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It all depends on who gets Elliott's voters

Posted By: sm on 2006-05-23
In Reply to: Taylor will win. sm - JJ

with everyone being in the 33% range last week that tells you the fan voting for Kat and Taylor was just about even. The key is in who gets the Elliott voters and from what I read on the AI boards it sure won't be Kat.

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I am a singer and I appreciate his voice. He may not be much to look at, but he is coming along. Better hair last night. I get goosebumps when he sings.
I think Elliott....
...will sell some CD's. I don't think he'll be a SUPERSTAR or anything. But he has a substantial fan base and they will surely buy. Depends on the label and PR.

I don't get the attraction to Kat either. She's physically attractive I suppose (not to me of course, LOL) and she can sing, but she doesn't seem to have "it". The 3 guys all have "it" in their own ways/style.
Elliott's teeth. sm
I noticed that during the initial audition.  They are getting better, he has been having dental work done for at least the last two shows.  He has such a nice voice, I am sure before the grand finale his teeth will look real nice.
Taylor or Elliott
I'm rooting for Taylor or Elliott now that Chris is gone. I really don't want Katherine to win, but I have the feeling she will. Supposedly people are saying she's more "marketable"
I really like Elliott the best but I think Taylor
will win. I just think it's a shame if Kat is in the final two. I think Elliott completely deserves to be at LEAST 2nd. I think he will do well regardless and hope he gets a record deal out of this at least. He's different, Taylor is different, but nothing about Kat is anything but ordinary. Of course Chris was different too. I thought it would be cool to be down to the three guys. I think they're all unique, they all have completely different styles, and that's great. I think they ARE American Idols. They each highlight a different kind of music that Americans love. I really hope that Elliott stays tonight!
I'm in tears over Elliott
What a great, great guy. I'm sorry, but Kat sure came off poorly tonight, and her mother's little "take that" for the camera while Elliott was getting his goodbye was in very poor taste.  I would have loved to have had Taylor and Elliott in the finals together. I would have been happy no matter who won then. I have a 19-year-old son, and I'd be so, so proud to have him carry himself with the dignity that Elliott did tonight. I'm am so sad for him, but I hope that something good comes for him out of this.
Tell Elliott I said "Hi!!!!!!"........lol..........nm
Clint Black and Sam Elliott --um,um um...
Oh yeah, forgot about Sam Elliott
and also Robert DeNiro
I agree, also. Look at the one song Elliott did,
I don't even remember Elvis doing it, it certainly was not a common one, and he did a great job. Kat had her chance.
I really like Elliott, but personality may be his downfall.
NO WAY for McPhee, too pitchy.

Gotta love Taylor, too. Lots of show quality. WOO-HOO!
AI - I think Elliott is history tonight-NM
I wanted to see Elliott go to the finale, too
I'm worried about him tonight, though. I wish he would have picked a better song for his final one last night...something with a little more wow factor.  Something more recognizable that people would have recognized and identified with, like Kat's Somewhere Over The Rainbow. People just turning in, who haven't watched all season and picked a favorite long ago, probably wouldn't have voted for him based on just last night.  That's why I worry about Taylor if he makes it to the finals next week.  Plenty of people will tune in just for the finals and I think if Kat is there, she will definitely have the advantage over Taylor to get those voters.  I'm not giving up on Elliott until the show's over tonight, though.
It's getting harder to pick. I'm afraid maybe Elliott but
hoping it's Katharine (although the second song she did last night was WONDERFUL). Elliott should NEVER have sang "I want to go home," that could stick in the minds of people when voting.

Along with this, is anyone having parties during all of the this. My DH is doing Pampered Chef and we've been invited to an AI party to do PC. The party will start at 6 and it should be lots of fun.
Taylor/Elliott finale would be my dream
Then, I wouldn't be disappointed no matter who won and who came in second.  I thought Chris was great in the beginning, too.  Now, he just does nothing for me. I thought he was really contrived last night.  Katherine did really awful on that second song, and she has never shown that spark, either, at least to me.  Taylor I've loved from the beginning, and Elliott has grown on me a lot.  I think he's the contestant who has grown the most in the competition, sort of like Clay.  I'm waiting to see what Zaba Search says in about an hour, but they had him in last place last night.  I hope Dial Idol is correct this time, but I just don't know. I will be very disappointed if Elliott goes home tonight instead of Katherine. It could be a big shocker like the first year and maybe Chris will go home? Doubtful.
Have you noticed how Ryan hugs all over Elliott?
He doesn't touch Taylor or the other guys but each time Elliott is on stage with him he's hugging and touching him.
Elliott needs to be with his very sick Mom. Being the Idol would prevent that. sm
Besides, from what he said about AI being a "steppingstone," he's probably been contacted by someone big. He's going to make it, no matter what. I think being the Idol at this time would be too much for his personal life. His mother needs him now, and he knows it.

I hope either Paris or Elliott go home tonight
I think it will come down between Taylor and Chris. Ultimately, I hope Chris wins it - I LOVE HIM!
great info on Efraym Elliott Yamin
Elliott was yelling Soul Patrol tonight!
Gotta love Elliott. I'll be there to buy his CD...no doubt about it.
Sam Elliott, John Travolta, Charlie Sheen.

Katherine has got to go. I also thought Elliott and Taylor ruled the night!
Chris was okay, but we all KNOW he's better than this. I'm hoping his first CD is the "Walk the Line."

I have one female who sounds as if she has cotton stuffed up her nose and she has just returned from the local pub.  Instead of correcting, she just rambles and you have to figure it out. For example:  "Social history is significant for review of systems noncontributory and mother with diabetes.  Pt has never had this before." 

I do find the female ESLs easier than the male ESLs however.

depends on where oh where you are now. nm
It depends - please SM
I'm not sure what you were hired to do but I've always had the worktypes I was hired to do specifically outlined to me. As well, different accounts have different workpools containing specific worktypes. I know when I work on a specific workpool that I will only get certain worktypes; when they ask me to change workpools, the worktypes will change.

It SHOULD work so that you know the variety of worktypes you will get and you should be masked to get them. However, a great part of the time there are cherrypickers who will reject worktypes they do not want to do, dictators they do not want to do until they find a report that they want. Lots of cherrypickers don't like ESLs, so they throw them back.
Is that with or without spaces? Is that full audio, read-throughs, or blanks only? Are the MTs experienced or newbies? Are the MTs Indian or domestic? Will you be required to provide feedback for each document or each MT?

If your offer is 5 cents without spaces and you are editing inexperienced or offshore MTs and providing feedback for each document, then 5 cents is too low. If, on the other hand, you were offered 5 cents WITH spaces, are editing experienced MTs, filling in blanks and providing little to no feedback, then 5 cents is fair.

ALWAYS ask these questions ahead of time. Editing on a production basis is no different than transcribing on a production basis--every little detail will affect your paycheck.
It all depends on what they say
constitutes a line.  If it is 65 characters includes, spaces, headers, footers then that is decent.  Being a newbie you are probably looking at the 8 cpl.  Keep in mind if this is an IC position you will be responsible for paying all taxes, no benefits.  If it is an employee position it is a good rate of pay these days. 
it all depends upon

which of my cats is looking for attention. 

Otherwise ... around 90 minutes, I suppose. It's up to my fingers.

Well, that depends on you
My golly, you gals make it difficult for a man to sit still here. All these questions and you gals want answers.

It truly depends upon you as an individual what you make. I usually have a very personal interview with you and usually can let you know at that time. Would you like to schedule something?

We always look to hire, even if you are new to this profession.

If you would like to schedule an interview, call me at 1-800-BIG-DING
Depends on which it is. nm


depends on where you are
We have a store called Freds in the midwest and I found the exact same bedspread and curtains Penney's wanted (at a price of 300.00) for 70! I also use www.brylanehome.com

At times Big Lots will have good stuff as well.
Better buy a box or learn to hold it.
I taught myself html and have my site through avahost. They are incredibly cheap. I have thousands of pages on mine due to it being a geneaology site. You could contact them about your files and such. It can be expensive to build a website, generally 1000 and up, so that is why I taught myself.
It depends on the age it happens...

I was divorced at 30 and remarried at 31.  No, I wasn't looking, but along he came and he was only 26 and had never been married, fresh out of college and ready to settle down.  I'm glad it happened then because at 31 you can still get a good guy quite easily.  I had a 3yo and it has worked out magnificently.  She's almost 18 now and he has been Dad for a very long time, as her father moved across country and she only visits a couple times a year.  But blended families more often than not are rocky.  I was very lucky.  If my kids were older than 3, say school age, I would be more inclined to wait until they are raised.  It's too hard for them to adjust at that point.  As for remarrying now in my 40s?  Probably not.  There's not much out there except all the leftover and discarded "toads" I'm afraid.  A few lucky ones find a great guy in middle age, but I'm afraid your chances of getting struck by lightening are probably higher.

Depends on the doc (sm)

I actually prefer doing consult letters over all other kinds of dictation.  Some doctors are concise and to the point, and some are long-winded (just like anything else).  I have found that there they mostly say the same things over and over, so it is a good way to use a lot of Instant Text and boost your LPH.  You still have the basics (CC, HPI, PH, SH, FH, Meds, etc.) but you are working in paragraph format instead of using all the headings.  Remember to ask for a sample of how they want them done in particular.   

The only downside is that you will have to edit them for grammar and tense issues rather than just do verbatim transcription, but it's not a hassle by any means. 

I've known other transcriptionists who hate letters, but I really enjoy them!  Good luck!

It depends
I had an account that paid gross lines and thought that I got a great deal, until I realized that the page margins were really wide and I would have made more $$ with a 65-character count....watch those side margins!
That depends.....
Were they paying you 12 cpl for a 65 char line count or less than 65? If so, 65 characters is the same, regardless of margins.
It depends on who the cc is..
Are you working on a hospital account or your own accout? Please provide more info.

It is usually justifiable if the cc is involved in the patient's care is some form or fashion and this cc's involvement is documented in the patient's record.
Depends what you consider to be a hot job
I love these people who say they're making 50 grand like it's really good money. Where I live 50 grand is enough to live on - period - and no one would brag about making that, so a job that "tops out" at 50 is nothing to brag about. Only someone who has never had the ability to make really good money would make a statement like that because to them that's something to be proud of.

To answer your question, this is not a hot job. I have been doing this for over a quarter of a century and people look at you like you're an idiot if you tell them this is your job. Some have laughed and said, "Oh, a typist!" or "Oh, you're a secretary!" Neither of which are HOT jobs.

If you want respect for what you do, go to an accredited college and get a real degree - a bachelor's or beyond. Then you're qualified for a HOT job.

Best of luck. Just being honest.
Well it all depends on the method of line counting; whether it is gross lines or character lines.  Gross lines at that rate is excellent hourly for someone with experience.  I.E., You can type 1000 gross lines in roughly two hours on average.  Here is the math:  1,000 lines x .05 = 50.00  (two hours).  Anyone get it?
it could be, it really depends on the dog
It all depends of course, but I can usually
average 1600 lpd on average for an 8-hour day. When I am part time (4 hours a day), I can get about 850.
As a QA person, to me it depends on the skill level. If someone his hired on and say they have 15 years experience yet leave blanks for general terms, yes I would track them. If I have a person who has been working doing clinic work and wants to crossover, no I don't. I give them adequate time to actually learn. If I can't get a blank either, it most certainly is not counted. Mostly what I watch for are the major errors, medication guessing, gross lab errors, etc. I don't see a need to go crazy on people. They are better served to be taught....if there is a new word they do not know, I send them the meaning. I teach them what the labs mean. I give endless references from books, websites, etc.
Just depends...
I think it depends on what company you work for. I work at home for a large clinic and it is wonderful. I get full benefits, overtime pay, quarterly bonuses and also have great ladies to work with and we go out together once a month. We have department meetings and parties, so I don't feel isolated at all. But I can understand how it would be awful without these things and how isolated I would feel. Good luck to you!
It depends. I use both. See below.

I use the net a lot, but couldn't live without my Quick Look Drug Book.  I have found it to be the best.

The two sites I've found the most helpful on the net are Medline Plus and Drugs@FDA.


depends on how much (sm)
Mine wanted an iPod. Laptop is a good idea, but very expensive. Is she in a dorm or apartment? Something for her place like a microwave or another appliance or a small TV. Portable DVD player. A nice bookbag or sachel of some sort for her books. Or maybe a family picture enlarged and framed.

My daughter's best friend's mom made her a scrapbook of her high school years. It was so beautiful and my daughter cherishes it. Wish I could have been crafty enough to make her something sentimental. She cherishes the iPod, but in a different way ;-)

Good luck to you!! My daughter's senior year was very, very special to both of us. Enjoy her while she's still at home!

It depends.

If the only thing you will be doing is logging into the hospital system and transcribing, your line rate will probably be more than with a national, but less than what a company would charge the hospital. 

Depends on if you are doing it as a
service for your church or has the community itself asked you to take it on?

If the community has engaged your church to help with this, I wouldn't do too much promotion of my own church in it.

Otherwise, I'd have a city map with any brochures about parks and recreational areas; maybe a few coupons to local restaurants; a restaurant guide; information on the school system(s); an area guide on all churches; any information on fine arts and clubs, etc.

I guess it depends on what their ASAP means and how much additional it is to the regular work you receive.  If I usually receive 30 minutes from a client daily and they tend to do only 20 minutes on three days and add it onto the last day, I would chargre usual rate for the first 30 and then you could add on a surcharge after that.  But I would first run it by them as if you do it without their knowledge they could get nasty with you.   Also do you specify TAT of 24 hours, my accounts know that I have 24 hr TAT but it is for a days worth of dictation and if they do back dictation it is usually an additional 24 hours.   Also depends on how much you want this account.   You can do what you usually do in a day and then quit and fimish up on the other day that the workload is lighter.  There are several alternatives and choices and I would certainly outline them all out for the client and let them chose which one they prefer doing.  ASAP to some does not mean immediate rush but as soon as you can within normal guidelines.  Again, your call but run whatever you chose to do by the client. 
But I think very experienced QA people should not be making 34000 a year! I have a friend who does payroll and makes almost 50000, doing just payroll, no degree, no special title, just lots of experience and good at her skill. And please. Some customer service jobs pay 14.00 an hour nowadays! Don't sell yourselves short. A skilled QA professional with lots of experience should make at least 40000 per year or more.
Depends on what you are looking for
My docs seem to always leave off zip codes when dictating insurance carrier or other doctors addresses. I found the website below to be extremely helpful in locating a zip code, particularly for a PO Box:
