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It will not affect MT's. I think the limit is 250GB and

Posted By: me on 2008-09-04
In Reply to: comcast cap on usage official - tristen

the tech people with my company says an MT uses around 2GB/month.  Even if that is a conservative figure, still leaves you a lot of GB. 

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Leuden affect / luden affect

Hi.  I am doing the H&P portion of a dictation and it states that the "Leuden affect is appropriate".  Has anyone ever heard of this? Leuden or Luden.  Thanks for the help!!


What I SAID was, "...there is NO WAY that can't have any affect...," and I ...

stand by that.  Sure, an MT under the influence may get it right, but I certainly would never want to take a chance on that. 

It's all about resposibility and realizing the critical nature of medical transcription.  As an MTSO, I would not want an MT drinking while working.  Period. 

If I hired someone and found out they drank while working, they would be out the door. 


it would be affect as in...
Rheumatic fever can affect the heart.

Your sentence would be:
Further bleeding, Per Dr. ___, will affect a hyerectomy.
Usually there is no limit.
As an IC, you are not considered an employee where the company would only give you a certain amount of time.  I have taken time off sporadically as an IC, and the company has not said a word.  They actually thanked me for giving notice.  I guess on the norm even notice isn't required.  I just thought it courteous to give the company a few weeks to maybe find a replacement for that time period.  It has never been a problem whether it be a day off or 10 days off.  If I only need a day off though I don't even tell them, I just don't take the work.  The IC position I have though is an actual IC position in that I am not assigned work.  It is a typing pool basically, so if I do not want to work that day, I just don't take any work.  It has neve been a problem.  This type of arrangement in my opinion is true IC status. 
If you want to limit yourself, as IC that is your
Age limit
Is there any age limit to be a transcriptionist? Could a 16-year-old do it? Thanks!
age limit
Not sure about age limits, but you need to check out training programs before anything else. Check out this link: http://www.ahdionline.org/scriptcontent/mtschool.cfm
affect v. effect
Effect is noun in the instance noted. Affect is a verb most of the time. Anything else?
Affect can be a noun in psych - patient having a "flat affect" - no expression. Effect usually is used as an action word and in this case it is effecting a response or a cause.
effect or affect?

Here is a rule of thumb my boss taught me: 

Affect - (a verb) "to change or alter".

Effect - ( a noun) "a result".

You will very rarely use "affect" in the context of a sentence, but it will come into play every once in a while.

what makes you think it will affect us?


Affect can also be a noun, as in "patient's affect", effect can also be a verb as in "to effect a result".


your affect has an effect.
Does this person think that English usage doesn't matter in MT work?  Some of the worst medical errors got that way by misuse of plain English words.
Effect is not always a noun, and affect is not always a verb. When you "effect" a change, effect becomes a verb. When someone has a flat "affect," affect becomes a noun.
Affect vs. effect

Hopefully this will help, although I guess everything is subject to interpretation: 

AFFECT is a verb meaning "to influence" or "to pretend or imitate".  EFFECT can be a noun OR a verb.  As a noun, it means "result".  As a verb it means "to produce a result". 

In your particular sentence, it is being used as a verb...so which one to pick?

Without knowing the rest of the record, I would have to go with "effect" because I'm guessing (again..limited knowledge) that the doctor is indicating that if the bleeding doesn't stop, he has to do a hysterectomy.  If the hysterectomy has already been done, or it is planned, than surely, further bleeding could "affect" the planned surgery or something that happened during the hysterectomy.

Without more information, it's a crap shoot!... I'm sure that was as clear as mud. 


affect/effect. nm
To clarify affect/effect, here is what a friend said:(emphasizing the first syllable and pronouncing it with a "long E"):

"I affect the Effect"

This really helped me.
Mood and affect are normal

Further bleeding per Dr. **** will affect a hysterectomy.

EXACTLY - it'll never affect me mentality.
I signed, sent to everyone I know and asked them to send it to everyone they knew.  Start believing we can make a difference. 
I believe the goings on in the industry affect us as MTs?
Does anyone know anything about the new EMR system? and how it will affect MT's work? nm

but limit I think 250 lines a day...nm
There is not a limit, but for some reason it
deletes entries and you have to start all over again.
limit internet
I, like you, want to make more money this year. . I am going to start by trying to limit my time surfing the net while working. . I have had a problem getting bored in the past. . but my resolution is to just stick to my 8-hour work day with maybe only 1 little internet break during the shift. .
If you retire and go on SS, there is a set limit--sm
you can earn per month, if you continue to work, or they will reduce your SS income per month by how much over the set amount you are allowed. NOT a pension retirement, SS retirement.
I don't think there is a time limit -
I live in Georgia also and the only reason we ever had notes on the charts was for insurance purposes. If the note is not transcribed, you are not supposed to bill insurance. Other than that, there is really no legal reason that the chart has to be dictated.

Now, ethically and for continuation of care purposes, yes, it needs to be done.

The doctor I worked for used to dictate, but it might get transcribed in a week and it might get transcribed in a month.
Affect is a verb, Effect is a noun, DUH
Affect is a verb and Effect is a noun, DUH nm
Definately affect/effect! Hate those!
We put frank away. as for your questions, please limit them
to inquiries about chapstick.  Number one, do not leave them in the sun as they will melt.  Any and all other questions I'm forced to get back to you at a later time, be vague or better yet not respond to you at all.  Good day. 
You can but you may blow up autocorrect because there is a limit
to how many entries you can put in autocorrect. The Productivity Talk forum has instructions.
You may be at your limit for the accounts you type on - sm
Those are not bad line counts. It really depends on the docs you can get and if they say literally the same thing again or again or say *use my normal.* I used to for years do 500-600 lines an hour when I had docs who were fast talkers who used all kinds of normals and I had a much smaller pool of them (say 30-40 docs). I now work from a HUGE pool of docs, all acute care, from 5 different hospitals with very different account specifics for each hospital. A good day for me is 250-275 lines an hour no matter how fast I slam the keyboard. You may be doing the best you can do with the accounts you have. :-)
Doubt any way can earn more than the limit of
When she took retire. she agreed to 900 limit.
also remember that they limit how much you can withdraw
from your Paypal account every month, otherwise they'll require you to upgrade your account which tacks on another fee.

I only use Paypal to get paid as a last resort and then I use the fees as a writeoff. If I can wait for a snail mail check, I will.
Get mouse in chair to see how drugs affect brain!
again, making medical record digital does not affect us.
I don't know if they get paid but I know they limit the people who will buy with these crazy name

Can you imagine having to say I live at 555 Squirrel Run or 555 Wild Turkey Walk for the next 10-20 years?  Just the image of squirrels and wild turkeys alone would force me to look elsewhere.  Got any good names for streets? 

$3.40 in eastern NC. I just sat in line for an hour to get gas, and they had a $35 limit. nm

There is also a limit. People in expensive cars
pulling up to stand in line for free money.  Doctors and lawyers, supposedly respected business owners, etc who really did not lose that much, at least not to the point where they can't recover on their own.  Help the ones who can't help themselves but the ones who can help themselves should be ashamed!
Use a timer and limit yourself, you'll feel much better
What state are you in? There is time limit that applies
In Calif, 45 days past due is enough for default to go into effect. Then, my loan goes to atty's desk and they begin collection.

I would say to you to pay your mtg before anything else at all other than food/utilities and insurance for medical care.

sorry, didn't realize there was a time limit. I
personally just read some of the posts.
1400 - that's about my limit - and a real good day
welcome, you dont' pay to send out or receive until you go over a certain limit. sm
i use several different email addies with them so that when i run out of room, i change to a different acct to send work/receive work.
Mobile broadband 5GB limit with ALL carriers
I signed up with Sprint last year when it was unlimited, and starting in July 2008, they put a cap of 5GB, which is what all the other carriers had done also. That said, if you are using the connection mainly for work, the cap should not be a problem. I downloaded a program that keeps track of my usage as well as use the Sprint site to check it occasionally. You can't be downloading tons of MP3s or watching a lot of youtube or other video things during each month, but it doesn't have to be completely avoided either.
Affect is an Action (or psych state)..Effect is a rEaction
System Restore does not affect documents, only program files.
System restore does not affect documents, only program files.
You will not lose any documents you've created. Restore does nothing to the normal.dot or other templates.
Ticked: Explain why you think making records electronic will affect us.