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I was asked to take a pay cut and quit on the spot.

Posted By: happened to me on 2006-11-16
In Reply to: no way - MontanaMT

I needed the job, but I would not allow myself to take a pay cut. I am working again for more money than I was making.

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Quit an IC job and got asked to stay sm
Actually, almost begged to stay. I have accepted a position with a large, highly respected national and I wanted it, still do. They are supposed to be an outstanding place to work, have a friendly platform and they sure have been extremely nice during the hiring and into the setup phase.

I have N-E-V-E-R given notice and then asked to stay before. I have quit and been told I was an eegit, but never ever asked to stay. They have been receiving compliments from the client on this extraordinarily difficult account and was told that if I left, it would really put a damper on things, that I was valuable, diligent, and a pretty darn good MT all the way around.

All I can tell you that I am rather burned out and I need some slow time and/or down time for a bit. A couple of extra days to catch up housework and sleep would be great.
Sheesh, now what do I do?
I quit once for 3 years, but then started again. (Quit cold turkey when I did)

I quit two months ago. I tried to quit for over a year, but I just had to be ready.
I tried the patch, NRT gum, Zyban, everything. One morning, I woke up and just quit cold turkey. There are some good online support groups out there that can help you when you're ready.
And I have seen a new ad in the magazine Advance that has a sign on bonus for SE's, maybe just better pay, let's think positive!!
HIT it on the spot.
Thanks so much! You answered alot of my concerns.
Greatly appreciated!
I like the spot questions

I'm not sure why you freeze up? Pretend you are transcribing. Don't you have to answer these same questions on the fly every day? I know sometimes it's something like a drug name that I've relied on my expansion software to memorize for me, but even then, I can get the other 13, 14, or 15 questions right. I'm a transcriptionist. It's what I do. Same with you. Take a deep breath and do your best. A heck of a lot more fun than taking one more , egggadds, on-line test.

I correct it on the spot...
By doing so, it may hurt productivity, but the way I look at it is that productivity ain't worth a thing if the transcript isn't accurate, and by waiting to correct it, I may forget to do so.  Of course, the software I use will not let me send a transcript until it has been completely spell checked, so that helps, too!
I do! And there was always a sandy spot on it sm
that would tear through the paper, and I'd have to start over. We weren't allowed to use White-Out or corrasable (sp) paper then.

If you find a spot for just OPs
I want to be invited too! Those are my moneymakers, but unfortunately I don't get them as often as I like!
Thanks, I wasn't sure if I was in the right spot
and how do you spot a liar??
just wondering. I have a bridge for sale.
This post is spot on.
It has been my experience in-house in my moderately large urban area and with a service that VR will always need editors and is no threat to good MTs. It is absolutely EMR. In my area, many 4-10-doctor clinics now use EMR. They DON'T use MTs anymore. But some still dictate. I think in 5 years, it will be very hard for a newbie to find work.
Boy oh boy, have you ever hit on a sore spot with me! -(sm)
I'm up against the same thing with that da**ed BOS. Every other day, it's something. Put a dash between words. Don't put a dash between words. And then each account varies from the BOS in its own unique and utterly ridiculous ways. Frequently the BOS goes against what's correct punctuation and writing style.

This whole BOS cow-pucky is keeping a lot of people busy, and in all the wrong ways. We're so busy worrying about the absurd minutia that BOS tells us is Law, that it's harder and harder to get a decent day's worth of transcribing done.

If MT co's want to use the BOS, then they should tell their clients that that's the standard they're going to be using. But no, every account, even every DOCTOR, wants it their way. I have no problem with typing every account and every doctor their way, but then I sure don't want QA flooding my inbox with marked-up reports, telling me I've done it wrong.

I truly believe that the whole purpose of BOS (besides making couple of shady characters very, very wealthy, is to further justify paying us less and eventually driving American MT's entirely out of the field. An MT can be very experienced, accurate, and fast, but if you keep playing the shell-game with the account specifications, and changing them up every other day, no one on earth is going to be able to keep up with all that and maintain a high QA score.

And the bottom line? Since WHEN does it matter to patient care (which is SUPPOSED to be the bottom line in the medical industry) whether you spell out numbers below 10, or type them in numerals? Since when does it matter if the date is March 14 or 3/14? It DOESN'T! When the doctors check our reports to sign, or before going into surgery, etc., does anyone really think they give a rat's backside about whether we capitalized "operating room", or spelled out the number ten? All that matters is accuracy and readability! The almighty BOS doesn't matter to them one iota.

This whole BOS/QA analness of MT is driving me crazy, too, because it's all about being jerked around.
Or try Folex or Spot Shot.
You are right. I've always said I'm just in a good spot. sm
I hope I have never acted like anybody wasn't good enough. I sure didn't mean to.
I have used Bio-Spot on my dogs for years. (nt)

how 'bout a camera on that spot?

This is only a test of the URL link spot.

Bald spot on head???

Has anyone ever had this happen or know of anyone who has had this happen?  My 14-year-old son has a spot on the top of his head that is bald.  It's about the size of a quarter.  He has never had this and it came all of a sudden a couple of weeks ago.  There is no hair growing out of this spot.  ~ 

Should I take him in to have it checked or is this a common thing?  I typed it in Google and came up with something called alopecia maybe.  ~  I'll take any advice anyone wants to give me.  Thanks!!! 

I think our bodies are just not made to sit all day in one spot! sm
I have the same problem - I can't sleep at night and I am bored and sleepy all day. I am getting ready to ask to change my work hours so that I can go for a walk for about an hour mid-morning. I used to do that and it helped tremendously with keeping my energy up and helping me sleep at night.
That is also a very sore spot, I agree
I requested the same thing about 2 months ago, could a physician pleaseeeeeee spell a name, especially when wanting a cc sent and was told if I could not find, just to pend the note and so I do. Why they are so against asking for a spelling is just beyond me. That should be a no brainer but noooooo, don’t get a high and mighty physician upset.
bright spot in the employment picture

I just got a job working for a hospital with a 3/4 million dollar transcription budget whose HIM director wants to bring all the work back in house.  He's offering IC as well as employee with bennies/time off positions.  The wages are fair, and I'm making a great line count on their software (he even let me install my own word expander).  This is a Michigan hospital, but he actually has MTs in other states who work for him.  I had to go in house to train, then I went home.  For anyone who's interested this is at Covenant Hospital in Saginaw, Michigan. 

Of course, I apologize for placing my post in the wrong spot!! :)
See under Hayseed's response; I posted in the wrong spot. nm
Oops put my email in the wrong spot..oh well. No flaming emails please LOL.
Oops put my email in the wrong spot..oh well. No flaming emails please LOL.
Dogs: Jefferson & Zorro. Leopard Gecko: Spot.
i don't find mistakes if i spot check. so i don't relisten. costs money you know.
paid to type and listen once as i type.
Do NOT quit MT yet! & dont quit looking.Try her
every question asked on here could be documented in some book. So? cant a question be asked?
Black widows are shiny black, females have red spot
There aren't many males around. After the mate, the females eat them lol.

We have black widows galore here in Calif. I actually keep frogs in my yard (provide ponds for them) and they have made a big impact on the insect population.

Remember to always wear shoes (something I try to do).
TC quit
Yerica, LOL..No such luck.  Peggy quit, so did Miranda who worked in the digital room.  They both went to FutureNet, same place April went last November.  Jessie from the digital room is gone too..
Quit then if it's really that bad for you. sm
I don't like the e-mails either but you need to take this up with Joann rather than coming here and screaming at everybody. If it doesn't pertain to you, then ignore it. Why you're so uptight about something that isn't addressed to you is crazy.
LOL....I'd have quit after 1!!!!
now mine just takes in live-in strays since he can't get married again, he's still married in a different state and can't find the wife to get the divorce. IT's probably a good thing that he can't. He's be the one with 32 wives and still counting, some all at the same time. LOLOLOLOL
For those who want to quit
We need a MT smoker board any ideas???? Since we listen to what doctors say and know more than the average person (because we our brilliant people) we need a support group..
Here is how I quit MQ.
I took another FT job. Did not say a word to MQ. Just simply went about working for new job. I was not able to type at all for MQ. They did not call me. After about three months, I finally was contacted. Told them I had to take another job and that after eight hours with it, I was too tired to type for them. They asked me to go PT and I said I would try. Waited another three months and could not meet PT criteria (did not actually type a thing but wanted to see if FT job would work age - it was). After another 3 months, I called them and told them I would be shipping their things back. End of story. Of course, I doubt if I could ever go back there.

Sometimes in life you get what you give.
quit being mean
quit it!!!
Quit, got that right....sm
I quit two positions on the FIRST day because I could see that it was going to be impossible to get the production I want/need with the system as they were training me. No sense wasting my time or theirs...just got outta there.
I would not quit what I am now doing.
I just want more radiology work.  I do basic 4 and radiology with radiology being a 1/3 of my work.  I would like to keep the rad work but replace basic four with more rad work elsewhere.
yup, das y i quit
I quit!
Could you tell me the name of the company? I just started with a company, and I honestly don't think I will EVER be able to make the line count .... 11,000. Have never made that many lines. Am a good MT but takes time to do short reports, proof, etc. Even a short report can take awhile depending on extra things doctor wants you to do, like send a cc to different people, do this, do that, etc. By the time I proof the report, it could easily take 15 minutes or more. Takes time to proof and to try and find a doctor's name, etc., esp. in a big hospital.
I quit!
Just curious...how long were you on-board? I think I know the place.
i quit
I smoked up to a pack a day.  I quit 20+ years ago and never regretted it.  It was tough but I first figured out why I smoked (as a reward) and then started replacing the reward cigarette with something else - food, a small gift for myself, whatever... I had it licked in a few weeks but then slipped over the New Year's weekend.  I quit again and that was for good.  All the women in my family quit as well!  It was a very liberating experience.
Quit, yes...sm
I have always wanted to be able to travel the country and help out with Habitat for Humanity and other such organizations to help those who really need it. There are millions of poor people here who need the help and we should all give something back.  If it was a substantial amount (like a couple of million or more) I would help my siblings pay off homes, etc., volunteer, and travel.
Quit then and go somewhere else
Either keep up with the technology changes, do your work or quit. Just quit whining.  These changes are here, work with them.  And yes, to me it is good money.   Got two new accounts the past 6 weeks, good money, older doctors that will stay with me for the last ten years I plan on working as they don't like the EMR's, internet or whatever and just want to dictate and have someone type up the chart notes/OP notes/letters and be done with it.  My one larger account will bring in over $400 per week for 4 days of dictation.  One dermatology doctor, lots of Op notes and consults -- good lines, repetitive typing and good pay.   So either do something about your job situation or income to make it what you want or find another line of work. 
Anyone quit due to ASR?
I'm really worried about it.  I think it's just going to cut my pay in half or maybe even worse.
I'd quit in a second
What I would probably do is invest a lot of it, and get a part-time job doing something that I really loved. No way would I stay working as an MT full-time. Oh, and congratulations!

My late payments were 2 weeks at first too, and then it got to be a month, and then very sporadically late and then finally after 10 years of this waiting and wondering, I quit.  I can't work like that.  I didn't know if I'd ever get paid this last time.  I think once they see that you'll tolerate it, then it continues to happen. 

Do not quit
If you are happy then stay doing what you are doing, not many can spend time with kids, avoid day care, etc. My husband told me my salary was NOT worth it and convinced me to retire. aI did very well $$$ wise.  I am not totally and completely miserable. He would not even help me return the doc's stationery and I had to mail some back so the other company could use it. I cried on a daily basis. The docs and hospitals were angry with me and I don't think they would even give me a reference if I wanted one.I did give a notice, I did not sell as it would be like selling one of my kids, it was that much a part of my heart. I am very angry with my husband as well as being heartbroken and lost. I am not up to savvy on file transfer protocol, etc., and a lot of things that have come up in the last two years. I am one heartbroken woman. Your husband is only thinking of himself and wanting to own you. Don't let that happen. I am at the point where I want to start all over as a newbie after years of being #1 in my area. Men are ego maniacs! I am one unhappy former service owner, don't let it happen to you! And please, no nay sayer meanie responses, I don't need that at this point in my life. There are some on here who just love to jump all over your heartfelt concerns, been there too!! Stay with the supporters of what you are going through. Don't give it up!
I liked my accounts, easy docs but I never knew when I was going to be paid and was fed a line of bull every time I asked about it. There are nice accounts that pay on time out there.