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I was going to say to trust yourself and not re-read everything you type, but within the time

Posted By: MissouriMT on 2006-08-10
In Reply to: too much time on re-checking - MTBlab

it took me to read your post and then go check my mail, I received my monthly QA report and had two errors where I didn't pay attention and put "female" instead of "male".  Talk about feeling like a complete airhead!  Just goes to show you that you're going to make dumb mistakes no matter how long you've been at this or how much you trust yourself.

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You will starve to death with only crap to type, trust me. They did it to me.

A steady diet of difficult doctors and bad reports = no lines an hour.

No lines an hour = Broke city.

If you took a cent a line pay cut and only did ER work you'd make more money!

In 12 years of MT'ing I've never re-read an entire chart. Edit/read as I type. nm
I could NEVER trust myself around 10,000 candy corn, or even 100! they'd be gone in no time

but I would lie and say your wart is very becoming on you....in return for maybe 10 candy corn and about 5 of those pumpkin things

Who had time to read?LOL I only get a chance to read This Old House once in a while. (nm)
Me, too. Can read faster than I can type.
Time to type

Where I work it is now 3 minutes of typing for 1 minute of dictation.  Will change soon to the AAMT rules (according to our supervisor) which is now 4 minutes for typing for 1 minute of dictation.

Speaking of down-time, what type of dog does
I am the proud mom of a 6 yr old Sheltand Sheep dog!
Second time around I married somewhat of a dad type. :)

My dad was the kindest, sweetest most patient man that was ever put on Earth. He also was very, very funny.

My first husband was totally opposite, mean, short tempered and had no sense of humor. I spent nearly a decade trying to figure out why he wasn't like my dad as that was my perception of men.

Second time around I came pretty darn close. Maybe not quite as patient, but nice to me and very funny. He bought me a half dozen roses today when I told him I didn't want a thing but for someone to do my dishes.  Well guess what?  Yup! He did the dishes too! 

My mom always used to say, "The problem with you girls is you keep looking for your father and they only made one and he picked me."  

Time it takes to type...
Approximately how long does it take to type, say, 5 minutes of dictation?  Or 10, or whatever?  Just trying to get a feel for if I'm in the ballpark.  Thanks!
Will they let you do a work type at a time?
Or maybe a couple of the specialties at a time?
you obviously can't type and breath at the same time???
if u have time to read this
you have time to stop in and say hello. take 5 minutes, you might meet a new friend.
Don't have time to read
it right now, but people have a horror of so-called socialized medicine even though we already have it in the VA system. And from all accounts it works well.

It's okay to provide our reps in government with the best health care but feel that we don't deserve it?

Strange that "socialized" is such a scary word for so many. We have a socalized fire department and police department. They don't check for coverage to help you do they?

We are the only industrial country in the world that does not provide health care to all of its ciitzens, It is something of which this country should be ashamed.
You cannot believe what you read all the time on these boards.
Best to ask the company if you have a question.
How sad. I read one time in Ann Landers, I think it was

Rather than ask them if they need anything, just do something, like bring food over (not right away, they will have enough) but maybe every week or so for several months, not on a regular basis, more "spontaneously."  Volunteer to sit with their other children if they have any, so that they can do whatever.   Things like that.  Just so they know you are there for them.  

Who has time to read books?

I'm too busy trying to juggle 3 jobs, and spending time reading a book has become a luxury I just can't afford.  Can really relate to the OP. 

I keep hearing how great the economy is, and I'm starting to wonder if that's simply just not true.

I'm like this all of the time! And now that I've read this
and became aware of my chair position, I have to adjust again!  I think it's just one of those little MT quirks we all have.
Please take some time to read up on the subject and....
...we can bring the discussion back up to a higher level. It's hard to discuss when the basic fund of knowledge isn't shared by all involved.
it is some type of time clock application..just wondered if anyone used it.
Does anyone actually take the time to read the posts BEFORE replying?
been "mentoring" with them for 9-months.....so Yes, she has already been taken for the $$$, and obviously being shot down saying she is not quite good enough yet to "work" for them. ---Ever now and then someone will come on and say they "work" for them and how great they are, but its a bunch of bunk, look at the archives, 99% negative, total scam all the way. Sorry you got taken.
You have not taken the time to carefully read the posts then
Don't come into the middle of something and start accusing the wrong people of stirring up trouble.  I think you need to take a chill and read the posts below.  If you take the time and stop looking at it with a prejudiced eye, you will also be able to see the thread.  You are defending the wrong person here. 
This is an example of how at least one company manipulates both the Transcriptionist and their own clients to their detriment and to the company's gain. And it is all true.
Read this all the time here, simple solution
why gripe and get all hung up on something that is the way it is and apparently the people complaining do not see any change, disappointed with their lives, money, children, whatever. Life is much too short to just sit back and complain. I have free speech, it is guaranteed and I will use it. I have never in my life seen so much "woe is me" type posters. People find it much easier to sit on their duff and complain about what they perceive their lives to be rather than trying to rectify the situation.
I had an ESL spell "sheet" for me. Must've had someone type "sh*t" one time.
Best post I've read in a long time.
I tend to go back and forth with my feelings about this profession. In the mornings I am glad I do not have to get up, get ready and go to an office. Many times in the evening, after I have during the day and still have work to do, I feel like stuffing it all. Many times I am disheartened when I get my paycheck, but I am glad to be getting one, while my sister worries about getting laid off from her manufacturing job. MT has advantages and disadvantages.
Unfortunately most docs don't care; they don't even read the reports most of the time.
It's OUR job to comply with quality standards.
I haven't read any of the other replies regarding Time Warner
so forgive me if this was already noted. I have the all in one package phone, internet and cable and haven't heard anything about this at all. Nothing's been in our paper or on the news. I guess I'll just have to wait and see and worry about it then.
I work and do not have time to read such long posts, do you?..nm
I meant bought. Hard to type and listen to the music at the same time.
how many lines per day and per hour do most companies expect/want you to type for full time? thanks
I would not; most of the time those type files, although not usually hard medical terms, take lots l
to type and are very difficult as it is hard to hear with background noise, different speakers, usually no macros, etc. I think they are worth more pay, not less. I also get paid by the word at 0.008 and had figured mine to be about 0.09/line as well in the past. stick with where you are.
hehe I was able to nurse and type at the same time. It's all a matter of the chair and keyboard
If they don't read their reports how do they know what's wrong with patient next time he sees

Yer right... half the time the docs dont even read the reports. (nm)
Oh, my. That's the funniest thing I've read in a long time.
AHDI: Solving the world's problems, one foreign MT at a time.

So what do we do, not trust?
I too went cross country twice at 17 and 19.  Met lots of good people.  It is just an unfortunate thing that happened and you cannot blame the girl.  So what do we do, not trust men anymore?  This boy and his two friends know what happened.  My prayers and thoughts are with Natalees family.
Hi Trust Me...
If you send me your e-mail address we can talk off-line. We have been with MDI about the same time. Do you do radiology or acute care? I do acute care and this winter we had a lot of weekend bonuses on my account which was short staffed. If you post a question like below on this site, you will not get the answers you need. I am sure I can help you if you send me your e-mail.
Trust me, there is nothing
that anybody can post on this board or any board that would make me feel any less self worth.  If anything, reading some of this idiotic remarks gives me a feeling of increases self worth.  Furthermore, the name that carries over with each post can be changed at any time. 
Don't trust JLG, they are very dishonest and present themselves as above board. But they are not. Beware!!
You don't want to know....trust me
Trust me when I say
That there are some MTs out there who DO NOT care. They do not take pride in their work, do not do the research and no matter how many times you tell them specific websites to use and other tools to use, they WILL NOT use them.

Most MTs are not this way and I think most QA realize this, but you have to understand that there are a handful of them (I deal with about 5 out of my 60-70 MTs) that are just ridiculous.

Yes, I can put in perspective and realize that it is part of the job but it does get frustrating sometimes!

MTs complain day in and day out about their horrible dictators and I think that you have to give QA the outlet to sometimes complain about the careless/non-caring MTs that they have to deal with as well.

There, I'm done. :-)
You act like that's the only job out there. It's not, trust me.
It will get much better, trust me on this. sm
It's much easier to relearn a skill than to learn a new one. You're just out of practice with your typing speed, that's all. And from what I hear, VR involves a different (very) use of an MT's skills than straight typing. As for the ESLs, some are better than others, and some good ole boy Americans are worse than any ESL I ever ran across back in the days when I was working.

Give yourself a little time to adjust to all this. If you find after a certain period of time--say, a couple of months?--that you still loathe the work, why, you can start looking for another job. :) Or check and see if you can start doing VR at least part time with your present company. Best of luck!
No one would trust that everyone
else would stop working too, so no one will do it. It was one thing when factory workers in a specific plant would decide something of that nature, but we are all over the place and have no contact other than this. How do you think that would ever work!?
Trust your instincts. You know best
what your needs, abilities and interests are. If you need or want to explore another career path, why not?
I would suggest some vocational testing either online or in person. Check around your city for vocational services. Whatever you do, don't let yourself feel trapped. Good luck.
Trust your instincts. If you don't think
they have their act together and can't find any other info, keep looking. Good luck.
Yes...trust her. It's beautiful! NM
You can't always trust websites. I have
googled something and have 3 or 4 spellings come up, therefore having to do more research. Books are your best get.
How well do you trust management
I would be concerned that they are getting their ducks in a row to outsource.
I hope your trust proves to be well placed.
And I'm glad to know you have looked into their background so that you can feel more comfortable with your decision to be charitable. Keeping you in my prayers. I wish you were my neighbor. For one thing, I like Shelties. For another, you seem like a person I would be proud to call a friend (and you'd set a very good example for my family--me included!).
Trust me, I thought about it, but yappy seems mean.

I don't want to get bitten.  And who knows what the "door lockers" would do if I actually stepped foot in their yard.

I'm giving it another week and then I'm calling the animal control officer that works for our local Humane Society so that he can come over and talk to them. No names involved that way and I've had neighbors all around tell me they can't stand it either.

Poor little pup.  I can't imagine tying my dog out like that.  Like I said in my earlier post, I wouldn't even get a dog until the backyard was fenced in.  He also has a "doggy door" and has been very well trained.  Even if he does get out of the fence if someone leaves the gate open, he sits and whines (not barks) at the door as if to say, "Helloooo, I'm not supposed to be out here."

AND, despite the fenced in backyard, we take our dog for walks too. The yard is only so big and he needs regular exercise. 

Some people just shouldn't be allowed to have a dog.