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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

If you're "old" enough you could go to the AARP free tax......

Posted By: sm on 2007-03-10
In Reply to: Tax - old and tired MT

people at the library or wherever they are holding it in a town near you. Think you only have to be 55. I tried it this year and was very pleased. They are knowledgeable and up-to-date.

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  • Tax - old and tired MT
    • If you're "old" enough you could go to the AARP free tax...... - sm

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You're not going to find a word expander for free. You're going to have to pay
and you're care free???
You're right - it is free from their site
Glad you mentioned that. I was going from hits on Google and there are sites that are selling versions of this. Apparently, some come with a CD. I'm not sure what the other differences are. Hmmmm: $200.00 (Microsoft) VS $20.00 (OpalOffice) VS free... Okay.
Thank you!
Please post the name of the free server that you're using.
It would be helpful to both this poster and other who may be looking. Is it some kind of a secret that you can't share or what?
Misha, you're almost working for free--
--doing this. There are many general transcription companies that pay real money. I know, because I work for a couple. General transcription is a real industry with real people supporting families with their income. Whoever is paying this low a wage is LAUGHING at your gullibility.
You're misunderstanding how toll free call in
services work.  You can't just get some long distance service at 3 cents a minute. Where are the doctors supposed to leave their dictation?  We have software that answers, prompts for the dictator ID and password, then keypad functions the doctor uses to leave their dictation.  Then, those dictated files are provided to the transcription service via FTP.  So, our service, at 9 cents per minute is the cheapest on the market offering these features and we do not require a large amount of minutes per month like other toll free call in services do.
yes, the "Live Free or Die" state is taking evacuees. They're going to Pease (nm)
Not to mention you're letting the govt use your money INTEREST FREE

Now that said, I usually have them withhold a little too much simply because we can't take a payment hit.
I received literature in the mail from AARP.  I don't know about the pre-existing conditions but the prices seemed very reasonable to me compared with other insurances I've seen.  If you happen to go with them, I'd like to know how you like them.

My husband is 52, but not retired.  He was able to get on Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield when my position was terminated in August due to my facility outsourcing the transcription.  I went with COBRA because I already had my deductible met, etc, beside the fact that we were told that since I was overweight I could not get on my husband's plan.  Now get this, he is a smoker, and he was accepted.  They said I had to lose 70 pounds to meet their weight requirement. 

With all the screwing around COBRA is doing with my coverage I don't know what I am going to do.  I thought COBRA honored what benefits you had.  As I mentioned, I had dental coverage, and now I do not.  I am giving them a call tomorrow to get to the bottom of it.



We're not a transcription service. We offer toll free call in dictation
service at rock bottom prices. I was only offering you an alternative without having to put out a lot of money by buying handheld units.
AARP taxes
I have been reluctant to use the AARP free tax because we have a business (not mine), and it would take quite a while to do the taxes. I was afraid they weren't interested in doing any complicated ones. Could we use the free service, do you think?

I am wondering if any of you know anything about insurance through AARP membership?  I have just been terminated from my place of employment after 15 years of service as the lead transcriptionists/supervisor for an in-house transcription department for a mental health facility.  My place of employment is outsourcing all of the transcription to a service to save money (not having to pay us benefits, etc.) 

My husband and I own our own business as well, so basically  my husband is self-employed.  I have always provided the insurance benefits, having this through my place of employment.  Well, now guess what no benefits!  The service that took over wants to hire me as well as the other four transcriptionists, which is cool, because we know these docs and therapists like the back of our hands. 

Here's my situation, my insurance benefits that I have now are done on 08/31/07.  The new benefits with the service will not be in effect for 90 days after beginning employment with the service, if that is what I decide to do.  Their insurance benefits are higher, and the deductible is higher than what I pay now, and of course with a service, these benefits are a privilege really, not a benefit, because it is based on production, etc. to keep the benefits.  COBRA is going to cost me $1,200.00 a month for the 90-days of coverage in between jobs.  This is outrageous.  I have been looking into other options as well. 

My husband is 51 years old, do you think we could get insurance coverage cheaper through AARP.  Any info would be greatly appreciated.



Does anyone have health insurance with AARP? sm
Have any of you older ladies used AARP health insurance?  If so, what is your opinion of it?  Is it expensive?  Do they hold pre-existing conditions against you?  Thanks!
ATTN: AARP members

"Old Timey" MT?

Just saw this on MT Jobs:

I don't need an "old timey" transcriptionist, I need "new age" with lots of computer experience as well as transcription experience.

Geez Louise - what is considered "old timey" and what is considered "new age"? These companies R becoming a joke.

"Old Timey"
RadGuy, at last you and I agree on something!

Shame on all of you!! We no longer transcribe with the help of computers, guidelines, reference books or critical thinking! Your work station should be well defined - wireless, keyboardless, your crystals should be well placed in strategic, harmonic positioning so that your loaded brain can teleport the information in real time, your aromatherapy should be adjusted to the account you are working on at the time, and you should watch your astrological forecast for maximum speed and effect! Geez ... couldn't you figure that one out?
Ripe "old" age of 53!! ...sm
Oh, boy....... I wrote a long message about my inspiration (saw friend at gym who had lost 70 lbs. and didn't recognize her) and don't know what happened to my message .....something about validating my email (which was already validated).   Anyway, don't get discouraged....just take it one day at a time and accept whatever amount you lose regardless of how small (I had weeks of only 1/2 lb. and sometimes none).   It eventually adds up.   Set small goals....I was only going to go for 20 lbs., then said 10 lbs. more, but now I am thrilled with 50!! 
GREAT idea! AARP can be very vocal - (sm)
about issues of importance. And as someone who will most likely still be working well past retirement age, I was hoping to keep doing MT at home. And that of course would keep putting more money INTO the Social Security system, not taking it out!

Good thinking about AARP! :)
Check with AARP, They might have a group plan.
I agree about being IC. If you take an appointment with a company and you do not stay to schedule, it will be stressful for you and unfair to them. This happened to me. Decided to go IC with 2 places (both part-time) so I never have a set schedule, but I do work most weekends (my choice). My husband provides health insurance though. I know there are groups you can buy into though. If you go to the AARP web site, they may have a number of someone you can call who can make suggestions. Good luck!
We "old people" were having trouble seeing it the way it was
Don't make fun of us, someday, God willing, you'll be geriatric too.
that's not "old" w/Nixon being pres....nm

Are you asking how to copy your "old shorthand" to new HD?
Still using my "old" IBM keyboard purchased, I think, around 1990.
I totally panicked when it started going haywire & finally found a company that will repair them, have their own "clone" IBM's which aren't "too" bad, and also have the cord you were searching for.

I bought "their" clone while they repaired my original IBM, and it was pretty close to the touch of the original - but still just not the same. Then a few years ago, my son became aware of my dilema about searching for IBM keyboards -and, Geez - his company had one made by Lexmark back in their supply room - but without a cord -

If you're interested - try looking at http://pckeyboard.com/repair.html -- Repair services are through Unicomp out of KY - 1-800-777-4886, Jim Owens, Ext. 202.

I've been very happy with their service and I, personally, am surprised at what they charge. I purchased their "clone" & the cord for the IBM by Lexmark for $42.69, and their charge for repairing my original IBM was $35.44.
To, me - it's worth it!! Plus - their repair to my original didn't affect the "touch". They replaced key tops, corrected keys that were messed up, i.e., "s" key & others not working, replaced split "attached" cord - but didn't mess with my "feel".

Hate to admit how many "ergonomic" keyboards I've tried. Guess I'm just "too" old, set in my ways, & need my clicky-clack keyboard to keep my rhythm & fingers going.

In the "old days" of dictation on vinyl belts, the quota was do to 15 minutes an hour. sm

To me, it seems realistic, but then again, each situation is different.  On account I know, I can usually do 30 minutes an hour, although being money-oriented and paid by the line, I usually gauge things by lines.  I do 250-300 lph, but those little dinky reports ARE an irritation -- no argument there -- hardly enter the header info and *poof* the dictation is over.  Would be hard to make a decent line count that way.

But ... surely your employers understand there are variations on such things.  Maybe you average 8.9 one month and 12 the next ... I would think it would even out.

Anyway, i'm into that gray zone where I know nothing about, but I wish you good luck.  To me, in the days when I was supervisor, if I knew someone was doing the best they could do, that was all that mattered to me. 

Abacus is not free. It is $20 but worth it. You can download a trial version free which does not h
I have used this for years and have compared to Sylvan, Word, and MP Count, etc. When you have it set to count every character, bold, shift, tab, etc. It is great and always higher than the others. Now if you are wanting gross lines like in Word then no it won't be as high because Word counts blanks lines and Abacus counts a line only if there is a character on it. There is also two places to check for it to count the Headers/Footers. If you have the FREE version then it must be the trial or a very old version so you don't have all the features and functions.
Free? As in, free trial? Otherwise, I don't think you'll find a spellcheck software that's
Check out the free demo of MTStars FlashType. It's free for 7 days.
Then, if you like it, you can purchase it for $59.95.  See link below.
I don't have kids, but my Mom was from the "old school," and still had everyone, kids inclu

call her by her first name.  The little neighbor girl next door from the time she could speak called her Aggie (my mom's first name), and they were great buddies until the day my mom pased away. 

I don't think there really is much in a name, but more in the respect you are given and the way you are treated.   Personally, I kind of cringe inside when someone calls me Ms. Anything or God forbid, "maam" (makes me feel like Methuselah!) ... I'm always just plain Merrie.  :-)

But, as someone pointed out, to each his own.  If you want to be addressed a certain way, you have that right, and people should respect that.  I'm glad you corrected the child ... hope it "sticks."    

yes it is free....mine was free....why the exclamation?
There are free ones out there. I have been using a free one for 5 years. sm
Just have to research FTP server software.
free? We are not *free* - what planet R U on?

Free? Liberal?  You know nothing about me......I'm a 4th generation American so don't get up in my face......

We have a bad bad reputation today....and we do NOT HAVE 60 ALLIES/COUNTRIES BACKING US UP IN IRAQ....you better open up your eyes to the REAL stats.  Perhaps in 2003 we had 60 allies/countries backing us up....NAME 60 today.  I can name maybe 10 countries.......

You are terribly off-base.........even the soldiers have spoken up stating *unfortunately, this has become OUR vietnam* -

here's where you might think of beginning...iraqi veterans against the war......not a liberal website by any stretch of the imagination..


For Pete's sake, you're not terminating a pregnancy, you're just typing a report after the
It's already been done before you even hear about it, and NOTHING changes regardless of whether you or someone else types it. Sheesh.
It's not funny when you're on a board where language is one skill you're selling.
Hope you're gonna have a glass of wine while you're relaxing

in your spa goodies. Congrats!

Well, you're all complaining that accounts are current and work is low, so, gee, maybe they're
focusing on WORK, as in CLIENT and transcribing, as maybe half of you should be focusing on!!
If you're experienced, try for 9cpl or higher, and you're lucky to get that! nm
Skip it. No one cares. Either you're good on the test or you're not.
You're probably right. Plus we're losing our percentage of good people by .... (sm)
allowing every loser from every 3rd world country on the planet to just stroll on into our country, some legally, most illegally, and take advantage of the social services all us hard working little gerbils pay for by having money taken out of our pay every month. But I don't think we're all lazy. Just the ones on permanent welfare driving around town in brand-new Cadillac Escalades. Saw one just today on the Bayshore Fwy. Brand-new black Escalade with expensive spinner wheels, with 5 or 6 Mexicans in it. Well, who knows - maybe they stole it and it was on its way to a chop-shop. Smart-and-hungry people aren't always hard-working and honest.
You're forgetting all the stuff you can't buy when you're UNEMPLOYED!
Unemployed people have a hard time buying anything, including cheaply made offshore products. How many will have to end up depending on public assistance? That means more tax dollars being eaten up - besides the taxes NOT being collected from the overseas workers. In the long run, are you really enjoying a lower price?
If you're on the job, ask for samples to do it how they want it. If you're testing, separate o
You're not losing it, you're burned out on your main job.
I feel for you... I am having my own "version" ;-) of these kinds of struggles. Lots of recent changes at the admin level have made my job do a 180, going from a really great one to a really crappy one.

For me, it's a struggle to get through the day with a shred of motivation. I get distracted in the way you discuss as well.

I just try to make my environment as comfortable as possible and make the best of it while I decide what the best way is to deal with the burnout... I figure if I can't change my inner brain workings so that I still like this job, I need to find another one, or this feeling will possibly get worse!

I hope it works out for you. Wish I had some better advice for you, but this really does look like burnout and extreme job dissatisfaction to me. We all wear it differently. Try to be good to yourself while you figure out a solution.

Don't know what you're complaint you're making with this post. sm

You stated in your original post that you don't want to work weekends or odd shifts. What is your definition of an odd shift?  Second shift?  Third shift?  Sounds like you want to work M-F on days.  Sounds kind of rigid to me. 

Personally I like second shift, so everyone working days means more work for me! 

You're not under a rock, you're just like me... an adult with more to
It's not because you're beautiful, it's because you're an IDIOT!
Does that make it any clearer for you??




Honey you're not being a shrew, you're being a
I don't get it when husbands and wives *allow* the other to have money that THEY work for...just don't get it.  Go buy the flippin' keyboard and tell him to take a hike! (To put it sweetly!) 
Why is it the only expander you're permitted to use? How would any know what you're using?


They think they're smart to accept it, but they're
If they're withholding taxes, you're not an IC.
As an IC, you should already be paying taxes. That said, the only benefit having them withhold FICA is that your Social Security/Medicare share will be less. Social Security is 15%; if you're an employee, you pay 7.5% and your employer pays 7.5%. As an IC, you pay 15%. Doing the math, 0.0925 would be your 0.10 minus 7.5%--the 0.0924 is just a tad less than you're making now.