Just saw your post about how sore
Posted By: Kristy on 2007-12-12
In Reply to: Elbow pain - C.J.
your elbow really is at this point (just to touch). If it is inflamed in any way, go with ice (on 10 min/off 10 min - on covered skin)for a few days. Then do moist heat/ice alternating for a couple days. Do the massage and stretching, as I mentioned in post below, as tolerated (keeping consistent with the 7-8/10 on pain scale). Also, make sure your elbows are not lower than your hands when you are typing. Let me know how it goes.
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- Elbow pain - C.J.
- Just saw your post about how sore - Kristy
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Sore neck, sore eyes sm
Depends - if you are young, have the time and need the money, at least it's work. Did it years ago, no "day at the beach" so to say and the ESL's write like they talk, so be prepared to try to figure out what they are trying to say. "He can't get alone with the neighbor." Alone - along - a loan???? " The pt. drink 1-1/2 6 can beer per day." - A six pack and a half??? 9 cans??? Good luck anyway, Honey.
sore arm
I found that it is not from MTing, but actually from leaning on 1 arm/side too much. I had this myself about a week ago on my left side only and found that when I modified how I was sitting, sitting more centered, that the pain has totally gone away with no meds or injections.
sore fingertips
I also type 10 to sometimes 12 hours a day between my regular 40 hour a week job and extras that I do - I found my right thumb was getting soooo tender so I have since improvised and put a foam ring (that is actually for toes) on it to take the brunt of my hitting the space bar all the time. It works wonders and can't do without it now. But never had any other trouble with fingertips....
And sore wrists. Have you tried any of these?
Smart Gloves. Google them. They're wonderful. About $20 bucks apiece but well worth the money.
Carpal tunnel type straps. Wal Mart. $10 bucks apiece.
I have both and I alternate.
I ended up with numbness in my right index finger, but after buying these, it just went away after a few weeks. My fingers and wrists have some discomfort on occasion, but nothing like they were before.
One more thing, and I know people that do this, if you do "pound" the keyboard with your fingertips, relax those hands, elbows and shoulders and just tap. If that doesn't work, you may want to get a better keyboard.
Good luck!
Sore elbow(s)
I use elbow pads to save my shoulders & neck, but find that continually resting my elbows on anything (or keeping them bent at a 90-degree angle or greater) for any period of time exacerbates the pain. My problem is bone-spurs in the elbows - combination of arthritis and/or overuse from sports, etc. But typing, sleeping with it bent, etc. do make it worse. I've found gentle exercises on the machines at the gym to be helpful, provided I don't overdo it. I also use glucosamine & chondroitin supplements for a knee problem that might help a little.
Sometimes sleeping curled around an extra pillow, with my arm stretched out underneath it to help prevent it from being over-bent, seems to help. Also avoiding over-use. I try to keep my med. dictionary on my desk during the day, so I don't have to reach for it, and when I first take it off the shelf in the morning, I do it while standing up to lessen the stress on the joint.
When it does flare up, I've experimented with different pain remedies to find what is most effective. While aspirin works best on some of my parts, my own elbow pain seems to respond best to extra-strength Tylenol, and second-best to two ibuprofen (even though the bottle says take just one.) And the neck and shoulder pain is best relieved by Flexall cream, second-best by ibuprofen.
Best of luck finding the right cure!
sore elbows
I have used a tennis elbow brace that is worn around the forearm right under the elbow. Really helps.
sore elbows
In a way it's nice to know I'm not the only one who has this problem. Not that I wish pain on anybody... :)
Fortunately, I did not need any injections. I had physical therapy--heat, iontophoresis, and exercises--and anti-inflammatories.
The occupational health physician I saw also recommended a keyboard tray adjusted so that my arms were at a 90-degree angle while typing. I know someone mentioned having their arms at that angle made it worse, but my problem at that time was having my keyboard too low so that my arms were going down. Changing the angle did help.
Now when I have a flare-up, ibuprofen usually helps as well as a topical gel called Biofreeze which I buy it from my chiropractor but some independent pharmacies carry it, also.
Sore loser
Grow up
sore elbow
Just yesterday I noticed a lump on my forearm, just above the elbow. It is sore and has a red spot just on top of the lump, but the red just fades into almost nothing (which is just smaller than a dime), and the lump is actually lumpy, but seems to spread into a mass a couple of inches long. Anyone have any experience with something similar to this? I don't want to go to the doctor unless I have to because I know they will want to do an MRI, and all of that "stuff," (so if anyone has had anything like this and may have an idea what it is I would appreciate hearing from you). Thank you.
sore wrists
I use Oregano Oil on my wrists and the tops of my hands. Sometimes it hurts to lift fingers and I run the Oregano Oil along those bones.
sore back
I just moved from a hospital setting to typing at home and I am dying, too. At the hospital, they had these articulating keyboard arms that positioned up and down and forward and backward. I had my keyboard raised and close to me so that I could lean completely back in my chair and type comfortably. I researched those online and they are expensive little boogers. I will be getting one soon. My back is worth it. Look at Office Depot. I think they are listed as articulating keyboard something or another.
Sore back
I too have a bad back and I get backaches when I type. I see a chiropractor once a week and he showed me some stretches that help. I also have a support for my lower back. As far as the keyboard, I use a split keyboard and make sure my wrists are straight when typing.
Anyone have a solution for a sore behind??
I just recently bought a new chair, recommended on one of the sites and it wasn't cheap by any means. But my butt gets so sore when I sit for days. I've tried putting a pillow under me, but that doesn't seem to help very much. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Boy oh boy, have you ever hit on a sore spot with me! -(sm)
I'm up against the same thing with that da**ed BOS. Every other day, it's something. Put a dash between words. Don't put a dash between words. And then each account varies from the BOS in its own unique and utterly ridiculous ways. Frequently the BOS goes against what's correct punctuation and writing style.
This whole BOS cow-pucky is keeping a lot of people busy, and in all the wrong ways. We're so busy worrying about the absurd minutia that BOS tells us is Law, that it's harder and harder to get a decent day's worth of transcribing done.
If MT co's want to use the BOS, then they should tell their clients that that's the standard they're going to be using. But no, every account, even every DOCTOR, wants it their way. I have no problem with typing every account and every doctor their way, but then I sure don't want QA flooding my inbox with marked-up reports, telling me I've done it wrong.
I truly believe that the whole purpose of BOS (besides making couple of shady characters very, very wealthy, is to further justify paying us less and eventually driving American MT's entirely out of the field. An MT can be very experienced, accurate, and fast, but if you keep playing the shell-game with the account specifications, and changing them up every other day, no one on earth is going to be able to keep up with all that and maintain a high QA score.
And the bottom line? Since WHEN does it matter to patient care (which is SUPPOSED to be the bottom line in the medical industry) whether you spell out numbers below 10, or type them in numerals? Since when does it matter if the date is March 14 or 3/14? It DOESN'T! When the doctors check our reports to sign, or before going into surgery, etc., does anyone really think they give a rat's backside about whether we capitalized "operating room", or spelled out the number ten? All that matters is accuracy and readability! The almighty BOS doesn't matter to them one iota.
This whole BOS/QA analness of MT is driving me crazy, too, because it's all about being jerked around.
Sore neck and shoulders
This is the first year that I have had this type of pain. There is nothing that will relieve it and if there is the slightest movement of my computer screen or anything out of the ordinary, there it goes. I am afraid surgery is in my future. I do take breaks and your schedule sounds good. Thanks for the information....
Oh grow up - such a sore loser!
Sore left pinky...
Mine gets like that from time to time as well. I tend to stretch it out too far. Usually I'll tape my ring finger and pinkie together with athletic tape (loosely, not as if splinting) for an hour or so to let it rest, and then go back to business as normal.
I'm hoping this will rectify itself when I get an ergo keyboard.
ExText-sore thumb
Does anybody have trouble with a sore left thumb from doing speech recognition in ExText? I have been doing it now for 5 months and have constant pain in my thumb. Just wondered if there was a better way of doing it.
No but I have a sore left pinky from doing
That is also a very sore spot, I agree
I requested the same thing about 2 months ago, could a physician pleaseeeeeee spell a name, especially when wanting a cc sent and was told if I could not find, just to pend the note and so I do. Why they are so against asking for a spelling is just beyond me. That should be a no brainer but noooooo, don�t get a high and mighty physician upset.
Any ideas for sore fingers and hands?
I do hand stretches and massage my fingers, but they are so sore from typing. I can still type very fast, just so sore doing it. Also, my thumb and index finger are drawing toward my palm more so than my other hand. Does anyone know what could cause this?
Also, does anyone else get muscle spasms in their feet while typing? javascript:editor_insertHTML('text','');
Have you had a sore throat lately? Don't call me crazy, but....
My legs from the calves down, and especially my ankles, have been swollen
since about the first part of February. I walk around like a "weeble-wobble" doll.
And I thought, gosh, am I too fat?!, eating too much salt?!
Why don't they go down overnight or when I prop them up?
Well, finally I found out that I probably have Hoen-Schoenlein (or something like that) purpura.
They say it recurs. It usually is in kids, but can happen in adults.
IT HAPPENS AFTER A SORE THROAT. It is in the autoimmune family. Sometimes they will give you steroids for it -- but mostly you have to just ride it out.
They really don't know what causes it - but like I said they do suspect it comes in correlation with a sore throat.......and I have had that horrible flu that hit in Feb and I have had recurrence of the flu/sore throat about every 6 wks (as do a lot of the folks I know).
They say the purpura/swollen legs and ankles can last for 6-8 wks or longer.
So, if you have really funky swollen legs and don't have luck with them going down after leaving off salt, drinking plenty of water, and not drinking caffeinated drinks -- it may be HENOCH-SCHONLEIN purpura.
What is HSP?
Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP or anaphylactoid purpura) is a form of blood vessel inflammation or vasculitis. There are many different conditions that feature vasculitis. Each of the forms of vasculitis tends to involve certain characteristic blood vessels. HSP affects the small arterial vessels called capillaries in the skin and frequently the kidneys. HSP results in skin rash (most prominent over the buttocks and behind the lower extremities associated with joint inflammation (arthritis) and sometimes cramping pain in the abdomen.
What causes HSP?
HSP occurs most often in the spring and frequently follows an infection of the throat or breathing passages. HSP seems to represent an unusual reaction of the body's immune system that is in response to this infection (either bacteria or virus). Aside from infection, drugs can also trigger the condition. HSP occurs most commonly in children, but persons of all age groups can be affected.
What are symptoms of HSP?
Classically, HSP causes skin rash, pain in the abdomen, and joint inflammation (arthritis). Not all features need be present for the diagnosis. The rash of skin lesions appears in gravity-dependent areas, such as the legs. The joints most frequently affected with pain and swelling are the ankles and the knees. Patients with HSP can develop fever. Inflammation of the blood vessels in the kidneys can cause blood and/or protein in the urine. Serious kidney complications are infrequent, but can occur. Sometimes a biopsy of skin and/or kidney is used in assisting the diagnosis, which is typically made based on the clinical findings.
Symptoms usually last approximately a month. Recurrences are not frequent, but do occur.
Do you all type when you are sick? I woke up this morning with a sore throat and a stiff achy
neck and my body was kind of stiff all over, but I ignored it, got the kids off to school, and went about my usual routine of having my morning coffee and reading the paper. I don't start work until noon every day. As the morning wore on, my body got achier and achier and I started having chills and basically had to huddle under three blankets so I would quit shivering. I took my temperature and it was 102.3 and I'm wonder if I have strep throat or something. I tend to pick that up about once a year and amy pretty familiar with the symptoms.
I couldn't bare the thought of calling sick especially because I work at home and I always think it's kind of lame to call in sick when you don't physically have to go much farther then down the stairs. I always feel extremely guilty whenever I have called in for illness in the past. Do you guys feel that way? Like we're somehow not entitled to take sick days because we already working from home. I mean, I have them accrued and I am truly sick, why should I feel bad about taking one when I actually need it?
Anyway, I took a handful of Motrin and the aching has eased up and I'm sweating like a pig so the fever broke for now, and now I just feel really tired and would love to lay down and take a nap, but just feel like I shouldn't and dread the idea of calling my boss.
Oh well, guess I'll suffer through like I always do. Every once in a while working at home doesn't feel quite fair.
Should just post all their open positions in one post and only be allowed to post one of those a day
Has anyone else had this sore throat/tickly throat/cough
It started with a mild sore throat, then went to a REALLY BAD sore throat, tickly throat so I coughed and couldn't sleep, started getting a runny nose, then sinuses stuffy/sinus headache, sore throat got worse - was starting to think it was strep. Yesterday was the worst; felt like crap. Last night - started to feel better! Finally last night I was able to SLEEP. Today I have felt SO much better. Not back to normal, but at least I was able to drink a cup of coffee. Every other day I have poured myself a cup and then it just sat on my desk all day. My throat is MUCH better and althought I am getting twinges of pain in it from time to time, it's not constant like it has been the last several days. I don't like this, whatever it is!
I would think it was strep except DD had it too and she got over it. She said her teacher had it and the teacher said her doctor told her it's a viral thing.
NOTE: The above sticky post prize changes as someone wins. Inside that post is
I don't understand what your post has to do with original post of TIMED tests. NM
Post deleted -- Do not post e-mail addresses. (NM)
Ignore my post. I finally found the post on how to do this. nm
Yes, I tried to post same last night about 10 times, and it won't let me post.
I used to breed lab puppies (please no activist flames)! I had a champion female white Canadian lab, and people would be on a list for years if by chance I bred her, which I did twice, and so that I could continue her line. Anyhow, she's my sweet Skye who passed away 2 months ago? At any rate, we had the same problems with kids in the "hood" who wanted to come over and play once the puppies were old enough to be exercised daily and played with. At first I thought, how cute, right? Puppies and little kids - what better picture! Well, the majority of kids were adorable, but there were always 1 or 2 sick ones who would smack the pups, smash and hold their heads in the dirt (a real common thing, but I don't know why - psychiatrist anyone). At any rate, I finally had to ban the whole group due to the 1 or 2 creeps, had to call the police, the whole 9 yards, and that's EXACTLY what the police officer told me - next thing is there will be poison meat or a donut in the yard. He told me to always go out and patrol my yard, especially alone the fence line every day before I let the dogs out, particularly at night. I went out with a flashlight. It was about a month later, but sure enough - poison meat. Because there were so many kids involved, we obviously couldn't pin point the exact family, but the police went and read the riot act to them all. It would stop and not happen again for a year or so, but every now and again we would find something. My dogs were NEVER out and barking, so it was nothing like that - it was just over the puppies and the cruel kids.... Not trying to freak you, but that's the way these kids and their families are. You can really judge someone's character by ill treatment of a PUPPY, of all things. And the parents?? They sound whacked. Please be careful.
Sorry, I posted this post under the wrong post
The job post has been removed and they are unable to post further.
my post did not all post in the subject, my apologies...
I think you can get the idea.
Excellent post! I copied this post and...
am going to show it to my shrink so he can understand my frustration with my new "profession!" By the way, how much you wanna bet he pulls in 300$ an hour and has two years of schooling on me! Hmmmmmmm. Okay, you flamers, don't tell me to go back to school...I am thinking about it. Hmmmm
Because my post was deleted in reference to the above post, sm
Ladies-once again, I apologize for coming across as a witch in the above post. I appreciate the links and the time spent on posting them.
OOPS. Post for magnent post below...nm
Ah, I really meant to post that under the original post
Though it was gourdpainter's post which inspired me to post that suggestion.
Ah, I really meant to post that under the original post
Though it was gourdpainter's post which inspired me to post that suggestion.
Here's an URL for the medical transcription division of PRN Funding, BTW:
what mean post made you post your post
Which mean post was the straw that broke the poster's back.
Yes, she had post partum depression AND post partum psychosis. I posted on this a while back, and
it explained the two. The psychosis actually develops after the depression. Scary stuff.
Instead of clicking Post Quick Reply, go to the box further down on the left that says Post Reply to
Post about Companys on the Company board, post job ads on the Job Seeker board
If your post is removed, it is likely because you did not post on
the right board. We only have 9 boards now, so if your post fits in one of those categories, do not post on the Main board or your post will be deleted with no explanation.
My 1st post was to post about person who has
Yes, you can. Click on any post and your post
Don't they post that information when they post the
job listing?
Thank you for your post
You posted it like it is. What about this young boys parents?? What was he doing out at 2-3 in the morning?? What kind of parent would allow that?? No where have these posters who are blaming the victim even tried to put blame on this boy. Amazing. I hate to say it but the old cliche is true. very few women stand together or help each other, the claws come out and they attack each other. This young boy has told several different accounts of what happened that night. My take is that they put a date rape drug in her drink, as some of her friends said she was acting strangely.
Thank you for your post
You posted it like it is. What about this young boys parents?? What was he doing out at 2-3 in the morning?? What kind of parent would allow that?? No where have these posters who are blaming the victim even tried to put blame on this boy. Amazing. I hate to say it but the old cliche is true. very few women stand together or help each other, the claws come out and they attack each other. This young boy has told several different accounts of what happened that night. My take is that they put a date rape drug in her drink, as some of her friends said she was acting strangely.
that's all I can do regarding this post-
Yes, we see that. However, this post was done before her post.
Was there even a need for your post?
Your post really says it all!