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Posted By: TONIGHT!!!!! TURN THOSE CLOCKS BACK 1 HOUR! on 2005-10-30
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Poll-Daylight Savings Time

Like or dislike?

Personally I dislike it very much. It changes everything with my sleep cycle, work cycle, and even my emotions.  It is too much of a bodily adjustment that I personally would wish not to experience twice a year.  Anyone else???

hate daylight savings time, LOVED living in AZ for 2 years!
used to whatever time you are on, some government says, "EVERYBODY CHANGE AGAIN!"
Agree! I hate Daylight Savings Time. It takes me a good two weeks
to get myself and everybody in the household adjusted to the time change every six months. If the farmers need to get up earlier, let 'em! That doesn't mean I should have to, also! DST has definitely outlived its usefulness. I stay up later and get up earlier in the summer, but go to bed earlier and sleep later in the winter. It's like my mind and body are tied to the sun, not the clock. I never got an extra hour of sleep last night anyways because the neighbor's stupid dog barked from 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m.
daylight ??saving??

How exactly does it save daylight?  I recently moved from AZ which is one of the few places smart enough not to go along with that nonsense, and it's about the only thing I miss from AZ now that it's been californicated to death.  When DS first became national an AZ legislator summed it up well - "all we need in the summer is more daylight/heat". 



West coast here - still daylight! - nm
Thanks for the reminder that
Dennis Weaver was in that movie--what a thriller from Steven Spielberg. Dennis was very talented indeed.

I was also sorry to hear that Darren McGavin died. I loved watching "The Night Stalker" in high school.
Reminder (SM)

Please post political discussions on the political boards.

Please post offshore discussions on the political boards.

Please post word/drug/style questions on the appropriate boards.

Thank you,



Thanks for the reminder ...
I am so embarrassed to admit that I like that show, and have watched it since the beginning!
reminder yourself of....
the fact you don't have to get up and leave the house every day, get dressed, go out in all weather, put up with coworkers who can't see past their nose, for starters.
i needed that reminder too, thanks
Nothing like a reminder that they outsource.
Reminder of why we love this job!!

Hi everyone - I have seen some posts recently about burnout - I got it after 9 years myself - went back to secretarial work at a hospital.  Thought it was great for about 6 months - could balance my checkbook, have lunch with co-workers, had a reason to get dressed up and get out of the house every day....except that there was a 45 minute commute each way a.m. and p.m. - because of the parking situation, which added 20 minutes each way.  And the fact that I could never run any errands or make any doctors appointments.

Oh, and the fact that when my children were sick 3 days in a 7 month period I got called in to my boss' office and chewed out for not having someone else available to watch my sick children.  Oh, and the office politics, let's not forget those. 

Soo.....as transcriptionists, we get to use our brains and work hard, but we also have so much more flexibility.  We can have the laundry going while we work!  When we do a good job and get more work done, we make more money!  If we are 5 minutes late to work, we don't get "written up" for it.  We aren't treated like high school kids!  It's great!  I am giving my notice.  I can't wait to get back to the job that I once felt so burned out on!  I have a whole new perspective and a whole new appreciation for my "old" job.  I can't wait!!

It is a good reminder
Not just this board but others as well.  If you belong to another board, just Google your screen name and see what comes up.  I have been a part of parenting boards, in-law boards and I used to post but quit.  Not just because of the rudeness of other members, but mainly because I don�t know who could be reading.  If you write things out of anger, maybe the next day, the next week or even the next year, you may not feel that way anymore but it is still there on the web.   If that person you wrote about stumbled across that, put two and two together..well old wounds can be reopened  I just quit writing personal stuff on the web all together.  I think it is best to go to a close trusting friend or even a shrink for stuff like that. 
LOL. You're right. It's been a while since I watched SNL. Thanks for the reminder.
Thanks for the reminder, will paste it on my desk! nm
Phone savings
I am trying to come up with a solution for all of this.  I have a remote office at my Mom's 10 minutes from my home (in another state actually) where I have DSL.  I have a phone line there that I use for my fax machine.  They installed the DSL on my Mom's regular line (for some reason).  I just pay her for the DSL and the extra phone line.  I could get rid of the extra line if I could figure out a way to receive faxes.  I am thinking about changing from DSL to cable internet there.  Here at home I have dial-up internet and 2 phone lines.  My daughter is a heavy computer and phone user so there is really no other way that I can come up with.  We have cell phones, but are in a very poor service area.  My remove office is in an even poorer cell phone service area.  We have satellite available here at home, and I do not think the company I subcontract with now would care if I used it.  However, Directway is the only satellite option and it is pretty expensive.  Then again, it would not require 2 phone lines, and with Vonage we might actually come out better. 
savings for the company but
not such a happy ending for the 21 FTEs who no longer have jobs..?

Our company is just now switching over to VR and they keep assuring us that they do not forsee cutting staff, but I'm not so sure.
Hope You Have Some Savings!!

It took my husband's daughter-in-law FOREVER to get her first unemployment check. Right now they are being indundated with applications for the new Honda plant that is being built in Greensburg. A few weeks ago they opened applications for 18 non-production jobs and got 7500 applications. This past Sunday they opened applications for production jobs and by Monday morning they have received more than 6000 applications. Honda is only allowing applications from 21 counties surrounding the plant. There are even people moving from Ohio in order to be eligible just to complete an application. It's crazy!!  I don't know if that has anything to do with unemployment benefits being slow to get but all Indiana state agencies are screwed up now with our governor moving to privatize everything.

Good Luck! 

Reminder: Jokes go on Comedy board. (SM)

This has been an issue before.  No exceptions.

Thank you.

Desktop calendar with reminder options....
Does anyone use this?  With going back to school and 3 kidss and tons of appointments, I amm finding that using the old calendar on the wall isn't too safe anymore.  Given the fact that I amm tied to my desk most of the time, I was wondering if anyone knows where I could get a free desktop calendar that will warn me when something is scheduled that day, etc.  I know there is probably a way to do this, but I have no idea.  Any info would be appreciated.  I see the free downloadable calendars, but I amm afraid of those.  Does windows or microsoft office come equipped with this?  Again, any info appreciated.  TIA
Grocery savings, and web link

We shopped at Aldi Foods when all our kids were at home - teenagers and toddlers at the same time - this was a big help with keeping grocery $$ lower.  I think they take only cash or ATM (no credit cards - which is probably a good thing).

Gardening and canning your own produce can help save money on your grocery bill, as well as homegrown produce is better for you nutritionally.  It is time consuming, however.

A favorite web site - The Dollar Stretcher     http://www.stretcher.com





I opened a savings account ...
and I put 30% of everything I earn in there. Then I can be sure of not spending the money and it is available for the quarterly payments.

If I didn't do that, I KNOW I would spend it and then having trouble coming up with the payment.
Anyone want to do a group savings club?

Just trying to drum up a little motivation.

If we pact to do 100 lines a day more each day that we earn and then put that net amount into savings each paycheck, it can add up a bit!

For me, that would be 500 lines a week or $160 a month gross.  By the time my taxes are taken out, that's about $131 a month net and THAT adds up to $1572 a year! 

Any takers?!  See who earns the most for it or heck even stays with it?! 


Wow! Congratulations! Taxes, then savings....
If you want to take time off to be with your daughter, how about asking for a reduced schedule for a while instead of whatever you have now? That way, you can decide later if you really do want to keep the job or if you don't, and you won't be rushing into any decision in the heat of the moment. Best wishes to you.
eh I like it. It's kinda like a savings plan for me.
Plus I get the child tax credit. Usually get around 5 grand back. Nice. but after buying an HDTV, computer and two Xbox 360s last year this one will alllll go to the credit card companies!
You don't manage your own savings account?
5 grand instead of the government. 
Just a reminder to change your smoke alarm batteries nm

At least we no longer have a cough, not to mention the savings $$$.
what is the rationale for going digital, your savings on mileage?
you need to sell the doc on the advantages HE will receive from digital, i.e. better quality = fewer blanks/errors, ability to STAT, perhaps even improve the TAT on his transcription?
Don't mess with my line counts to get that $.01 savings !!!! n/m
actually I buy I bonds, can't trust myself with a savings account
Yes, it's the same principle, except no checkbook or savings acct.

Just the card.  You don't receive a monthly statement.  You can log onto the website and check your account transactions and card balance anytime.  For me it's more convenient then balancing a checkbook and no more bounced checks!  Either the money is there or it's not. 

No check=MTSO fault. No savings or cushion=
Just a Reminder International Spellex Week ends Dec.11 Hurry and Save 10%
Spellex Corporation is proud to announce International Spellex Week (Dec. 5, 2005 - Dec. 11th, 2005).

Please visit http://www.spellex.com all this week and save 10% on any of our popular software products.
RE: I keep getting an e-mail from Ebay as a reminder for aun upaid item - a Dell computer - sm
but I've never even ever bid on one.  Anybody know what's up with that?  It keeps saying respond to this e-mail but I haven't done that - is this some type of scam?
Reminder: Croc Hunter fans, watch Steve Irwin's Memorial filmed

Reminder: Croc Hunter fans, watch Steve Irwin's Memorial filmed at his Australia Zoo's Crocoseum tonight on Animal Planet.  The memorial is commercial free and airs from 9 to 10 PM ET/PT tonight and then an encore will air at 12 to 1 AM ET/PT.  If you are a fan of our beloved Steve Irwin, make sure to have a DVD or VCR tape ready to record! 

hit left Shift key 3 times, then right Shift key 3 times -
I was hit by all 3 that summer, I lost power, I lost work, I lost savings...but..sm
NEVER did my employer in any way imply or threaten or dare even mention that my job was in jeopardy because I could not work immediately following a trifecta of natural disasters! My jaw agape is not at your concern about working, but at your concern that you would lose your job because of it. Companies have to have a heart in some situations. You're one MT, your company won't go under without you working for a week or 2 or 3.
different times
Question to a long timer. I have been transcribing for 15 years. I have been with one hospital for 10 years. I recently added a part time national using the same equipment and same format as my original account. For my original account I average 15-20 minutes an hour. After a month with second account, I am still only at about 8 minutes an hour. They do have a lot of ESL but so does my primary account (just not as bad, even when I first started them). I'm suppose to do a certain amount of minutes for this secondary acount, thinking I could do it in 2-3 hours a day, but I just can't reach my goal and I just do not have the time to work any more hours. Any advice?
Too much, several times a day.....but usually only for a
End of times?
Does anyone think this unusually hot weather in practically all parts of the U.S. has anything to do with Bible predictions?
Can be done..but at times it can't...(SM)
I am never amazed at people that are in "awe" over the fact I work at home, which of course to them means I can keep my kids there and save tons of money on daycare. I have had countless people that have never touched a keyboard ask "So how do I get started doing that so I can stay at home with my kids?"....sorry..butI can't help but just giggle inside..much in "awe" of their cluelessness.

I did this job for years in house before ever finally being able to work into an at home position. I worked in house with my 1st child and was of course broke...so needless to say he was in daycare as early as they would take him. About a year and a half ago I had my 2nd child and really milked this one for all it was worth. Wanted to keep her home with me as looooong as I possibly could. I made it to 5 months and honestly, should have probably stopped at 4. The age of your child makes all the difference in the world. When she was a very young baby and slept most of the day..yeah it was fine, worked out really well. But the older they get..the more they are aware you are there but not paying them 100% attention...and the harder it starts to get. He's 19 months old now..and even if the daycare is closed for a day that I have to work we end up having to send him to my mother in law's house for the day..it's nearly impossible to get anything done with him here. He sees mommy sitting here staring at this screen and will bang on the keyboard, stand here and scream for the attention he wants to be focused on him instead. At this age..keeping him home is not a good thing. My oldest child now is in grade school..days out of school..he's fine to stay home. He can play and entertain himself and needs nowhere near the attention the baby does. If you have a schedule that you can work a couple hours here and a couple hours there and late evenings after bedtimes, then you might be able to make it work out fine. I'm an employee, not an IC...therefore I'm required to work a set schedule and keep up a required amount of production...cannot be done with a lil one interrupting that on a constant basis. Look at your schedule..look at the age of your child..look at your obligations/requirements to your employer. It can be done in some situations...others it cannot. Be realistic...be fair to your child's needs when considering this as well as yours and those of your employer..it's a whole big picture to consider. Best of luck in whatever you decide to do :)
I can't tell you how many times

feeling a touch or carress on my arm and it turns out to be a stray hair dangling from my head being blown by the fan.  I guess working remotely plays tricks on us once in awhile?

Trying times
I am in the dead center of Mississippi and after I got of church I saw cars with tags from the costal countiescoming through town.    We are in the hills and will receive 75 mph gusts.  This is serious.  New Orleans is under mandatory evacuation.  People without cars are at the superdome.  The casinos locked up Thursday.  Traffic has been one-way on the highways since noon Friday. I-10 and I-49 to get off the coast.  There are no hotel rooms in the state as of Saturday night news 10 PM report, as far as Grenada, MS (that's about 250-300 miles from Biloxi/Gulfport area).  They were good about emailing each other about vacancies.   The President has mandated that MS/LA are under a state of emergency.  Katrina is headed straight to the Big Easy.  If Katrina does not change course, there is going to be unbelievable losses in the New Orleans area.  Let us share our thoughts of faith and reflection with the people in these low lying areas.
Old times?
I am 79 years old and teach my grandchildren that peep is bad and nasty word. I don't like coming to this board only to find your nasty words. Being 79 years old, I know more than you will ever know and I KNOW what peep means. You are just being down right gross and yuck!
times 3 or x3? Which is okay? nm



8 times....
NY Times......sm.......
TheNew York Times" hspace=0 src=http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/misc/logoprinter.gif" align=left border=0>

January 2, 2006

States Take Lead in Push to Raise Minimum Wages

Despite Congressional refusal for almost a decade to raise the federal minimum wage, nearly half of the civilian labor force lives in states where the pay is higher than the rate set by the federal government.

Seventeen states and the District of Columbia have acted on their own to set minimum wages that exceed the $5.15 an hour rate set by the federal government, and this year lawmakers in dozens of the remaining states will debate raising the minimum wage. Some states that already have a higher minimum wage than the federal rate will be debating further increases and adjustments for inflation.

The last time the federal minimum wage was raised was in 1997 - when it was increased from $4.75 an hour. Since then, efforts in Congress to increase the amount have been stymied largely by Republican lawmakers and business groups who argued that a higher minimum wage would drive away jobs.

Thwarted by Congress, labor unions and community groups have increasingly focused their efforts at raising the minimum wage on the states, where the issue has received more attention than in Republican-dominated Washington, said Bill Samuel, the legislative director of the national A.F.L.-C.I.O.

Opinion polls show wide public support for an increase in the federal minimum wage, which falls far short of the income needed to place a family at the federal poverty level. Even the chairman of Wal-Mart has endorsed an increase, saying that a worker earning the minimum wage cannot afford to shop at his stores.

"The public is way ahead of Washington," Mr. Samuel said. "They see this as a matter of basic fairness, the underpinning of basic labor law in this country, a floor under wages so we're not competing with Bangladesh."

The minimum wage has been the subject of fierce ideological debate since it was first established in 1938 under President Franklin D. Roosevelt as part of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Business groups and conservative economists have argued that the minimum wage is an unwarranted government intrusion into the employer-employee relationship and a distortion of the marketplace for labor. An increase in the minimum wage, they say, drives up labor costs across the board and freezes unskilled and first-time workers out of the job market.

"Increasing the minimum wage is a bad move economically, philosophically and politically," said Marc Freedman, director of labor law policy for the United States Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Freedman said that any minimum wage set by the federal government was completely arbitrary and did not take local labor market costs into account.

According to the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, about two million American workers, 2.7 percent of the overall work force, earned the minimum hourly wage of $5.15 or less in 2004, the last year for which such statistics were available. Those workers were generally young (half were under 25, and a quarter were teenagers), unmarried and had not earned a high school diploma. About three-fifths of all workers paid at or below the federal minimum wage worked in bars and restaurants, and many received tips to supplement their basic wages.

Advocates of an increase in the minimum wage said that inflation had so eroded the value of the minimum wage in the last nine years that it was worth less today in real terms than at any time since 1955. They also cited studies that found that raising the minimum wage did not cause job loss, as opponents argue. According to these studies, employers can absorb the higher labor costs through efficiencies, less employee turnover and higher productivity.

Tim Nesbitt, the former president of the Oregon A.F.L.-C.I.O., said that despite having one of the highest minimum wages in the country at $7.25 an hour, Oregon had had twice the rate of job growth as the rest of the country.

The 2006 battle over the minimum wage is expected to be particularly intense in Ohio, one of only two states that have a minimum wage below the federal level (the other is Kansas). The minimum wage in Ohio since 1991 has been $4.25 an hour, which applies to small employers, some farms and most restaurants. Workers at larger enterprises are generally covered by the federal minimum wage.

Efforts to get the Republican-run General Assembly to consider raising Ohio's minimum wage have gone nowhere, so labor groups and the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, known as Acorn, an advocacy group for low-income individuals and families, are planning a ballot initiative to put the issue to a popular vote in November.

Tim Burga, legislative director for the Ohio A.F.L.-C.I.O., said that 92,000 workers in the state made less than the federal minimum wage, some as little as $2 an hour. The proposed Ohio Constitutional amendment would set the state minimum wage at $6.85 an hour, indexed to future inflation, bringing an immediate raise to as many as 400,000 workers.

Former Senator John Edwards, the 2004 Democratic vice-presidential nominee, said in an interview that he planned to help organize the minimum wage campaign in Ohio as part of his national campaign to alleviate poverty. He called the current minimum wage a moral disgrace and a national embarrassment.

"My view is it should be $7.50 an hour, and I can make a great argument for it being a lot higher than that," Mr. Edwards said. "This is a perfect example of the Republican leadership in Congress, combined with the powerful presence of lobbies in Washington, thwarting the will of the people."

Leading the opposition to the initiative will be the Ohio Restaurant Association, which like its parent organization, the National Restaurant Association, closely monitors and vigorously opposes efforts to raise the minimum wage.

"Restaurants are a low-margin business," said Geoff Hetrick, president of the Ohio Restaurant Association. "A number of marginal operations which are more or less on the ragged edge right now might find this to be the straw that breaks the camel's back, especially in northern Ohio where they've had a significant loss in manufacturing employment that's taken a lot of disposable income out of the economy."

One of those who would be affected by the proposed minimum wage increase in Ohio is Rick Cassara, owner of John Q's Steakhouse in downtown Cleveland. He said that while all of his 55 employees currently earn more than the minimum wage, he opposed a mandated increase because it would drive up all of his labor costs. "It exerts upward pressure on all wages and prices," Mr. Cassara said. "If the minimum wage is $7 and I have to pay $8 or $9 to hire a dishwasher, then the cooks are going to say they want more. How much can I charge for that hamburger?"

Another small employer, Dan Young, owner of Young's Jersey Dairy in Yellow Springs, a working farm and restaurant operation, said that more than half of his 300 workers were high school and college students, many of them in their first jobs. He said he paid many of them $5.25 an hour, just above the federal minimum wage, but most quickly won raises or earned far more than that in tips.

Mr. Young said that if Ohio enacted a Democratic proposal to raise the state's minimum wage by $1 an hour over the federal level, his labor costs would go up by $250,000 a year or more. "When you do all the math," he said, "I'll have to figure out a way to hire fewer workers, or raise prices, or both."

In 2004, voters in Nevada and Florida approved ballot initiatives raising the state minimum wage to $6.15 an hour, in both cases by more than a 2-to-1 margin. Nevada voters must vote on the measure again this year because it is a Constitutional amendment, but proponents are confident they will prevail. Lawmakers in California, which already has one of the highest rates in the nation at $6.75 an hour, approved a bill last year to increase the wage to $7.75 an hour in 2007, but Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed it, the second time he has rejected such legislation.

Mr. Schwarzenegger said then that he believed that low-wage California workers deserved a raise, but said the legislation, which contained automatic increases tied to inflation, would be too costly to employers.

But aides to Mr. Schwarzenegger said late last week that the governor would propose a $1-an-hour increase in the California minimum wage in his State of the State address this week. If approved, the proposal would take effect over the next 18 months and would not have an automatic inflation adjustment, the aides said. The move appears designed in part to pre-empt a ballot initiative that would raise the California hourly rate an additional $1, to $8.75 an hour, and include annual cost-of-living increases.

Inflation indexing is also an issue in Oregon, where the minimum wage is currently $7.25 an hour and adjusts every year for inflation under an initiative approved by voters in 2002. Each year since passage of that measure, the Oregon Restaurant Association and other business groups have pushed legislation to cancel the indexing provision or to exempt some workers from the wage law, but have so far failed. Gov. Theodore R. Kulongoski, a Democrat and former labor lawyer, has vowed to veto any such measure that reaches his desk.

do you mean how many times you use them? If so sm
go to help, the statistics, and it will tell you how many Keystrokes you are saving
I got through a few times at first (sm)
I got through maybe 5 or 6 times at first but now I can't get through.  I'll keep trying though. 
I think it happens to all of us at times.
The mind can trick you sometimes and you don't even notice and read it correctly. Sort of like this...

Aicordcng to a rescareh at Cambgidre Unsveriity, it dosen't mettar in waht oredr the lteters in a wrod are. The olny imptroant tnihg is taht the frist and lsat letetr be in the rihgt pcale.

The rset can be a ttoal mses and you can stlil raed it withuot porblem. Tihs is beuacse the hmuan mnid deos not raed eevry letetr by itslef, but the wrod as a whloe.

Pretty amazing, huh?