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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

It's on page 129 of the BOS II if they like to use it. nm

Posted By: Wanderer on 2005-08-27
In Reply to: Need help, QA says no to type-2 diabetes, please advise????nm - MI MT


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Personal page/web page resource

Thanks a lot for sharing these great websites!
Yep, $2.00 a page and the page has about 30-40 lines on it nm
NJ $3 page, though I have heard as low as $1 page.

When I worked for a national, up thru 2 years ago, I was getting $1.75 page and heard they got $4.

Page, AZ
This last summer we took a driving trip and were set to stop in Page, AZ for one night... Ended up there for an extra night because of car trouble and we loved it -- the entire Page/Lake Powell area is gorgeous and we are planning a trip back asap -- I'm jealous!!
Their web page...
www.limewire.com explains why they aren't breaking any laws - something about there is no central hub where people are downloading music (as with Napster back in the day) but simply file sharing - so therefore it is legal. But I would never pay to download music - and I don't think the Beatles are upset about lost revenues!
per page
I actually work for a service by page and actually I do pretty well and feel almost better than a per line rate. I wonder if 60 lines is a combination of both text and blank lines?
Per page

I get paid gross line and from top to bottom of the page.  My rate is lower which is what the docs like and on chart notes just take the line count for word.  Kind of like your two lines on a page you get the page.  One word on the line, I get the line.  Also with my clinic notes, there is just one blank in between patients but I do get that line.  Of course I cut apart the notes for the clinic so that kind of pays it.  I also make good money and can't complain. 


By page

You need to turn it around so the doctor feels he is "saving money" by being charged by the line and therefore for only the part of the page that is completed.  Tell him that if you charge by 1/4 of the page anything over 10 lines would be a mininum of $1.50 - 2.00  and so he would be paying for part of the page that would not be filled up.   The same applies if he were to go only 1 line past the 1/2 page mark and thus pay for the entire page.  So make it seem more economical for him.  Also make sure that you figure your line charge out in the font you want to type in and if he wants a smaller, convert it over to charge out.  As long as they know that a gross line -- which is what I charge -- consists of how many characters in the Courier 12 font in, you are not cheating.  But show him how it would be beneficial for him to do the line charge and don't go with an attitude of "my way" show him you are looking out for him.   I would probably start out around 12 cpl per gross line as you will probably get a lot of standards that you can set up, etc.   So if work up to 200 to 300 lines per hour that is very good pay. 


Wow, we are both on the same page!
I would love to be a homemaker and be with my children, btw I dont have any yet, but that is what I would love to do!!! I agree with your comments totally on this board. Have a blessed day!
It's not there for me either. I think that and the mom page
should have a drop down in the menu thing above.
Could be anywhere from 1 page
to 5 pages.  These would be reports, not chart notes.
If you will look down the page...
There is a discussion about this. Here is a link to my post, which gives a link to the chair I currently use. I highly recommend it.
Are you saying $10 per page?
I just raised my rates to .12 for gross lines, old accounts but again I make good money per hour and just cannot justify raising higher.  I am happy.  That is gross line per Courier 12 and 1" margins.  With one account lots of consults and letters and can make $50 to $70+ per hour and so am happy.  Guess that would equal 13 to 14 65 cpl so that is in the ballpark.   My accounts pay on time, within 48 hours, never a bounced check, NEVER question my line counts or TAT.  I pick up and deliver, do envelopes, cut apart chart notes, and make good money.   Was just sick last week and did a pick up and delivery anyway and one of my docs told me to go home and rest and all others asked how I was feeling.   So do what is fair for all, do not price yourself out of the account as he could think that he could do it again himself but show him how much more free time he has and it is worth the money.   Oral surgeons will have lots of letters and op notes and so you can make a lot of standards and use a lot of expanders.   So you have the opportunity to make good money, again I always see what my bottom line is or hourly rate and not what cpl I charge.  
$1.30 per page???
I know it really depends on many factors, but I was wondering if $1.30 per page is a good rate?  I haven't typed a per page rate in years and I don't remember!  This would be a psych. account.  This company gives a template (I get paid for the template lines).  I am thinking this seems kind of low.   Any help would be appreciated.
$1.30 per page?

Oh, gosh...I almost fell over when I read this.  Maybe I missed something here, but when I had my own private accounts a few  years ago I was charging $5-$6 per page, which was actually low at that time.  The reason was that these docs were excellent dictators (hand-picked, of course), and $ wasn't an issue. 

I'd be interested in any other input.

Good luck.

$1.30 page
They should be ashamed of themselves. Don't take the job! I type speech pathology reports and charge $5.00 per page and do 200 pages a month for the last 8 years. These reports take up every inch of the paper, as they do not say
"new paragraph" very often
You can do better I'm sure!

I get $2.00 per page

Have a look at this page.
Copy and paste this link. These guys are GOOD. Looks like at least a couple of things to help.

pay per page
Does anyone know the average $ per page, not radiology but clinic notes?
By the page if the majority
of your work types are diagnostic plain films, such as chest and bone x-rays but if you have a lot of MRI's, CT's and special procedures such as catheter placement and removal, PET scans, angiograms and stent placements then by the line is more profitable.
i think its on the 2nd page of this board

i did a little different, added more

1 tsp salt, 1 tsp pepper, lots of paprika and lots of garlic and probably 1 cup of olive oil.  I had a lot of chicken to cover.  I mixed it all up in a bowl to wear it was pretty thick, not runny.  placed onions and garlic at the bottom of crock pot.  dipped chicken in sauce and completely covered.  It shouldnt run off chicken.  Placed in crock pot and dumped the rest of the sauce on top of it.  she said she cooked it about 6 or 7 hours i think.  It smells awesome!!!!!

Our QA stay on the same page. Here's how. sm
We give feedback to our MTs on every report that comes through QA. The way our QA staff stays on the same page is to provide feedback to the MTs and we BCC to the other members of QA along with a BCC to the QA manager. We SEE what QA is telling the MTs and if we have a question, we ask amongst ourselves. We stay on the same page. That way, if an MT decides that they want to say a QA person told them something, we all know what was said.

It is a wonderful way to stay on the same page. It also is a great way to help the MTs.

We work with our MTs very closely.
See the Main page...
for a brief history of MTStars, see the main page.


Sheri Steadman runs her own little company, USAType, Inc.
(Scroll this page to bottom to read last two lines).

Forget the affiliation with MQ or anyother company involved in offshoring "MTStars is staunchly against the offshoring of American Private Health Information".

Many companies like MQ, Cymed, Spheris etc etc. are banned on MTStars to post any jobs as well for advertising and sponsorships.

I love to visit these boards because I know I am on 100% US MTs site.


towards the bottom of this page
Under the question about who is quitting before Oct 1st.
it's the same main page, but when I go to look
up something and get results, it is the results page that is really different.
I am getting 1.46 per page, doing about 100-150 per day. Instatext, 1 ESL.
How many accounts will you be doing. Do you have an expander.

I am making rather good wages now that I have become familiar with format and the doctor's dialect. But, I have one account only and have a lot of each physician dictation (about eight in total) in expander, for instance, their routinely said sentences for mammograms or chest films.

per page is better with rad than per line - sm
Per line means you will work your hiney off just to make any $$. Per report is the best way to go. I was paid $1.40 per report. I averaged about $33-35/hour and worked 3 hours a day.

If I worked onsite for a radiologist I was paid $88 (EIGHTY-EIGHT) for 2 (TWO)hours onsite.

Guru - did you get the one at .50/page
I have never worked thru them but am listed. Did you see the one who had a 50 page paper they wanted typed and said they "heard the going rate was $0.50/page"? LOL
how many lines are there per page?
A friend of mine works on a per page and half page basis rate wise and I was wondering how many lines that is.
lines per page
Depends on font, character size, margins -- anywhere from 54 to 62 per page.  Type a page in your usual font and count the lines -- easy to do, type numbers all the way down your left hand margin.  Or do one page and use the property function in Word and it will tell you the number of lines on that page.   Change the font and it will show you how many in different fonts.  Easy enough to find out. 
$3.00 a page. I wish $300 - sorry. Also by fake it, I
mean, just be confident when you speak to the doctors' offices - don't let on that you are unsure of yourself!! That's what I meant by "fake it"!!
Per page rates
Hi guys, I just received a call from a doctor looking for transcription services but he uses templates and also wants a per page rate. I have never charged a page rate before. Does anybody do this currently? Is there a way to calculate or a going per page rate?
Saw that too. Page has worms, lol.

On that note, I was notified of a nasty e-mail virus or worm going around.  Watch out for e-mails with attachments, even if somebody you know because it gets the addresses.

go to Home Page

Someone is also using KS on this page as their initials.
price per page

We may be going to a per page in paying our at home typists.  However, it has been a long time since I did this.  What is the current rate per page (the employer) to pay for imaging transcription??

price per page

 I may have to outsource some work to ICs  what is the going rate for a company to pay for radiology reports, I was told 1.75 to 2.00 does that sound right.  I hate doing line counts.  Any thing will help. 


Between $3-4/page if not through an MTSO
When I was working for an MTSO in Bergen County, they paid me $2.50 pp and billed the neuro's office between $3-4 pp, but it did vary base on the letterhead. Some of the clients left little room on the page for actual transcription, so I would use a lower $$ in that case. If it is office notes that will be placed in a chart, you may want to charge the higher fee.
page charge

If they want it printed in that font fine but for charging change it back to your usual font and see how many pages there are if you are charging by the page.  I type in Arial 10 for several accounts or Times Roman and I always change it back to Courier 12 for my line counts.   Also change the margins to represent 65 characters in the line as they want less margins for chart notes.And they are aware of that when I quote my line charge.  If you agreed so much per page, tell them it was using the Courier 12 font or whatever font you usually use with your usual margins. 

Good luck

Of course 3000/8hr. is possible, with 3-page
templates and fill-in-the-blanks, word expanders, and same docs over and over.  Oh, and not getting the docs on a daily basis who finish a sentence, go back and correct it 5 times to the point you have no clue what he/she is trying to say.  In any case, good with the bad, I still average 200 lph.  Sometimes it's not how good or fast YOU are, but how good or bad they are at dictating. 
Charge them $5.00 per page

and then give it to them on a CD rom for their safe keeping. 

If it what happens to me it's in the page view (sm)
In the bottom left corner of the screen are four buttons.  I usually keep mine set on the third one in which is Print Layout View.  Hope this helps.
Opinions about per page pay--sm
I have an opportunity for a position with a company doing disability evaluations, but the pay is per page and at $1.75 to $1.90.  I think this is a little low, but would like opinions from others.  TIA
price per page
What would you charge per page for radiology reports?  You know some are a few lines for hands, feet, etc. and others (CT, MRI) are lengthy.  sk
One last thought about going to cpl vs page
Before you shock them -- what I would do is to see what my line count would be and see how the total compares to what I have been charging. If you suddenly take 20 lines that were 1.50 and it is now 3.20 it will really shock them as their bill doubles -- just like when we get our property taxes after they appraise our homes.  So before you price yourself out of a job, see if perhaps .14 cpl and then gradually going up from there. If you are charging .16 cpl per gross line that is more like .19 to 20 cpl for 65 character line with spaces.  So examine all angles and see what is a fair price to charge so you can keep the account and still earn a decent living.  It also depends on what font you use, what your margins are, etc.   Just don't give them "sticker shock." 
Ok. I was going by what was on my start page--sm
and it stated per police statement. I was waiting for an autopsy report and still have not heard one, but yours sounds more complete. I am not watching TV and only going by what is on the internet. thanks.
Per page amount
I work as a general transcriptist for an insurance company and I get paid $3.00 a page no matter how long the page. In the area where I live I think $6 would be a lot of money, but if she can get it, that's a great per page amount.
A lot of factors come in per page.

I've been paid $3.00 per page and made out very well, but I didn't have to search for addresses or correct their language due to poor grammar.  These were very smart docs.  The reports were very short.  The docs just told me to use my own discretion and expertise in regards to format, so I made them as simple as possible = less keystrokes.  Hope this helps.  Margins play a factor.  She is probably better off charging per line. 

paid by the page
All of my work is paid by the page, but I work a lot from templates and a lot of it is very repetiiitive.  Like he says, do the same for this patient and that patient and the other patient.  Not too bad, fror what I get.
I get paid by the page
It is a great thing, even if it is 1/2 page, i get 2.50/pp.  I do alot of IME for radiologists that do this as a side job.  It is more detailed than a regular MRI, xray, or CT but i have been with the same drs for 8yrs, so I know what they are going to say next alot, which is great.
So when I'm making $2.50 per page, I'm -sm
actually only getting a little over 6 cpl? I thought that was a good offer. Waaa! It's NOT!