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If that is true they should be banned

Posted By: ban them on 2005-08-11
In Reply to: Spheris can't AFFORD MQ. I doubt it is TRUE and someone is bored and trying to stir - things up.

from posting on this board in particular and the internet in general !!!!

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    You are going to be banned
    uh oh - you said a bad bad word and now ADMINISTRATION WILL BAN YOU!
    What?? What was I banned from?


    That is the exact point.  We want to be able to express our feelings without having you call us losers, tell us to comb our hair once in a while, tell us to go on a diet.  Your are totally unprofessional and out of line THAT is why we want you banned. 
    Sorry about your luck. He was banned!!!
    They have been banned from posting here as well

    as at many other MT sites as well.  Their software costs around $400, but you don't actually buy the software from them, but a company that they say you have to buy it from.  Many, many times the software has not worked and TA said it isn't their problem cause you didn't buy it from them and the software company will not refund $$.   There are more than 30 complaints against them on file with the BB.  In the many years that they have been suckering people I have only heard one person who ever got real work for which she got paid.

    The owners have moved to a different state at least once.  They probably moved to FL because of no state tax.  They claim to be upstanding religious people and they should be shamed of themselves.

    It is common knowledge that they are a scam and it has been posted here as well as other boards for years.   If you Google them I'm sure you'll find all kinds of garbage about them.   They were even listed in one non-MT magazine to avoid them.

    I don't know why they aren't in jail. 

    And to think....I actually felt bad when they banned me...
    I just used a different email, but then I was very careful and didn't post a lot of things I wanted to say for fear of being banned again. ->sap<-
    so you think polite should be banned as well? NM
    Not RadGuy but didnt take much to get banned
    I'm not allowed to say that name on this board or I'll be banned..sorry..
    If you'd care to e-mail me, I'll share, but I've been told not to say that name on this board or I'll be banned.
    If you posted the name of that "site" would you then get banned from this site?
    I was banned from other board for posting diff.
    Posts deleted and troll banned.
    If you find other troll posts, please use "Report Message" button at the upper right corner (blue strip)of a message to report it to moderators.

    Thanks for your help.
    You can be banned for posting these type of questions on this board. At least that is....
    what they told me.  Unless they are selective on style/word/abbreviation questions being asked here.  Hmmm.  I wonder.
    Tylenol words best for me. Glade products should be banned, the worst.
    Tylenol words the best for me, have to take LOTS to ward off headaches that become 17 on a 1-10 scale.

    Glade Products are the worst for me. They are to terrible and ought to be outlawed. I cannot be around them AT ALL and have to leave if they are used anywhere, in churches, homes, etc. Apparently some people are not at all sensitive to them, but they ought to know that other people are very horrendously affected. It is all chemical, either you are sensitive or you aren't, and the people who are not just simply are not. But the people who are suffer real pain and so I think no one should use them. Why would you want to expose the people who are sensitive? Just my opinion.
    Thank you ghost! So true! So true! More than one person!
    Yer crackin' me up! True, true, true! nm
    ROFL!! true, so true! nm
    true, true but out of about 90 flicks....1 or 2...nm

    true, true - but what you see as arrogance...sm

    I think a lot of people go the extreme -

    so, if I had to be one way or the other (being a humble extremist myself...*LOL*), I'd rather have too much self-esteem than not enough (been there, done that the first 30 years!!! *L*).  And I am a truly humble person, been recognized for just that.....but because of *been there, done that* - and all sorts of therapies (not drug therapies), some end up the other way.  Oh well, this was a fun couple of posts - so I thought.

    Gave me much to chew on :)  Have fun!  

    True but to say there are no good MTs not true.
    ROFLMAO!!!! so true! so true!
    Everybody sees it but her, though! I love it! Thanks for the giggle! ":^)
    that's so true nm

    this is sad, but true
    search engines are great, but they pick up all the WRONG information also...so be careful
    That may be true for No. Cal. (sm)

    in Southern Cal (Orange County), the accounts have become quite scarce and most doctors will not pay over 11 cents per line, that is, if you can find your own accounts at all anymore.  They get a lot of solicitations and do not have to pay over 11 cents.  There is a lot of EMR taking over out here or all the accounts have been taken by large services.

    Sad but true
    Of course, what you say is all true; however...
    my compassion and tolerance dries up pretty quickly when someone expects special treatment (plays the ____ card, if you will) because of situations they are in a result of their own decisions.

    This comes across as harsh, but it's a fact of life that decisions do have consequences, and when people try to minimize the consequences of their actions and/or expect other people to pick up their slack, I get mighty testy indeed.
    Hey, what I said is true - I do it --
    I don't cherrypick. I probably work longer hours (about 9-1/2 to 10 a day)than most but I can get 3000 lines in a day and if I worked longer, say 15-16 hours, I have no doubt I could get 4800 lines.

    No one is cutting ANYONE's line count. I just stick with it, man. I keep typing while others are up running around doing their laundry, or tending to a kid, or playing on this board. I just keep typing steadily along.

    Hey, man, I'm sorry if you have problems getting more lines but that doesn't mean I or anyone else am taking them from you. They are there. Sit down and type 'em.

    And NO, I don't work for this company. Every company has CPs and it is not fair. But just because YOU can't do someone else's line count doesn't mean they didn't get it -- without doing something unfairly.
    That's not true (sm)
    I confirmed this with my office when I started DQS. I also tested it by importing text into another program and all characters and spaces, including the red headers were counted.

    Is this true?

    A girl at work today told me that Keanu Reeves is the (late) Christopher Reeves son.

    I never heard this before, and so far I am unable to document via the internet.  Anyone have any input?  Much thanks.

    It is true

    Dont doubt it, it is true. 

    true true.
    Beth, face the fact that we aren't buying your bunch of hooey.  Shame on you for trying to sell it to us.  Go away.  Go troll somewhere else. 
    I couldn't believe what was happening. I knew that I was producing much, much more work, but couldn't understand why I was not getting near the lines that I was getting before the switch. Then, one day, I found out. I've hated MQ every since.
    It's true
    In DQS hit F9 and to a detailed summary of your lines. Then click on a report. Two types of reports will be shown. One is the way the reports shows up after corrections are made and the other is for payroll which is the way you transcribed the report. Choose the payroll one and then scroll to the bottom. It is not hard to figure out. And, YES, you can look at what you have transcribed this way. The head honchos want us to look at our work after it has been corrected so we will know what mistakes not to make any more. I have been transcribing for 23 years and if I leave a blank it is usually because I cannot hear what the dictator is saying. Typically when I recheck a report, the ME or QA person could not figure it out either. Sometimes they leave the blank and sometimes they just take it out and put something odd in its place. Now, how is that right? Everyone should be checking their reports.
    It is so true
    Where I worked previously, we were able to add a "weighted factor" for difficult dictators and for certain types of reports as some in the office thought those reports took more time to transcribe or were just more difficult - OP and CONSULTS. If you look at the bottom of the payroll report you will see all kinds of figures where items are counted, not counted, possibly could be adjusted in the future, etc. Look at it, and figure out for yourself what the future holds!!!
    It is so true
    Mtheaded - I think we worked for the same company before.  Would you care to e-mail me? 
    Tis true...
    We're swamped!
    This is not true!
    I am a Quality Assurance specialist with a large national transcription company and I beg to differ with your statement.  We send our overflow work to India and let me tell you, their quality is NOT "superior" to the American MT - In fact, we have to do 100% QA on each and every job - your hair would curl at some of the mistakes I have seen just because they don't understand basic English colloquialisms.  When all work has to be 100% QA'd by a salaried individual, where is the savings?  Unless you send unedited, unproofed work to your clients, in which case I don't think it matters where the good MTs are...you will be out of business soon.  Don't dare compare the quality of American and Indian MTs.
    Well, that is true too.
    Probably low quality work from them.
    Actually, that's not true. I am not the OP
    and I rarely post on here but I work for MQ as well and am SICK of the whining about MQ.

    For every one of you who has the right to complain about MQ, an MT has the right to complain about you.

    Get over it. It's fair game. You're sick of MQ? We're sick of your complaining.

    I have to say, though, it is kind of funny that now we've given the incessant whiners something else to complain about! You should be happier now!! LOL
    That is so true!
    HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. I can't stop laughing.
    Unfortunately tis true...
    And I wish Bush would get a new line - of business (perhaps Wal-Mart greeter?)..
    So true...
    This is so true. I work for MDI and there is plenty of work. There needs to be more hours in the day to get all the work done that is there. I believe some of these people DO NOT work for MDI or they would know better.
    this is true, however,

    Forty hours a week is forty hours a week. It should not matter WHAT days and hours you choose to work.

    I worked in customer service at a call center. My hours were 11 a.m. to 8 a.m. I was off Friday and Sunday. That was 100% legal.

    Not True
    I use InstantText with DQS and it works just fine. When you load it you have to tell it to look for DQS to link the two... but it works great. Don't know if SmartType works with DQS or not.
    It's true
    this is true

    I use BellSouth and it does not get along with Outlook Express. I called tech support and they as much as confirmed this.

    The interesting thing is that when I'm in Word, I can't use OE at all. It refuses to connect to the BellSouth server, but as soon as I leave Word things the connection is more likely to occur. 

    true dat
    i've been a full-time MT for a hospital and this started sending their employees to work at home. this is my first year at home, and you dont know how long i've been waiting to get away from the office. i know EXACTLY where you're coming from. i'm a nice person and i get along well with others. i know i'm not better than any other person, but people nowadays just really have the "me, me, me" attitude. so guess what? now it's "me, me, me" too. of course, i still gotta deal with my bosses from work, and it really sucks when "favortism" just rules over who's the better worker in all aspects. so, there is a point where i still have to humble myself, but lemme tell ya, if i die because of stress, i wanna be buried face down so everyone can kiss my ass! lol
    Unfortunately, it is true.
    MSN did a piece recently on the offshoring of call centers for fast food industry, state welfare offices, federal call centers, etc.

    It is cheaper for them to pay overseas call centers to handle volume business than to pay minimum wage here.

    While battling private industry wanting to do this for substantial savings, the most outrageous act, in my opinion, is our own government "trying to save the taxpayer's money" is doing it.
    Unfortunately, it's true