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I would find it easier to add the headers myself--sm

Posted By: kps on 2006-08-10
In Reply to: see, there's the difference . . . some of my templates have 50 lines already in them(sm) - SP

and the reason why is because MOST of my docs do not follow any template order, even if it is THEIRS. they jump all over the place and I have to consequently do the same thing. I am paid for the headers, though, so that is okay, I guess. as far as patient demographics, I also put those in, when they are given, which is not all the time..sometimes the docs rely on past notes for that info and being one of many MTs, I don't always have that info available, which takes lines away from me, too. Perhaps the MTSOs think it is easier, but in some cases it is more time consuming. JMO

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Yes, it gets easier. I do find it to be (NM)
I find it much easier to use my autotext....sm
and where I want the "??" I do a ctrl F9 (which puts in fields).  I save the report in autotext (with the ctrl F9 fields) and then to get to each field you simply use the F11 key.  It's much easier this way, I think.  I have always hated templates.  Just make sure you keep a backup.  Hope this helps.
If you keep it digital, it will be much easier to find coverage (sm)
if you have to leave town or if you go on vacation. I use the TASP on the sticky note above (MetroScript) and when I went on vacation I simply told all my docs I would be gone for that week and they all agreed to hold the dictation except for one. That one account I did on vacation because all I needed was my laptop and an Internet connection to do the work. It was a very cool solution. Additionally, if the work is digital you have a much larger pool to choose from when it comes to getting someone to cover for you. You're not bound by any geographic restrictions. Hope this helps!
Not that I know, but you can open 200 on the page and it's easier to find the most recent ones.
It has not been financially worthwhile, but I find it easier to get jobs. I have 18 years experienc
and I find with the CMT, I get an offer for every job I go after. In all fields, there are many employers that just feel more secure hiring you with initials after your name. I will be keeping mine.
Help with fax headers please

Hi....does anyone know how to turn off the fax headers in MS Word?  I found out how to do it years ago and then I got a new computer and now I have tried and tried and cannot figure out how to do it!

Just to clarify, I'm talking about when you use the fax wizard function in MS Word to send a fax, and that header comes out at the top of each faxed page with the time and phone number of who sent the fax etc.  How do I get that off my outgoing faxes???? PLEASE HELP! 

I have only been doing this for 11 months, so I do not know what it used to be like. I would have a suggestion regarding the headers. Use templates. If your company does not supply them, then you could make them up yourself, and you could also use an Expander for the headings. The other day I saw a job opening that stated you could do all reports in one document, but so far that has been the only one I have seen. I agree with lousy audio quality. I do not understand how come the MTSOs put up with the lousy quality and submit their MTs to it. I believe there needs to be much more done about the quality of the dictations, whether it is a fast dictator with loud background noise or just poor audio quality. So much more could be achieved by the American MT workforce if the quality of the dictations was better.
Rad Reports/headers, etc
As an IC, i have a great radiology account, and because my company did such a good job, turnaround, accuracy, etc. I was offered a neurophysiology account....something I had never done before.........However, having such a good medical terminology background, I was willing to give it a try (and they were desperate)...(ha ha),,,,Anyways, the reports are done in word,,,,and are not all that difficult as it turns out. The TIME CONSUMING part - was doing the headers - which we retrieve from the text files attached to the wav files,,,,,,,and each identifying piece of information has to be looked up and typed on a single line (15 lines total -before you get to the report),,,,,,,well I hired somone just to do the headers,,,,,,as it turned out.....I met with the company and proposed a 1.00/per header charge for these cases - which turned out to be an excellent idea. The girl that does the headers for me - is guaranteed x amount of money now,,,not just lines and I can sit right down and type the reports.....perhaps you could approach them with an idea like this? 
headers and footers
I just read in the MPCount info that it does not count headers and footers. Is that a bad sign?
no headers paid
Dictaphone does not pay headers..that is why the line count is lower than you think.  Dictaphone has the HARDEST header to fill in too!!!  Amazing that they do that!
If you don't type any headers and
footers they deduct 25% from your TOTAL lines.  That is not fair.  They use the header/footer issue as an excuse.  The header/footers are NOT calculated in the total....BUT....they deduct anyway.  Beware!!  Also....ask how long before you get your first check.  If they don't tell you 6 weeks, they are not being honest.  That's what happened to me.  The supe will tell you one thing, accounting will tell you another, and the owner another, and so on .....Good Luck!
faxs headers sm
Make up your own, call it up and fill in the blanks, you must have one HIPAA compliant you can copys. Create your own document.
Not OP, but I get paid for headers and footers.
I get 10 cpl, spaces, headers, etc. as an employee. Sure ICs will get
offered more because you have to pay your own taxes and there are no benefits.  9 cpl isn't that good for an IC though.  It might be for a clinic count because they are more hum-drum accounts where you have the same doctors and can make lots of normals so you can get more lines, but if you are doing acute care it isn't a very good rate.  A good rate with mostly good dictators is hard to find these days. 
And most often headers, footers, & copies are not
most companies don't pay for headers, footers, cc. (nm)
If Word, headers are always spellchecked unless you
mark that text for no proofing in your language setting.
Headers/templates wrong
Anyone else have the problem of the proper headers/templates not coming up and wonder why the proper docs aren't informed and why we have to correct it by clicking and pasting?!
Want to get paid for headers, footers and spaces?

Just in a silly mood.... 

11 cpl, 65 line w/spaces. No headers/footers except
the properties stats still do not count headers.
Do a test to prove it. Type one word in the document and one word in the header and you will only see a count for the word in the body of the document.
Usually it's the software not counting headers/footers, or any of the
headers, footers, word count
I am an newbie IC and just started a new Dr. when I realized that MS word does not count headers and footers with word count.  Any way you can include headers/footers in the word count or do you have to count it all separately and then add them together?
HEADERS....as in what? The things like HISTORY AND PHYSICAL headings?

or the heading at the top of the page that we don't type?

and do you find it a little offputting that they can't put in writing that they pay for spaces?  it makes me think all is not kosher. 




I would say that if you are typing headers and footers for free, i.e. not getting paid for them,
11-1/2 cpl, 65 ccl, all spaces, headers, footers, etc. NE part of country. nm
It absolutely is a way to cut an MT's line count since most companies don't pay for headers,

footers, and anything in the template.  This one of the BIG reasons why I decided to give up working for the nationals.  I bit the bullet and went back to work in the office for a while and then finally I found a job with a hospital that allows me to work at home, pays me hourly plus incentive, and doesn't try to cheat me out of my line count.

I just always felt like I was working my rear end off lining the pockets of the MTSO's while they nickeled and dimed me to death!

That's my 0.02 cents worth!

Headers and Footers can carry on to the rest of the pages.
Not included. Demos and ccs are headers/footers. Not counted. nm
Oh absolutely! I would get 9 or 10 lines of headers and footers per report on Cottage. sm
So, if you do the math, if I typed 25 reports that day, that makes a total of 250 LINES I no longer get paid for! I truly believe DQS is just a sneaky, smart way that MQ has come up with in order to squeeze line counts and money from under us. Think about it. It is!!! No doubt in my mind, ladies!!

I want to quit to freakin bad this DQS crap! I am making so much more LESS money on DQS it isn't even funny. We should really smarten up about this program.

Also, how about the way you have to look up cc's and addressess and then put it into that stupid ADT field and then you DON'T GET PAID FOR IT!! MAKES ME SICK!

Okay. Done ranting and raving for the day! Let me go look for another job right now.
And then sometimes they want us to delete unused headers, which takes extra time, which we don't
could be short reports and getting paid for headers/footers in a 10-hour day.
I stand corrected. Sorry, did not mean to say gross. Rather, 65 cpl with spaces, headers, footers.
I tried Slycount and it didnt count the text in headers and footers
I tried Slycount and it didn't count the text in headers and footers after the 1st page. Apparently its a problem with upgraded versions of MS word 2003 and there isn't a fix yet for this problem. If you don't use headers and footers than its a good program. I currently use Spellex AccuCount and its great :). I believe they have a free trial on there website. I Hope this helps :)
depends if includes headers, spaces, one or the other, character line, etc.
Maybe if it is gross lines, lots of headers and footers and normals......sm
Other than that, I really can't imagine it.
need more info - what kind of transcription, geographic, charge for spaces, headers
Is it customary to count headers/footers in this business when doing line counts? Thanks. nm
9 cpl, 65 characters per line, spaces, headers, footers included. employee status. nm
Offered a position paying 9 cents per 65 line without spaces with headers and footers.

Is this a good deal?

go to chat room on web site and find out. i'm working but if you find out, let me know.
creepy dude.
I find most of my abbreviations here. Scroll all the way down until you find the abbreviation box.
It's a lot easier to get rid of a BF than a DH
I wouldn't put up with it, but that's just me.
I think it's easier but.....
I also think MTSOs add them so we don't get paid for them, after all if they add them we do not actually type them.  Just my opinion. 
It will get better, and easier. My one sm

inhouse experience was awful.  Not only was I transcribing for $15 an hour, I had to make copies and go down 2 flights and stuff their mailboxes with copies.

I so much prefer working at home of a national, where all I do is transcribe, and they take care of the distribution of the records.  I just push send.  Plus I find the dictators a lot more doable than at that hospital.  They were a mess.  They didn't even have a standard format.  It was just, whatever.

We have it easier than we think

My youngest sister came by this late night after getting off work.  She works 2nd shift at a local factory.  It has provided an okay and steady living for her and her family but it has taken its toll on her.

Her beautiful young face is worn and tired.  Her clothes are nasty from the oil and sweat and metal shavings.  Her poor little hands are literally worn out, muscular, rough with callus.  Her back hurts all the time from all the standing.  Some of the attitudes she works with keep her humble little soul in discomfort. 

She gets in trouble by management and by every line worker if she has to miss.  She has no opportunity to move anywhere really within that plant.

We don't always have the work we want in this business and sometimes we have to really take a stand to get where we need to be.  All said and done, though, we have it easy. 

I don't have to wear my self out physically.  I can get up and stretch and take a break.  I can be somewhat flexible with my time.  I don't have to put up with people who try to control or intimidate me.  I have a marketable skill, though that market is changing rapidly ... it is still a skill that I can adapt and use.  There are so many ads on this very board that I can explore if I need a change or additional employment ... all those opportunities and I don't have to move anywhere, I don't have to uproot my life .. just go to work for someone else.

We have it easier than we think. 

Again, easier said than done.

I have found that many transcriptions who say they want to work for me have one of three issues:

1. They embellish on their experience/quality.

2. Time off--they want more time off than I get and they usually wait until they're walking out the door to say they're not available. Deadlines are seen a "negotiable".

3. They are asking for more per line than I am able to pay (usually they want .12-.14/line--I only charge .12/line on my accounts because that's all the market will bear)

Many of these are newcomers to the field who have somewhere gotten the idea that they can get away with all of these behaviors. (I would bet more than one of them are some of the criers on these boards as well.)

I would LOVE to find someone who is dependable and experienced, who knows how to work and is not looking to take my accounts on a permanent basis; someone who would do as good a job for me as they would want someone else to do for them if they needed some time off. Apparently, they're all working for other companies and are happy, which is great for them.

An easier way...
If you are typing in Word, there is an easier way. Where you have the ?? in your document (I am guessing it is a template), erase the ?? and hit CTRL+F9 This will insert {} Use this throughout the document where you need to insert things. When you load your template, you can hit F11 and it will automatically take you to the next field.
is it easier to use
the CD for the computer...easier to use than the 2007?
This will get much easier sm
I was nervous about first podiatrist as she talked fast, used some not so good English, etc., but after the first few days, I realized she used almost all the same terms repeatedly. I bought a book - don't have it with me now - but one of the  "word books" which helped me tremendously, it covered podiatry as well as other such entities. Just look up on the book search, believe it was a Stedman's. After that first week, I knew exactly what she was going to say next. I made more progress on this account than others. Just hang in there and it will be a breeze. I almost refused to do this account and was very surprised at my progress and earnings. Go with it! It only hurts for a little while. It's only the lower extremities usually and the rest is "history" which you should be able to figure out. It is important in podiatry that they mention diabetes and other such history which would bring on podiatry problems. They only know their own specialty usually and will admit they don't go outside the box much. They are insecure out of their box so you are helping them trememdously. Be patient.
easier yes, but a job
is still a job, and that part is not so pleasurable. but i do think after 30+ years that i would enjoy it much more if i were working only 3-4 hours a day. I still get great satisfaction from doing a job not everyone can, and doing it very well.