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Posted By: Rebecca on 2005-09-06
In Reply to: Phone company problems. - Makayla

Just to let you know I have had the same problem.  I got on-line and typed in 1 cent a minute and got a calling card with number and prepay for 1 cent a minute.  It is 49 cents to connect and 99 cents a month to use their service.  Heck of a deal.  I work 6 to 7 days a week and can't afford 400 plus a week for a long distance bill.  Go to www.net2phone.com and go to long distance card.  You can purchase 2500 minutes for only 25.00! Use a credit card or debit card to purchase.  Also read the fine print.. when you finish typing and want to call someone else on your Lanier or Dictaphone, BEFORE hanging up, hit the # key three times and it will bring you back to the operator for the LD service and you can type in your next number and this will keep you from paying 49 cents again for connection.  Just trying to be helpful.  Don't mind sharing the low cost advantages to other MT's out there.  Rebecca :-)

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