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Los Angeles Times
The treatments are based on weight normally. I have a Frontline spray and it can be used on either, 1 to 2 pumps per pound, but if you have the other kind it is premeasured based on weight. Can you call your vet and ask them? The people at the front desk should be able to answer your question. I looked on-line and there is only 1 dosage sold for cats, but it didn't say what the dosage was so I couldn't compare it to a dog dosage. If you buy your flea treatment from your vet check out
JC Penney's has awesome home decor. I buy all of my window treatments from them. Good luck! I think I will stick with the oil treatments in the future. Scary. Hope your child is well. nn Laser printerG Go to HP home page and see what they have and then go to Office Depot or Office Max. Mine cost several thousands but I needed the speed, etc. But I think that there are several that are under $500. Too bad we don't live close by I have an old 4P that is a work horse that is just sitting here but I needed the triple drawers and capabilty to do envelopes and so it sits here. Good luck.
Anyone tried the new laser mouses? I'd consider them worth the money if they work. 100.00 here in California. Jerking my left arm around trying to get from one window to the next has given me a most painful left arm. Can only think that it is from being tense while typing (stressful job we have; didn't use to be this way) and then moving my arm suddenly and quickly to maneuver. Tennis elbow is what it feels like but now the shoulder and entire bone aches like it was involved in a horrible injury. I hope this isn't part of growing old (47). Inkjet or laser? I have a HP all-in-one that I use for printing and for a fax. I do not print the office notes, but the doctors fax me patient lists and copies of notes for which they want changes made or corrections. I think if I printed office notes my ink cartridge expense would be a whole lot more than the figures you quoted. Laser - large HP I have a large HP, three drawer laser printer and I go through 500 sheets of chart note paper, probably another 400 to 600 for consults and letters per month and probably 200 envelopes per week and I seriously use only at the maximum of 3 toners per year and they are $110 per toner recycled. My printer gets 10,000 to 15,000 copies per toner so about every three to four months I get one. I spend more on the chart paper than I do the toners. But that is all figured into my cpl.
laser printer I think it's because it's a laser printer. Laser printers work much like copiers in that they heat the paper to seal the ink onto the page. Sticky paper hates laser printers. Do you have options as to where you purchase the paper? Maybe look at the manufacturer's web site to see if they have a type that works with laser printers. If they don't then you are looking at either dealing with feeding the paper in one at a time and keeping the laser printer or trading it in back for another ink jet. Different ink jets use ink at different rates so you can compare and see which would be the most economical for what you do. Laser Kat, she is not going to listen . sm Just another whiny MT who thinks its all about them. The ones that wont' work just leave more work for the rest who are looking for jobs and want to work. Need Laser printer recommendations I may need to purchase a laser printer as the SOAP sheets that the office I work for sends to me are jamming in my HP ink jet printer. It has to be due to the writing that is being done on these SOAP sheet pages at the top where they fill in pertinent patient info, i.e., name of pt, vitals signs, birth control, etc., as well as how much the paper is being handled, shuffled, corners getting bent, etc. I have a new ink jet printer and have always had a problem with these sheets in every ink jet printer I have owned but my newest (and nicest printer thus far) it is happening more than ever before. It is very frustrating and time consuming to deal with this. I was told that laser printers do not cause this problem as they utilize a different mechanism in printing. So, I may need to purchase a laser printer but would like some recommendations. I cannot afford a lot. I am hoping if I have to do this I can find a good one for around $400. I would appreciate your suggestions. Thanks so much. Laser hair removal? Anybody ever gotten it before? I'm seriously considering it for my upper lip (and maybe chin where there are a few isolated hairs). Laser Hair Removal I have spent thousands of dollars on this for my daughter - three different types of lasers and the problem is still there - and at one point even got worse. Be certain that you aren't having a hormonal problem and that you are not part of an ethnic group where women naturally have more hair - it didn't work for my daughter. laser hair removal We have spent thousands and I mean thousands of dollars on laser hair removal for my daughter and it would work for about a couple of months and then the hair would grow back worse than ever. We have tried three different lasers and no one gives you a guarantee - so if they try to - don't buy it - read the small print before you sign. I know it is a frustrating situation - it also hurts. Electrolysis didn't work for her either, and she stays upset about this all the time. Laser jet not ink jet printer - more economical I have a laser jet printer and though the ink is expensive at 100 a cartridge, it lasts me for six to eight months and I do printing for all of my five accounts. My printer was top of the line over ten years ago and I just got a new HP color laser jet for $899 but they end up paying for themselves by not going through as much ink as a ink jet. For one of my accounts I do the letterhead on the paper. Have done that many times for many accounts. I incorporate it into the price. I supply paper, sticky paper also. Two accounts supply their letterhead and I provide second sheets. My friend has an inj jet and constanly complains about the amount of ink she goes through. It is all a cost of business. But if this is something new, she should put on a $10 charge per month depending on how many letters she is doing. I probably print off 400 sheets per week. Laser hair removal is not permanent....nm . I have the MS 6000 wireless laser And I love it! I used the split ergonomic keyboards (new one about every 6 months!) for the last 10+ years, but this thing is great. Your reach isn't nearly as long as it is with the split ergonomic and my speed has increased on it. It came with the wireless mouse, but I use a trackball so it just got shunted aside. I looked at the 4000, but the "insert" key is in some weird place and I use that a lot. It's in the normal place on the 6000 with the delete key underneath it. My best friend also bought the 6000, going from the split ergonomic, and loves it too. She can't get over how much her speed has increased. It doesn't clack, though!! And I too type with my keyboard in my lap, bought a lapdesk off ebay for about $25. My chair has arms and a bunch of different adjustments for back, neck, etc. It came from Office Depot for about $200. Can they go back in and re-laser imperfections? My parents get their blurring and blips s i have telangiectasia on face. laser treatment - very painful...but works what could be more unsightly that broken veins on the face? well, lucky me, i have them. eveyr few years go in for treatment. electrical zaps to destroy broken blood vessel. Hurts like the dickens though. Can't use pain relievers because it causes constriction of blood vessels, they told me. Laser Hair Removal (for dark hair) I've tried Epilators (basically an electronic tweezer) and wax, but nothing beats Laser HR. It's a bit pricy and takes a few treatments to be 100% effective, but definitely works. No, it is NOT your price to pay SM unless you continue to allow the "price" to be extracted from you. There are companies out there who value what you have to offer. Sounds like it is time for a heart-to-heart with your current company regarding at least being adequately compensated for doing all the crap dictation (believe me, they KNOW you are doing it) and if that fails...MOVE ON. I feel for you and I hope this helps but if you continue to allow yourself to be used/abused to the point it is ruining your life...sorry but don't look to me for sympathy, you DO have options and working at Mickey D's is not the only option. Not sure what that has to do with the price of tea, but I still recommend them. Better than paying a big bill. I average 8000 minutes a month and they do not complain at all. Price It's around 12 cents where I am. However, this is a red flag that they are looking and you should be looking for a new client and dump them. Believe me, they will dump you if they're thinking about it. Too bad, if you're good, good ones are hard to find but they have to find that out the hard way. The buck is top priority. Good luck to you. Where did you get the price? x Sure am. The price of EVERYTHING is going up and the taxes are through the roof, but my pay would go DOWN if I didn't work longer and harder to make the same amount. This really isn't good! but it's life, so we plug along and live (or at least WORK). My price - PS I know my prices sound low but it is gross line and a letter is counted from the date to the signature line and blank lines count. That is the way that the company did prior to me taking the account over, very upfront about it and I continue to do the same and everyone knows about it. So that is why my rate to them in .115 per line but it adds up as they are surgeons. They prefer looking at the lower rate per line. I know it is the "old way" of counting lines -- use word and take the total amount of lines and that is my line count. Now you know why I don't want to give up this account.
Best was would be to price it DHL, UPS, rental the smallest U-haul trailer and drive it home. Network with fellow MTs and see if anyone from that area is headed your way? price To me it seems a little low, depends on if you get a lot of consults or if it is just patient notes. Psych consults can have a lot of tests that take a while to set up in a template but once set up, as long as the dictators dictate them the same way, you can use them. My psych account I do for 11 cpl gross line and we have just converted over to digital. Used to pick up and E-mail back. But I do not have 24 TAT, I pick up on Th/Fri and have to have back by Weds night. Also depends on how may dictators you have and if you can do normals, templates, etc. Also each doc could want the same test set up differently. But you have it now, see how it goes and go from there. If you find it is too low, tell them and up it. Again, depends on if it is chart notes or consults. Sounds like you will be having your hands full to say the least. Congrats and best of luck. I do two psych, one for ADD children/adults and one that does a lot of consults for traumatic brain problems/cognitive and voc rehab. Patti I think the price was too low. somewhere around 11 would have been fair. Of course they say, you only press a button and it pops up. I had a doc tell me about how he dictates the same paragraph with his normals and wanted a discount because of that. I told him he could just add in that part when he got the report back, since it was so easy. In your presentations, keep talking quality when your clients are talking cheap. Show them how nice the finished product is and tell them you would be happy to work with the docs to help them make templates for redundant work so that --here's the kicker-- they don't have to dictate the same thing over and over again. Sell that the technology is for their benefit to make their lives easier. And again, when they say the little "but you only have to" just smile and say, how about if your staff just adds that when it comes back then... Don't feel bad about underbidding. Do a really, really good job - spend some time in the office developing a relationship so they know you are a real person. I like to take my kids with sometimes when I drop by so they know when they sign the check, it's not going to a corp but to a family. Go high end on the service, get it set up so it works real good, then raise your rates. You asked about a fair rate and this rate is not fair to you. Email me with any other questions. We can talk over some of your options and do some trouble shooting.
Not for that price $18+/hour. I make more as an MT, but I would not consider anything less. I took a cheapy $14/hr QA job and the owner treated me like dirt. No way. Seems to me for the price of the book that AAMT should have used spell check before sending it to the publisher. After all, they are the ones who make all the rules, or are they exempt? price is $30, not $70.... She is saying she can download the e-book for $30. The paper book is over twice that much. The e-book is worth that, in my opinion. With the book, you are going to look something up in it twice a year and it will collect dust the rest of the time. The e-book, being right on the computer, *might* get used more often. I repeat, the price of everything, the value of nothing.nm nm Often I think they lie about price, thinking they can . Fair price? I just picked up a new account today but was so unsure of what to tell them in regards to price. It is a psych account, PHP program, and they said they dictate on a total of 150 patients per week at 2 facilities. They said if all goes well, they have 6 more facilities they can add. I was really scared of giving too high of a price and not getting the account, but I also don't want to get ripped off either. I have quoted prices that were too low in the past and really suffered for it. Anyway, I ended up quoting them 0.08 a gross line, which I think is totally fair. They will be using digital recorders and they will be printing the work. What do y'all think?? I want to feel confident about this.... ![]() price per page We may be going to a per page in paying our at home typists. However, it has been a long time since I did this. What is the current rate per page (the employer) to pay for imaging transcription?? price per page I may have to outsource some work to ICs what is the going rate for a company to pay for radiology reports, I was told 1.75 to 2.00 does that sound right. I hate doing line counts. Any thing will help. Thanks price of gas and daycare I have a 30 mile round trip to my job. After being home for a few years on and off, it finally hit home that I needed bennies. So I bit the bullet and went to work at a hospital doing acute care. I take the bus every day. Much cheaper per week to ride the bus than putting gas in my car and my boss lets me flex my time as needed. I made a list of pros and cons and the bennies were the deciding factor as they are excellent. Much better than what I had which was zippo...Good luck in whatever you decide to do. ![]() Give them to him for a price. Calculate how much time and energy went into making those and charge accordingly. You deserve your money. price per page What would you charge per page for radiology reports? You know some are a few lines for hands, feet, etc. and others (CT, MRI) are lengthy. sk Great price ... does it come in colors other than white? Laser printer quality? Or just ink jet quality? My client used to use sticky paper but decided after a couple of years it was not cost effective and switched to regular paper. They might be interested in switching back at this price. Thanks in advance! Price per Depending upon the complexity of the dictation it can take anywhere from three to six hours. If there are multiple speakers it would be on the high end. The question should be can I work for 4 to 6 hours for $60? That works out to $15 ph for 4 hours and only $10 ph for 6 hours work. Definitely expect to spend more time than you think on any given dictation as the contractor will always tell you it's "easy". If they are paying by the "hour" instead of by the line or page you will be the one taken advantage of! I, for one, cannot work for less than $20 ph. Nor should we. We're educated medical language specialists. Yay, a new one! Might get a good price, too, with s are these always $15, this is not a sale price? Radio Shack rocks for the stuff I need. Especially when I can get memory chips for my digital camera dirt cheap. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND TO ALL GOOD NIGHT. Great price if you have a Mac but I have XP. I wonder if it's the same program for both. Thanks for the update though! I used it last night and it's a pretty nice program. Again, thanks! That the price of the barrel has gone DOWN a lot! nm nm PRICE RANGE I think you would be very ambitious and over-reaching if you charged 15 cents a line to think that you were competing with the nationals. It sounds like she is new to transcription and has no way to gauge what she should charge. If she is by herself, she is not going to be able to handle a clinic account or a hospital account by herself. They will give her over 5000 lines a day. She needs to be realistic on what she can handle before she thinks about what she can charge them. This is a price for me to have the account I was going to give them a price and I was wondering if this was about right. It is family practice clinic work. They may not go for it. I am just going to give them a price and see what they think. My husband's cousin is really good friends with one of the nurse practioners in the office and I was going to let him put in a good word for me. No ONE should do VR for that ridiculous price. Mine is 4 cpl and with straight intermixed you can make a decent salary. |
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