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If you eat, drink, & get crumbs & spills in your board, a new one will definitely feel much

Posted By: faster. Love 'em new! nm on 2006-02-18
In Reply to: Has anyone increased their production with - simple change of keyboard?


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Yep, when I drink green tea instead of eating junk foods, or if I drink it while I'm exercising,
POLL: Drink of choice. What is it that you drink the most daily?

Yay for this board, I don't feel so remote
I admit I leave this page open all day (addicted) and refer back, just because knowing there are fellow MTs online makes me feel like I have coworkers again!  Sometimes I do get cabin fever with the only souls around me all day being my cat and dog.  Wondering how everyone copes with being remote and getting cabin fever once in awhile...has anyone gotten to the point where they were either too lazy/scared to leave their house??
This is the correct board. I feel that
there should be no error rate (that is like docking pay for leaving blanks). It is a big no no IMO. That is what QA is for.
Feel free to send me an e-mail via this board

I found that oatmeal works better than bread crumbs - moister
Happy cooking.
I pick it up, shake it, and dump the crumbs out. If that doesn't work sm

I email my company and they overnight a new one.  I go through keyboards about every three months. They take a beating, but I produce a lot of lines.

Regarding a legal board, we are not planning to add any new boards. We feel that there are plenty of
boards for various topics of discussion.  There also will not be a MQ board set up.  Posters may post on the Main board or Company board about companies. 
Of course you can, but there is a board for that purpose. Feel free to post on the Comedy Stop.
I want my bread crumbs white so I let them dry up in the open overnight (winter brings low humidity)
a very good way not to waste stale bread (aside from pudding).
I just make like a meat loaf mixture with egg, cracker crumbs, salt, pepper, egg and milk. SM
Form into patties, cook with some chopped or sliced onions, then add an envelope of gravy mix and water, cook a few minutes. Easy, you can add other stuff or use canned gravy. Enjoy!
I drink because of this job.

I don't drink it as much as I used to...sm
I stopped drinking one a day just because the cost was prohibitive (it adds up at $2 a can). It's almost worth it, though. I swear, within about 10 minutes of drinking one I can tell a difference--not just energy-wise, either. I feel a lot sharper and can focus better, too. I have switched to drinking coffee just because of the economic reasons, but it's really doesn't have the same effect for me.

If you end up trying it and are concerned about calories, the sugar-free has 10 calories as opposed to 110 in the regular kind. I can tell only a very slight difference in taste. A Flintstone is a Flintstone, right? :)
I drink.

I drink and then I gorge on cheese.  Actually, no.  That's wrong.  I drink WHILE gorging on cheese.  Cheap wine and cheap cheese gives me the giggles and then I watch a movie while in my retarded stupor, usually Napoleon Dynamite.  Then I pass out and "poof" it's a new day.  And then I'm really constipated so then I gorge on chocolate...chocolate Ex-Lax.

I'm not sayin, I'm just sayin.     

I don't drink ...sm
but if I did it would be in moderation or very little. Unfortunately, millions of folks can't seem to do anything in moderation, which creates problems for everyone.

THC oil has to be 80% pure and I doubt too many folks are going to be able to produce it in their back yard. Just as few people brew their own beer, wine, hard liquors. Just as most smokers don't grow and roll their own cigarettes.

I expect the government may eventually legalize marijuana to some degree - if for nothing more than the tremendous tax revenue it will bring in. We will still have crime associated with it, just as we have crime associated with tobacco and alcohol - bootlegging, hijacking of cargo, etc.

Poppy and coca leaves are also natural. Should we grow our own heroin and cocaine? When the medicinal properties of these drugs were "discovered" they were hailed as medical breakthroughs. Used to treat pain, depression, hysteria, anda host of ills, cocaine was thought to be a cure for heroin addiction.

But you won't be growing the purer forms of THC oil in your backyard - just like poppy and coca is regulated and only grown in certain places by certain government approved licenses, so will marijuana. I believe India is the world's largest producer of poppy for medical cocaine. And there will always be those black market sources for people who want to use the drugs for other than curative or medical reasons - just as there is now.

Would people support government controlled THC for cancer treatment? or are they more interested in being "free" to get high and have it socially and legally sanctioned? I would support the former but not the latter.
yes of course I do, I eat, drink, take breaks
40k a year now.  Work your shifts guys.
No, but a tall drink...
might be in order. On second thot - make it five! Ur gonna need 'em.
One drink a day it too much. I hope he has some
decent life insurance. 
There isn't a disease that causes someone to take that first drink, first

cigarette, or first hit of whatever.  I also think a lot of times "disease" is an excuse and not a real issue.   I come from a very long line of alcoholics on both sides of my family.  As as result I feel I have a predisposition to becoming an alcoholic, so I choose not to drink.   Alcoholism may be a disease in some people, but it is curable.  HIV/AIDS is a disease too that is 100% preventable.   I don't have a lot of sympathy for people who refuse to take responsibility for their actions and want to blame everyone else.  

I agree. One drink a day is too much because it just
opens the door for addiction. I'm a teetotaler living with an alcoholic, so I know that one drink is too many.
FUN POLL: How many of you have a drink
I admit to having a glass of wine mixed with white soda from time to time.  LOL.  I'm such a boozer. Can't handle anything stronger!  With all these ESL's and mushies tonight, I deserve it. 
FUN POLL: How many of you have a drink

While my computer is booting up, I get my drink..can't function without it! (sad huh?). Sometimes, I might have one before lunch, and one with lunch. Usually I stop and have nothing until after supper. Then, of course, I need one before bed. The funniest part, and you may think it's gross....I love an Oreo or two with my drink at night! 

I think you'd drive me to drink, too,
if I lived with you!! Amen!  Nasty, much?
used to drink 16-18 cups a day,
but bladder "accidents" and health concerns caused me to cut down; also developed some scary heart-racing episodes. Now i average 2 cups a day and drink maybe 2 of hot tea in afternoon, and more water.
All you need is a little umbrella drink!
I'll drink to that!
Like you, I started MT at a time that mentoring was the norm. I don't think I would have made it without the support and faith of my teachers. It's unbelievable to me how downright mean and impatient some people in this profession become, but I've witnessed the same thing in the nursing profession (there we call it "eating one's young").

Newbies in any field need nurturing and encouragement, and I can't figure out why it's so darn challenging for some of us to give it to them!

I have often said....I drink my fair share, but....


I really wish I could make myself drink more water..
but as a hazard of being a southern girl, I drink tea all day like it's going out of style
A drink versus Prozac

Don't worry about it.  A drink (in moderation) every now and then, in my opinion, is better than being hooked on Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, etc.   I know several women who do not drink, never drank but can not do without their "happy pill".  I have a glass of wine or beer after a hard day while cooking dinner which probably happens less than once a month.

I drink only unsweetened tea or water...
some families drink to deal with each other
There is a lot going on underneath the scenes, a lot of hurt feelings not dealt with, a lot of hostility, past differences not completely resolved.  All together in one house, the roof would fly off with all the pent up tension.  Alcohol smooths it out. 
smile and nod, or offer him a drink and tell him


Me too after 20+ years, I drink lots
and lots of coffee.
I wouldn't dare...1 drink and
I knew an MT who did more than drink while typing!!! nm
I don't drink at all ever - hate the taste...nm
I get a pikc-me-up drink from Starbucks or
My favorite pick-me-upper from Starbucks is of course, their frappachino's (my favorite is mint mocha chip) or an ice-cold coolatta or flavored iced-coffee from Dunkin's.
I drink 2, maybe 3 cups a day and before noon.

No he doesn't drink anymore
but I have noticed when he goes to the bathroom (we only have one and for some reason they always have to come in and take a pee when you're in there!) that his urine smells very concentrated. I noticed this awhile back and urged him to start drinking more water. He has cut out almost all caffeine (he used to drink Pepsi like an addict) and has upped his intake of water and gatorade. He doesn't take a multivitamin (although I've tried to get him too!)

We do have a clinic here in town that only charges $65 to see the doctor, but unfortunately we are going paycheck to paycheck right now. Hopefully next week we will have some extra and can take him in. I just didn't know if there was anything we could try. I try taking the comforter off of him when he starts sweating but he pulls it back on, and I even put the fan on his side. It doesn't happen every night, but more often than not it does.

I thought maybe it was because he dreams a lot and he was getting his heart rate up, kind of like dogs do when they dream. Not implying that my DH is a dog of course! LOL
Nothing was missing. She did not take a purse. She only had her ID (to drink) in her pocket.
Everything else was in the hotel room.  If she drowned she would have become shark or crab food. 
I get Monster drink from the corner store...

These really work for me--ingredients below

Carbonated water, sucrose, glucose, citric acid, taurine, natural flavors, sodium citrate, l-carnitine, panax ginseng root extract, ascorbic acid, caffeine, sodium chloride, niacinamide, riboflavin, guarana seed extract, inositol, glucuronalactone, pyridoxine hydrochloride, cyanobalmin.

I would agree with the walking. And drink lots of


I actually lost 20 lbs. after I started to work at home. No pastries, donuts, pies and candy in the break room anymore. :)  And I've had time to walk and I drink water instead of tons of coffee with cream and sugar.  Of course I still have my one cup in the morning so I won't yell at the kids. :)

Truth is, as an MT, I can't afford pastries or gourmet coffee.  The water comes out of the faucet and the exercise membership, i.e. walking the dog around the neighborhood is free!

Worked for me.  Give it a month.  You'll not only lose the 10 lbs., you'll really feel great.

I drink hot cider frequently and it doesn't keep me
awake.  Apple juice is a stimulant, but stimulates the other end.  
I drink only noncaloric or low calorie beverages.
I drink water daily but it's either partially frozen or with a lemon or lime slice in it. Teas, black, green, herbal, flavored but no added sugar. Coffees, even flavored, with low fat milk or cream, no added sugar. Sometimes I'll drink juice but only the 100% juice without sugar or corn syrup, lots of cranberry blends. You can mix up drinks using a splash of juice (or wine!) in soda or tonic water. Once you retrain your taste buds to nonsweetened, it'll taste a lot better and you won't be able to drink the sweetened stuff.
Can't take a Bible into the country and women can't drink
I love them, but can only drink them super cold.
I put them in the freezer before I drink them. It makes a huge difference in the taste.

I used to drink coke too. I think I kind of replaced it with these though, lol.
But be sure to drink lots of fluid after a treatment and...
you might get on a good calcium with magnesium supplement to aid in good healthy of your bones. My chiropractic treatments have decreased tremendously since I got on the drinkable kind! Good luck......there's enough pain in the MT world these days without pain in one's body, too!
Did they check his liver functions and does he still drink?
My son had that problem a few years ago. He's 30 now and his liver function tests were through the roof when he was checked. Once he stopped all alcohol intake, his night sweats completely disappeared. He used to sweat so much it looked like he wet the entire bed and even his wife would be wet.
No, you didn't betray him! That's his illness speaking. Second, does he or did he ever drink?
Some folks with drinking problems obviously are also alcoholics, but they don't have to fit the classic "drunk" stereotype.  My husband "cycles" as well, probably from bipolar, which is manic depressive - the happy ups and the mean ugly lows.  Men tend to self-medicate with alcohol. Also, when an alcoholic is in an abstinent period, which can even often be self decided, no pressure. The drinker just lays off for a while - that mean cycle is a "dry" alcoholic.  The original problems remain - the alcohol isn't there to give them their conceived happy "buzz", so they are mean and nasty as they could be as drunks, yet sober.  The only way to defeat depression in anyone is by confronting it head-on and NOT letting up.  Otherwise, you're then "enabling" their sickness to continue, etc.  Sounds more complicated than it is, but its not! You're doing everything right - get help from everywhere, tell everyone you have to, shine light on his behavior, and HOPEFULLY he will be convicted to get help. Otherwise, I agree with the others  - pack your bags and move on.  It will NEVER get better.  It will get worse over time, but you'll get more numb to it... No way to live!  I confronted it with my DH - fought viciously for his life, really, and he's a changed healthy man about 10 years down the road.  People CAN change, and seek help, and get well, but they have to be confronted with it.  Denial is our worst enemy.  Good luck to you. I hope this helps.
Maxwell House BOLD and I drink it black. Whenever I go sm
to Starbucks, I get a Venti tripple caf� mocha.  Love it!
I drink San Pelligrino sparkling water with a lime wedge
and that does the job