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Posted By: Barbara on 2007-08-17
In Reply to: Quick question to Instant Text users: What does this come with? sm- - backandforth

I use it and love it. Yes, you can load on more than one PC. I bought both my first copy and an upgrade through Sylvan software. I don't know if you can download it or not but I would rather have the CD anyway for easier access just in case I crash or something. It is very user friendly. Hope this helps.

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I am getting 1.46 per page, doing about 100-150 per day. Instatext, 1 ESL.
How many accounts will you be doing. Do you have an expander.

I am making rather good wages now that I have become familiar with format and the doctor's dialect. But, I have one account only and have a lot of each physician dictation (about eight in total) in expander, for instance, their routinely said sentences for mammograms or chest films.

I use InstaText. Very easy for first time
users because you get to see your options at the bottom of your screen if you wish. I started using it about 7 years ago and absolutely hate anything else other than the expander in Word.
Can someone tell me specifically how to take Instatext and Glossaries

to a new computer?  I guess a flash drive, but i have never used one.  Do you just plug it in a USB and....well, then what?


Thanks in advance!

Instatext/word expanders
I am looking into word expanders.  I researched SpeedType or SmartType and it says you can make up a shortcut to expand to up to the size of a 9-page document, which is great.  Now, I have used InstaText in the past at another job, but we were never able to make an entry that was more than about a paragraph long.  Is this the limit to IT or is it capable of expanding to more?  If I cannot create a whole document, then I will shy away from IT.  Any input is appreciated.
How do I delete entries in InstaText that were made in error?
InstaText which is like wrestling with a gorilla to learn but it works.
Upper case is lower, lower case is upper. Using InstaText. Anyone know how to fix this?

Aargh.  It happened all day yesterday.  When I brought in text that was all caps


and had lower case on keyboard (as always do), it reverses keyboard commands.  This is driving me c-r-a-z-y.