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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Link to Advance IC v. employee article (sm)

Posted By: IC goddess on 2005-09-21
In Reply to:

which discusses the 3-fold test that the IRS is using instead of the former 20-factor list.

I know of very few MTSOs which really treat ICs like ICs. 

My best friend successfully challenged the company she worked for -- she got unemployment and a nice tax credit; the company owner got hit with huge penalties. 

LINK/URL: Advance May 2005 article

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Article in Advance
Did anyone read the article in Advance: Is Mandatory Credentialing Next?

The article says: "we have more and more companies paying premium for credentialed MTs." Is that true? The author is president-elect of AHDI. You all know what that is? Never heard of em. Or is it that new organization that used to be called something else, what was it... I think it had the words Medical Transcription in it. Maybe we should write a letter to tell about the reality of working out here.

Advance article
Thanks for sharing this article in Advance - don't get magazine anymore since I dropped my AHDI membership. Proud to be part of ATA - we MTs deserve an assocation that will advocate for us.
did anyone see the article in Advance magazine

about how wonderful it is to train Indians to do our job.  OH YAAAYYY, LET'S HERE IT FOR SPHERIS AND HEALTHSCRIBE   Let's give a big whoopie and cheer them on while they continue to post for transcriptionists on this board and yet outsource and TRAIN Indians to do our job.  I guess I'm angry about the article on other levels, such as the fact that it seems that Advance magazine is constantly promoting offshore transcription.  This is not the first time they have printed articles like this. 


Our hospital used Spheris and Cbay and we spent hours up hours redoing the reports, yet these companies got paid in full.  Where is the logic in that?  Thank God, administration wised up and brought the work back in.  Now we can go back to doing what we've always done ... OUR OWN TRANSCRIPTION ACCURATELY!


Great article about this in Advance (sm)
early this summer -- explained the 3-prong test (instead of the old 20+ questions).

If the service insists you use their software, if the service tells you when you can invoice them (instead of the 2 of you deciding together), if the service, not the client, decides turnaround time and quality, and if the service says you can't subcontract the work and insists on a noncompete clause, then you are an employee.

You can file a form with the IRS if you want your status clarified. Also contact Dept of Labor office in your state.

If you don't have an attorney and accountant on retainer, then you aren't professional enough to be an IC.

Also check the Nolo Press site as they have some excellent reference books regarding IC/employment issues.
Lasted Advance MT article
I was wondering if any of you have read the latest article in Advance about MTs? It's called The MT Critic.  Color me stupid but I did not know MTs had to go to medical school to do their jobs?  How many of you know the average size of the left atrium of the heart? How many of you would contradict the doctor's vital signs because the patient had a fractured ankle and you just knew that because of his pain, those vitals could not possibly be correct?  It is no wonder we are not attracting qualified people to our profession.  What are your thoughts?
Regarding the Advance article, here's how I would have handled the examples

I'm curious how other MTs would have handled them?

1. Hemoglobin 9, hematocrit 39. (I would have flagged this with a blank for the hemoglobin and sent to QA).

2. The nose and mouth were suctioned on the perineum (during a C-section dictation).  (I would have changed "perineum" to "abdomen" and sent it on).

3. SKIN: Without lesions, rashes or scars (Patient has HIV and kaposi sacroma).  (I'm not the doctor.  I did not examine the patient.  Therefore, I would have transcribed as dictated and sent it as usual).

4. Left atrium is normal, measuring 4.6 cm.  (I don't get paid enough to second guess the doctor on whether the LA is "normal" or not.  You get what you pay for.)

5. VITAL SIGNS: Heart rate 70, respirations 18, BP 120/70 (in an 18-year-old with a comminuted ankle fracture).  (Again, the patient may have gotten pain medication by the time the doctor saw him, so perhaps he/she didn't have pain at the time of examination and so the vitals were normalized.  I wasn't there, I don't know.  Type verbatim and send it on!)

You mean that MSN link to Melbourne IT? (it comes up each time). Thanks in advance. nm
here is a link to the GMA article
Here's the link to that article

Yes, here's the link to the article about determining your rates if self-employed


I always felt like I was "an accidental business owner" because when I got into MT work at age 25, I didn't realize how much of it was as an IC. I should have talked to an accountant from the start.


Excellent article. Here's a link to another one.
See link.
Good article/link
Thank you for this information. I had not heard of this. Thank you for taking the time to provide this info.
Here's a link to an article about the bruxism, etc.
Could you post a link to this article?
I would really be interesed in reading it myself.  I have tried to search for it myself but cannot find it.  Thanks.
Be careful-------there's a new WORM out there. See link to USA article and


"...fast-spreading e-mail worm is raising alarms because its sole purpose is to obliterate the everyday working documents widely used by consumers, students and businesses.
The Kama Sutra worm — also referred to as Nyxem.E and Grew.A — is unnerving because, unlike other e-mail worms, it appears to be detached from any profit motive.

It is designed to destroy all Microsoft Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint documents and Adobe Acrobat and Photoshop files on all hard drives connected to an infected PC...

appears in e-mail in-boxes with subject lines such as "hot movie," "A Great Video" or "Crazy illegal Sex!" enticing the recipient to click on an attachment. One variation makes reference to the ancient Sanskrit book on sexual positions.

By clicking on the attachment, the victim launches a program that disables anti-virus protection. The infected PC then begins to send copies of similarly tainted e-mail to every e-mail address on the victim's hard drive...

It implants a program to erase common work files on the third day of the month, hitting even external data-storage devices connected to the infected PC...

More than 500,000 PCs are believed to have been infected since it first appeared on Jan. 16. That's a modest infection rate, but victims face grim consequences. On Friday — Feb. 3 — any infected machines will lose all Microsoft documents and Adobe files.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The worm is designed to inject file-deletion instructions onto corporate servers. It does so via systems that share data with employees logging on to corporate systems from remote locations. "The worm can spread quite well once it finds its way beyond corporate firewalls,

Victims can tell they've been infected if they clicked on an e-mail attachment and had their keyboard and mouse freeze up, forcing them to reboot

Disinfection requires reinstalling an anti-virus program updated to protect against this worm, then scanning to make sure it has been purged.

"It's about proving the virus community can't be stopped by anti-virus companies," says John Pironti, banking security consultant at Unisys. "

Here's a link to an article with backup info

as to why medical records should be in some type of print format and not handwriting, if that is what they are still doing. 


Best of luck out there!

Link to a good article on WalMart biz practices
see inside for link and article from Bill Gates...lm (long message)


Bill Gates bets $84M on corn power
Investment in ethanol manufacturer by Microsoft founder shakes up industry.
December 13, 2005: 6:41 PM EST

NEW YORK (Reuters) - When the richest man in the world invests $84 million in a company, you can be sure Wall Street notices.

That's why Neil Koehler, president and chief executive of Pacific Ethanol Inc. (Research), was looking as if he had won the Powerball jackpot on Tuesday.

"It gave us instant credibility and the equity financing to be very credible and real with our (business) plan," he said of the investment by Bill Gates, the Microsoft Corp. (Research) founder, whose personal fortune of $46.5 billion topped Forbes magazine's list of the world's richest again this year.

"It really differentiated us from the pack," Koehler said. Gates' investment firm, Cascade Investment, agreed last month to buy 5.25 million preferred shares in Pacific Ethanol, a producer of the corn-based fuel hailed by environmentalists as an answer to the earth's dwindling supply of petroleum.

The financing, in which the preferred shares will be converted into common stock, is expected to close in January and will net the Fresno, California-based company $84 million.

The Gates ripple effect

In an interview at Reuters' Times Square offices, Koehler said Gates' investment was a sign that ethanol can be a viable alternative to oil at a time of see-sawing gasoline prices and concerns about global warming and climate change.

"It's all coalescing and, obviously, a smart investor like Bill Gates sees that," said Koehler, who was in New York to attract institutional investors.

Gates' money will help Pacific Ethanol proceed with its plan to initially build five plants on the West Coast to process Midwestern corn into ethanol, he said.

"It's not only had a huge impact on our operations, but it's had a huge ripple effect on the whole industry. It has really caused a stir in the ethanol industry that Bill Gates has stepped up and said: 'I believe in ethanol.'"

The company went public in March and the $84 million will help finance the plant construction.

"This was very much our strategy and they very much synched up and helped us make it more real," he said. "They had decided they wanted to get into ethanol and had looked at many companies before they found us."

Despite the investment, Koehler has not met Gates, who is also known as a philanthropist.

"He's pretty hands-off," he said.

But just the name is enough to attract attention from Wall Street and oil companies, said Koehler.

"With Bill Gates and that whole left-wing, progressive position that he has and the philanthropic thing, it reinforces ethanol's green stamp," he added.

Ethanol versus oil

With crude oil at $50+ per barrel, Koehler sees the market for ethanol-burning vehicles growing. Already, U.S. gasoline contains about 10 percent ethanol and Ford (Research) and General Motors (Research) are developing cars to run on 80 percent ethanol.

With 150 billion gallons of gasoline sold in the United States each year, that represents some 15 billion gallons of ethanol.

"We could do what Brazil's done and have 30, 40 percent of our transportation fuel renewable," he said.

Brazil, which makes ethanol from sugar cane, and the United States are the two largest ethanol-producing countries, he added.

"It's a common fact, we are running out of oil and there is only one commercially-viable liquid fuel alternative," Koehler said.

But historically low gas prices and powerful big oil companies combined to stunt the ethanol industry for years.

"Because of the politics of the oil industry, ethanol has always been viewed as raining on their parade, interfering with their business model," said Koehler.

However, the situation has changed and oil companies now look more favorably on ethanol than other transportation power sources, such as electricity, fuel cells or hydrogen.

In addition, President Bush's energy bill included renewable fuel standards and starting on Jan. 1, it requires a virtual doubling of ethanol fuel use from the current 4 billion gallons to 7-1/2 billion gallons by 2012.

"With $50 oil and up, ethanol is very attractive from a price standpoint," said Koehler.

Ethanol receives a 51 cent per gallon incentive from the U.S. government and today it is selling wholesale for roughly $2 a gallon.

"The actual cost to a refiner is roughly $1.50 and wholesale gasoline is roughly $1.70 or $1.80 today," said Koehler.

And in another sign of the future, he said that, starting next year, the Indy Racing League is converting all Indy racing cars to run on the high-octane alternative.

"Ethanol is racing fuel," he added.




IC vs. employee...see link to IRS site for more info...
Excuse me but federal taxes are paid as employee by employee
The ONLY difference in IC is you pay the ENTIRE amount of the SS which is the 15.25%, as an employee you only pay 7.75%.  And you can easily make up that difference in deductions.  As an employee you just have someone else manage your withholdings and as an IC you do it yourself.  I have much more usable income being an IC and not an employee and I am strict about putting aside what I need to.  But everyone always says you have to pay your own taxes, well your employer does not PAY them for you -- except 7.75% of SS, they merely withhold it for you.  As an IC you are the employer. 
I too saw it and was as angry as you are! I'm canceling my subscription, how 'bout you?
Thank you in advance it should be !! nm
TYIF -- something like Thank goodness it's Friday, but not that either. OOOPS !
thanks in advance..................nm
Advance is another one.
Since ADVANCE is free, there would
be little immediate impact if we cancel our subscriptions. Contact the advertisers and express your displeasure. They're the ones who provide the income stream for ADVANCE. They need to know that the people they're trying to reach are displeased and that their companies are associated with an extremely unpopular position.
how to advance in the MT field ...

I am wondering what it takes to advance to another position in the MT field.  I've been an MT for about 13 years, acute care for 12 of those years.  I'm tired of typing and have done QA as well, but the pay is horrible.  What does it take to move up the ladder to another position, such as MT supervisor or account manager?  I'm just curious. I know there are probably many more qualified people than I out there for any such position, but curiosity has got me as to the general qualifications and average salaries of each.  Anyone know?  Thanks....

how is Advance irrelevant?
I sent Advance magazine an email
I think if enough people did, then maybe they will stop glamourizing the overseas work. This is the third article in a year's time that they have done. A few months back Advance actually interviewed an Indian owner, picture and all, about his company!!!

If we cancel our subscriptions, Advance won't be able to
sell as much advertising.  THAT is where they make their money, not by promoting offshoring.  If they can't distribute XX numbers of copies per month, the advertisers will go elsewhere.  Boycott ADVANCE and spread the word.  Shut the traitors down.
lol=laughing out loud, tia= thanks in advance
Current ADVANCE issue is MT pay

Cover story:  Are MTs Paid Fairly.  This story needs rebuttals.  (I don't know if I spelled that right -- too mad to look it up.)  There is another article about MTing as well as some good letters to the editor.  No, I didn't write them.  Not promoting self.

Look, this magazine wants feedback.  Controversy creates publicity which creates readership.  Please think about sending your own letters to the editor.  Write what you write here.  Let more people involved in our field know your thoughts whether they be MTs or not. 

No, I don't work for ADVANCE.  I'm just an MT just like most of you.  I just want our voices to be heard by more people who call the shots that affect us.  This is one venue.  Even if you don't like the publication, fight back and make your voices heard!!!  What a lot of you write here would be fantastic letters to the Editor which would reach a wider spectrum of our associates than this forum for MTs.  We've got to keep the topic of the MT situation HOT in the media.  You can submit articles to them as well.  Get busy, PLEASE!!

Advance is irrelevant. Who cares what they say?
Letter to Editor-Advance

I will  write a letter...

Advance to the 21st Century and get a new job

I couldn't believe it either. Advance has gone the way of offshore, just like AAMT

I sent a comment to Advance and heard back from them
supposedly, they are going to put my letter in the next edition in Letter to the Editor .... we'll see. But I did not cancel my subscription.
I simply chose the wrong link. See inside for the correct link.
See link
Try off of the Advance Magazine web site, pasted inside. nm
Mayo Clinic in AZ has an ad for in-house MT in Advance Mag, $19/hr base pay. sm

Plus shift diff and bonus, plus $1000 sign-on bonus, and relocation $. What a great offer if it's true.

Anyone read Letter to Editor in ADVANCE see message
 February 26, 2007 issue?  Two letters regarding MT and AAMT.
Advance magazine? Anyone notice the letter to the editor?
It's on page 5 entitled Does Walmart or Home Depot pay better?......Gee, I wonder what company this person is talking about?  Okay, which one of you sent this in? hahaha!


Well, while everything the writer of this letter says is true about the company, I think we all know most of us make a bit more than 8 to 10 bux an hour.  For myself, it's about twice that.  If I really were only making that for what I'm doing, I WOULD head over the the Walmart or Target.  I would NOT do this for 10 bux an hour NO WAY in HE double toothpicks!

Idea in letter to Editor in Advance magazine (sm)
Just last night I read a letter in the Advance for Health Information Professionals from a former MR who is now a cancer registrar and loves it. I had looked into that myself a few years ago, although I chose to stay with MT. At the time there were on-line courses through community colleges.

What about coding? I have a friend who works now for a local hospital at home doing ambulatory coding.

Just some thoughts.

BTW, the letter to Advance can probably be found on-line at advanceweb.com/him. It's the Nov 5 issue.
don't cancel ADVANCE subscriptions - just send an email or letter

detailing how disgusted you are with the fact that they are promoting offshore training and offshoring transcription.  This is the third article on this sort of topic that the magazine has done in a year. 

I find this particularly offensive because so many hospitals/medical record departments get the magazine and if they see this, then companies like Spheris, CBay, Healthscribe, and others will be getting called to come do their transcription!


So please, don't cancel your subscription, just voice your opinion and comments.  Thank you.

MODERATOR - I am apologizing in advance for my nasty remark to a poster, but I had to get it out of
DocQscribe and Dragon Naturally Speaking.. Can they work together? Thanks in advance.
There was an excellent letter to the editor in Advance Magazine last month sm

that spelled how why, but here are some of my reasons:

1. In all their years in existence, the AAMT has yet to make life easier for the AMERICAN MT.  In fact, the state of MT in this country is worse than I have seen it in a very long time. 

2.  The AAMT chose to align themselves with MTIA whose board of directors is largely composed of Indians.  They also support offshoring and have adopted the motto "work smarter" which to them means pay hundreds of dollars for a CMT that most companies will not even acknowledge and then hundreds more dollars to join AAMT yearly to get their crappy publications.

3.  They are now certifying offshore MTs.  Yes, nothing like opening the cover of the AMERICAN Association for Medical Transcription and seeing the names of the Indians who have received their CMT. 

4. I get less pay than I did 20 years ago and offshoring is the main reason.  So pardon me if I am a little testy that I just paid so much money to an organization who stabbed me in the back.

5. I certainly think they SHOULD change their name to something else.  How about the I SOLD THE AMERICAN MT DOWN THE RIVER ASSOCIATION FOR MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION.  Bitter?  You bet.  Gosh, they made so many promises and all they did was take our money for a piece of paper rarely recognized by anyone at the same time extending a hand to the reason I am making less money than I did 20 years ago!  

6.  It's a bloated association full of lots of people who "do things."  Everything except stick up for the American MT. 

7. Oh yes, and the BOS is ridiculous.

Advance for Health Information Professionals. Mostly geared toward coders now. nm
Auto Text entries on word. Is there a way to copy these or print these? Thanks in advance. NM
Emdat platform?? Good, bad or ugly? Any info is appreciated. Thanks in advance. NM
In the back of Advance Magazine you see all the coding jobs. Can access it online, too.
Sombeody actually wrote a really good letter to Advance a few issues back. sm
It was in the Jan. 12, 2009, issue, letter to the Editor titled, "What Good is Change for MTs?" by Wendy Keller. She does attack AHDI in a very intelligently written letter.
You an IC, statutory employee or employee?
That designation, and/or forcing the IRS to designate you, can make a diff. Are you a corporation? Partnership? You need WAY more help than we can give you.