It feels like life is passing me by sometimes. All alone here. I
Posted By: A virtual shut-in on 2005-09-25
In Reply to: Yep, its a great life out there ladies???Just felt like say that. NM - MQMT
I just joined a gym. Where are MTs who quit the smokes? I just did too! I want to sail into my 50s without knowing what it likes to have chest pain! I have had it with my fat jiggly arms. I'm going to start living cuz if feels like this is the opposite of it.
Oh dear, I vented. Sorry!! Just had to say that to someone! Thanks for being an ear :o)
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Yes, I work 80-90 hours a week. I am going to stop because life is passing me by and it has caused
depression. There is no way mentally or physically you can keep up the pace. It is finally getting to me and I now realize there are more important things in life than work. I have been a workaholic all of my life. It started as an escape to a bad marriage but I ended up missing my kids grow up, I've lost friends because I have no time for them, and this is my last chance with an 8-year-old child left at home to get it right and put my family first. It means giving up a lot of "material things" but what do they matter when all you need is the love of your family. I'd never recommend this to anyone.
passing through -
I say go for it passing through! There are men willing to pay $$$ for MIL* cam ladies! :)
I know what you mean Hayseed. Sometimes I get out and am driving and suddenly remember there is a whole world outisde my apartment! :)
Thanks for passing that on.
passing along a recommendation
My husband learned from an associate of a program called Ewido, that is supposed to beat the pants off all other spyware products. I tried it against others on my system: Spy Sweeper, Spy Bot, and Spy Blaster. Ran all three first and then put Ewido through the paces. Ewido still found 7 more infected areas before it removed them.
You can try the product for free before you purchase it ($30). For anyone who is interested:
I tried to get an MT job but even with passing the test
I had some real problems. I could not keep up with the volume. I had no one to help me with new words or even how to reasearch them. I sent stuff to QA but no one at QA ever told me what I was doing wrong so I ended up making many mistakes over and over again. Even though I had excellent training, I did not know how to run the software the company uesd and many other details. I failed miserably. My best friend however did take an internship and it was at 3 cents per line. It was a very nice MT service owner who basicallyu took her under wing and she learned tons of stuff. The lady worked with her and taught her a bunch of things that I wished I could have learned to stay alive in the field. She also got raises every few months so at the end of ayear and a half she was making 5.5 cents and had great production because she knew the dictators so well. By the time her two yeras is up, she will have the two years experience and be able to choose any job she can. So I guess I wish I could have had a chancd like that. I am still looking for the place that will hire me.
this is merely a passing phase...nm
thx for passing that on--awesome! (nm)
No, just passing on information
I wish I had a way to find out if Needsomeone2listen is following up on these.
Passing through may have the wrong place...
I have been there for several months now and never been paid late. The quality of the work I have been assigned is excellent, no ESL and no hassel about working for a line count instead of hours. The benefits are acceptable. I did have one friend who they hired who seemed to have not good luck with their program and she had to quit. Overall I would give them a 4 on a scale of 1 to 5 and expect to be with them until something better comes along.
I don't care either way. I'm not passing judgment.
I don't care who's gay or who reads the Bible. I'm not preaching or Bible-thumping, as your dander up implies that I am evidently. I just thought it silly that the other poster said a man married another man so as not to live in sin when the Bible states that homosexuality is a sin. It's not a debate or a judgment call. Stop taking it personally and see the humor in the other post. It's ironic. Geez, make an observation and get an invitation to debate religion. No, thanks!
Makes me wonder how the MTs in India are passing.
Do they get *minority* points!?! LOL.
Long time passing..nm
Extremely welcome, Anon. Just passing it on like much came from others. nm
Life is life....the haven't bonded the same as if it were a 2-year-old!
I have several years experience and do okay passing tests....
Sometimes it just feels like I get passed up for jobs because I have no schooling.
Sort of like passing your driving test and knowing. . .
That you'll never have to take it again!
Well, at least until you're 80.
well it's just how she feels isn't it?
maybe she doesn't care about gere or his religion or cruse is nothing to her so she doesn't care about his religion. so it is an opinion board right? that's her opinion. let's move on.
Not everybody feels the way you do, though. SM
You should censor what other people watch? I don't mean -you- but I mean that it's up to people what they turn the channel to.
To some people, Jesus Christ was not the Son of God. That's how they believe. To them, he was a fictitious or a historical character and there's no blasphemy involved.
If you do cringe (I haven't seen the ads for it) then not watching it is the right decision for you, but not everybody feels that way. :)
Oh, do I ever know how it feels to be poor at SM
Christmas. We had those years several times. But don't hock your wedding band. I know you were just kidding, right? Don't lose your priorities. If you have to, just TELL them. Really.
Sorry about your boy. Hope he feels better soon. nm
Needing to know if anybody feels same way
I wanted to post because I have had a very eerie feeling lately and wanted to see if anyone has been experiencing a similar thing... I was a home MT working directly for a hospital for many years and a high producer. Then, the hospital cut our incentive and many of us ended up with a MTSO after that. Well, after being with the same job for many years, I spent over 2 years with the MTSO and found out that my line counts were very low because the platform was not counting my lines in a well honest (to me) way. I thought I was losing my talent, but after finding out about this for sure by looking at the minutes versus the lines over a couple of weeks and checking with other MTs (finally) I found out it was not me. I since have been working for a very reputable MTSO (no hospital jobs around directly that I could find by me) and something is happening. I am struggling to get my line counts again, and I did a study with the minutes and though not as bad as the other MTSO, the same thing is happening AGAIN! (dont mean to yell, just emphasizing). It is so hard to look for yet another job...My question is this: Is it my imagination, am I just losing my talent and my mind, or are most jobs now counting the lines differently than before say 3 years ago when I left the hospital job. And, if I can't produce that much anymore because they count lines differently now, how does one find at least a job which is moderately easier to get more than minimum? Look, I used to make over 50K a year and now I am eeking out perhaps 27 a year and feeling like I am losing my talent. Any advice would be appreciated here. I don't want to go through job after job, stress after stress. BTW: My husband will be able to provide benefits in a couple of months, but until recently I have been the one to have to provide health coverage and this has figured heavily into where I work. Thanks in advance for your opinions. I don't want my hand held, just a little reality check. Thanks in advance.
As a recruiter, if I see someone who feels compelled.... tell me how fast they can type, their resume goes to the bottom of the stack. Then again, in another life I was a QA manager, and felt that quality was more important than how fast you could race through a report.
Everyone feels like that at some point. Personally, I just
pick myself up and keep going forward. I try not to let life get me down and I have faith in God that he will help pull me through whatever trying times bring.
That is pretty much all you can do.
Good luck!
Everyone feels the same way, regardless of the field they're in....
How would you like to be a doctor? True, they make good money, but don't think they don't give blood for it. Patient's crawling down their backs, complaining, needing this and needing that, always on call, some patients can never be pleased, etc. There is no such thing as a perfect job.....
VR feels like a spectator sport to me,
A vent! And boy, this feels GOOD!!
I've had it up to HERE with doctors who have thick foreign accents and dictate past the speed of sound, expecting that we are to know everything they're saying.
I've had it up to HERE with dictations received that were made on cassette tapes and then fished through onto digital recorders that contain tons of background noise and static, drowning out the dictation on them or making it sound like the doc is dictating from an underground tunnel.
I'm sending ALL these transcripts back as quickly as they're dictated - looking like swiss cheese, filled with holes and blanks - because it's NOT my fault I can't understand these docs. They don't seem to care and guess what? Neither do I! Garbage in - garbage out! Think they'll get the message?
Now, just let the OM call me about this - after sending her notes after notes on this subject, I'm ready to and WILL bite off her empty head!!
Thanks for letting me vent!
114° here in AZ. Our pool feels like a bathtub. It's HOT!
OP knew she was IC. Just feels bad cause now found out all
I just woke up after a 35 minute snooze. Feels like a new day. (nm)
Momma always told me that if it looks and feels wrong,
it is wrong. That being said, I totally understand your situation from personal experience on both sides of the fence. If you have to ask, you already know the answer. You might need to see a counselor to help sort things out. In any event, you need to evaluate whether or not you want to stay married because you can't have your cake and eat it, too.
To everyone who feels as you do, just wait. When you have to edit themm, you will
our pool feels like a steam bath...nm
The Moderator removes what he feels threatened by...
which seems to be about everything!
Feels like the cliques back in high school...
I can not believe how rude you all are... I make a simple statement and everyone jumps all over me? If you all lived in our neighborhood and saw house after house with tree down, where you can see the roots are barely in the ground because they were planted so shallow, with no room to grow because the curb and the sidewalk are on each side, and you talked to all of my other neighbors who all feel the same way, then maybe you wouldn't be so quick to pass judgement. I think it's ironic that everyone else I've talked to in person finds it surprising that trees as big as these were, that have been there a decent amount of time (2+ years) did this. I have six trees in my backyard that were only planted 2 months ago, but were planted the right way and are fine... I am not an expert on Arizona weather, having only lived here 2 years, but it doesn't take a genius to look at the way these trees roots are so shallow to know there is a problem. The other tree snapping in two is not something I blame on the landscapers, it was obvious that it has a very thin trunk and was never very strong.
God forbid anyone make a passing comment on what is obviously "your board". And no need to respond anymore, you've made it very clear that newcomers are not welcome.
frank is in hawaii and won't be back until he feels like it. or he is fired,
Ask Frank is still on MQ website. Greg is back. Can Greg help?
My husband feels the same way. Fortunately I'm a good cook but sometimes I need to get away from
My right elbow is killing me. Feels like the muscle has torn.
maybe it's just a pure and simple invasion of privacy the poster feels they want to protect.
if you do your job, who cares if poster was released from prison. weren't companies hiring prisoners to do MT anyway and weren't they doing credit card customer service?
I use the Simply Sheer. Love it. Great coverage and feels like no makeup at all. nm
To one obviously feels like typing up, so the night people get the pool garbage. Grrrr.
I make sure the job is not my life and that it does not take over my life. sm
I have been at this 25 years, even once had my own accounts and worked 24/7 with cat naps to keep going but no real sleep. I really burned myself out. Now I work a regular 40-hour week, but it is not my life. It is a means of making money so I can go live my life. I work for a company that is not all about production. They want us to take our time and do it right. I am doing that, and it feels so good to be able to work at my craft and be allowed to do a good job while I am at work.
But after I get off, I have my family and I take time to have fun and enjoy life. I think that is the key to not staying burned out. You need down time, time to have fun, exercise, relax, etc.
Exercise is very important, too. It rejuvenates the hormone system so you have more positive hormones flowing through your body and helps get rid of stress.
That's what I do.
take essential oil and mix with salt and do a hand scrub. feels awesome, smells awesome, and very r
I'm the one who needs to get a life?
You people are the ones laughing at people behind their backs. Typical female, backstabbing, egotistical snobs. Exactly why most of you can't handle working in an office. Thanks anyway, but my life doesn't include ridiculing people for me own ego. You go right ahead. Feel good about yourself.
Never in my life
I guess I have led a sheltered life. I never in my entire life heard about so many companies bouncing checks in this business! I would be out the door so fast, there'd be no dust behind me. Have I just been lucky?
I have a life.
It's not a money issue. I have hobbies but the winters are long and cold and I'm not a winter outddoors person, only summer and I have no child. Kinda of a workaholic.
Yes, I live a simplier life.
Get a life b.
I didn't realize it was intentionally setting a flame by telling people you like where you work instead of the freaks who come on here constantly complaining about their jobs. Most of you only want to hear negative things and not positives, so when someone posts something positive, you jump all over them. I think you need to grow up b.
Get a life.
Whatever fugly trash. If you want more, keep it coming.
Don't even try to top my life
you old decrepit piece of trailer trash. I will win hands down every time. Now go to bed and dream about the love of your life,your horse, Mr. Ed.
No, I sure don't come first in his life.
he does of me. Seems like his loyalty lies there. I don't think he ever learned the "leave and cleave" thing. And our kids are very important to him. He makes it abundantly clear that I am not top priority. Sometimes I daydream that I meet someone who really loves me and run away with him.
in whose life? *lol*......nm
in whose life? *LOL*......nm