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It's to your left on this board. :) nm

Posted By: MTG on 2006-02-28
In Reply to: RE: Getting started - Cynthia L


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go to the job seekers board on the left
hand side of this page.  Editing would be considered a position in the "QA" field.  There are lots of these positions open. 
Yes, but go to the Job Seekers board at the top left of your screen.

Yes, click on the New MT/Student board over on your left (sm)
on the first page there are a couple of threads about schools you might read through and if you still have questions, post over on that board and you will probably get a better response.
Please see the Billers & Coders board on the left.
There are many who may be able to help you there!

who the heck died and left you policing board?

MedQuist board is now set up. See Medquist link to the left.
Link is also below.
Just hit Alt+Shift+left arrow on line 1 and it will go to the left margin. Otherwise,
you need to use a numbered list style to do it every time. Each version is different, but you may already have a numbered list style in yours that stays at the left margin. Just assign a keyboard shortcut to that style.
And its gonna kill you to post on the Company board rather than the main board?
This post should be made on the Company board. See that board. Thread locked.
This post should be made on the Company board. See that board. Thread locked.
This post should be made on the Ask the Dr. board. OP please repost on that board. Thread locked.
Post belongs on Ask the Dr. board. OP, respost on that board. Thread locked.
cherrypicking co-worker issue (meant to post it on this board instead of MQ board) sm...

I need opinions please...I work on a very small account with just a handful of ladies.  Because of the nature of the software (trying not to get too specific here) we can see who is working online and what reports they are working on in real-time...

We have one cherrypicker on the account.  Instead of using FIFO method, she retrieves the reports by author ID - usually picking the better dictators of course.  She knows I busted her and she did admit to it in on our work e-mail (not too bright) which I am saving just in case she gets out of hand - so far I'm still able to make money since really most of the dictators aren't bad. 

But every night it's starting to wear on me since she's screwing up turnaround time.  I don't really want to cause a big uproar being that it is such a small account and I need to work with her almost every night usually one on one.

What would you all do?  I want to handle this as delicate and professional as possible because we can't really afford to lose anyone on this account.  In other words, I refuse to stoop to her level by cherrypicking right back.

My boss has asked me several times why so-and-so does so much more than I do...I just bite my lip at that point but one of these days I think I might explode and just open up a can of worms....

Definitely one of the other board's people who refer to those on this board as "holy rollers,&
Now go ahead and post your reply - I know you're dyin' to!

Please see my question on company board -posted on wrong board
read recent posts on this board and on the company board
Post belongs on Ask the Dr. board. See that board. Thread locked.
Word Board=Help Board. NOT a do the math = figure it out yourself=GOOGLE IT!

What is the Main Board for? All general topics seem to get moved to the new gab board.
wrong board - rules are pls use WORD board

I meant to say Job-Seekers Board, not Company Board.
No mssg.
When I go to New MT/Students board I am taken to the Abbreviations board. NM
You put them on the company board, not the main board. They are still there.
Main board is for MT topics. Non-MT goes to the Gab board! nm
wrong board - try word board
go to the HOME board and then to Career board on the --sm
left hand side. Inside that is the resume posting site.
here is a link from the New MT board-you might want to read a bit on this board
Not right now as seems everyone has left
due to the line counting rip off issue.  Otherwise do run out of work tons of times.
That why you left?
you left out one

>>>How darn hard it is to quit.  I have tried everything.  Patches, gum, Wellbutrin, Zyban, cold turkey, etc.

You had the dream, but you didn't have the drive. You have to want it badly enough to stick with it NO MATTER WHAT.

I'm talking from personal experience as a former 2-1/2 pack per day smoker.

Last cigarette was May 6th, 1992. Quit cold turkey.

Did you get your pay when you left?nm
I should have said "I left him and TOOK the
baby, the dog, the IBM and the dictaphone! Eek! Sounds like I left them WITH him! No way!
What - that you left 24 and QA was able to get 16 of them? LOL
I left because of it
Unprofessional emails and phone calls.
Nope. I ain't takin' it. I respect myself more than that. It was the attitude of everyone in the company I came in contact with. Unbelievable.
Getting out of MT, I have left MT
because of the reasons stated below.  Because I was a good ER MT, I received all the crappy dictators, accounts, you name it.  Even told the MTSO that I was getting burned out with all of the crap, but six months later, I came to the conclusion that getting an ulcer was not what I wanted for my dedication.  Tried four or five different companies, and as a poster said below, they lied about everything (accounts, lines, ease of use of program/software, amount of work, etc.)  So I'm gone.  Kind of miss the medical transcription work I did but do NOT miss the BS that comes with it.  They used me until I couldn't bear it anymore.
Yes....I just left my MT job ....
I relate with these comments 100%. I worked for a great service with a great owner for the last 10+ years. First started out in 1989 making great money ( and on a typewriter) with decent turn-around-time and simple common-sense formats. Over the years, the Turn Around Time has decreased, the formats have become a maze of ever-changing rules, and as others have stated...no money! I might as well get a job that is less wear and tear on the body and mind. "Chained to the computer" described the job well. I resigned a few weeks ago what had become a sweat-shop job. Seems like instead of the computer making the job better, it has become worse. Someone mentioned they heard it said MTs were making too much money. That is eerie because I remember hearing that comment 15 years ago and I tossed it off as sarcasm. Now I wonder. This job is nothing like it used to be. So, as stated I QUIT!
There was something you left out in
your post. What about the possibility that this person makes good money because they just guess and "fill in the blanks"? Or maybe they leave a lot of blanks so that they can do more work?

I have come across this before. Not all MTs who make good money are getting good money because they are good at their jobs. Some pad their lines, and some just make up stuff to fill in the blanks. To all of those GOOD MTs out there who struggle to make the money they once used to make, don't let people put you down as unworthy because they think they are better than you.
I left my job too
After 7 years and I should have left sooner. Their VR and platform were awful (Spheris) I was making half of what I used to.  I have not gotten away from VR but I have 2 jobs where at least I can be more productive. I kept waiting for things to improve -I thought if I just worked on it it would happen- now I feel a lot of the stress is gone.
Thanks, what was left of my sanity has been...
I'm beginning to wonder if that's all there is left is
crap dictation.  Most of us say we're doing the crappy dictation and ESLs.  So the good stuff is really going overseas or to VR?  Or are there people here who get the good stuff all the time, which is why they make good money and we don't?
If you are just looking to align left or...
To align (left, right, or justified) you can either set the page up before you start typing by going to Format, then Paragraph, Indents and Spacing.  You will see a General section that says alignment.  This is where you choose how you want it set up.  If you want to do this after you are finished typing, highlight all text that you want to format.  Right click.  The drop down box will give you the option of Paragraph. Choose Paragraph.  This will bring up that same box that shows Indents and Spacing.  Go to the General section where you see alignment and then choose which option you want (left, right, justified).  This will then apply it to the text you have highlighted.  Hope this helps.
no hair left
i hate to tell you but it doesn't get any better. been with them for over 3 years -- i still have my hair, but have lost my sanity!!
I've left MT too
Good for you!
I just left China
Actually, I just left China. Poor old souls. Not many pretty women in China.

I needed to get home to the states to see all the beautiful women. I felt like I was intoxicated when I came through the door at Medquist and saw all my beautiful gals.
If acct is on ASR, what is left for MTs
is the worst of the dictators that have always and will always be a problem. The best speakers are put on ASR to the machine can under stand it. They've got you. It is no faster that using expansions. There is no production increase, so there should be no decrease in MT/ME pay. THAT WAS THE DEAL! I will go back to cut and paste an old post that says what happens.
Think of them as right and left arrows.

Think of them as arrows on a number line.


If the arrow is pointing right, it's greater than.  If the arrow is pointing left, it's less than.  Think L (left) for Less than.

The left Menu....
The left Menu is actually a javascript for fast loading of pages. Your browser's scripting is disabled.

Go to "Tools -> Internet Options..." from the main menu of Internet Explorer.

Change to the "Security" tab
Select "Custom Level".

Make sure "Enable" is selected under "Active scripting"

Restart the browser.

If above doesn't work, run some Spyware or Anti-virus, because most of the viruses and Trojans stops the javascript in first place.

Yea!!!!! I found one - man had one left!!!!sm
Thanks for all your help - if I had not found one - I would have definitely checked out those Amish horses. Thanks to all for your comments. Just found out Papa John is going to start building these again after the first of the year.
With the national I just left,

you need to basically double your production in order to break even with what you earned before by transcribing.  And they're doing VR with the better dictators so only the worst dictators are left.  And yes, they overhire, as well.

I'll never go with a national again.  Was the worst experience I ever had.  Give me a smaller company any day.  They seem to treat people better. 

Email left...thanks!

"Boards on the Left"
I dont' have any boards on the left.  All I have are "Top", "Home", and "Contact" which stay on the left and scroll with me.  If I go to "Home", I get a list of boards but not all of which are mentioned in posts, such as "Easter" and "States".  Why am I missing boards, and how can I get "boards on the left".  Thank you for your time!!