Our supervisor told us that we are going to be working on production just like the at-home MTs do starting soon. We all will have the exact incentive plan to the letter. There will be no need to clock in and out just log on and work for however long we want. If there is no work, there will be no pay. We have about 900 minutes of work to do and 13 MTs to do it.
I have 2 in daycare. If I cannot get work in an allotted time like between 8 to 5, I am just SOL. I don’t have the money to pay a baby sitter for longer hours, it is killing me already. I just have a bad feeling that those of us that can only work 8 to 5 which is the majority is going to be sitting around twiddling our thumbs and when all of a sudden a job comes up, we are all going to be fighting over it.
I really think if they are going to pay us like home MTs then they should set us up at home but “there are too many MTs at home already.” Then again, if I were at home I would probably be chained to the computer. Is this how nationals work? I am thinking of going national.