yes to apply to all documents.

If you don't have Microsoft Word on your machine, then it's on their end, and again, you can't do anything about it.

Hope that helps!
I don't know anything about Emdat, but if it is not a Word based platform
If it's a Word-based platform, you can move your...sm
entries from Word by going to:

Use the "AutoCorrect Backup" and save it to your desktop. Then you can run it again to restore it to your Word in the new platform. Hope that helps.
Question for all who type on a Word-based platform.
Does anyone else use F3 to go from expansion to expansion?  For instance, I have gent that expands to gentleman, then I hit F3 to go to gentamicin, F3 again to go to Gastroenterology, etc., etc.  My question is this:  I am typing on ExText, and I have been making these entries, but in the morning when I turn the computer on they are all gone and I have to start over again.  In ChartScript they "stick" and in ExText they don't.  Does anyone have any ideas on how to get them to stay?  TIA for any suggestions anyone may have. 
Smartype should work in any word based platform - sm
If Emdat is a web based platform, then it won't work. Fighting that (on Chartscript) myself right now and hate it!
MTSO with platform versus no platform (big message)

If a MTSO advertises that the MT works in MS Word and sends dictation by FTP, does this usually mean there will be no demographic/doctor database and the demographics will not be autopopulated?


I got into a mess with a small company (got out real quickly too).  I was required to print out daily email copies of the doctors' office patient schedules (which were barely legible) and type in all information.  I spent more time hunting for the correct patient through pages and pages of these schedules.  Then I had about 25 pages worth of doctor's names that I would have to go through to find the attending, referring, etc.  A total waste of time as I didn�t get paid for that. 


I wish MTSO would give more information as to what platform they use (if any).  Proprietary software is such a generic, totally useless description.  Would they buy a new car that listed, "Car has gasoline operated motor?" 


And for Pete's sakes, why so secretive about the pay?  Give a ballpark figure.  Just say, pay is between 7-12 cpl depending on skill, testing, etc. Tell me if you pay for spaces, headers, etc.  It would save them time because I wouldn�t even apply for a 7 cpl job. 


Before I spend an hour or two testing, I need more information from a company to be sure it is compatible for my needs.  If the MTSO would spend a little time on their website detailing their platform, how they send/receive files, pay rates,  how line rate is determined (spaces/no spaces) employee/IC/SE status, minimal line count, whether work pools consist of 100s of doctors, or smaller pools with 25-50 doctors etc.   Having all this information on their website would save them time and the MTs time.   Phoenix Medcom has a really good layout describing pretty much everything an MT would want to know before testing with them.  I am just tired of testing with a company and then finding out the job wasn�t exactly suited to my needs. 

Platform versus non-platform (templates)?

I've been working for MTSOs for years now, using their templates which sometimes cause productivity problems (macro issues, etc). I'm wondering if productivity is increased when working on a structured platform, such as one that a national company provides for its transcriptionists?  I've never used a platform, but it would seem that all one needs to do is straight type onto the screen and the platform program takes care of margins, page breaks, etc?

Any thoughts (as well as companies who are hiring who use platforms) would be appreciated.  Thanks

Microsoft Word.. The oold Word used to do this and I'm new to 2003 Word..nm
If you picked the correct Word version at installation, if you pull up a blank Word page & do an inc
Sorry, but your schedule doesn't justify making up your own rules. Use the word board for word q
I simply used the word as the point of reference. If I had referred to someone AS 'that word'

your read my post that said we are all just people no matter what color we are?

Info/help on open Word 2007 docx with Word 2003.

I have a friend who sent me a document with .docx extension, presumably Word 2007. I can open it in Word 2003; however, all I see are musical notes and highlighting, no text (this is a document with words and highlighting only, no pictures, music notes, etc.). I tried to open this with Notepad and only see the usual gibberish.

I know I opened another 2007 Word doc before and I remember seeing the converter load at that time but that was probably a year ago. Is there something that has changed that I'm not aware of?

Darn Microsoft.

Is any one running ExText with Word 2000 and EditScript with Word 2003 sm

I am interested to know if anyone is running two platforms with a different version of Word on one computer.

I am running eScription's ES with Word 2003 and want to run ExText but their version of Word is 2000.  Has anyone done this or doing it now.  If so, have you run into any problems. 

I can't seem to get a straightforward answer from the Techs at either company.    I can't just load ExText and jeopardize it interfering with eScription. 

I am interested to hear any and all comments.  Thank you so much in advance for any help!


it is attached to your version of Word. Open Word and it'll be on your tool bar. NM
I type the letter "l" in IT and the word cholelithiasis is my word selected?Why?
I want to get rid of this. Entered left again but it is still giving me cholelithiasis as the only word option to select from.

This is why I find this program crazy. Everytime I sit down for the day, there is a whole new experience with it!!! I have to stop and think before each word!!!
How do you make fields in Word Perfect like in Word? I'm drowning out here
in new keyboard commands, macros, etc.  Thanks.
In the future, please post word questions on the Word board.
Can you use the Word autocorrects or only Smartype? What about the Word auto text? tia nm
Word AutoText, AutoCorrect, and Spellchecker, and other Word features
I have just started working for a company that uses Word (my previous experience was HTML-based and had its own autotext and spellchecker).

I have never bought medical spellcheckers nor Instant Text, especially that I have learned a lot from posters here that one could use the autocorrect feature for long words/phrases/paragraphs/templates. I have heard of people saying autocorrect was not meant to be used for such.

I have been browsing some features of shortcuts in Word (using the Assistant), and have discovered that it has AutoText. I tried it by highlighting a whole document (canned procedured), then hit Alt+F3, assigned a code, and voila! I have a template that readily inserts into an open Word document by typing the code and hitting Enter.

Also, I have learned that I can insert empty fields (for variables in my templates like BP/HR/RR/Temp values by hitting Ctrl+F9, then when I have inserted the autotext for a template with such empty fields, I can readily jump from one field to the next (to fill them up with values) by hitting F11 (or Shift+F11 to go to previous empty field).

We do know that many dictators want us to type verbatim even for running sentences, so that I have found the Spelling and Grammar checker feature of Word quite cumbersome. I discovered tonight that I could use just the spellchecker feature by clicking on Tools > Customize, then under Categories, select Tools; under Commands, select Spelling. I dragged that onto my tool bars so I can do a quick spellcheck. Cool thing was, the previous documents I have made with new drug names, etc., which I have spellchecked using a non-Word program, were automatically included in its database (so I do not have to re-enter them as I begin to utilize this feature). Drawback: I could not make a shortcut key for this (have to use the mouse again!)

Then I made my OWN keyboard shortcut for autocorrect by going to Tools>Customize>Keyboard (click on button then another window appears), Under Categories, choose Tools; under Commands, choose AutoCorrect. Under Press new shortcut key, assign the shortcut you want (F key, Alt or Ctrl + desired key), then click on Assign button.

Well, that is all I can share for now. I have learned a lot from posters here, and I hope I have added some info, especially for Word users like me who can be categorized as average.javascript:editor_insertHTML('text','');
Qa sent me 2 corrected report. One had hypenated word changed and other had same word
why on 1 computer for the same report would the word count be different in Word? (inside)
Like on 1 computer with word the document was 27000 character counts w/spaces

and the other computer (the one i type this account on says 13,000. How can there be such a difference with Word being the same? I am baffled.

on my platform you can do a control/+ (the one near the backspace) to enlarge the text...
What platform do you use?

I am bored, and trying to get aquanited to the boards, so I am posting a little spree here. 

What platform do you use?  I use Extext by Dictaphone.  Like it so far.

How can they tell? Which platform?
Besides, it's not canned text.  LOL  That's a feature in Meditech.  If you use an expander, it's an "expansion".  Those are two different things there.  Isn't it open to interpretation?  If I were in your shoes, I'd download the trial version of ShortHand just to see if it worked and to see if they could detect it.  It's asinine to not be able to use expanders.  Why wouldn't the company want the work done faster and potentially more accurately?  I know there are some really long words that I have to stop to remember how to spell, so those are in my expander.
WOW!! Do you really think that? Platform is what
is used to type. You must be new to the biz. Also you cannot work for Amphion. You would know if you did.
Different platform
I'm w/ Baltimore office, still working on INET. Hearing that won't be for long, not many accounts left on it.
EP-1 Platform
Can anyone tell me about the EP-1 platform for spheris?
what platform is it that they use?
was it easy to learn?
New platform?
Perhaps the platforms should offer grammar checks as well then.......hmmmmm. UH OH, perhaps we just opened up a can of worms!
What platform are you?
Sounds like you have ideas worth sharing with whomever designed the platform.
MDI-FL has a platform
I worked for them earlier this year. I now cannot remember the name of it. It seems like something that would have been used in the 70s or 80s. I don't know if they use it on all of their accounts, but I had a very hard time with it. It took too long to search for the patient and MD data...it also froze up on me many times and I would have to restart my computer which caused me to lose all lines I had typed. I absolutely hated it. Horrible spell checker.

I now work for Sten-Tel who has a 'word' based internet platform called EditScript which is a breeze. I love it and have never had any problems with it.
New Platform...SM

I started on a new platform about two weeks ago and am finding it HORRIBLE!

I normally get between 130-170 lph, depending on dictators.  Today I worked four hours and had 200 lines

It is a word-based platform.  To put in a QA marker you put in spaces, highlight them change screens, use the mouse (no shortcut keys) click add, save, and then back to your screen.  To remove a QA marker, you have to change screens, use mouse click on QA marker number, and then click delete...  You also have to do this to look up or edit doctors, patient info...

In all honesty from anyone who has worked on such a platform, WILL I GET FAST ENOUGH TO KEEP MY CHILDREN FROM STARVING?

Thanks in advance

new platform
what's the name of the platform?
MTS platform
Does anyone know who uses MTs platform?
What is the platform like??
I get paid hourly ($15), so the platform doesn't really matter that much. Would you mind telling me about how much that rounds out to an hour? Just wondering if I'm making the right amount or if I should look elsewhere. Thanks.
is a platform...
i using express scribe and have been reading here about platforms, is express scribe considered a platform?  I have did MT for over ten years in an office setting but this is my 1st at home position and am unfamiliar with the platform. In the office setting we only used microcassettes and typed verbatim. So please forgive my ignorance in this realm.  Would someone be willing to explain or give an example.  I would appreciate it. I like to be knowledgable in the aspects of mt and feel you're never too old to be knowledgable. Thanks!!

Is anyone familiar with a platform called Medquist Cquence?  The service I work for has a client who uses this.  I am having a particularly difficult time learning this system.  Would you care to share what you think of it.  Is it worth the time spent in learning it, and once you do learn it, do you get a decent line count?


Anyone know MD-IT's platform?
Do you know what the platform is? nm
Platforms are simply the different software that companies use to transcribe and edit their documents. Each company has their own "platform."
Platform that will allow you to do this
We have a platform that allows you to do this.  The platform allows you to type and then it sends the completed report to an ASP platform that the users will have their own logins and can access any report via a secure site on the internet.  If you want more information, please email me at amy.newton@medcoretech.com.  We only charge per line, no setup fees, no monthly minumums.  We have tons of MTSOs and clients that use our system.  I hope that helps.  Thanks,
MTS Platform
Is Express Scribe better than Transcription Gear or Bytescribe - even though you have to pay. And how about ExText - can that be purchased?
What platform is it if you use your
own computer? Do they have editscript or anything like it? Do you know what the line rates basically run and how good the incentives are? Is the work steady? I'm just looking for a good decent place to work that won't cheat me or make it almost impossible to actually make any lines. All information appreciated.
I just do not like that platform.  I will never work on it ever again if at all possible.  It is horrible.  Good luck finding an MT that does like it. 
Which is better platform????
I have been offered a job with a company that uses EMDAT/Inscribe and also offered a job at DeVenture who uses the SHINE platform?  Are they both terrible, or is one better than the other?  Would like to hear your opinion, please.  Thank you.
Try looking at the InfraWare ASP. It's very user friendly and easy to market.