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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

It's a great beginning

Posted By: Make a Difference on 2009-03-29
In Reply to: good job - oldmt

I think it's great and a step in the right direction.  I think what this industry needs from us is proactive steps toward making it known to people outside of the industry just what is taking place.  If every MT concerned about their job security wrote letters to the President, their representatives, media people - reporters, in particular, and it began to resonate with people just what is taking place, maybe changes would actually happen.  It costs nothing to shoot off an email to a local reporter, a member of Congress, the Senate, etc.  Let's get them to pass laws making it illegal to send medical records overseas. 

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In the beginning ........... there were NO
nationals ..........
I was beginning to think it was just me...sm

I see these kinds of questions so often.  I was beginning to think everybody worries about this junk. 

I don't see any of that in the beginning.
I thought, from your post, that you were an IC who failed to understand basic economics.
In the beginning there were a lot of
bugs with Vista. Also, if what the MTSO has is compatible with their clients, why upgrade and possibly loose clients???
I'm beginning to wonder if that's all there is left is
crap dictation.  Most of us say we're doing the crappy dictation and ESLs.  So the good stuff is really going overseas or to VR?  Or are there people here who get the good stuff all the time, which is why they make good money and we don't?
As I stated right at the beginning....

If it were ME, I would be blaming myself.  Each and everyone of us are responsible, one way or another, as to what happens in our lives.  Too many people over the past so many years find it much easier to place the blame elsewhere.  That is one of the problems with our society.  I was "accused" of being an over-protective parent as my child grew up, but guess what, he never, ever even came close to an incident such as that, or close to being kidnapped or any of the other things going on in the world; didn't fall down steps; wasn't involved as a passenger in a car accident, wasn't around drug users or "bad" people, because I PAID ATTENTION...I didn't allow accidents.  Accidents are only LACK OF ATTENTION and lack of common foresight! 

Also, my "over-protectiveness" did not in any way inhibit my child's growth.  He is a Gunnery Sargeant in the Marine Corps and handles great responsibility well and has the foresight and the attention needed to prevent accidents! 

As for the driver of that car, I'm not trying to "take their side"....I'm just saying we don't know what the circumstances were....my goodness, we have all run over something in the road at one time or another and when the weather is inclement or it is dark, sometimes you don't know what it is.  I would certainly hope that if they knew it was a child, of if they find out through newscoverage that they ran over a child, that they will come forward.  I'm sure that at least 99.9999% of people out there will not willfully run over anyone.  Perhaps he/she looked down at the dashboard or the left rear window for just that one second and felt a thump as he car moved on.  Probably wondered what it was but had no idea whatsoever that it was a child....why would any driver in their right mind think that a 2 year old was out on the highway at 2:00 AM or midnight or whenever it was????? 

No, definitely no keto in the beginning of it.
I have listened to this dang thing 10 times at least and at a bunch of different speeds..... no clue on this one.
2000 is only the beginning

Believe me, that $2000 is only the beginning.  I do feel for these people but many of them are only used to hand outs and they will be getting them left and right.  Lets see how many of  them stand in line for a job.  I heard that WalMart will hire any evacuee, no matter what.  I wish they would report how many have been hired thus far.   I was watching Fox news the other day and one of the  guys they were talking to said something along the lines of "They aint helping us at all, its like they shipped us all on slave boats again"  He then said the F word, which Fox didn't see coming because you could hear it plain as day.  Now that is the state of mind of many of these people. Give me, give me.  The welfare system has tought many that the government will take care of them, they do not have to take care of themselves.  Now I am not talking about all the evacuees just the ones that are not used to fending for themselves.  

Okay, said what I had to say.  This just all gets to me.


I do agree with you, too. In the beginning
I found the posts hilarious as well. But I got rather turned off with Frankie Boy. Things got graphic and very disturbing. I think that is when everything started adding up for me.

I like when everyone sticks to a name, as well. Things get confusing! I just hope this stops with whoever is trying to ruin this board!
The beginning salary for (sm)
a GS-0640-5 is $24677. Top end at that grade is $32084. Some localities have a higher pay scale, depending on the local economy. It's likely there will be no chance of promotion unless your supervisor quits, retires, or dies and you happen to be selected for the position. You must work to age 65 or 20 years of service, which ever comes later. Search
for all federal job postings. If you decide to apply for a govt job, be sure to read the qualifications for the position. When you write your resume, use the exact terminology (keywords) as the job description. Some clerk who has never transcribed anything in her life will be the one to look at your resume and decide if you are qualified. The only thing she has to go on is the qualifications listed for the position. When you fill out your paperwork for your security clearance, do not lie about anything. They don't care what you've done in the past, they are looking for any secrets you might have. If you have secrets you can be blackmailed!
p.r.n. at the beginning of a sentence
P.r.n. is incorrect. The correct way to type this would be:
1. Ibuprofen p.r.n.
1. P.r.n. ibuprofen
Slow beginning
Paid by the line, my first job paid less than $2.00/hour.  First year earnings were about $10,000.  Currently, depending on the worktype and dictator available, working for a National, I earn an average of $16/hr with the worst times being $7.00/hr and the best times being in excess of $22/hr.  Again, the quality of the dictation makes a huge difference in production, obviously.  I use Instant Text, the Expander program, which has made a huge difference.
Thanks. Good tip. I was really beginning to wonder ! nm
Numbers at beginning of sentence

I know that if a number begins a sentence you spell it out, but I'm not sure about after a colon.  We type:

BLOOD LOSS:  50 cc.

but what about

FLUIDS:  500 cc normal saline. (?)

Does the "500" need to be spelled out since there are words after the quantity, or is it considered part of a sentence beginning with "FLUIDS?"

I'm beginning to think that the Kevin vote is
America making fun of American Idol. I can't see how he's gotten enough votes and I do really hope he doesn't last much longer as he's certainly not in a league with the rest of the performers on the show this year. I'm afraid Bucky will probably fall for the same reason. There are several really great performers this year, these 2 just aren't.
True. This is at least the 3rd one since the beginning of the year.
I am totally beginning to agree.
What other occupation that I know of can the employer get away with paying late, no benefits, and sometimes not paying at all.
I'll find it and let you know. I was beginning to think this was all about


Need advice on beginning MT Business


Was at my chiropractor's office today.  As the conversation progressed Dr. suggested that I might be able to get involved with their office doing MT work.  Offices in five states, new doctors that become busy need MTs to do their transcription.  I have owned my own business in the past and understand the in's and out's of that part of it.. My question is how would I set up a platform to do the work in case it would become busy enough to need another MT to help, software, expanders, etc.  I have a few very simple ideas like using MS Word and creating macros that can be sent to aother MT, etc.  but not sure that is what I would do.

Is there anyone out there with any suggestions or ideas?

Shift - home will do it backwards to the beginning
Beginning phase of Atkins - it's in his book. nm
I don't add it to the beginning as the noun is understood, especially if it a verbatim
account I would not change it.
ERs.. beginning/middle and end. Short story almost.
Add the Ctrl + B commands at the beginning and end of entry.
You click the command button in the Add window. The manual has more instructions.
chapped lips are caused from dehydration in the beginning and sm
chapsticks are a chain reaction causing continual need.
If this was posted at the beginning of th year, it has taken 3 weeks for anyone to notice. nm
Site was foreign built from the beginning..just listed at top only for US
I work for a large company beginning with an "M" and make
10.5 for text and 7 cpl for speech recognition. I work 10 hours a week and make 800 a month. I'm old and slow too.
At the beginning, thought the whole thing had been a dream - thank goodness it wasn't.
Agree, we are only seeing the beginning of losing so many jobs overseas to India, China, etc., etc.,
This is a sad reality.  However, our country has let this go on for years now.
Nothing new since the beginning of time..calories in, calories out. good food choices..portion size

Saw him on CMT show with John Fogarty. Great, great singer with a neat personality and drop dead
gorgeous without seeming to know it. 
Great post. I swear by both Advantage and Frontline Plus-- both work great! - sm
I don't know about "natural" approaches for the house. I have always used flea bombs in the past before the miracle of Advantage and Frontline changed my life. Have not had a flea problem at all since I began using those products about 10 years ago, dose all the dogs religiously once a month with the Frontline Plus except in Dec.-Feb. to save a few bucks and because the ground is generally frozen by then and no fleas are scurring about. -- Hope you get flea free soon.
Thanks to all. Got some great feedback and ecouragement. This board is great.
My rant passed, ate a late lunch, now back to the trenches.
GREAT GREAT SHOW! I still think Ellen Pompeo
should have gotten the Emmy/Golden Globe whatever it was for the show. I like Sandra Ho, her character just needs more depth... Next week looks AWESOME!! Maybe there is still a chance for McDreamy!! First season DVD coming out with deleted scenes! Can't wait to get it & watch it!!
It is a GREAT company and great deal! I've had
Vonage about 6 months now and I love it. The only mistake I made was trying to keep my original phone # - I wouldn't recommend that. You have a temp # for a while, and the other provider can fight for the old #, etc. Go to vonage. com. They have new features all the time! There is even a new soft phone that is a phone on your screen. You don't need a real phone when working - just headset. It has 800 #s you can have very inexpensively - great voice mail. You get emails when you have new messages, etc. I only wish I had used them a year ago! Nothing but good things to say, and I complain about everything!
Sounds like he will do great then. Again, best wishes for great success!
That's great Patti. Thanks. Have a great time at the beach.
You should feel great as a transcriptionist if they think your work is that great!!!
It is not your fault they approached you. I think it would be a different storey if you were the one searching for the job to take away from a company. They obviously want to get rid of the company and if you didn't take the job they would probably ask someone else. You should enjoy the better position and not feel guilty!!
Great post -great job of wording your answer! (sm)
Original poster - I completely agree with this answer, especially the part about finding yourself and using all that you have learned intellectually and connecting that to something that you will also enjoy with your heart!! You have so many wonderful options for your future - much more than many of us.
IT - great program, great support system. nm
Thanks for all the great advice! You guys are great!
Well then, don't start at the beginning, start in
Great job
Hi, I'm interested in finding somewhere flexibile also as I have a little one at home.  I'm interested in radiology only.  If the place you work for has openings in this specialty could you let me know??  Thanks!
That's great!
I think sometimes people think you are trying to "replace" the dog that died. It's not replace at all, it just helps fill the void. Just like you can never replace a person, you can't replace a pet. They each have their own special place in your heart. Adjustment period - I KNOW!! But it works out. Good luck with your new baby.
great - thanks for this
I've been looking for something like this.  Now I have it.
Wow--that's great! Thank you so much
for info
That's great! I like that! Put that right at the
edge of town so noone can hear us scream!
Being an MT is great. Though like with
any job there are going to be issues. If you work in an office, you have to put up with all the crap that goes with it. If you work at home, you don't have to read these boards. There are a lot of negative people in the world, mostly on here! You will have bad days but overall the good will outweigh the bad. I have been an MT for 15 years, 11 of which I have been at home. I have tried going back to an office setting, several times, but have never been happy. I come back home to work and things are fine for a while until the job starts to suck but I get over it. I have children but they go to preschool/school. They do not stay home with me unless they are sick, have a snow day or a short school break. During the summer, they attend camps and preschool. This is not a job to get into to stay home with children. It is a career as an MT, not a daycare provider.

I'd say go for it. You will get out of it what you put into it, like everything else in life! Good luck to you.
I am glad to hear that it worked out -- an IC MT's worst nightmare (I have always had that fear). And extra pay to boot!
Sorry, but not my man. I have a great
husband. We have been married for 23 years. I know he doesn't cheat because he is home every day right after work, calls if he is going to be late, never goes to bars and works his butt off for our family. I'm not saying there haven't been issues but the good in him far outweighs the bad!

You might try giving it another shot. Not all men are scum!