Lost toolbar on Internet Explorer
Posted By: IndianaMT on 2006-10-05
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Can anyone tell me how to restore the tool bar with the buttons such as home page, refresh, go back arrow, forward arrow? I know that there are other buttons on there but those are the few that I use most often and can remember. My guess is that something has been inadvertantly turned "off" but I don't know where to look for it.
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Internet Explorer
Thanks very much! I'll check that out.
I have Internet Explorer
I have never had a problem before like this with it. I just sent tech support an E-mail and I will see what they might say.
Internet Explorer 7
Internet Explorer trouble
Has anyone ever had IE just poop out on them? I was able to log onto IE yesterday morning with no problems. Then, about 2 hours later I needed to go online and research a medication. I got the following error message: "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Error. Program:CProgram FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe. This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the applications support team for more information." I tried running TrojanHunter Guard, Ad-aware spyware detection, and even tried uninstalling and reinstalling IE but it won't let me do that. I've downloaded another browser called Opera which was recommended to me just so I can get online. Anybody else had this problem? Thanks for any help or advice.
Internet Explorer Trouble.
First see the following Link:
and then how to resolve it:
If you are using Internet Explorer (Microsoft) sm
Go up to the top and click on "Tools", then "Internet Options". Click "Clear History". That should do it.
If you set your history to only keep one or two days' worth of info, it will automatically clear itself.
It would be a good idea to click "clear files" on the same screen as well. You should also click "clear cookies", but that will delete all your passwords and saved information. However, some of those "cookies" can be harmful so you do need to clear them out once in a while.
Ok, try repairing your Internet Explorer.
Go to Start Menu, Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs. Scroll down to Microsoft Internet Explorer, highlight it, hit the Add/Remove Button. A screen will pop up with three options, install, repair, or uninstall. Click the Repair radio button, hit OK, then reply Yes. After it's done restart your computer and try going to your website again.
If that doesn't work and you can't get it to work through the Mozilla browser either, let me know and I'll see what else I can think up. Also, update and run your virus and spyware scanners to be sure it's not a virus locking you out. If you need links to free ones, AVG is good for virus, and either Spybot Search and Destroy or AdAware are good for spyware. I think both are available at Download.com.
Here's the link for Mozilla Firefox, which is supposedly a more secure browser than Internet Explorer anyway.
I have an Internet Explorer question...sm
all of a sudden when I type in an address in the address bar on IE and hit enter, it takes me to "organize favorites" and makes a new folder. Anyone know how to fix this or turn it off so that when I type in an address it will just to the web page I am looking for?
Thanks for any help!
More like 2 seconds, if using Internet Explorer
It would help if you were a little more specific about what the issues are that are making your frustrated.
"Cleaning your cache" and deleting cookies are very simple and easy ways to keep your computer free of adware and spyware, although you should have a firewall and run a good malware/adware program frequently.
See link below.
Internet explorer problems - sm
I have I/E 7 - and I get this error message:
I/E has encountered a problem and needs to close. My options are to debug, send, or don't send
Have tried to find help online, but nothing that I can understand so far
Is anyone else having the same problem and/or had the same problem and know what to do about it
Thank you
If you have Internet Explorer, click on View, then
How do you find which version of Internet Explorer??
I can't find this information on my computer.. Where do I find it? THANKS!
A much better browser to use than Internet Explorer. You will love it!
I was hit by all 3 that summer, I lost power, I lost work, I lost savings...but..sm
NEVER did my employer in any way imply or threaten or dare even mention that my job was in jeopardy because I could not work immediately following a trifecta of natural disasters! My jaw agape is not at your concern about working, but at your concern that you would lose your job because of it. Companies have to have a heart in some situations. You're one MT, your company won't go under without you working for a week or 2 or 3.
I recently lost 20 pounds. That means I lost 80 sticks of butter.
I doubt your brother has won more than he's lost. To win that much he's probably lost 3 times
So he probably has more bills than money. Otherwise the casinos would go broke.
You can still do it through Explorer.
To select a group of consecutive files, left mouse click on the first file, hold down the shift key, scroll to the last file in the group you want to move and left mouse click on it. (The files in between will also be selected.) Continue to hold the left mouse button down but let go of the shift key. Drag the group to the CD drive.
To select several non-consecutive file, follow the above steps but instead of the shift key, use the Control key. This will select each file you click on separately. If you click on an incorrect file, simple click again and it will de-select that file.
Using a combination of the shift and control keys will perform allow you to select non-consecutive groups of files.
Internet based transcription - need advice on how to go internet
Can anyone offer any help/advice on how go about becoming internet based from a call in system, or how to keep the call in system for the docs and put transcriptionists on the internet? Not sure where to start to get information on how to go about doing this. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
Yes, I did know that and sometimes that works better than Explorer.
It all depends on what you're more comfortable with. Glad that it worked out for you.
Yes, you can do this from Windows Explorer. sm
Find the ShortHand folder on the main drive. Look for your dictionary names ending with the spf extension. You can copy those to a CD or flash drive or email them to yourself.
Use Windows Explorer. Are you using
WinXP? Click the setup.exe file.
I would, but I cannot get a Toolbar
of any kind to come up. Just the horizontal and vertical rulers.
Thanks for the suggestion, tho!!
In the right hand corner, there is an icon called *tools*. Click on that and a drop down box will open with *toolbars* in it. I have not tried it myself, but there should be something in there to get what you are looking for. Also the *customize* button. Good luck. hope it works for you!.
just figured it out! yeah!!
Go into view, toolbar and see which ones are highlighted and then you can hit which ones you want. I use standard and formatting for mine. that does give two lines but it is what I use. Hope that this helps.
Once I get top toolbar set up how I want it,
Have you tried using the toolbar instead
Delete them in Windows Explorer. nm
The easiest answer would be use Explorer. sm
More information would be helpful. Is this an Olympus recorder? Is there software that came with the recorder that is needed in order to download?
As an example, my OMs download dictation to their computer using Microsoft Explorer (not Internet Explorer, IE).
Intenet Explorer Problems
Sometime agao, I was having probelms with my Internet Explorer. I finally had to call a help desk. I don't know if this will help you or not, but these are the instructions i was given:
Turn off or unplug moden.
Turn off computer.
Wait about 3 minutes.
Turn on moden and wait under 3 lights are on solidly (cannot be flashing).
Reboot computer.
The lights on my moden are:
I hope this will work for you. If not, you should have a number to call a help desk.
Just look at your toolbar..it has left, right, and
Do you have a customized toolbar?
Is this a situation where you can set one up? If so, go to View, Toolbars, then to the Toolbars tab and click "new." Name it whatever you want (I just use my first name) and then click the Commands tab and drag the icons you choose over to your new toolbar.
The reason I am saying all this is that I have a Bullets and Numbering icon on my toolbar, so whenever the numbering starts messing up, I can highlight the area where I want the numbering to be, click on the Bullets and Numbering icon, and fix it - quick and easy.
Plus I can put only the icons I use most on the toolbar and not have all those I don't want. Speeds things up a lot when I don't have to sort through a bunch of icons to find what I want.
Toolbar in what program?
You set up that on your toolbar using Word? (m)
Any chance you could tell me how? I'm not that savvy, lol. I appreciate the help!
Floating Toolbar
I had to try around with a few different things but I think I went to Microsoft Office Word Help and followed the directions for "create a custom toolbar"
On the toolbar there is this rectangle with
the percentage mark. Make sure that it is set on 100%. This determines the size of the text.
Tell me if it worked, thanks.
Use Windows Explorer, drag and drop. sm
OR you can copy specific files/directories from your main drive to your back up drive.
I used to have a free little toolbar that I downloaded and
there was also a website where you could sort the feedback of ebay users. I deleted it because I'm just not into ebay as much as I used to be. However, if you check Google or Download.com, you ought to be able to find something. GutCheck is one of them, but I've never used it.
I typed the following into Google to find GutCheck.
ebay sort negative feedback
And "ebay feedback" without quotes at download.com to find BayCheck.
HELP. My husband screwed up my toolbar
how do i get it back down where it used to be? The start menu, etc.
Look at View/Toolbar -- and over to the side of that is a SM
dropdown menu that should have some things checked on it. If you can't see "view" then do alt+v and see if that works.
I have a technical question. On my toolbar when
I click on any of the categories (File, Edit, View, Tools or Help), instead of getting my dropdown menu I get a trasparent square. If I drage my mouse down, then the titles appear but you can see the screen under them. The same thing happens on Outlook Express. (I have Windows XP). The only one that shows the regular dropdown menus is Favorites. This just started today. Has anyone had a similar thing happen or know what to do about it? Thanks.
Pull Down "View" on Toolbar.
Then hit Zoom.
on toolbar, click view
then uncheck ruler
on the toolbar, next to the Bold button
There should be a little box with a number in it and a little black arrow. If you click on the arrow, it will bring up a bunch of font sizes. I would pick 12 as it is a standard size for printing. Hope that helps.
Lock toolbar is not an option I am given? Any
Line count is not on my toolbar.
I stand corrected. I had no idea it was on the Tools menu; I have always used a separate line counting program OR the Properties under the File menu. Also, my Tools menu is condensed most of the time and I had not noticed Word Count on there before. "Look before you leap."
MS word toolbar question - sm
Somehow I lost the print and print preview options on my toolbar and I do not know how to get them back.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
Toolbar in Work Queue
Does anyone know what the expanded toolbar is in the work queue? It has about 7 icons at the top instead of 3?
If you want to work on the internet from home, take an internet course
But only from Andrews School or M-TEC. Many companies will waive the 2-years' experience requirement and will test and hire you if you go to either of those schools. Do NOT bother with At Home Professions, Penn Foster, US Career Institute, or ESPECIALLY Trans-Am, which is also known as Trans-SCAM and is a total ripoff. You will have a VERY difficult time getting hired without experience unless you choose Andrews School or M-TEC. Yes, they cost more, but that's because they are excellent training programs, not "correspondence courses."
Go to the "My Computer" icon or Windows Explorer (sm)
And click on the C: drive. Should be a folder named InstText. Inside that is a Glossary folder. Either copy the whole folder or go inside and copy the glossaries you want, then copy to your flash drive. Then install Instant Text to the new computer, attach the flash drive and copy the glossary files to C:/InstText on the new computer.
Win XP? Were you changing folder options in Windows Explorer? sm
Go back into Windows Explorer and look at the options on the general tab of folder options. I no longer have XP and don't remember the exact name of the option you need to clear the check, but you should be able to recognize it.