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Los Angeles Times
The treatments are based on weight normally. I have a Frontline spray and it can be used on either, 1 to 2 pumps per pound, but if you have the other kind it is premeasured based on weight. Can you call your vet and ask them? The people at the front desk should be able to answer your question. I looked on-line and there is only 1 dosage sold for cats, but it didn't say what the dosage was so I couldn't compare it to a dog dosage. If you buy your flea treatment from your vet check out
Laser treatments are coming down in The facial treatments are the least expensive from what I've found in my reasearch, simply because it's a small area. Over the course of time, permanent laser TX wouldn't be any mroe expensive than constant, continued waxing, etc. I think I will stick with the oil treatments in the future. Scary. Hope your child is well. nn I think I see her outside my window!! ;-) nm . alt printscreen for the window you are in.. just regular printscreen for the whole desktop. THEN. Open Paintbox (or Paint, whatever its called) and do Edit/Paste - then save - best to save as a .jpg, then it won't take up as much space as a bitmap (.bmp) - I save all mine in the "my pictures folder) or you can make one special. Chickadees at my window... Strangest thing just happened. A chickadee flew to the window chirping away. He just kept going away and flying back to the window again chirping loudly. I finally went out to add more seeds to the feeder. He then stopped trying to get into the window. I've never seen anything like it. I guess I have been trained by a chickadee. lol:) Why does my Winscribe window disappear between every radiology job (and that means at least one hundred times a day)? It falls into the abyss known as the margin. I have to minimize all other windows for it to peek from the corner where I can grab onto it and drag it back into view...arrrrgh Long difficult day I am having... I have a chair next to the window so the furries can jump up and look out when they wish. No, I didn't mean the suggestion window -sm I meant I deliberately, because I caught myself, for instance, typing CD for common duct because I forgot that I already had used CD for cystic duct and flying along I thought CD was for common duct. Of course, there's C/D ratio too and sometimes you need to type just CD, so I have all of them under CD and I have to pick from a list which one I want in there so I don't screw it up. You can add messages and remarks. Like if you can't keep straight Celebrex and Cerebyx, you can make little reminders which is which so you don't put the wrong one in. My cat loves to sit on the window sill too... I make sure and keep the blinds up some during the day so she can do so. I think she likes sunbathing. My other cat could care less. He's getting older though. He is definitely past the age of wanting to "hunt" anymore. The youngest still trys to get out sometimes, but is generally pretty happy sitting at the window (this was a wild cat rescued out of the woods too BTW). The older one we let in the backyard with us sometimes. He just sits there and walks around some, but that's it. None are allowed outside by themselves though, especially since we just moved and they could run off and get lost easliy. I've had inside and outside cats my whole life. It is a personal decision and just depends on the circumstances I think. Isn't there Okay or Accept, etc. at the top on the right at the Ctrl/J window? Need to do that af d ....nm up there. And I meant to say a Suggestions window so you s You might also try turning off the suggestion window SM or whatever it is you have for a while. I use Shorthand, but it's pretty much the same thing. That way you could give yourself a list of often-used abbreviations to memorize and get very comfortable with and/or a rule that tells you what a lot of your abbreviations are going to be. As you get comfortable with those few, you'll end up loving them and wanting MORE, MORE, MORE. With that attitude, you can turn the window back on or give yourself yet another list and another rule or two to get used to. Just think, if you only used abbreciations for the words "the patient" (tp or ?), "hydrochlorothiazide" (hycx or ?), and "blood pressure" (bp or ?) you'd never type those three out again and would be saving that much time with each of them. Start small and unspook yourself. It's Alt= to make it show in the window. sm Much easier that way. Don't know anything about Editscript. Close that window in the task bar....not by clicking the "x" in the message box. I was told that when I had my computer cleaned of the AVG thing months ago. Not all of them, but some of them, have the "x" linked to where it's the same as clicking "yes" to download. Sneaker characters, they are! I'll give that a try since I'm in the 14-day trial window Thanks for the advice. ![]() Nationals with 10- to 12-hour window to work 8 hrs? I did a search in the archives, but the info I found was a little outdated. Thanks for any help you can provide. Shorthand can be set to show a preferences window. I like it s just like quality care for the patient is going out the window-nm nm I have a 10-hour window to work 8 hours and that works fine for me. I am so frazzled I can't even find a Search window! sm This is my first day on Edit Script and my mind has short circuited! I tried to find the Search window to no avail. Can you give me a hint?? Happy MQer-Hurry, look out your back window! I see T.W.H. getting out of a lawn chair in your back yard and stealing your grill to cook up a Nathans Hot Dog. ![]() I would go with the in-house position. Our jobs are definitely going out the window. I wish I coul nm Aloe is amazing. I should grow it as a window plant, it's Hard to chose, Notorious, Rear Window and - sm A Time to Kill proabably--- have lots more of course that rank up there, many are old movies as my mom got me into them. extext does not have popup window to show shortcut nm Nat'l. Crying-Babies & Leaf-Blowers Outside The Window Day! X The Add Entry window shows up but is completely empty..nm nm I have my suggestion window turned OFF in preferences so I don't have to pick from the list. Much s Click on File and then New (top left corner of window of MS Word) d YOU gather up his belongings and throw them out your window onto the curb, or in the driveway, or wherever. Down to the last razor blade! It is highly unlikely that your husband will gather all of Loser Dude's belongings and bring them back into your house. Dude will gather up his Loser Belongings and find another place to be a hospitality sucking leach. (leech?) Good riddance. Just DO it! And if you have one molecule of sympathy in your brain for this Loser, then you need to go to therapy. You have gone above and beyond the call of duty, nice lady. ShortHand is quick and easy. You can turn off the popup window, but it is small and barely shows. It just reminds you what is about to play out, which can be helpful for me. Say I wanted to have copd change to COPD, so I have it in there that way. But then I add it as copdj to have it play out in full. If I can't remember if I did it that way, I can look down at the box before I hit space or punctuation and see which way is going to play out. Personally, I wouldn't have a problem with men working and tossing this PC out the window;) sm This is my own personal opinion, but I do believe that God gave men and women specific roles, both equal in value, neither less in importance. Had I married a man who would have been content in his God given role as provider and allowed me to perform mine as a mother and homemaker, I know I would have been a much happier, content individual. I'm 100% certain that my C-spine wouldn't be in the degenerative condition it's in (I see a pain management specialist on Tuesday) due to 17 years of transcription. Instead, I have had to work everyday, have one child instead of the 2 or 3 I craved, have dealt with depression and have even been in counseling. Look at kids today. Mom's leaving their children to be raised by strangers (IMO) has been one of the major downfalls of western civilization. God had a plan. We changed it and now we are paying the price in our children. In the ESP window. Click on Files and then Save As. Then you can browse for your A drive. SM If you're saving to a jump drive, just look for your removable storage device, on my PC it's drive E. Good Luck! ..but if it's nice out, I'll open window so I can hear the birds. nm s My kids have suffered greatly from me working at home with them home. SM I have been working at home as an MT since my two kids were born. They are now 4 and 5. In the first few years, I had no help whatsoever. Their father was a bum who didnt work or take care of them while I worked. Your children get neglected while you work basically. And babies and young children desperately need your attention while they are home with you. My kids have so many behavioral problems right now because of their neglect. I would try to set them up with things to occupy themselves, like coloring or a movie, etc. I finally put them in day care and things have improved, but there are still a lot of issues because of the damage that was done. They still try to seek attention by doing bad things and they dont listen to me because they are so used to me letting them get away with a lot of stuff because I was too busy typing to discipline them in their early years. If I could do it all over again, I would definitely have put them into day care from the very beginning. My advice would be to seek PT care for your baby. Maybe you can do some work around her schedule a little when she is home, like when she takes a nap, and then bang out a bunch of work while she is in day care. I enjoy being alone at home, but I've got one home sick from school already. One on one with a kid is nice, too. This summer has been absolutely crazy. I haven't had a moment to myself for three months because all of my kids were home traipsing their friends through the house and yard. My husband switched his work schedule, too, so he's around more than usual. However, I like not having to do two loads of dishes and four loads of laundry a day. There are no toys or clutter dragged out everywhere. I can clean the house first thing in the morning, and it stays clean until everyone gets home at night. I even got to relax with a cup of coffee and watch TV for half an hour this morning, something I liked for a change instead of cartoons or kids' movies. I signed up for an online class that I've been wanting to take. I can exercise without being interrupted. Yesterday, I went to the mall and spent all my saved up gift cards. I got some clothes, books, bath stuff, and a new coffee mug. My work gets done a lot faster, too. Call me nuts, but I've never had the luxury of being alone in the house for 14 years. It's kinda nice. I love my family with all my heart, but I love having a few hours to myself each week, too. Except now the cat and dogs have been acting weird since the kids went back to school. They must think that I need someone or something to clean up after and correct behavior on. They're getting into everything and racing around the house behind me. my take is that she worked inhouse, not at home, and now wants to find out how to work at home. nm x Forget "per line." Your take-home pay should be taking home SM roughly what it was before. If it is not, is it because your current pay rate for editing (which in many companies keeps changing as the VR system is developed) is too low or is it because your talents and skills are more for speed typing than speed editing? If the first, discuss it with higherups, and go get a new job if you don't get the response you need. My last MTSO was secretly refiguring how production was counted to pay us less. I can accept hard reality, it was the secrecy that burned. Sometimes, though, it's just that the learning curves of individual editors and that of the system aren't in sync, and you end up temporarily making less. If the second, though, recognize it as soon as possible and change to straight transcription work, in your company or a new one, for as long as you can find it. As for why we aren't paid more for a higher skill, that's just the way the labor supply ball bounces. Best wishes. you are awesome... thank you, for answering, and in such a clear-cut way. you have certainly given me food for thought. I have about 15 years to go, and am inclined like you for the old #2. now, with your system, the Dragon, you bought it yourself? and you make tons more lines than without it? that is the system I was considering asking my employer if they might offer. does your employer know you use it, do they approve? that is what my boyfriend had suggested (excuse if it was not clear), the systems for personal use, like you have, and to use it with my job for a national. just like you do, he said why not dictate it rather than type it yourself. you really find it makes you more money? thanks, for letting me pick your brain as it were... best to you. Awesome!! You are welcome. One of my favorites is the "Ties Suck" tie (written in binary). Wish I knew someone who hated ties!! You made my day!! Finally, I did a good deed LOL To each their own, and yes, he is AWESOME!nm x Thats awesome! ![]() You are awesome! sm Congratulations for changing your life for the better! Remember what the word "decision" means: It literally means "to cut off from." That's not flimsy like a New Year's resolution that people break. You made a decision. The day may come that you get weak and tired and think maybe things weren't so bad or maybe he has changed. Be READY FOR IT and plan now that you'll stand by your *decision*. Not anywhere near Illinois, unfortunately. Keep reaching out. Call the local YWCA. If it's like here, they'll offer free counseling and help to people, often the majority of which end up being abused women trying to leave their husbands. You are a wise woman. I hope you realize that. No shame in asking for help. People want to help you! This will all be history someday. Don't you already feel stronger? I bet it feels pretty darn good. Stay with it! WOW! Thank you! You are awesome!!! You did not leave a place to email you at...I am going to bed as it is late where I am at, but if you include it later, I will for sure email you and maybe we can encourage one another..I am REALLY, REALLY wanting to get this weight off of my mid-section....THANKS AGAIN!!! Have a GREAT night/morning! ![]() Awesome--thanks!!!! / Awesome!! I love the Idol tours, they really put on a good show. They are not coming close by me for this one though, so I am bummed out!! This is awesome, thank you! THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to answer my post. I got kind of depressed at first when everyone said the price was too low, but I've read over the suggestions and the encouragement and, well, I feel a lot better. So, THANK YOU so much to everyone. Some of you offered that I could e-mail you for more help, and I will do that! All your posts have given me some good insight and some things to think about, so I really appreciate it. You guys are the best! ![]() |
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