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Less stress so true

Posted By: flaMT on 2007-12-03
In Reply to: GRAVEYARD SHIFT - mc

A few of us on this particular discussion feel the same way. I have felt only a tiny degree of stress working overnight transcribing. It is the only luxury time just for me. This is why I switched. It is so quiet. I am not scared the kids will bug me or husband or some emergency at school etc. I love my work at night I get the stats and ops and they are so interesting. I must say I would have died early if I kept days and or second shift because the family has needs. Now, at night I am 100% me and transcribing, my productivity is great. So, if I get cancer I would be surprised because I think that stress makes a person open to all kinds of diseases. To you night owls out there enjoy your peace and quiet, this is your "me" time!

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don't stress too much about it (sm)
It's really not hard to learn at all.  It may seem overwhelming, I mean all the manuals they send you about it, but honestly, I haven't even opened them, except during training...which BTW, I didn't get paid for...but that's another issue! Anyways, it's fine...I only use the built in expander also, and I like it! You'll be fine...don't stress over it.  Good luck!
I either play with my dog, walk or read something that requires no brain!
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to relieve stress? I work 8-10 hours a day, have a 5-year-old and a 6-year-old, and a husband who does not believe MT is a real job, and major financial stressors.

I have been slowly losing my hair over the past 6 years which I believe may be due to hormonal shock (2 babies in quick succession) and then stress and maybe adrenal fatigue.

I am hoping a stress-free living will help me regain myself and my hair! Thanks.
The pay is really good, but the stress so-so!
I do have some great MTs that I QA for and I bless them every day LOL. The title is nice on paper, yes. I don't plan on being in this profession forever, but since I do have some type of supervisory under belt, that will be good.
Hand stress

I've transcribed since 1983.  You can lessen hand stress if you observe how you hold your hands as you type.  When I was in my twenties I noticed that there was a real difference in the way I held my hands and how the older transcriptionists (they had their wrists up and hands pointing down at the keyboard).  I have always had my wrists laying on something and my fingers are going up.  I have never had one bit of carpal tunnel or pain whatsoever.

Stress in the office
I'm one of the unlucky ones NOT at home, but still in the office. The stress level in there is making us all sick, both physically and mentally. I would get out of MT and learn to do something else if I didn't think that by the time I finally got through school, I'd be too old to be hired.
Yes, but no. I used to stress over it when we had to eat two meals
between my parents and the in-laws. Then I started hosting, but that was stressful because it was expensive and a lot of other reasons that I won't get into. DH and I got into an argument because he's upset that I refuse to host this year. I've done it for the past several years. We don't have the money and half of our house is ripped apart for repairs, plus I have to work both Wednesday and Friday while all the in-laws are off those days. I don't care. I quit. They can do whatever they want to do. I'm tired of being a people-pleaser.
reduce your stress
i guess you have someone sharing the load. it is hard to reduce your stress level if you are the breadwinner, caretaker, and housekeeper.
Agree with the other poster. More than likely, in my experience, the tech just didn't do a good job and that is why the images are not clear.
What do you do for stress reduction?
I am 100% stressed to the max, all the time. I wish I wasn't so high strung and jittery. So what do you do to relax and reduce stress? I need ideas.
stress reduction
I have lots of hobbies that I enjoy soI can easily immerse myself in one of those and forget my troubles for awhile.  My favorite hobby is scrapbooking.  I also go to the gym daily and that helps reduce stress as well.
job stress. die or get fired.

i am quite upset.  one of my co-workers passed away.  we here all know it was from job stress, but we are not to admit it and were repremanded so by our superiors.  basically it came down to "die or get fired".  lucky for her she died before she could get fired.

now i am sitting here at work today wondering what the heck am i supposed to do? we cannot talk about the job stress and that is what did her in, but she was sick and getting sicker and this is why she passed away.  she was sick and getting sicker from the stress dawg-gone it. 

nobody gets it.

tuesday she told me that a lot of her sickness had to do with wondering if she was going to have a job or not and what would she do if she got fired?  she was beside herself with worry.  she worked her for 25 years, and was a good employee and excellent Transcriptionist until the new supervisor took over and started ragging on her like a pit bull dog and his prey.  and this is a catholic hospital.  i guess this is the new christian work ethic.

i need to vent.  any comments would be appreciated but since i am at work please make them nice.  i have had enough bad stuff happen around here today.






Exactly! The money was great, but the stress...
and long hours were certainly not worth it.  I still don't get why JJ or whoever would care about anyone's bb name.    Personally, I have more important things to get my panties in a twist over.  We all have our hangups I suppose. 
Stress and long hours

So, you're saying that you got tired of the stress and long hours so you bacame a TRANSCRIPTIONIST!  You crack me up.  Everybody knows that as a Transcriptionist there is never any stress or long hours.

Morning stress reducers

When my kids were young, there were a few tricks I used to cut down on hectic mornings.  I didn't make sandwiches ahead but I did prebag chips and cookies and place is a drawer.  That way just had to reach in and grab a couple of bags and lunch was halfway prepared.  The night before, kids always picked out the clothes for the next day.   And there was no changing minds that morning either, or they lost 1/2 hour of TV time.  Also, backpacks got loaded up the night before and placed by the door.  A little extra thought and effort the night before made mornings a little less hectic.

LOL! And stress will kill you or make you
now have some incurable, difficult to treat, chronic, crippling, painful disease brought on by stress!

Repetitve Stress Injury
Thanks so much for the help and advice.  Yes, I do have the screen eye level but I might be able to adjust a few things.  I think the doctor is my next stop however.  One thing I notice is maybe I need to get to stretching more between dictations.  I have a tendecy to focus on the work for too long.
If you think you have stress now, wait until you are a teacher.
Anyone with experience with stress echo?
Does anyone know what it would mean to have a stress echo where everything was normal at rest, person exercised normally to 99% of predicted with minimal symptoms, and at the end of the test echo images were not clear.  Tech then said this was the wrong test, and of course, lips were sealed as to what that meant.  Anyone with any knowledge of this or experience?  Thanks.
Personally, I like the lack of stress and no (sm)
flippin' academic politics, or driving to 5 different colleges each week, teaching one course at each as a part-time lecturer. I've preferred spending my time homeschooling my equally gifted children, writing for a couple of feminist pubs, and working on local grassroots politics. Working at home as an MT allows me to break up my day and do all those things, while being the sole breadwinner. Works for me.
Never said she was big...maybe it is stress, not on an eating schedule, whatever.
Not that she needed to at all; she just did! Sorry!
He's using the puter to relax & de-stress, same as you. - nm

Because those who have someone else to contribute to the household have enough stress?
Turn it in and don't stress. Companies that

have several reports for you to transcribe have different degrees of difficulty.  One may be ESL, one may be dictating on a cell phone on his car, one may be trying to do a 15 dictation in 3 minutes, etc.   Leaving a blank is definitely better than guessing.   They are just trying to get a feel for your skill level.  Okay you can't do the ESL or the speedy doc, but you can do the orthopedic doc with ease.  

They may need someone for a difficult account and maybe you won't get that job, but they may need someone for clinic notes, or maybe an easier account and you would do well with that.   You'll get paid less than if you could so the slurring doc without blanks. 

With the slurring doc listen to the report one time time all the way through.  Don't try to fill in any blanks.  Next go back and listen again, this time trying to fill in blanks.  You may be able to get one or two of them this time around.

If you don't pass/get hired at least it was one more experience you have had. 

I don't test well.  I can ace the transcription part, but if they have questions on the test I may not do well.  I had one test that was timed and I was really freaking because I didn't know some of the answers without looking them up and the test timed out on me before I even finished it.  They still offered me a position.

One thing is for sure, you won't get the job if you don't turn in the test. 



you really should see someone about how to handle stress constructively...
and stop reading the boards for a while. sounds like implosion is emanent.

good luck with that.
I have heard that this can often be caused by stress.
In the early years of my first marriage, my husband soaked the sheets nightly. He was in the middle of a nasty divorce and child custody case. When those issues resolved, the night sweats disappeared.
I want your job. :( simple, ok pay, no stress. LUCKY. nm

It is no doubt stress related
and you can relieve it by getting up using a bungie cord under your feet and pull up and down on it. This stretches your shoulder and arm muscles is a stress reliever. You need to strengthen your abdominals also as sitting weakens the back and abdomen. Get an exercise ball. Those can be great little stress relievers. You may even try standing at your computer by raising the keyboard and monitor. This keeps one awake and refreshed also. Eventually, the pain will dissipate. Take daily walks if you can and definitely stretch every day for at least 1/2 hour. Swimming good, too. Hope this helps.
How did they replace MTs that couldnt cut it as obviously some wont want the stress of it.
As soon as I notice that someone is causing stress in my life

Relationships are meant to make our lives better, not miserable.

the stress level, the extreme pressure on the job
The only thing good out of my years in the industry was I had terrific insurance when I got cancer. The bad was, when I got back to work, the whole atmosphere had changed. They thought I should be ready to take on the world, and I was still with secondary illnesses from the chemoradiation. In fact, even today (3 years later), I still have problems.
Yes, holidays are notoriously stress-inducing
I'm the opposite of you; I have 4 brothers, no sisters. Guess who does 95% of the cooking and prep? Not that I mind really, but I guess it would be nice if someone actually VOLUNTEERED to do a little more without being asked. Last year my husband and I did all the cleanup after the meal while my sister-in-law parked her fat butt on the couch. One jerk brother and his equally insensitive wife are not invited 'cause they treat all of us poorly, including my elderly mother to whom he owes a substantial amount of money (talk about some bad karma...long story). So, yes, one's baggage and anxieties seem to come bubbling to the surface at this time of year...why else would suicide rates be at their highest during the holidays? My advice is to concentrate on what you are grateful for and focus less on the negativity....that's all I have found I can do personally. You might offer to help with something and ease someone else's stress a bit. Just try to smile and be a compassionate brother/son/whatever.
Repetitive Stress Injury Neck
I am in bad shape with my neck and I thought maybe I could come here for some advice before I go to my doctor. I have an injury there already, but I thought it healed.  I do 8 to 10 hours a day of typing and computer work.  I do sit in an ergonomic chair, but I have very bad neck pain still...primarily on the left and it is a sharp intermittent pain.
Repetivie stress injury neck
I had fusion at C6-7 15 years ago, with release of nerve entrapment. Now I also am getting the same pain back in my neck and arms from transcription. I have been on muscle relaxants and pain killers. My desk is ergonomically correct as is my chair, level of screen. My screen is eye level. I may need another MRI, as it is now affecting my neck/shoulder. I am going to try a back cushion to see if that will help me. There are several stores that sell these and they are not too expensive. I know the pain, it is horrible and I feel for you. I would just try to see what your doctor can offer you. Cortisone injections do work as does physical therapy. Good luck and I hope your pain is gone soon.
Last year I got repetitive stress injury..sm

have been working on and off as an MT for 20 some years. One year I worked radiology and I can remember actually putting out 200 reports one day. I never got carpal tunnel with the keyboard but could get it with the mouse. About two years ago, I had a busy stint where I was probably working 6-7 straight hours, then my fingers began to hurt. First it was the thumbs, then it was all my fingers. Just ached. Not arthritis, because joints were not red or swollen. I even bought a parafin bath, tried NSAIDs. Finally investigated on the internet to find out I had repetitive stress injury. I stopped typing (fortunately I own a small MTSO) and just let my fingers rest. To this day, two years later, of almost NO typing, all it takes is about 3 hours straight typing and it's back. I've decided I've hurt my fingers irreparably and any further damage I do now, I will just pay for later with arthritis or something. Sorry to hear about your disability.

Isn't it amazing the freedom, lack of stress, zip, gone.
Might be less stress/shorter program being an EKG tech. nm
Although no doubt could be largely stress related (sm)
also be sure your monitor is at a good height - I moved mine up by about 2-1/2 inches (initially used my Dorland's dictionary, LOL, then bought a monitor stand with a drawer in it) and that made all the difference in the world for me.
I cannot stress enough people really have the wrong idea
about VR. I have been transcribing over 35 years now, not a newbie, not slow, transcribed at straight over 2000 lines per day always and I now just hate to straight transcribe anymore. Where are people getting the idea, and I see it often on this board, that one category fits all? I am held to as high standards as others, having to maintain 97-98% accuracy every 3 months when graded. Unless you know your job extremely well, no newbie can do this. You have to be fast and extremely accurate to do corrections on VR.
Thank you ghost! So true! So true! More than one person!
I can sense the stress and impatience in company emails.
The snappy tone, shortness, and rudeness. Excuse me for bothering you, honey, but it's your job.
I want a decent job at a living wage and less stress in my life.
sounds like post-traumatic stress disorder!

No company. Would never do it again! I prefer stress-free living! nm
yes, hair can turn prematurely gray from stress
I hate days like that - when every dictator is bad (and when half the reports maybe get sent to QA).  Bless your heart for the struggle!!! 
POLL: How do you handle stress when you're having a bad day transcribing?
I have a bad habit of eating junk food....trying to break it!  What about everyone else?
exercise is really important; they stress that on The Biggest Loser.
Yer crackin' me up! True, true, true! nm
have you noticed increased line count and less hand stress

I should try this. Posttraumatic stress syndrome is what I have from a childhood filled with neglec
I am afraid of everything. It is exhausting being in a state of fight or flight. I have isolated myself and refused to have children as my own childhood was so terrifying. Did not help that we moved numerous times during school years. Thank goodness for a few sensitive teachers and the parents of a friend. With MT, at least I know what is expected of me. There is no guessing games like there are in my mind when I am in the midst of people.
dont stay any longer and stress yourself anymore than needed, but.....
nag nag nag, push push push about your pay; you deserve it. good luck