Laptops - I am clueless!
Posted By: teacup on 2007-07-28
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Sorry if this is a really dumb question but are all laptops equipped for headsets and foot pedals? I hate all my wires and am considering going with a laptop and wireless connection to do my work but I'm not sure if you can plug in your foot pedal and headset?
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No, they sure don't. But then again, I have to remember doing this on a typewriter........ then I would have had to do the whole thing over instead of just going back and editing. Small comfort anyway :)
sorry for being clueless here but
where are you guys seeing where all the MT week prizes are?
I think you are right - the MD's in a hospital setting very well may not know who/where there dictations are going to as it is the hospital's decision to contract with a company.
If a patient sits down to check in at hospital and is presented with a release/consent form to sign stating that they agree to have their medical record information sent overseas, THEN you will see results.
I have a letter in the works to my state senators. I don't know who else to send it to. The news media? The whole thing makes me sick.
I am paying for services rendered when I go for medical treatment and the last thing I want to do is contribute to the wealth of an offshore transcription company to have access to my information and potentially screw up my report because they don't understand the nuances of the English language. How many doctors sign off on reports without reading them? That's a whole different thread, and that particular topic makes me absolutely crazy!
Absolutely, its happening in my office also. I have been there for 4 years, from the beginning. I set up the dictation system, worked with IT, MDs etc to make this work correctly. Then set up the transcriptionists with a global pool. The most of the work was done in 24 to 36. Now, new girl wants to reinvent the wheel.. going back to one person at each facility... Then, good portion of the work is given to an IC. I had to release most of my part time coverage because of internal issues, but of course its all due to transcription. I am so sick of hearing this. My job is done when the doc signs off on the report. What happens in the file room is another story. Reports not faxed to MD or copies in the charts.
What I really wanted to tell the OM is to sit and do my job for the day, take the dozens of calls because your help can't use a computer to located something and try to produce quality work.
Loyalty can only go so far..I may have to jump ship soon.
Maybe someone can help me figure out exactly what my employer is asking for here -- because I certainly can't seem to wrap my brain around it. I work for an EXTREMELY busy cardiologist who is, quite frankly, quite spoiled (more than the norm) and bascially wants to be spoon-fed everything. As it stands now, he doesn't dictate anything at all; he writes everything down (or his nurse does) and I transcribe from written copy. However, he has received several complaints from lots of different sources regarding horrible handwriting, and he has come up with what he thinks is the bright idea of having someone follow him around - everywhere - with a laptop to record everything he says, freeing him from having to write down anything. Now, in our main clinic and satellite cllinics, I can see this as doable; we have laptops in each exam room with SOAPWARE installed, an electronic patient record system. I can see him having someone in there to do this as he speaks. But he isn't wanting to stop there. He wants someone to follow him as he makes his rounds at the hospital, sees patients in the ER, etc., and I cannot figure out how this can be practical. It seems like he wants to dictate, right? That's what it logically sounds like. I suggested this. No, no, he says. That will cause a "delay". What??? How would following him around with a laptop be any better, when you figure that you still have to dock someplace to print it off and give it to the hospital staff. It makes me tired to even think about trying to follow this hyper physician around 18 hours a day (which is what he would expect). I think the man is crazy, to be honest. But I'm wondering, has anyone known of any physician to take on such an endeavor as this? I just can't seem to grasp the whole idea of what he wants, and I can't hold him still long enough to get him to really explain himself. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance
You're so right on the money! A personal assistant DOES seem to be what he wants. I suggested the hand held digital recorder to him but in his own mind it's not the same thing (when all of us know that it really would be). yes, he's quite spoiled.
Clueless but not completely
I’m somewhat clueless and really don’t know what to do. I have over 5 years of distant (1973-1978) orthopedic experience, before MT was a hot item and have been working as an IC for one person for 2.5 years, doing mainly Urology and Urology-related Radiology. I have not had formal MT training. In reading all these board messages I don’t totally get it, i.e. Acute care, what is it? I just found out what the Basic 4 are. I feel like a moron even though I know I’m not. Nonetheless, I’m not getting enough work, have submitted a few resumes to a few sites. Am wondering if I need to get formal training/certification. I was lucky to get what I did without the certification, but I’m ready to go further in terms of specialities, OP reports, consultations, etc. But, I am apprehensive about the whole enchilada. Is anyone out there who has been in my shoes? Any advice and/or recommendations would be appreciated.
I am so clueless about DVI, C-phone,
I see an ad for work and he is requiring a DVI or c-phone. I have worked on a Lanier before but can't tell you what model. Does it even matter. I bought a DVI system from and had to return it. It was not compatible with what the company was looking for. Can anyone shed some light on this. I am thinking if I purchased the Lanier it will work for whatever situation, but not sure if the model matters. Also, how is it different from DVI or C-phone?
Another clueless statement made.
There are LOTS of MTs out that there will say ANYTHING and promise ANYTHING until the time comes to get the work done.
References are generally used for employee situations and the company will only be given information on people who will give a favorable reference.
In business, the customer comes first. Any IC worth anything will understand that and make sure that their customer (the company) is happy; otherwise, they won't have customers.
Silly you.
Thanks everyone for your help. I am wanting to go wireless and am clueless.
They're clueless about tense
I want to know how anybody with such a pathetic grasp of sentence structure can make it through med school?!!?!? Appears they've never heard of the word "an", hence "a" enema, "a" 8-French catheter, etc.. Never make the tense or verb agree. They spell words that are new to them but I've typed a thousand times. They whisper, mumble and drop syllables. But they all spell out 'n-o NO" every time they use it (unless that syllable gets dropped).
And the women - 3/4 of them apologize at least once a sentence whether they make a mistake or not! "The patient had - I'm sorry - the patient had a history of diabetes - I'm sorry, the patient had a history of diabetes mellitus". ARRGH!
One chick in particular I just want to shake until her teeth rattle - ESL, she speaks until her breath runs out, takes a deep breath, and does it again, putting the wrong stress on syllables for even the most normal words "dem ON strate" for "DEM on strate" - and every dang time she dictates multiple views "axial T2, axial T1, etc.' - says "was" performed, not "were". At least a couple times a day I catch myself yelling "its PLEURAL you stupid @)$(#)*!". Oh, for 5 minutes alone with her to beat it into her head, that's all I ask!!!
Happened to me too -- won't let me post, even after I entered the address. I am clueless. :( n
The problem with this field today is that those in charge are clueless.
They are only interested in TAT, not quality. People who have some useless initials behind their name and they're the ones who make the decisions that affect all of us. They have no idea what is correct and what isn't. As long as the reports get done and in the chart that's good enough for them. They have their cushy jobs and tons of money and us going crippled for slave wages and all is good with their world. Things will only get worse, and I doubt they'll get better. I am trying to think of other options. Don't have any idea what, but I can't take this abuse anymore.
Laptops sm
I would appreciate knowing how much memory the laptop needs, as mine is pretty slow. My desktop has more than enough, so could I plug my laptop into the tower of my desktop? Sounds crazy, but I would not have to move the monitor, just the tower case if I'm going to be at another location, that in itself would be so very helpful. Is this possible? Have USB ports available on both. Also (dumb question) do you use a footpedal or function keys?
for those of you using laptops
I've been looking into getting one for my son who's going off to college - which ones do you use and are happy/not happy with? Thanks!
Do any of you work on a laptop and how do you like it? Which one do you have? What do you consider the pros and cons? Thanks
We bought our son a Toshiba, satellite series laptop 3 years ago and it is a good one, added memory to it also, hope our luck continues with it.
A laptop will work FINE with ANY platform including Dictaphone ExText -- I have had mine since 2006 and it is an HP and I run XP Pro on it with Word 2000 -- I also purchased a four hub USB port to plug into my bottom USB port and have four available ports for my other devices -- I also run a Sprint USB card on my laptop and have NO problems whatsoever -- also, for you people that want to know about "wireless" -- if you DONT have a wireless network setup at home be it a laptop or desktop it WILL NOT work!!!! If you have a neighbor that has a wireless network, if it is a private network, you wont be able to access it -- people want the convenience of a laptop and "thinking they can work outside" -- think about battery life etc -- my laptop is plugged in just like a desktop would be and NEVER outside -- also, being outside half the time you cannot see the screen -- wireless keyboard and mouse as well for comfort and footpedal to work with -- think about you "home setup" before buying a laptop cause it may be more headache than it is worth
I use my laptop and my cell phone as internet connection. I do not use the card slot for the PC but am Bluetooth directly to connection with internet.. I have used my laptop while in the car, hubby driving, of course. It is really great. I use an external keyboard so that does slow me down in the car when i use the keyboard from the laptop but if I need to begin my weekend early I can and travel for the last few hours of my shift
Laptops now have just as much memory, hard drive size, and use the same CPUs as desktop or tower computer systems.
Also, the Acer (or other brand) you get from Walmart is identical to the one you'll buy from an electronics store...and you'll pay more.
The only reason I'd go to an electronics store is if I needed something installed on the system, like additional memory or a different operating system than the one that comes "standard" (Vista Home Premium for Acers and many others now) or something like that. And, even if I needed something like that I probably would just order it with whatever "customizations" I needed directly from the company over the Internet.
Advantage of Laptops?
Another poster asked how many MTs use laptops, and that got me wondering what the advantage to a laptop would be. I understand traveling, but it sounds like some use it for home.
I guess what I'm getting at is that I'm trying to figure out how I can transcribe outside on the back deck with a C-phone and computer (I live in a rural area). I guess a laptop, extension cords, and moving with the sun would probably be logical, but are there any problems with that scenario that anyone can think of? Does anyone have any other ideas for outdoor transcription? I get kind of lonely during the day, so I thought the outdoors might help. Also, work wants me to transcribe 2 hours before breaking! Even though I'm new with this company, I haven't met that goal yet. Thought I would try some new scenery, if it's possible! ');>
More about laptops, would you share?
What brand do you have? What specs, actual screen size, hard drive, RAM, ports? Do you have a parallel port for your foot pedal? Do you have a docking station? I'm looking and am curious what everyone else is using.
should not use laptops on
Read months ago in news articles that men should not use laptops on their laps due to radiation to their male body parts and affecting sperm counts...
it can be googled for verification
I have 2 laptops, 1 in case something happens to the other, but
99% of the time I have used the same laptop the entire time. I do work full-time and until recently worked 7 days a week, so it has gotten lots of use. I've also traveled quite a bit with my laptop so it has taken lots of wear and tear.
laptops are no different than desktops.
You most likely won't have a serial port or game port connection on a laptop unless you have it customized, but there will be several USB ports and most everything these days comes with USB connections. There will be a place for headphones on any computer. As far as the rest of the stuff it is the same and you would look for the same things as if you were buying a desktop. I was told recently though that the Sony Viao run hot and that they weren't really made for a mobile type situation.
If you want to travel you have to know all your internet options because you'll find yourself in various situations and your primary option may not be available for some reason, so you always have to have a backup plan.
Opinion on
Would anybody mind telling me which type of laptop pc they prefer....Toshiba vs. HP, type of processor etc. that they prefer ex.AMD, core duo etc. Considering getting myself one but there are so many out there with so many different specs it is getting quite confusing. You are welcome to e-mail if you wish. I would appreicate any input that I can get to help sort it all out.
Thank you so much......
speaking of laptops
how do you sit outside when you need a foot pedal?? laptop knowledge is sort of new to me also. Thanks!!
Looking at Dell laptops, need help
I am going to purchase my first laptop with Dell but have no clue which one to get. I will be working from home with it so I am not too concerned with wireless internet connection and all that. Does anyone have any advice?
I use laptops
I have used a laptop exclusively for years and years and have never had a problem with the screen. I currently have an HP with a 17" screen and keep it constantly during the week. It is about a year old and is just fine. My old one that is for personal use is still going strong after 3-1/2 years.
Any advice on laptops? sm
I'm searching for a laptop to use occasionally. I have a Dell desktop, but have heard some bad things about their laptops. A friend did tell me that Acer has a good reputation for their laptops.
Any/all advice appreciated.
Ish will never by a Dell again!!!
Laptops and traveling
I have two accounts that I work on. My account during the week we don't have strict times, just a time you have to have files done by, so that does allow for a little more ease. On the weekend I cover for a small 50 bed hospital, so sometimes I may have 20 files, sometimes I may have 2. The one on the weekend has a special footpedal that you can only use with their program, but it really isn't that awkward in the car. The one during the week I can use a foot pedal or use F2 to start/stop, F3 to rewind, F4 to FF. At first I was a little slow with this but now I don't find my speed any different with using F2 or with the foot pedal.
It takes some getting used to, but where i live it takes forever to get somewhere, and it's really nice to be able to get some work done. I actually got to make some extra money the other day. My mom drives for a trucking company and they needed someone to take her to get her truck. So she drove my truck to go get it (about an hour away) and I worked the whole time. Got paid a $100 bucks to ride in my truck and work! Of course that was like a one time deal.
The best for me though is getting to go to Florida and visit my dad who is 6 hours away. I can still take my work and work on the road with a pc card (about $60 a month) and not have to take time off. Just have to make sure you discipline yourself to work and not chat with hubby! :)
Like I said, it takes some getting used to, but it comes in handy!
Employees Using Laptops
If you are working from home as an employee, do any of you have employers who allow you to use laptops? If so, does the company provide those, or are you required to buy your own?
working on laptops
How nice for the MTs out there who can work on their laptops. At Amphion you work from their computer. I tried to be able to get to work on my laptop and got shut down, confidentiality reasons, etc. I only wish I could go outside or be more comfortable than my desk and chair setup. I bet I would be much more productive. Anyone from Amphion who is working on their laptop please let me know how, I would really appreciate it.
Verizon has a card for laptops (sm)
$60 a month for unlimited high speed access from anywhere you can get a signal. I have a Verizon cell phone and get pretty good coverage with it.
problem with laptops is
o.k. to do a little here and a little there but can't imagine putting in 6-8 hour days routinely. The keyboards are just too small and set too far back. Plus are you balancing it on your knees at Starbucks or what? For heavy production, you need a good chair and desk set up. Tempting to have one to carry around though and jump on line now and then while at the football game...
RE: For those of you who use laptops - where do you do most of your work, i.e. in a recliner (sm)
at a desk, at the kitchen table, etc.?? Just curious. I'm serious wanting a laptop so I don't have to be chained to this desk
Notebook/Laptops with calculator key pad?
I am in search of the brands of notebook/laptops that have the calculator key pad on the keyboard. I really do not want to have to buy a separate calculator key pad to carry around along with the headphones and a foot pedal. So, can you all tell me which brands have the calculator key pad already on the keyboards? Thanks MT Mom
HP laptops come with keypads. Mine and DH's both have
Not all HP's have them. Ours do though. I use an ergo keyboard plugged in via USB though when I'm doing transcription. I just got mine in January so they probably still have some.
laptops and foot pedals
Hi. could you explain a little further how the hot keys works versus foot pedal? thanks for helping me out. I feel so out of it with some of this.
I just got my 5th Dell---have 2 laptops and 3 desktops - sm
My laptop which I bought used about 5 years ago has been acting up for about a year, so expect it to die soon, so bought a new/used Dell laptop to replace that (use for travel only basically). My desktop crashed last year, got it fixed, bought a backup though about 8 months ago to replace that one. My everyday one finally died right after Christmas. On my backup desktop used Dell now, but this is supposed to be my younger daughters computer (and just my backup for emergencies); so I went and ordered a new Dell last week (with XP though), just got it and plan on setting it up over the weekend. I am very happy with the Dell product. My first one lasted 6 years, my used laptop is about 8 years old and still going though it is dying, my new/used laptop is about 2 years old and in great shape; my backup is also about 2-3 years old but I expect it will last longer than 6 years as it will not be abused like my regular desktop. I am sure I will be happy with the new one. I had a Gateway before and it died after 4 years, so I find Dell more reliable.
Docs with laptops instead of recording sm
It's happening, docs typing in only what they feel necessary as they see you and your PMH only as necessary, you may have been through a lot in the past but don't think they care, they only want what they can efficiently store & do themselves. That's a fact! It's sad!
Laptops and foot pedals
I just discovered that the foot pedal I use with Bayscribe does not fit into my laptop! The foot pedal has a 9-pin connection and the laptop has mostly only USB portals. I don't want to buy a new foot pedal. Is there any sort of adapters or some other way to make this work?
Laptops and Satellite/Wireless Internet
Does anybody work off a laptop and have a wireless or satellite internet connection? Just wondering because we'd like to do some traveling and it would be nice to be able to work also and not have to use so much PTO time, etc?
All internet-based accounts &
Excuse me for being so dense about this, but what kind of laptop and internet connection do you all get that enables you to work outdoors or on the road? Can this work for anybody on any internet-based account? Do you just plug your foot pedal in your laptop, hook up to internet (but how do you connect to the internet when you are outside or camping?) and go to work. If someone could explain this to me in detail, I would very much appreciate it. TIA
Been using a laptop only for 7 years now. Some laptops aren't
meant to be mobile, at least that what a salesman told me. I was looking at the Sony Viao and he said there weren't really meant to be mobile, at least not as their main function. Get a good padded case, use an external keyboard. Anything you get off the shelf these days should be enough for you to work on. I'd get one that had a DVD player just in case you want to watch movies while traveling. I'd get a minimum of 512 RAM, preferably twice that.
With all the back to school sales now is a good time to be buying a laptop. Also, if your state has a tax-free weekend (ours is this weekend) you can save another $200.
I'd make sure you had enough USB ports to plug in everything you need. You can always buy a USB hub for $20 or less if you need more.
Be sure and get the extended warranty. If you need repairs it will pay for itself the first time.
Whatever you get don't get Vista. It might be hard to find one without it unless you order it. I'm not sure if you can dump Vista and install Windows or not.
Whatever you get give yourself a couple of weeks to try it out at home and make a check list of all you need to take with you. I've traveled and left my external keyboard at home, I've left the adapter to convert my PS/2 keyboard to USB, and I think I even left my power cord once, so it is good to have a checklist so you don't forget stuff.
When I upgrade my Stedman's I get the electronic ones so when I travel I have them on my computer and don't have to worry about carrying my books, or not being able to look things up if I don't have constant internet access.
We have a few Acer laptops in our family. No probs. nm
You could start by reading other posts re: laptops on this board.
Click on "See Related Messages" in your OP.
Vista is on all the new laptops, no problem, support will guide you through. nm
I've searched and not all Dell laptops have the parallel port.
So I just wanted to check to see more specifics from those who have. Thanks.
Go do and click on laptops. To the far right is an icon that says "looking for Windows
If you click on that, they offer computers that have XP on them already. I have not checked into this, but the prices listed are the same as for Vista computers. You might check it out, and let us know if it is legitimate. Good luck.