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I work on Scribe and think it is very productive...JMO

Posted By: MtMom30 on 2007-06-20
In Reply to: I do - romey


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This is the BEST way to work, most productive etc. I
Most productive work type?

What is the most productive work type?  Radiology, OP, etc?  Which one can you really make the money on? 


Does Express Scribe work like GearPlayer?.....thanks :)
Need Help. Traveling and cant get express scribe to work......

I flew to my parents house.  i didnt want to have to take my laptop on the plane as I already had a bunch of luggage and two little girls.  I work out of EMDAT and use express scribe.  Well I cant get sound and I keep getting a message that says there might not be a sound card installed or the sound card might be in use by another program. 

Is there anywhere online where I can download a sound card, preferrably for free?  I work for two companies and didnt take off work, and I am afraid they are going to be very upset if I cant get up and running soon.

Thanks so much :-)

Does Express Scribe work with Vista?
I got it to work with Express Scribe! Works great!
Olympus 3300 ... will this work with express scribe? (sm)

I see that you can buy an optional olympus transcription "kit" but I have the pedal, ear phones and express scribe.  Does anyone know if this works with it?



Will Olympus foot pedal work with Express Scribe? TIA


Lanier Foot Pedal will NOT work with Express Scribe
Sorry to tell you but no a lanier foot pedal from a transcription machine will not work with an wav.player.
Most foot pedals out there are at least 69.00. - (cheapest I found) - and be careful what kind you get - if you have a newer computer - you will want the USB one - (faster, works great)
once you use Express scribe to program it should work with any USB compatible software too.


Express Scribe and pedal DO work with InScribe upgrade
That is not the case with me. I just upgraded to 4.91 and am still using Express Scribe and it's working fine. I do have an Infinity USB pedal. I do, however, have Windows XP or ME (I never remember which - XP I think) and not Vista. The tech guy at InScribe said some people have problems with the upgrade of 4.91 and Express Scribe with Vista. They have special directions on their download site for Vista users. Hope this helps someone. The new upgrade looks good, though I've not had a good run with it yet.
Pedal won't work with Media Player, download Express Scribe. nm
Trying to take a test in Express Scribe and cannot get my foot pedal to work. I dont want to
cause a problem in DQS with the foot pedal either.  Any suggestions.  I have the foot pedal that you use for DQS.  It is an Infinity foot pedal.
Yes, I agree. Free is a good price and Express Scribe will work just fine for you. (nm)
productive day

Hello to Everyone in MT Land:

I pray that everyone will have a productive and fulfilling day.  Please know that your work is important, and you are helping countless people.  I encourage you to become better and better at what you do.  Have a great day!

But as soon as I get productive
That's the part I hate about drinking coffee - as soon as I get in the groove my kidneys wake up right along with the rest of me!
This is the process I use and seems the most productive
When I get a bad dictator, which is 70% of the time, whether it be one who rushes, one who mumbles, an ESL, or one with a bad phone line, i'll type the report quickly, leaving blanks, just to give it a dry run and an overall feel for what its about.  Then I go back and listen carefully, research if needed, and fill in the blanks.  With this, about 75% of the time I can get ALL the blanks.  I don't obsess over something too much the second time around.  If its an easy dictator, I'll go through it slowly and carefully one time and send it on its way without rereading. 
being productive with an infant...?
Hi everyone!! I have a 6-week-old beautiful baby girl who LOVES to be held all of the time (she is breastfed). I've really been struggling with making production, and I was wondering if anyone had any tips or advice on this. I do not want to have to pay a sitter, as I feel I can work this out. Sometimes she is content to lay across my lap, propped against the arm of the couch. This works pretty well (although I'm at a funky angle and make more typing errors)...since she doesn't tolerate the swing or the bouncy seat for very long....
Yeah, have a productive day.......
and let's hope the children are well behaved today! LOL!
Sorry that I'm happier and more productive than you are!

VR using EXText -- is it productive? SM

Getting ready to start doing VR through EXText.  I watched a demonstration of the VR editing process and it looks horrible!  From what I saw, it is not as simple as listening to the report, taking your foot of the pedal, and making a change.  There is a process of alt+s and then highlight the word to correct, etc...  It just looked very VERY tedious and unproductive.  I currently transcribe using EXText and have used EXText since it was first marketed, so I'm very familiary with it.  The VR portion of it is very new to me and seems like more of a burden than anything.

Then I was told that iChart will make the VR process much simplier and I'm wondering if this is true?

I have experience with VR using Escription and with the FutureNet program and both are so simple to use.  The Dictaphone software just looks completely complicated and I can't see making any money using it.

Anybody who has experience with iChart, Dictaphone VR and EXText and would like to share their opinions and give me some more info, would be greatly appreciated!


Is ABCZ the most productive?

I am just curious.  Do you all productive MTs feel that the abcz method/system is more productive than other systems?  I need to double my production.  I am only getting 800 lines a day and I need 2000, but I cannot work 24 hours a day! 


ChartScript- is it productive software?
As far as easy to get line counts.  Is is already loaded with spellcheck and can you use your own abbreviation expander.
very user friendly, productive ...
i was disappointed my lines didn't increase more dramatically over old system -- but there was an increase. I like it well enough i hope i never have to use another system. Maybe the 'decrease' in lines others report is due to messing around on the internet instead of working, as 2 minutes here and there really can add up...
For you happy highly productive MQ MTs

 Help those of us who are struggling by giving us some pointers on what you are doing to be so successful and happy.  I am very discouraged.  I do not want to have to start over with a new company.  I have 15 years experience, 8 of those with MQ.  Since DQS, I cannot get quota.  Never had a problem before, so I am not understanding. 

Please give me any suggestions that might increase my productivity.  And before all the comments of "stay off the board" begin - I am not working today.  I do have some self discipline.




what shift are you guys more productive
I'm thinking of switching to split, so I can get my brain and hands away to rest, but I dont know if i'll just dread working the rest of my shift all day.  I've been doing straight first shift for over 10 years and its taken a toll on my mind and body, I figure I could get stuff done during the day, and come back to it.  But again, the dread of working still scares me.  Anyone find they are more productive on a certain shift and why?  First, Second, third or split? 
If you are productive at both jobs and are able to both at the same time, why...
is it criminal? 
Help staying awake and productive
I have real problems staying awake, focused and productive.  I am alone all day, I think I get enough sleep, and I keep the TV on in the other room for another voice, but I get bored and can't keep my concentration and then I start web surfing and my productivity goes in the hopper.  Any suggestions on staying awake and focused?
I am productive, but I am for 15 mins/2 hours sm
and truly, this does not drop my productivity any. I have an AI where I have rheumatoid-type symptoms. If I don't get up every couple of hours, I won't be able to get up. With this AI comes issues with energy, vision, hearing and vertigo...and pain, chronic constant pain. I find that work helps get my mind off of these things, but I have to take breaks.

I have been a power napper at my desk too, but that was when I was up at 2 a.m. to work, something I can no longer do because I can't sleep before 10 p.m. and that is only 4 hours. I find I focus better with at least 7 hours' sleep, better still with more like 8 to 9 hours' sleep. When I am working I DO NOT forget to eat, but I eat lightly, shun sugar, fat and starches which make me more tired and I lose focus. I munch veggies, rice cakes, bean spreads. I will start the day with fruit, followed by coffee which seems to get me up and running. I eat when I am up every couple of hours, but it is a small light snack. Sleep and food seem to be the clues to my being able to sit for those 8 hours.

I would also tell you that taking a day off on a Friday or Monday (or both) and having a long week filled with sleep, good food, being warm, comfortable and doing as little as possible can help burn out. I take bubble baths, sip a bit of brandy, snuggle in my bed with hot tea and reset myself.

I think being home working with the dishes and the laundry and the dust all calling your name causes work stress, a sort of dread and in the end, depression. If your family is around you too with noise, mess and friends, it creates more stress, dread and depression. Then, the cost of living goes up and up and up, but our line rates do not, so you find yourself pushing harder for less and less, more stress, dread and depression. In the end, you are probably like many of us, we don't remember to take care of ourselves!

So please, make time to take time for yourself. It doesn't have to cost...I use nice teas, bubble baths, body sprays, long walks, a small coffee at the coffee shop, giving myself a pedicure, putting linen spray on my pillowcases...creature comforts that lift the spirits. I can tell when I have been forgetting to take care of myself, I am down and a little sad, definitely tired.

The other thing I do is set aside $5 to spend on myself, frivolously, every paycheck. I work hard (as you do) and I deserve something for my efforts besides paid up bills. These are my incentive to work more and make more...I'd like a $10 goodie!
Definitely one who is productive and quality conscious.

It does not matter if you are an MT or editor.

I was very productive on straight and don't know where people
get this idea that only nonproductive people prefer VR. I was very fast on straight, still am but I happen to love VR, still have occasional straight. I totally disagree with you on this. I did over 2000 lines on straight but on my VR platform do around 3000 or better, never double and certainly not triple. I especially like because ESLs are much easier to edit than to straight type those now as we have so many more to do than in years past. People used to ask to see me type I would be so fast, clocked at 145 WPM and love, love VR.
shouldn't you be studying or working or something productive?
Geez Busy, you been on these boards under one name or another all the live long day.  Lonely?  Crack those premed books.  hahahaha
Then the co. should hire more techies. Not productive for the MTs or the co., to have things
If you could share one thing that made you more productive
Need tips on being productive with cardiology procedures
how do you stay consistent and productive working at home?
Just wondering.  I have a hard time lately with being disciplined enough to sit and do what I am supposed to.  What do you guys do if that happens to you?
You'd be even more productive if you used marker keys instead of the spacebar. Using the spaceba
Personally, I am more productive with OPs because much of OP notes are repetitive and it is easy
create abbreviation expanders.  I like radiology too for the same reason, but I'm not quite as productive with radiology because the reports are so short.
They find it more productive to complain on anonymous message boards
I don't get it either.
Has anyone used IntraScript or I-Scriptor as a platform? User-friendly, productive? Any comments?
You can also create a directory on your computer and save all e-mailed files to that directory. In the settings option, under the incoming tab, you can have scribe automatically scan the directory at whatever interval you desire and it will automatically load all files saved there to Scribe.
I worked on scribe recently and found it to be a horrible platform, very mouse oriented, slow, no could not make lines. (others there could make lines, but I do not know how). I did my best to try to make it work for me, but never could get my line count up. ShortHand should work with it no problem. No did not disable Word.
I worked with scribe a while back.  had no problems.  loved the platform.  No problems with Word.  can put you in touch with a current user if you like.
I need help with Scribe ...

I just started a new job with  a company who uses Scribe...and I am going CRAZY!  My question to you...is this platform unusually slow and very time consuming?  I know that my computer is a little on the older side, and in need of replacement, but it was fine before today when I started using Scribe!  Has anyone else had this problem?  Thank you for your time!!

No, I think that it is just Scribe...
I use my Word to type within it. I feel that there is no way I am going to be able to make any money with the way this platform works. It takes me longer to load everything up than it does to do the short dictations!
Express Scribe
I have been using it for almost 3 years. I have been very happy with it and not had any problems.
Express Scribe
On the voice files that you have in the program, just click on them and then there should be a button to click on that says Done. This should remove the files. Good luck!
Express scribe
Do you know if there is a hot key or Function key for building macros or speed type in Express scribe?
Express Scribe

Is there a setting in Express Scribe where when you let up on the pedal it rewinds?  Is it in options somewhere?



express scribe
I use express scribe for transcription.  I have been able to download files just fine with it for months, but now when I down load files it only gives me the option to save the file and does not load it into express scribe.  These are the same type files that always worked before.  Any ideas as to why or how to correct the problem?  Thanks in advance!
express scribe
Try deleting the express scribe and reinstalling it.