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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

ME versus MT, the pay cuts only apply to

Posted By: nss on 2005-09-07
In Reply to: MQ pay cuts - Kathik

those who do ASR (automated speech recognition), now being referred to by MQ at ME (Medical Editors). If you do not do ASR it would not apply, if you do you should receive a letter stating a 20% pay cut for same, or option to quit doing it at all and just do MT.

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65 character line versus gross lines versus pay by word

I am checking into other options for transcription.  Can anyone tell me how to compare all of these types of lines & also payment per word?  I know companies use different scales, so I wondered how they compare.  I have been paid on a 65 character line with spaces, but I may be making a change in the future - don't want to get burned.

Thank you in advance!

We got cuts when we went to VR.
And we got cuts when we went on DQS.
  Actually, I guess you can't say they gave us an actual pay cut, HOWEVER, you sure don't make the money you made on the old platform.  That also isn't true because you can make the same money - it just takes LOTS longer.  In my eyes, that is a pay cut.
MQ pay cuts
I'm rather new to this board, so forgive me if this has already been discussed. I work for MQ as a SE and received the "letter" but I know nothing about pay cuts. Have I missed something?
Yes, they do so many more cuts because...
they have to do them so fast to keep up the quota.  I reluctantly took my 2 kids there a couple weeks ago and yet again (it happened a couple years ago too), they could not even trim a child's hair.  I actually had to send my daughter back to the chair because there were long pieces of hair hanging down past the level of her hair.  My other daughter looked like she went 3 rounds with a weed whacker...  I had to pay more money to have it fixed at another place.  This was 2 different stylists, more than one event.  They are know in the stylist world as "chop shops"  I have gone cheap and I have paid more and I can definitely tell the difference. 
There need to be cuts

What's wrong with someone receiving medicaid paying a copayment?  I hear grumbling over this all the time, but you sure see some of them in the grocery store buying an expensive 24 pack of beer, yet they want to complain over paying a 10.00 copay?  Medicaid was designed to be temporary assistance, not a way of life.  I have no problem with helping lower income, but not handouts. I have neighbors in their 20s, healthy as horses, who don't even try to work.  They have 4 children with them, the husband has 2 by other women, and they collect 700 a month in stamps plus 300 in cash because she claims he doesn't live there.  They do NOTHING, nada

As for Medicare, I believe if retirees make over a certain income they should not be eligible at all.  I read that even retired movie stars worth millions of dollars get full medicare benefits.


I used to work for Kodak and as most everybody knows they went through years of layoffs and always around this time of year.  The reasoning for it was that the department heads had to have their budgets in for the following year and so you had to cut everyone before the new year started.  It sucks but that is they way corporate America works.



Question versus gross lines versus 65-character lines....

I have always charged or been paid by 65 or 60 character lines or per letter or space typed, but have never been paid or charged per gross line.

What is the advantage of this?  If I were to charge 11 cents per 65-character line including spaces, what does this figure out to for an average line rate and how do you do this calculation? 

I'm wondering if it is financially beneficial for me to bill by gross line or to keep it the way I have it.  I do know some accounts will only pay per 65-character line, as this was the deal my first own account I recently acquired.  They were adamant on a 65-character line, but didn't specify with or without spaces and I personally would never not charge for spaces.

Thanks for explaining this.  I appreciate it and hope everyone has a speedy day.

MQ pay cuts, My Two Cents
When MQ first bought up the smaller co. I was with, all of the accounts were still intact. I was pleased when my office (Baltimore now, but at that time, still in the Herndon area) offered up increased pay differential for an extremely difficult account.. hallelujah, I thought... and thought that all the worries I had about the Big Bad MT Company eating up the small company I was with were maybe unwarranted. I jumped on this opportunity to actually get paid for doing more difficult work - but was told by my supervisor, well, you already make too much money per line (actually, per 1,000 characters at the time). She of course welcomed me to the account at regular pay - I passed!

Add in that I have not had a pay raise since this same time frame (7 years) ... not exactly a direct pay cut, I guess, and add in the seemingly unprovable decreased pay over the last 7 years... well, that's my 2 Cents. None of it makes sense.
Possible pay cuts, my experience so far
I have been with MQ since 1998 and have 20 years experience as an MT, editor, and MT instructor. I currently make 10 cents per line and in past yrs have been told I am at the top of various tiers also, so not eligible for raise (for life??) bonuses (some, not all), etc. I too received the letter mentioned above, the one about rewarding "YOU for your skill and performance."

I am still on INET, though attempted without success to move to DQS (only have dial-up available where I live, and the ADT searches and other processes were a nightmare without some sort of high-speed internet). In the process of almost going to DQS, my pay conversion remained the same, 10 cents per line. Though this may sound higher than others are making, I have been making the same thing for 8 years now - but yes, compared to what I see on this board that other MQ-ers are making who have same experience or more, I am grateful and surprised. The company I was with that MQ bought out gave us decent raises, and I had just received one before MQ acquired us, and it carried over, thankfully. Little did I know it would be my last raise for that many years.

Anyway, I eventually will have to go to DQS even on dial-up, pay an arm and a leg for satellite, or quit and go to a new company - all options, woohoo, involve pay cuts. I can't even imagine an additional pay cut for ASR, as this makes no sense to me. ASR is an AID, no different than Expander programs (do we get paid less for other things that make us more productive??!) We should get paid for whatever characters/lines we modify on an ASR report and get paid the same as we would for doing straight MT work. Maybe this has already been said here, sorry if repeat!

So, I am wondering what they will knock my pay down to when I finally get over to DQS and get put on the ASR reports... I'm not sure I will accept this pay cut either.

On another note, I am glad for those of you who are getting paid so well by MQ, have great supervisors, have lots of work, and just love DQS - that is great, it truly is. But, it's simply not that way for a lot of the rest of us. I appreciate being able to speak of my true experience here on this board. So, thanks for listening.

MQ pay cuts, more info
I just got a call from Corporate and I asked them specifically if they were going to cut the charges to the client the same amount of the pay cuts to the employees and she said Yes, they are...............  I found that interesting  as long as it is indeed true.
She only cuts 3. By hand. That's all.
Short cuts

Ctrl U - underline

Ctrl A - blocks all

Ctrl S - saves

Ctrl X - deletes

Ctrl C- copies

Ctrl V - pastes

. . . and my favorite Ctrl Z - brings back something you accidental delete.

I hardly ever use my mouse as it breaks my rhythm and slows me down.  If I think of anymore I will send them your way.  Did you know that if you hold down your Ctrl key and use the arrows you can move around a document that way?




I've lost my short-cuts...could I have hit a key on my keyboard?  Thanks!! 
Inside gives a summary of cuts about to come
E-mail this page to a friend!

House Passes Budget Bill with Biggest Cuts in Medicaid, Medicare

Cuts $99.3 billion over 10 years - 27% from Medicaid, 23% from Medicare.

Feb. 1, 2006 � It's done. The House has passed and sent to President Bush the budget reconciliation bill that was strongly opposed by most senior citizen advocacy groups and newspaper editorials due to the deep cuts it makes in Medicaid and Medicare. It was a very close vote � 216 to 214. The bill cuts the budget by $38.8 billion over five years � 50 percent of the cuts are in Medicaid and Medicare.

Related Stories

Final House Vote on Budget Bill Could Cut Billions from Senior Programs

Passage expected Wednesday to cut Medicare, Medicaid

Jan. 30, 2006 � The Budget Reconciliation Bill, which many see as making drastic cuts in government programs for senior citizens � Medicaid and Medicare, is expected to hit the House floor on Wednesday for a final vote, the day after the President's State of the Union address. As reported today by the Capitol Hill Watch at KaiserNet.org, the bill will reduce federal spending by $99.3 billion over 10 years, with half of that coming from these senior programs. The Congressional Budget Office analysis says premiums for Medicaid beneficiaries in the bill could cause 110,000 to lose coverage by 2015. Read more...

Senate Budget Chair Calls for More Cuts in Medicare

Republicans to recycle old failed issues in 2006

Jan. 26, 2006 � The Republican chairman of the Senate Budget Committee is calling for more cuts in health care programs in fiscal 2007, which includes Medicare, according to The Daily Health Policy Report by KaiserNetwork.org, which cites CQ Today. The daily news summary says Republicans will also be targeting health care proposals this year, but most are proposals that have failed in the past. Read more...

� Homecare Industry Rallying Support to Kill Reconciliation Act

� Television Campaign to Stop Health Care Cuts for Seniors Launched by AFSCME

� Vote on Budget Set for Feb. 1; Senior Groups Seek to Sway GOP Moderates

The House first passed the bill on Dec. 19, 2005, by a vote of 212-206. It went to the Senate, where it passed by only one vote � 51-50. Due to procedural changes in the Senate, it had to go back to the House for this final vote. There was intensive lobbying by the senior citizen advocates and others since the Senate vote on Dec. 21, 2005, but they came only four votes closer.

The final vote was mostly along party lines, with Republicans supporting the bill and Democrats in opposition.

AARP CEO, Bill Novelli, quickly issued the following statement:

"Last night, in his State of the Union Address, the President said, "Keeping America competitive requires affordable health care. Our government has a responsibility to help provide health care for the poor and the elderly, and we are meeting that responsibility."

"Today the U.S. House of Representatives has turned a cold shoulder to that responsibility by further limiting eligibility for Medicaid, a program that serves the neediest -- the disabled, children, the poor and the elderly. It also approved a provision in its budget that will deny long-term care coverage to those who give money to charities, churches and family members in need.

"Working with our members, AARP will continue the fight to have this ill-conceived policy reversed."

The bill would save $99.3 billion over 10 years, with half of that coming from Medicaid and Medicare - 27% from Medicaid and 23% from Medicare.

There's also $1 billion in new spending to extend an income subsidy program for dairy farmers and a reprieve for physicians who had faced a 4 percent cut in Medicare fees, according to the Associated Press.

A major boost to opponents was an estimate issued by the Congressional Budget Office estimating that 45,000 Medicaid beneficiaries would lose their coverage in FY 2010 because of higher premiums in the bill. The CBO report also estimated 65,000 beneficiaries would lose coverage in FY 2015.

Children would account for 60% of the Medicaid beneficiaries who would lose coverage, according to the report.

The report also estimates that 13 million Medicaid beneficiaries would have new or higher copayments for services such as physician visits and hospital care. In addition, 13 million Medicaid beneficiaries would pay more for prescription drugs by 2010, and 20 million would pay more by 2015, the report states.

According to the report, "About 80% of the savings from higher cost-sharing would be due to decreased use of services." The report estimates that 1.3 million Medicaid beneficiaries would have to pay premiums and that 1.6 million would lose benefits, most likely for dental, vision and mental health services.

In addition, the report estimates that 15% of Medicaid long-term care beneficiaries would have their coverage delayed because of additional restrictions on asset transfers.

The asset transfer provisions in the bill would impose punitive new restrictions on the ability of the elderly to transfer assets before qualifying for Medicaid coverage of nursing home care. (Click here to read these provisions.)

That is true of ANY job. Cuts happen everywhere.
Companies do the same thing consumers do: Look for ways to get the most for less. It's actually a rather natural process.

Any job can change in its direction, its stability, etc., as our economic, technologic and global relationship status change constantly.

The only security anyone has is to be prepared with continuing education in more than 1 field, low debt load, high savings -- really living within your means, and keep good insurance.

We do use dx for diagnosis, and all the short cuts expanders
Radiology MTs - Major cuts in outpatient

imaging by Congress - called the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005.  Signed by Bush in December.  Over five years will amount to 20 Billion dollars cut from outpatient imaging payments for Medicare and medicaid patients.  This will have a ripple effect.  Private insurers soon will follow suit.  Posted the DRA but it was removed by Administrator.... This will have a detrimental effect on us all, as cuts will begin occurring in every aspect of radiology. 

Here is a comprehensive article.  Please do not remove this post for one day, Administrator.  This will impact MTs in radiology significantly.

imagingBiz.com - The Information Service of the Imaging Center Institute

This way works, too, but using the ;yo or ;py cuts down on hitting the spacebar
Cuts in medicare and medicaid are about to take place
I have mentioned this but it was always deleted as I think the monitor thought I was talking politics.

There will be a marked decline in coverage for services to medicare and medicaid patients and I believe to offset this, medical facilities are finding ways to cut costs.

The cuts will be significant. You could do a Google search for Deficit Reduction Act. Radiology will be most severely hit, especially stand alone facilities.
DQS short-cuts to Word 2003? HELP!

Does anyone know how to do this.  I have been searching and searching for info and cannot find anything.  Please help!   Thanks.

Acusis is giving workers 30% pay cuts?
Love the serrated bread knife! Cuts everything!! nm
Please back you info up. Pay cuts have not been announced. Have you received a letter? nm.


Ummm--read her post again, please--it don't say *keyboard* short cuts..it says *word* shortcuts
Will the same apply for IC??
I'd like to apply.

Apply, apply, apply
I would suggest you check the archives of this and other MT boards.  I would also suggest you send out a lot of resumes and apply to many companies.  A great company for one person might not be a great company for you.  I would never quit one company unless I already had a job with another one.  If possible, work the 2 jobs to see which one is worth leaving and which one is worth staying with.  Don't sell yourself short.  You only deserve the best. 
No, you don't want to apply here.
If the Twilight Zone did a show regarding transcription companies, this would be it.
I'd t ake it. If you don't want it, I'd like to apply.
does not apply to IC's...sm
you are self employed, remember? therefore YOU are the employer. If you have your house built and the guy who comes to put the siding on is slow, and doesn't know what he is doing, he might only make $3.00/hr by the time he's done. Does he go to your builder and say you need to pay me minimum wage...no, he bid the job and he is responsible for doing enough work in an hour to make it worth his while...just like you are! 
400-650 when I apply myself.
Using Escription.
Apply to any and all

You can find online, through magazines, etc.  I applied to over 100 when I first started out after school, and finally found someone who was willing to give me a try.  You will eventually find someone. 

Also, if you can't find someone to hire you right away, write to a company to see if they might give you a short intern position or something.  It would be worth a try anyway. 


Good Luck with your search!

did we apply for the same job? LOL sm
I've been at home for 12 years and it's taking a toll on me. I need some social interaction. There are 2 local hospitals here and one had a unit clerk, nights and weekends. I applied and within a few days, emailed me back and said no. Geez, didn't even get an interview.
Why is it only for SEs? If its really quality they want it should apply to

Quality is quality whether an employee or not.

FYI, you can apply online...sm

at:  www.fafsa.ed.gov  

All the instructions are on this site.  You can get your "PIN" here (which you will use for applying online) and and also fill out your application for aid online. 


1099 does not apply to SE
Let's apply your logic here once again.
OK.  So now people who don't like skanky celebrities think the celebs are their friends?  ROFL!  Please, keep posting.  It's quite amusing.  The more you post, the more you reveal your own crazy thinking.  Must be why you like Angelina so much.  She's some hotty kinda nutjob, eh?  Birds of a feather flock together.  Chirp, chirp! 
I did say that what I was talking about might not apply to the OP
Those are problems I usually see in MTs who have received an inadequate education in transcription, or who have only worked for 1 or 2 doctors in-house. If you weren't serious about "Why go to MT school" as a question, then I misunderstood.
So are you hiring or not? I'd like to apply
and see if I have what it takes to work for you.
Thanks..I won't bother to apply with them now.
Call me if you would like to apply
I don't count the peaNUTS. I have someone do that for me. Actually, it usually turns into a naughty game if you know what I mean. Would you like to be a counter in the weekly peaNUT game? We always have room for more.
Not because of pasting but if you apply to any job
if it reaches the company you sent your resume to, just like when you post a message your email is already filled in.  It's cookies in your browser like above poster said.
Thank you a bunch! Looking to apply
there - are they good?
Mostly apply to ones with no pay posted
Most of the ones I see with pay posted list their high figure as one being below what I would accept, except there are one or two IC ads I have seen that were in my pay range.  For employee status, most don't state but I know what my worth is and what I want from a company, which gives real added value to the cpl.  It has been my experience that most employers will negotiate the cpl when a good applicant comes their way, so I don't worry much about going through the interview process not knowing the pay scale.  Even if I go through all the testing and interviewing and the pay becomes the ONLY issue that would break the deal, I still feel that I learned something from the experience and can apply that to being more selective in choosing another company to apply with.  Knowing what the competition of your employer is doing gives you power and confidence in finding your niche.
What is the company? I don't want to apply
How would I apply? am sure I'm out of state. (nm)


Well, then doesn�t apply to me, just
telling it like I have lived and see it now. Reading just below today another person who has been in for quite a few years saying outsourced and giving it up. Thank goodness don�t have to do that as in the golden years but earlier I would have just had to work a heck of a lot more to make it and raise my family....
Absolutely does apply
All reports must be approved and signed by physician. If she is not qualified to create reports on patient charts, which means given approval by the doc to do such as a nurse or PA, big big trouble. I know.. I supervisor HIM department. Joint Comission would have a fit.
Can I apply with your company?

Thank you for your post.  It is a pleasure to know you are out there.  Any chance you are hiring -- part/full time?  If so, would appreciate hearing from you.  Thank you.

And Tude-Y MTs need not apply!