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Let's see, just got through baking cheese straws, bran muffins,

Posted By: jus me on 2006-01-21
In Reply to: What's for Dinner? - hungry typer

fruit cake cookies and cheese/sausage balls and DH just came home with a big bag of almond M&Ms.   Probably have a Pepsi to go with it.  No veggies but I think we got all the other food groups - LOL.  

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Try bran flakes - vet suggested - worked for me (and my dog)

try strawberry muffins - really tasty and quick
let me know if you're interested and I'll dig up my recipe.
Half a sandwich, 3 muffins, 1 Eng. muffin, 1 pudding cup, handful of chips, 1 strawberry, & a Coke.
Baking without flour everywhere
I think the only way to be able to do it is to have plenty of time and clean up after every step for lack of anything better to do.  Now the only  problem is getting my big kid (DH) to keep his meat hooks out of the freezer!  Discovered he had snuck all of my peanut butter blossoms out  and ate them right up.  Oh, well, I'll make some more.  LOL  I love to bake and love to eat the stuff too but unfortunately  just recently was diagnosed with AODM so there goes the sugar for me.
Eeeewww - I have enough for my Christmas baking

Chilling them a bit before baking also helps

What kind of fish are you baking? (nm)
Need help quick! I am in the middle of baking cupcakes for

tomorrow and i only have 2 eggs and recipe on box calls for 3. Does anyone know what will happen if I use the 2? I live in the country and the store is way too far to get eggs. No neighbors either! :)

What would you do? Go ahead and try it or ditch it altogether? I was in the middle of mixing when I saw I needed 3 eggs!!!! Thanks so much!

baking powder or soda for height...nm
1 heaping *tablespoon* of baking powder?!
Baking Soda-make a paste with a little water. That's all I use. (nm)
Baking soda, opened and on its side, in every corner

If it isn't a real high traffic area, sprinkle baking soda on it, leave it overnight,
and vacuum it in the morning. Good luck!
mac and cheese and
baked chicken marinated in Dale's.
Cheese and crackers or.....
toothpaste and tooth brushes!!
cheese ring
Don't exactly know what you are looking for...perhaps a cracker or biscuit, but try this link. Lots of recipes to browse.

Ham, broccoli and cheese casserole.
Scalloped potatoes do not have cheese
in them so if you want cheese, look for au gratin potatoe recipe. 
The cheese slid off his cracker.

Swiss cheese report

I know exactly what you mean!  I've had my share of those!  All last week was horrible.  They came out of the woodwork!    So I took Wednesday off due to frustration and went shopping!   

The flannels and a movie sound great!  That's just what I did when I got home from shopping!

Great one!! I use chedder cheese...yumm nm


Update on my swiss cheese report...
I just checked my feedback and there were 8 QA markers out of the 24 that even QA couldn't get.  Shouldn't that tell someone something?
Have some cheese with that whine... cheesy companies
I am so with you! It's these cheesy MTSOs! I just got my social security statement of my earnings since college and I was blown away... it was great for my self-esteem but pointed out exactly what has been going on. Last year and the year before I made less than working my way through college!!! It was down to 14-15K a year!! No joke. I look back to around 2000 and I was up to 50K a year plus benefits. That had been going on for some time. Even at 2005 I was doing okay, in the 40s. What happened? For a year I thought it was me, but no, my hospital outsourced and I went to a service. Found out they counted lines differently and I bounced from service to service the last 2 years. YIKES. I am now below the poverty level and a single mom. I should take these earnings statements to somebody.. I don't know who. But I am with you! There are only so many hours in the day and only so much work, etc. etc. At least you know there are those like you out there who have the same vent... but we have got to band together and somehow get paid again what we are worth! Good luck to you!
Bacon, egg, and cheese on toasted bagel. DH cooked again.

lit'l smokies,mac&cheese,fresh homegrown 'maters

Tomato soup and toasted cheese sandwich.
Nothing grilled, it gives me a bellyache,  just plain toast and cheese stuck together   My son will have his favorite, fried liver and onions, my daughter will have cinnamon oatmeal, husband will have half a grapefruit, oatmeal, 2 eggs, and toast.  I run a short order house in the morning, but at least everyone eats something good for them before they leave the house, so I don't mind at all.   And I won't be surprised if a few neighborhood kids stop in for my soup and sandwich or the oatmeal.  The only rule is that they have to put their own dishes in the dishwasher, not leave them for me to clean up. 
I dunno know about cottage cheese since lasagna has that (or ricotta) already in it??

cottage cheese and leftover alfredo noodles
with sauce.
I steam mine with Parm cheese in the leaves -
along with minced garlic.  Pound those babies down on the counter so the cheese falls to the bottom and every bite has cheese on the leaves.  Yummmmmmmmy-  I also put lots of garlic the water along with any other flavoring I want the heart to taste like.  I'm off to the store for chokes.....LOL
Pizza or grilled cheese...church tonight for me.
Bean, cheese, onion, and jalapeno burrito
Ah, reminds me of a friend who said, "I'll be all over you like cheese soup!"
Vacuum the house a lot, garlic powder and brewer's yeast (not baking yeast) sm,,,
in all the dogs' food, and definitely give the little one a bath. You'll  need to comb the fleas and their dander and eggs out wtih a flea comb. My dogs used to love this. During flea season, I'd get on the floor and comb them after dinner every night. Have a bowl of soapy water handy (with the flea soap if possible) and dip the comb in the bowl when you start and especially after you find the fleas (and ticks!) on the comb to drown them. Residual soap will help keep them off the pooch. Fleas congregate at the base of the tail and in the groin area. Get puppy used to combing and he/she will come to love it as part of normal grooming. An herbal flea collar might help, too. The other dogs will need to be watched for fleas, too. Good luck!
Toast the bread and then either grate in blender or on a manual cheese grater.
We're having chili and grilled cheese sandwiches, quick and easy!
dinner tonight? I'm having fried chicken and macaroni & cheese. I'll make sure it's a whi
I have my cholesterol checked! 
Not much different than eating French toast with a side of bacon and scrambled eggs w/cheese. nm
You can serve chili sauce or a chutney spread on a bar of soft cream cheese to put on
Ham, cheese potatoes, asparagus, roasted cauliflower, deviled eggs. carrot cake, family and friends

Crab cakes, mashed potatoes, fresh asparagus in cheese sauce, salad, deviled eggs and
6 layer chocolate cake separated by raspberry/brandy filling topped with white chocolate genache (son is a pastry chef) :)
But expensive gin and expensive cheese. I deserve it.