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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Look at all the jobs out there NOT offering 10 or even 9 cpl. For the majority of us, it

Posted By: isn't going to happen. nm on 2006-04-23
In Reply to: Ridiculous, it you can't at least make 10 cpl - (sm)


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Central FL, yes, and the theme parks are all offering jobs. nm
Majority of the jobs seem to be in-house. Never could find an at-home job that way. nm
they will be offering some pto time for se
doesn't say much more than that but they are mentioned
That's my question too. There you are, offering to help, SM

and here I am offering to help, and what happens? We're called liars. I always just get so stirred up by this that it makes me want to holler.

What possible good feeling could a person get from making another person feel bad? NONE!

What possible good feeling could you get for helping somebody increase her earnings? A BUNCH!

But nobody wants the help, nobody wants to know how you produce, they just want to whine.

one would think offering expertise and guidance
You'd be not only happy, but FLATTERED to be asked questions.  Newbies should be admired for asking questions and encouraged to do so, rather than putting whatever they want.  There are times when you search, and search and search, not  finding, but having two sets ears especially one with more experience is always better than one set.  Stop being grumpy already.  geez.
No, it means you will have the option of offering it
to the next highest bidder if the original high bidder does not pay. Usually you will just leave it there until item is paid for and shipped. It's really just in case the first deal doesn't go through.
About offering direct deposit.
Klaar is getting ready to offer direct deposit (again). Oh boy, gotta wonder if they formerly offered it, then canceled it, and are ready to offer it again (soon).
I know, I was just offering an opinion on the other side...
Besides work, I have some other things going on in my life that cause it to pile up sometimes, although I swear I'm not lazy, just overwhelmed lately. I'm a stickler about the floors though.

And I'll take 4 over 5 any day!

Offering E-Signature to a Client



Does anyone know about offernig E-Signature to a client? Is there a way to do it easily, on your own -- I mean, instead of signing up with a big company like Vianeta or Bayscribe to handle all of the reports you type and want to send to a client.

Or... If that's the only way to go - through a big company - are there any big companies that are economical if you just have 1-2 doctor clients?  I know some of those companies charge like $5,000 as a set up fee.  Thank you.



 I mean, I'm sure you can do it

If offering that as bonus, you can bet it is pain
Depends on who is offering that. I'm pretty sure I know who.
Does it start with a T? If so, I'd have to say turn it out unless you want to get stuck with the crappiest accounts.  Why do you think they pay better than most for Escription? If you do have work that hasn't gone to India, it will be nothing but the rotten ESL accounts. Think hard about this one
No worse than the ads offering $500-1000...sm
a week at home, no experience, stuffing envelopes, addressing mail, etc, etc, at home, and once you anwer them they want you to send in money up front. 
Cuba is offering 1500 doctors to help us...

This was posted with a picture in the hurricane slideshow.

Hundreds of Cuban doctors listen to a speech by Cuban President Fidel Castro in Havana, September 4, 2005. The U.S. gave longtime foe Cuba the cold shoulder on Tuesday over its offer to send more than 1,500 doctors to help victims of Hurricane Katrina, which created a humanitarian disaster after pummeling the U.S.Golf Coast. Picture taken September 4, 2005. REUTERS/Claudia Daut

What a disgrace.  During times like these, people should be able to set aside their grudges and problems and come together.

MY QUESTION TOO...I don't even see that they are offering SE positions in this new plan.

I just got the memo dated Sept 2

I have read it 3 times

I do not see the words STATUTORY EMPLOYEE anywhere

I am assuming they are doing away with that position???????

Anybody know?

and if so why am I scurring around trying to buy a computer to

accommodate their new platform as an SE when they are only hiring

EMPLOYEES.........who they provide computers to

Hospial offering me 14.50 hour and benefits.
tvps.com is offering same day shipping if ordered by 3p. nm
That means you didn't win the auction, but the seller is offering
the item to you anyway. Either the winning bidder backed out, the seller had a duplicate item, or they lowered their reserve price.
suggest offering a line count lower than....nm

Dell offering support based in N. America

By Peter Whoriskey

Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, December 11, 2008; Page D01

If you prefer a customer service agent who speaks "American," then computer maker Dell has a deal for you.

Catering to consumers put off by the accents of Bangalore, Manila and other call-center hubs around the globe, Dell will guarantee -- for a price -- that the person who picks up the phone on a support call will be, as company ads mention in bold text, "based in North America."

The Your Tech Team service, with agents in the United States, costs $12.95 a month for customers with a Dell account, or $99 a year for people who buy a new computer. It also promises that wait times will average two minutes or less. Without the upgrade, a customer is likely to get technical help from someone in India, the Philippines or the other places where Dell has operators.

By charging customers extra for a North American voice, Dell's program represents a novel strategy for easing the strains of globalization while maintaining profit, industry officials said.

Occasionally, "we've heard from customers that it's hard to understand a particular accent and that they couldn't understand the instructions they were getting," said Dell spokesman Bob Kaufman. "This illustrates Dell's commitment to customer choice."

for complete article:


Medicare is offering free installation of EMR to physicians and hospitals.
On this new MQ rewards plan what exactly is it offering statutory employees and I suppose that that

is going to be the end of our quarterly bonus. My concern still is if there is no work how do you get any incentive if they lower the base rate. Sounds like employees will have a larger window to get their work done which means we all will be scrambling around for work at all hours.

It means one MTSO offering to pay you 3, 4 or 5 cents/line less for the same work you do at another!
Kaiser switching to EMR and to be offering retrival of your medical records online. sm




supposed to be, after people lose their jobs, they are forced to take part-time, lower-paying jobs..
with little to no benefits. service jobs. where are you going to work in a few years, when Medical Transcription is replaced by technology? McDonald's, Walmart? you really going to like that?
A majority of . . .
one.  How interesting.  I will certainly believe one person over the countless others.  Uh huh. 
The majority of us do far, far less than that, unfortunately. Definitely
Several jobs on Monster & CareerBuilder for inhouse office jobs down there through an
I think the majority of mistakes are
merely typographical or expander errors.  If MTs weren't paid such rotten line rates on production, maybe they could afford to relisten to and reproof every single report.  However, the people responding to the original post have evidently never made a single mistake in their entire lives.  Ah, yes, condescending, snotty superiority complexes on the rampage.  I'd be interested in seeing the MT profiles on those quoted reports, how many lines per day they produce, how many years of experience, and so forth.  For that matter, we could all sit here and rip on the mistakes we've found on completed reports, but personally, I don't feel better about myself by trashing other people.  My self esteem isn't measured by how stupid I think everyone else is like some people on this board.
By the page if the majority
of your work types are diagnostic plain films, such as chest and bone x-rays but if you have a lot of MRI's, CT's and special procedures such as catheter placement and removal, PET scans, angiograms and stent placements then by the line is more profitable.
The vast majority...
of kids do not get wrapped up in the things you did.  My DH is a  public school administrator and sees this stuff playing  out first hand.  He sees all the trouble makers and generally it's the "apple doesn't fall far from the tree" syndrome.  Once he meets the parents, he can usually tell why the kids act the way they do.   I tell my kids that peer pressure is bunk.  The ultimately responsibility for making bad choices lies with the individual.  You can only be pressured into what you want to be pressure into.   You can't blame the schools totally, which by the way are not any worse than they ever were.  I was a teen in the 70s and there's nothing much new going on.   Ever generation thinks it's worse now than the good old days.  In the 1920s they were aghast at girls showing  their ankles. 
The majority of mine do not even...
bother saying that, they just continue on as though nothing happened... !!!
The majority of normals are seen
Normals can also be a repetitive statement that the dictator makes, which you then turn into a normal so you do not have to keep typing the same thing over and over again.  Some use shortcut keys or Expander program.  I am not an expert on any of these as I do not use them.  Some who work in MS Word use autocorrect to expand terms or phrases that are said time and time again by a specific dictator.  I use autocorrect in Word and like it.  Hope this helps.  
Majority of time, no MTs. Right now..sm
however, a lot of people are leaving one of the big nationals, some after many years of service. Many are very experienced in multispecialty/acute care transcription, so until that settles down, there are a lot of good MTs looking at the moment. That's probably why you are seeing conflicting reports. In my personal experience, the majority of the time, there IS a shortage of well-trained, experienced, and reliable MTs. The good ones often get snatched up quickly, net good-paying jobs, and stay at those jobs, so they aren't always looking. Timing is everything. ;)

Also, to answer your other question, if a company is offering only 5 cpl, they are likely going to get responses from 5-cpl MTs so that certainly can play a role. IOW, the very good MTs typically won't respond to an ad for a job paying only 5 cpl, as they realize they are worth far more than that.
So the majority would feel ?
If the remote MTs are employees and are scheduled for 8 hours for coverage, the company can require them to work a complete 8 hours ?  This means that the ones who can produce more lines in those 8 hours will be paid more, while the ones who produce only their line count will get compensated accordingly.   The schedule is for a reason and needs to be followed for coverage.  Some of the MTs are only thinking of the "required" line count, not thinking in hours.   Maybe the wording should be changed to "minimum daily line count".  Just want to be sure it is not a far-reaching thought to think if you are an employee and are scheduled for 8 hours, that you should work 8 hours.  I know situations vary, but do most of you work a complete 8 hours, or just until you reach your minimum line count ?  Thanks.
Can't stand the majority of them...

I have several on my account that just make me cringe.  One ESL tries to talk so fast she stumbles over nearly every word and says, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, repeatedly.  Another ESL ends every sentence like its a question, like a teenage girl.  I have one American woman who adds an extra ah-syllable at the ah-beginning of some of her ah-words.  Took me forever to figure that one out!  I had one at my first job who practically whispered huge operative reports.  Nuts!

I had another American this week that had me pulling my hair out.  She had someone else reading the PE and lab results to her in the background and then she was repeating them.  Drove me crazy!

If there are a majority of MTs making
the same mistake, send it to everyone. However, if 1 or 2 are making the mistake consistently they need to be notified, becuase no one believes it is them making the mistake a lot of the time.
majority are for at-home then?
I take it then the majority are for at-home positions?
Here you go, the majority of posters
are on your side.

Nobody can make you and your daughter to agree to take the vaccination.

And...I see no typos...!
So you disagree that the majority of MTs are
underpaid for their skill level? Just because you have a 15 cpl account (for now until you're underbid at least) doesn't mean the rest of the MTs are paid that well. The world is bigger than just you & you should learn compassion for others.
I did 3 jobs for a while about 3 years ago, you burn out quick, I was doing 3 MT jobs though...after
10 months I cut down to 2 as I don't like to have all my eggs in one basket.  But I am considering going down to 1 in September for my sanity, its a good steady job so financally it should not be an issue.  I have 2 right but have not worked the 1 in about 3 weeks due to some problems at their end, supposed to learn a VA account but not sure if I want to pursue it right now or not, they are waiting to hear from me at this point. I still have a lot going on with chemo, etc. so am mulling things over.  But if you have a full-time day job, then I would just go with 1 part-time MT job at night, unless 1 is during the week, and the other weekends only, then of course you will be working 7 days a week, very tiring I know.  I have been working 7 days a week for 3 years now but I do slack off now and then of course to recharge and get sleep etc. But burnout happens fast and I doubt you want to lose your day job so be careful. Good luck.
Can't please everyone although we try. The majority like the larger font.

OF COURSE we know what daycare is! Its anyone OTHER than Mom spending the majority of the day
course, just the way lots of you like it!! Dump and run!!  Unreal. The Govt monitors day care - oh, there's a relief!  Then the Govt monitors schools, which are your next dump off point for your kids! And of course you can't spend the day with your own kids - they grow AWAY from parents over the years, not closer.  You can't control your own kids, cause they're NOT your kids - they belong to daycare and their peer group friends.
Not just speedy, but lucky in a way that the majority of us out here will never be. :( nm
You mean by report/not page? If the majority of my
reports were the type you do then of course by the line but with general x-rays you fair far better with pay by report!
Proof while I read that's it. The majority of the sm
nationals look at quantity not quality. If you don't get 1200 lines minimum a day there are issues. A person can type 2000 lines a day with a0 lot of errors and QA just pick a few reports with 1 error they have 98 or 99% accuracy.
350 lph when when a majority of us don't even make $10 an hour out here?! What are you asking us
The majority of their job is to correct and criticize, which sometimes comes off
If the majority of your dictation is crapola, I would
Exceptions to everything but majority parents
The majority of them will be cheaper than Cobra.
Go through your local yellow pages and look for insurance companies who advertise health insurance and start calling.  Call several so you can compare rates.  Your weight issues are going to make your premium higher than it would if you were a normal weight. 
You're not weird, actually you are in the majority!