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I wholeheartedly disagree, I'm afraid....

Posted By: NWMNMT on 2009-03-01
In Reply to: I would not bet on free antivirus programs, - non

AVG and many of the other free antivirus programs (I use Avira ... there's also Avast! and a number of others) do a fine job at protecting one's computer, usually as good -- if not better -- than the performance one gets from Norton or McAfee.

Actually, I usually recommend AGAINST using either McAfee or Norton, as they're system resource hogs, quite bloated, and generally slow down the user's system.


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I wholeheartedly disagree

   First, if someone does not like her acting style or anything else about her, they are certainly entitled to their opinion.  I think through chance or intent I have seen  every thing released to date that she has done - Hackers, Girl Interrupted, Gia, Beyond Borders to name a few.   She steps up to every different role and continues to grow.     She is 30 years old and has been speaking more intelligently in interviews for years than a lot of 40 and 50 year old actors and actresses.  She is putting herself out there and putting herself in harm's way as does anyone who puts their face, famous or otherwise, on a cause.

     Many of the humanitarian roles she has assumed now are ones she has been asked to do.   Since practically birth, and particularly since her teen years, everything she has done has been under a microscope.    Now, everything she does is under a different kind of microscope and I think she is doing an admirable job of walking the line.  No question she has a wild spirit -  didn't most of us have some wild at 20 and 30?  She is now formally representing the US and I cannot begin to imagine how stressful it must be to have to say the right thing to everyone every time and still try to achieve the objective.  She has looks, brains, money and could be doing anything including sitting around whining about any number of trivial pursuits.    Is she an actress who wants to be a philanthropist, or a humanitarian at heart who wants to act?  I don't know, but I for one enjoy the entertainment and only wish I had all her gifts so that I could go out and make that kind of a difference.   For the record, in my mind there are no similarities between Princess Diana and Angelina, other than perhaps the eye of the world being on them at any given time.  Diana's circumstances were forced and tragic and I believe her unbelievable heart and empathy were borne mostly of her pain.  She did not strive professionally to be an actress.   As a member of the royal family, she was both expected and required to be involved in some charitable works or humanitarian efforts.  What she became is a reflection of her true heart, I think, and I admire her very much in that regard.   If a single child does not die of thirst and hunger on a floor of dirt because of Angelina Jolie or Princess Diana, I think the world is already a better place.    

I wholeheartedly disagree with you...

I do work as an IC for an online company that does not require a line quota and does not dictate my hours.  They only require that the work I take is back with 24 hours.  So, I think you've made a blanketed statement here.  I certainly do believe that MTSOs do abuse IC status in more ways than one.  I have a whole lot of experience in this field, and I can tell you that it is abuse.

I wholeheartedly disagree. sm
If every company followed the BOS, then we would have standardized medical records. I've gotten copies of my records from various hospitals and clinics from around the country (I've moved a few times in my life) and most were a joke.
We have a cocker spanial who is afraid of storms and afraid of the dark! He is up every night severa
Even with a night light he still gets afraid of the dark and I have to get up and pet him and tell him it is okay, et cetera. He will finally settle and go back to sleep, but will do it again throughout the night. I let him sleep in my room thinking it would help..but it didnt. He is just a big baby, so we love him and try to make him feel as safe as we can. If we have to deal with thunderstorms and the dark we are in for a long night!!
I second that wholeheartedly!
Couldn't agree more, I just watched it all again this morning. Loving it!
I agree wholeheartedly.....
The hospital job is the Cadillac of MT jobs anymore.  If you're lucky enough to live in a larger metro area that pays better than rural, the hospital job is the last good job situation that you can find.  I'm homebased and local to my hospital job, regular employee, benefits up the wazoo, hourly pay PLUS incentive, all equipment supplied for free including my cable internet bill.  I left the national scene 3 yrs ago and God willing my hospital never decides to go with a national service, I will be there forever.  I'm making 35,000 working less than 40 hours a week.  I'm in heaven.
I agree wholeheartedly with you...
... my hospital forbids its transcription service to send its work overseas, and the company must sign a document every year with regards to that promise. HOWEVER, catching them if they are doing it surruptitiously is another matter. But like you say, it's a huge trainwreck going somewhere to happen. I think it's important to educate the PATIENT that there is always the possibility their confidential records could be leaving the country. For some that could pose all sorts of problems. I for one try to remind my own doc, nurses, etc., that my info. had BETTER NOT get offshored, because if I find out about it, I will sue. And I think all patients should make that point perfectly clear with their healthcare providers. Like you say, sooner or later something really NASTY is going to happen to someone's medical records, and for the institution that was negligent enough to allow those records to end up offshore, there will most likely be hell to pay.
Agree wholeheartedly with you.....sm

Oh. but I DO know how GREAT it is to not live with this type of personality any longer (married 13 years, divorced him and now 15 years without him and I am SUPER HAPPY).  Unfortunately, there are also passive-aggressive women out there in the world, equally as oppressive as the men who have this diagnosis. 

By the way, my ex was never *formally diagnosed* - I diagnosed him myself.....and today I feel bad for his  wife of nearly 5 years; however, I never deal with them, have never met her....I simply feel sorry for her from afar....because horses NEVER change colors.

So, yes, I not only lost the oaf, but a mere 5 years after the divorce, I dropped 50 pounds and KEPT IT OFF!!!  *talk about big weights being lifted* 

Best of luck to ALL who are going through life dealing with a passive-aggressive personality on ANY level.

I agree wholeheartedly. sm
Unfortunately, they are the only ones that provide any sort of credentialing for this field, as sad as that is. 
I agree wholeheartedly...sm
I recently had a neighbor move in with two small kids. It was a father with these obnoxious little hellions. He asked me on three different occasions if I would watch his kids while he was at work because *you're home all day*. I told him no three different times, trying to explain that I work from home and that I did not have time. He even told me he had to go on nights soon and would it be okay if I could run over to his house two or three times during the night to check on his kids, or perhaps spend the night. and I am supposed to do MY work, when??? not to mention getting any sleep of my own due to running over to his house? Again, I said no. I could not do that. Then suddenly he would start showing up at my door mid afternoon or so and say he had to go pick up one son from school..the other was sleeping on the couch and could I just run over every 15 minutes or so to check on the sleeping one? I did it once, because he put me on the spot. the second time I told him flat out no! They just don't GET IT!!!
Nothing to add except I agree wholeheartedly.


I concur wholeheartedly
with you, dnh. I also work for a great company at 8 cpl. We are required to commit to a certain amount of lines per day and our dictators are average to great. I work very hard to send in as few blanks as possible to QA and proofreading is a must, as far as I am concerned. I see so many disgruntled and dissatisfied MTs on this board. I wonder why they bother to continue in this profession if they are so miserable. All jobs come with pros and cons and you make the best of it or move on. In some cases, they may beg you stay. ;-)
Ditto. Agree with you wholeheartedly.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. There is no excuse.
I have learned to live by the basic rule of treating people as I would want to be treated. I'm sorry for your experience.
Agree wholeheartedly, 100% on this one (No Mess)
BEST POST ON THIS TOPIC. I agree wholeheartedly. nm
I agree wholeheartedly. Your kids are only young once. nm
Wholeheartedly agree!!! this business screams UNION
How many people have the sheer determination and guts to carry it through?
Agree wholeheartedly - have to learn to be responsible someday - hopefully already know
That's what I was afraid you were going to say.
Why are you afraid?
Why are you afraid to state your business name?  You have said yourself that you rather like Indian MTs when compared to US MTs, so why not come forth?  Could it be because you really do need the US MTs to run your company and make your bucks? 
I'm afraid...
I've been sworn to secrecy. I simply cannot divulge!
I'm afraid...
Janelle lost the final HOH competition and Yvette won, who immediately evicted Janelle, so now its just Yvette and Nurse Maggie. Yvette basically gave the game to Maggie now since most of the evicted guests do not like Yvette and won't vote for her. How dumb!
I'm just afraid
she'll do it and LOOK OUT when it comes time for her to flash her
if ya know what I mean. LOL
Her and her boyfriend might be approximately Demi and Ashton's ages, but that is the only similarity. LOL

Yes, I'm afraid so...
Tonight at midnight, according to PC World. They said it probably won't do much damage, and is a single person doing it. Weird. U might want to go to Microsoft's web page and get their just released security update for this - I did and I feel all safe and cozy!
That's what I'm afraid of!! nm
Afraid so, saw one ad for 6 cpl...
I've been trying to get extra work for a while now but I will not work extra hours for what they are offering, especially when it is left over stuff and late hours.
I'm not afraid

I am just a very private person and I do not want other people knowing my business unless they have a NEED to know it.

If you want to shout from a soapbox, find something worth shouting about. This is getting boring.

That's what I was afraid of. Thanks...NM
That's what I was afraid of...
I saw a demo of Dragon NaturallySpeaking 9 Medical Edition on the Nuance website. The doctor in the demo dictates a section of a report and the software makes no mistakes whatsoever. While this part is hard to believe, he then says "select congestive heart failure", which the software does and highlights. He then says "ICD-9 that", and the software inserts the correct ICD-9 code in parentheses behind the selected text. The ICD-9 codes are pre-programmed and inserted based on recognized *text*, so as long as the right text is highlighted, the only way an error could occur is if the programmers had entered a wrong ICD-9 code, which is unlikely and would be quickly fixed with a version update. I don't know if this will eventually eliminate coding or if it will just make coders more productive, but that coding course at AHIMA is looking more and more like a waste of money. An online Bachelor degree is beginning to look like the only way out of this conundrum.
P.S. Don't be afraid to go over the head of
your local boss, they are likely to stonewall you. You should follow protocol and START there, but do not hesitate to carry it further if not satisfied.......... the protocol for this is actually outlined on QNET.
thats silly. what are they afraid of if
I mean come on, we won't become millionaires.  There should NOT be a limit on how much you make.  A raise per year for cost of living, a raise or higher rate for experienced and good MTs, and also a raise for putting up with the BS.
Don't be afraid to tell her how you feel.
My brothers and sisters would get together and talk about how my mom is. I told them to tell her, but they said they did not want to hurt her feelings. Yeah, but it's ok for her to hurt ours. NOT! I finally told my mom. She was very defensive at first. She did not speak to me for about a month, but then she called and said she was sorry. If you are honest and sincere, things will work out. Your sis will never know how you and your other sis are feeling if one of you does not step up to the plate.
Don't be afraid. Use the law to your advantage. SM

Stop a minute and think about this. What other person on the planet would be allowed to do this to you? Not one. The reason he is allowed to do it is because you let him.

"Tired of working?" Hell, we're all tired of working, but we do it because we have to. You keep your chin up, girlie. Find you a rat-hole and put some money in it. Even if it's a quarter at a time. Save your change, filch from your paycheck. Get a little padding there so you will have some options.

I lived with a horribly abusive man who took advantage of me for 30 years. I'd still be living with him but he's dead. I know I'd never have left.

Don't get me wrong. I adored him, God knows why - I let those "good times" outshine the horrible times and I stayed with him till death did us part - all to the detriment of my poor children. I have a daughter who thinks it's noble to stay with an abusive man. I have a son who, I'm grateful to say, is kind to his SO, but he endured a 10-year relationship with a lying, emotionally abusive girl - all thanks to me.

Do it as soon as you can. If that guy quit his job because he's "tired of working" there's nothing he won't do. Sending a hug. I know where you're coming from.

Not for me--I would be afraid they would somehow make
Thank you. I wonder if you would be so kind as to tell me how to zip? I'm afraid I'm at a lo
Everyone is so afraid to ask for a raise.
I guarantee you that the people you work for have gotten a raise in the last 4 years, so why not you? Just do it. Like you said, all they can say is no, or give some BS excuse. But just look at the enormous increase in gasoline over the past 4 years, never mind everything else. No one can continue on the same salary.
Those afraid to ask for a raise are their own
This is one of the major reasons why women are paid at least 20% less than men doing the same job. Women are intimidated to just go in and say, "Hey boss, I need a raise."

Many years ago, I was working as a cashier. Certainly not a great job, but for low level work, it didn't really pay that bad. I had been there 5 years, had received my usual raises and a merit raise. However, I still felt my level of flexibility by being able to take over in a lot of other departments at a moment's notice made me a valuable employee. I went into my supervisor, told them what I thought my value was to the company and asked for a dollar an hour raise. He gave it so quick, I probably could have gotten more.
I would be more afraid of American
because they know how to identify theft better than offshore countries I'm sure.  
I don't see why employers are so afraid to ask for ... sm

at least the minimum lines each day.  I used to work at a hospital where the required minimum was I believe 40 minutes, which ain't a lot of work.  Most times (and this was when we were in house) the girls would chat and chat and chat and go for lunch and chat and chat, etc., and never work.  And they got by with it because they were too scared to demand that these people stick to the guidelines by which they were hired.  One day I went in to work OT on a Saturday and worked 4 or 5 hours, and I don't remember what my line count was, but one person typed 12 lines.  And she was supposed to be the regular Saturday morning person.  Some saturdays I would go in to work and there would be NOBODY there.  NOBODY typing in a hospital transcription dept. just because it was Saturday.  They got by with it for years, continued to get by with it, and we lost our jobs to MQ because nobody worked and nobody made them work.  Me, I worked.  I worked a lot.  I had (still have) goals, meet them, exceed them routinely because I happen to like paying the bills and having money left over.  Like I always say, people whine on here about no work but when there's a lot of OT to be worked they are nowhere to be found. 

I'm where you are afraid you'll end up

I'm in my mid 50s, and I'm not sure decent paying transcription jobs will be around until I hit retirement age.  Actually, despite saving, I'm not sure I'll be able to retire period.  I figure I'll have to work at something until the day I drop, and sometimes I think that if that happened tomorrow, it wouldn't be a bad thing.

I've always worked 2 and sometimes 3 jobs, and I've been self-employed.  I didn't mind putting in the hours in my 20s, 30s and even 40s, but I'm getting tired now.  I'd like to have a life beyond transcription.  Back then, I didn't necessarily have to work all those hours but chose to.  Now, I have to work them.  It's too late for me to go back to school.  There's no time when you work 7 days a week, 10-12 hours a day, and I can't afford to take on that kind of debt.  I'd be 60 by the time I finished, and who would hire me?  How much better off would I be starting all over again at the bottom? 

If you have something else in mind for making a living, particularly if it requires going to school or going back to school, and you can do it time-wise and financially, then I would encourage you to do it now.  You are right to worry, and you don't want to end up where I am.  Best of luck to you! 

I am afraid if you are working on
inhouse equipment, you are stuck with what they approve. IT would have to install anything for you, and some of these things have licensing privileges. I didn't know anybody outside HCA was using meditech. The best we could do was canned text and of course, about the time I got a bunch of abbrev's in there, we got dictaphone and instant text, but we had no leeway at all about anything. magic 20 was a function key that let you go into other functions without leaving the one modem you were typing in except for radiology and pathology.
Afraid of another depression in USA

howdy! I am afraid some of us are.!
I had the same thought you did and had to laugh. Wonder where she is. Reminds me of when our governor Ann Richards said at the democratic convention, "we can do everything the men can do, we just do it backwards and in high heels".
I'm afraid I have to agree with others who have said.... sm
...that, as MTs, we're not in a position to question the actual care chosen for a patient, no matter what our personal experience has been.

On the other hand, I *have* had concerns about a patient's care when it has involved dictators who fall asleep during their dictation then wake up and continue dictating the report -- only obviously they're talking about a different patient ... or the dictators who routinely list a med in the patient's allergy section and then also list that same med as being in their current regimen ... or those who routinely mix left/right, male/female, etc., throughout the majority of their reports.

Still, even with that kind of thing all I've been able to do is notify my QA person and tell them that I'm concerned about the quality of the medical record because of the dictator(s) and then IMO it's on their head to either give the facility a heads-up or not.

But, unless we have medical degrees and have been invited to consult, it's not our concern, as hard as that may be to hear.
Yes . . . I know, but I am afraid of losing my job if I do.
afraid insurance is going to drop me...
Two years ago I became an independent and have individual insurance.  During the application I put on there I had quit smoking (former smoker).  I now have a procedure coming up, and during the consultation for this procedure, my doctor asked me if I smoked.  Well, I do "occasionally" but I did not expect him to ask that question, so I fumbled and said "yes, but not every day."  Now is this grounds for my insurance not covering me?  Is it possible they can dig through the paperwork specifically to find this and nail me on it?  Or can it be accepted that at the time I signed on with them, I in fact was not a smoker, but started up between then n now, so they have no grounds?  I'm scared, as I cannot afford this procedure out of pocket!!!  What do you guys think? 
sounds like he needs attention and is afraid

Don't be afraid to work at home

The reasons you have cited in your message are the exact reasons I chose to stay home and transcribe 30 years ago.  I did not want to leave my babies in someone else's hands, so decided to stay at home to transcribe.  I do not regret my decision one bit!  Yes, in the beginning, it was tough to get used to being paid by productivity, but you learn short cuts, you learn the discipline to stay seated at the computer when you should be.  If you take away the costs of traveling to work, plus whatever you have to pay a sitter, you may even end up making more money staying at home. 

A lot of people have negative things to say about a lot of the national transcription services (I can agree with most things that are said) but in your situation, it is an ideal solution.  You just have to find a good company to work for.  They are all looking for good, experienced MTs, so you should not have any problems finding another position.  The larger ones will also supply you with the computer and all the other hardware you need to do the job.

It is not worth getting yourself all worked up with a baby on board (congratulations, by the way!).  Try to find a good national to work for and then tell your hospital job good-bye. 

30 years or so down the road, you will be glad you "took the plunge."  I wish you the best of luck, I know what a difficult decision it is to make.  Please let us know what you decide.

I'm afraid I'm simply too loyal to MQ...
to put them in a bind like that. Shame on all y'all!
Personally, I'd be afraid to be loyal to MQ.