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Let them be alive and let them know help is on the way.

Posted By: Grew up in coal mining town. on 2006-01-03
In Reply to: With you, with them, with God. Please pray! nm. - CoalMiner'sdaughter

You never met a person who is working at a miserable job until you have met a coal miner. I grew up in a coal mining town with company houses, a company store, the "circle" (where the company bosses lived in their McMansions). These men came home and simply sat there, staring into space. Some drank too much beer, many actually. They made good money but I really do not think they felt well after 10 years in those mines as they never did anything but sleep and work and just sit there at the kitchen table or where ever their favorite place to sit was. I thought that they probably did not feel very well. Of course, this was back in the 1960s and 1970s. Maybe things have changed. Working conditions were very bad. I felt sorry for these men. They rarely talked much at all. Most seemed to end up with black lung.

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Moderator still alive?
Indians wanting jobs on job seeker board too.
I can't think. I mean to finish: wish everyone there was alive and well and the tragedy was just
Finding Your Friend Alive

It is very possible your friend is still alive, as they are still finding people alive every day and if he is still in the area, unfortunately there is not much in the way of any phones working in these hard hit areas, so it wouldn't surprise me if he is still alive.  Have you searched all of the Red Cross Shelter lists?  Everyone who is at a shelter has to have their names put on a list and there are new names being added everyday.


Let's keep the misogyny alive! Yeah!
And Eve got us kicked out of the Garden of Eden because she used her "feminine wiles" on Adam and he was older than her but couldn't make his own decisions because she FORCED him to eat the apple. Take it to the religion boards.
The patient lives with her parents, who are both alive and well.
I would hope they'd be alive. 
She has to be the dumbest person alive to have stayed
married to an alcoholic and drug user, and to have had children by him. She endangered the lives of those children. She is blind, says she never sees anything bad that the press reports. Maybe that is because they are sheltered and protected from any protesters so they can continue to think they are the king and queen of the world.
Sorry, I think you're all wrong. This is the sexiest man alive...!

POLL: Sexiest Male Celebrity Alive?
I still go for Tom Cruise everytime! I know, he's weird, but I simply can't help it!
Open your eyes. Poverty is very much alive in our own country.

in the old days, most animals raised for consumption at least got a life while they were alive.
not anymore.

Not only are they treated with unbelieveable barbarity, the producers are destroying irreplaceable GOVERNMENT (meaning, it's OURS) owned forests and range for feed - more and more each year...not to mention the absolute filth rampant in the industry - they have them so crowded and unclean that it's a wonder MORE e.coli and other diseases aren't pandemic.

Go visit a slaughter house - any slaughter house. Yep, it's not that hard to give up meat. It is totally unnecessary in anybody's diet.

I have to admit though, when the neighbors are barbecuing a slab of pork, my mouth waters and my brain goes into DESIRE!!!
Yes, it eats the brain and body alive trying to get back to your lines that you did on the old
platforms. After while you just disintegrate in a little heap.
Numerology, astrology, elvis is alive, space aliens:
Stuff made up by not-too-bright people with too much time on their hands.
guess she is alive and kicking, quite hard at that! how is it we follow her books so religiously??
she designs MT pretty much as it is today, then blows it off as not cost-effective etc etc?
Will be a nurse-practitioner...but I'll keep my MTSO as long as it stays alive...