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It's a Philippine company with an office in Nashville.

Posted By: nm on 2005-11-22
In Reply to: SPI - js


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  • SPI - js
    • It's a Philippine company with an office in Nashville. - nm
      • SPI - tinytimMT

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My company foreign owned but they have US office people
I'm in the Nashville area.

nashville star
USA network on Tues at 10 p.m. Announce their winner next week. More to compete to come later in year. Winner wins a RCA recording contract. Wyonna and Cowboy Troy are hosts. Always special guest. Judges are fun. Idol spin-off but way more entertaining, real,and you know who's out from the week before on the show. No extra show to see the results. Awesome entertainment. Not a huge country fan, but have found these kids very talented.
Nashville Star fans...

Chris Young's Drinkin Me Lonely video is up at CMT.com and his CD comes out tomorrow!

CMT.com : Chris Young (Country) : Artist Main

DTS America in Nashville--line rate??

Anyone out there currently working for DTS out of Nashville?  I already transcribe for someone else, but the school I graduated from sent me a letter telling me they have started a "relationship" with DTS, and we should contact them about possible employment.  I was hoping to get more information beforehand, so I wouldn't waste my time if they pay some ridiculous line rate.  Any information about pay, benefits, etc. would be welcome.  Thanks!!

where are all the nashville star fans?? opinions?

i am a big fan of CR, awesome job, awesome voice, and TV does him no justice compared to in person.  i think CY is good too but doesn't show as much versatility as CR does.  what went wrong last night with MM gone and NJ still being there?  i am not a fan of the deep, deep voice but i know lots are and he is a much better singer than the female left. 

who do you think will win?  i was thinking CY til last night and now i am not sure.  I think it will be extremely close between CY and CR, can there be a tie??

I've seen a lot of posts on AI, does anyone watch Nashville Star?

On Tuesday Nights, USA Network... Chris Young is so amazing!

Season finale of Nashville Star tonight
Just curious if MQ/TL in your message meant Transcriptions Limited, Nashville, TN, bought by MQ?..nm
Have most people had good luck with their MQ office closing and moving to the regional office. Have
things gotten better or worse for you.
Yes, I lost mine. I upgraded the Office 2000 package to Office 2003. sm
I have over 2000 autocorrect entries and lost them all as well as my supplemental dictionary for my Stedman's spellcheck. Lots of grief!

Maybe you will be lucky and not lose anything. Good luck to you.
Might be able to rent one from an office supply or office machine repair shop
I gave a tin of toffee for each office and a Lia Sophia necklace to each office manager. ~nm~
I gave a tin of toffee for each office and a Lia Sophia necklace to each office manager. ~nm~
Office politics. That is why I enjoy working at home. In the office,
people are in other people business. Just mind your own business.
Can anyone suggest an office in MQ that is not run like this Amherst office. They are absolutely
pathetic. I wonder how many other MTs are in that office in the same situation.
Just DQS from my office was transferred and the rest are getting on DQS before the office closes.
Pay kids work around office, renovate office.
Office 2003 so far, but going to Office 2007 as soon as I can. nm
30 day TAT in this office ... office politics at its best

I have kept in touch with an MT I worked with at the last in-house job (radiology).  This was inpatient radiology and also an outpatient radiology clinic the hospital operated.

One of the girls, a person who at one time folded towels but who was hired as a clerk, was just discovered to ahve not mailed out reports for 30 days.  These include both in house reports and outpatient reports.  They have been sitting on her desk because she "has not had time to do them." 

What do you make of this?   The lead MT is close to this girl (hence her being moved from housekeeper to clerk) and is trying to minimize the impact that not having the reports mailed to referring physicians' offices, as if it is a minor problem (how they found out about it is a doc's office called the MT's supervisor and asked why 30 days worth of reports were mailed to their office yesterday.

They were keeping it from the director of radiology.  I think this is BIG and that heads should roll for negligence.

What do you think?

at home vs office - i am in office
well, I really was referring to the MONSTER MANAGER that I have, who has her favorites here, and she assigns them the easy doctors who say the same thing over and over, you know.  I have to do something.  I am losing my SELF at this point, with no church and no family.  The stuff on here about running out of work, my lack of computer savvy, all  has me just frozen. MOre about in-office.  Do you have little habits like talking out loud to the dr?  Someone will complain about you.  Do you ever say a cussword?  Someone will complain.  Do you ever sigh?  Complaints.  About age - I was offered 2 trans. positoins in San Diego before I came here.  I had gone to a seminar about how to look for work over age 55, had revamped my resume and my "presenting" self, and it made all the difference.  Things are way different than they were evern 10 years ago, you will be judged by someone younger than you, but in this line of work they do appreciate experience and reliability.  And the computer doesn't care if you're pretty.  It's not your age unless you are sickly.  Don't give up!!  if that's what you want. 
What Company is This? I have been hired by a company that is sending a foot pedal.. Don't want t
The company cutting cpl, the company stopping paying for headers
Good of the company? As IC, I am my own company. Not my problem if she has problems as long as I do
Accepted a job with a new company, gave two weeks notice to my old company..

Old company, let me go before two weeks was up.  New company, said they were having trouble getting me set up and my equipment ready, but they would pay me while I waited.  It's been a month, still no check from new company even though I was told it was "in the mail."  I have no income and am at a loss. 

I have a signed offer letter from the new company, contracts, etc.  I applied for unemployment, but old company is saying I quit and technically I am currently employed with the new company!  New company is not returning calls or answering email.

What should I do!?!?!?!

I started sending my resume out today, but the process of getting a new job will take at least two weeks and I need money now to catch up on what I'm behind!

You don't want to work for this company. Call your current company and
tell them that you have decided against the new position and tell them that you would like to stay. It is cheaper for them to let you stay than to train someone new. A company who could be so tacky as the one you just spoke of is one you do not want to work for. You can rescind your resignation. If you are a good MT, they will be glad you did.
With my company, ICs use their own emails, employees have company email.
COMPANY INQUIRIES belong on Company board, please!
....3 months later my old company rehired me; can you return to your 1st company?
Local radiology company, not transcription company
who has only 5 transcriptionists and are not hiring at this moment. We all work at home and get great benefits, no insurance out of pocket and 22 days paid vacation in the first year, after that it goes up. I feel very fortunate to have found them, but again I chose them because they did not do production, so now that they are, I'm a little disappointed.
I think it varies greatly from company to company...sm
I was hired five months ago by a national straight out of school at 8 cpl. I think it just depends on your knowledge level and ability, and of course, what the company is willing to pay.
i think it varies from company to company and/or location

VR company? Not when the MT company owns its own VR equipment. n/m.
I have my own company email with my new company.
I can't answer your questions in your original post, I can tell you that with my new company, I have my own company email account, and I much prefer it. My old company had us use our personal email accounts, and they listed everyone who received emails in the cc line. They really never maintained those lists, and I received emails from them for a full five months after I quit - that despite my repeatedly asking to be removed from lists. Because the list had been passed from one person to the next in the company, I kept having to block sender after sender. Finally I replied to all, for each and every email I had gotten over a month's time. Well, that pretty much ended it.
I like to keep work and personal separate as much as possible.
It can vary from company to company.
If a company is on one coast and you on the other it can affect shift time, meaning usually if you want to start work 9-10 instead of 11 you could for 3rd shift, etc. 
Buy your own... company computers are for that company only!
some of what you want to know varies from company to company,
client to client. The services each have their own QA grading system and you will get a copy at hire that tells you everything they deduct, and for how many points. This usually also includes formatting, such as wrong dates, right exam/wrong patient, etc.

You will need to know your punctuation and grammar first and foremost and use it properly, this is what you do. THEN if the client requests garbage in/garbage out (usually because they don't trust leaving anything up to us), you give it to them even though it hurts -- and should not be marked off QA for it.

Where do you study? Colleges with the 2 yr transcription course in my state make you take a year (or 2) of English grammar. No offense, but it's pretty much a 5th/6th grade review (is vs are, doctors' vs doctor's).

blanks will be limited, usually to 2, before you cannot send the report to client.

Wrong shortcuts - pay attendion to detail.
Varies from company to company
My first company I chose specifically because I knew they had a mentoring program and you had 12 weeks of "mentoring" to get up to speed. The training was very thorough. The first week was all training classes. There were very limited samples (1-2 per doc if at all). I worked there 6 months and never made their production quota, but they didn't care. When I asked my account manager about it, she said they knew the account was very difficult 95+% ESLs) and she wasn't worried about my production, that I was doing well.

I have also worked with companies that just did a training over the phone (usually about an hour) just to learn the platform. Then they did full QA for a day or two and then I was on my own. For both of these companies, I could review all the past reports of the doctors on the platform. That was really nice. I didn't have production requirements with these positions, just a daily schedule that I had to stick to. They just wanted to know when I would be working.

My recent company gave me a 10-minute training over the phone and gave me a couple of samples of a couple of the harder docs. I then had to submit 3 reports to the account manager to review, and then I was off on my own and was required to meet production immediately.

So it all depends. Each company is different. Good luck on the new job!
Try the company board with name of company.
What office are you out of
and how long you been there?
not with every MQ office
It is on the list of "dangerous abbreviations" and is to be coverted to mL.
all along with the ATL office also
and just now trying to enforce all of the sudden. I have only met quota a handful of times since starting DQS over a year ago. NOTHING has ever been said to me directly. Even contacted the office numerous times concerning this and just get blew off. So frustrated!!
Is this every MQ office?
I have been with them 8 years and I have not seen or heard anything about a check other than on this board.
my office

My office is also my study room.  It is lovely with a nice corner-style desk.  I have a nice music set-up with cd changer, etc. and a nice sofa with a really pretty pine cabinet that holds all my extra "stuff".  I have nice wall grouplngs with pictures of the grandkids and other things that make me happy on the shelves that are amongst the photos.  It has a large window looking out to the front yard and a ceiling fan for a breeze. 

 I have another picture that I picked up at a yard sale last week that I also want to put up.  It's a neat and quite large original pastel that looks like something you's see on Antiques Roadshow.  In fact, if they ever come to my town I'll take it in and hope it's a treasure.

which office?
what region are you in and did you have to ask for it if you don't mind telling?

For tax purposes I have my own office.  Also helps me to be able to "go to the office" and shut the door when not working as it seems I get more done this way.  It might be small 8 x 8 or so but is large enough.  I also will not keep any of our household finances in my office -- strictly for work related items only -- others are kept in a small office in the spare bedroom.   That way I do not feel I am at work "all day long."   But that is just me.  Still work in sweats the first few hours, start to work within 15 minutes of getting up with coffee.  Tried the other way with office in spare bedroom or living room and just did not work as I felt that the work was always there with me.    Patti 




I have my office,
Not in my office
If you hang up or get cut off for some reason, you go back to the report you left off with.  OP, can you tell us which office?  I am in Chicago and hope it's here.  I get stuck doing all of the ESLs and 20+ minute reports too.    
why not ask? if you were in an office,
would you ask your friends there their thoughts/opinions?
What does your office look like?

Redecorating my home office..Maybe a newer/nicer surrounding can get me more motivated.. going kind of retro decor.. what does your work environment look like?  Just curious..

Mine is in an extra bedroom (converted to office).  Working very well for me.  Away from distractions, can close door if I need to.