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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

I used my digital phone with Meditech. I

Posted By: me on 2009-03-20
In Reply to: Will Meditech work with cable based phone? - Hopefully soon to be ex MQ

use high-speed cable internet and digital phone through TWC.  I actually used a C-phone to call into the system, Meditech is the platform and that is through the internet. 

Meditech is a horrible platform, had to make lines. I can't see why your setup won't work though.  If you work for Keystrokes it will. 

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If you use a C-phone for work and have a digital phone

through cable, have you tried to take an incoming call?

We only have one phone line.  I rarely get/make calls and when I do we have cell phones.  I just started working with a C-phone and got digital phone.  I can go a month and my phone not ring, so far have gotten 3 calls today, but I'm afraid that if I try to answer the phone that I will lose my report. 

I guess I could pull up a report and have my husband call on his C-phone and test it that way and then if I lose it no biggie. 



Digital phone is about the only way to go.
Something like Vonage or through local cable company. 
with some digital phone services--sm
the product you mention, Phone Tools by BVRP, is not able to be used as some digital phone services do not support faxing functions, as of yet.

I use MaxEmail internet fax service. They have a free program for using a limited amount of faxes both outgoing and incoming. They have a Lite service, which I use, for about 10.00 per year, for unlimited incoming and outgoing faxes during that time. I have been VERY satisfied with their service. I have used them for three years.
Does a digital phone system
work for a C-phone? I do have unlimited long distance, but it's not the regular old phone line, it's through my cable server. Compatible?
Digital you can either get a phone-in system. sm
Phone-in is more expensive, obviously. Digital handhelds are best option. You can have doctors buy or you can provide and use as a writeoff on taxes. You can use Express Scribe for most, but most of the time there is a transcription module for whatever brand of recorder you buy (Sony, Olympus, etc)
I have digital phone service through my
cable internet provider.  I no longer have a C-phone account, but used it for a few months without any problems.  It is truly unlimited.  I tried VoIP through my ISP provider and couldn't get it to work and support is in India and less than helpful.  I have read where many people use Vonage and are happy with it. 
Digital phone/C-phone
Does anyone use a C-phone with digital phone service?  Does this work out okay?
Need a C-phone for work. Can I use a digital transcriber sm

I have 2 digital work stations.  One is Bytescribe call-in system.  The other is Philips station.  Neither have the actual phone part that you pick up.  I can call in to different numbers to get work.  Does anyone know if this will work?  I need a "C-phone" to get work for a new job, and I don't know if I should buy one or what.  I posted before, but no one answered.  Just thought I'd try and ask again.  Thanks.

Does anyone use Mediacom's digital phone service? sm
It is available to me but I do not want to switch until I know more about it.  I know some of you use Comcast, so if any of you have any advice for me on the digital services, it would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance!
Lanier & digital phone line
Does anyone use a Lanier with a digital phone line (not VOIP)? Anything else required to make this work?

Will Meditech work with cable based phone?

Hi all,

I have been offered a MT job with another company that requires me to call into the hospital's Meditech system.  I have never worked on Meditech so I don't have the slightest idea how to use it.  I am used to signing onto my computer and getting right into the system, not having to dial in anywhere.  I'm sure I would get used to it but my phone may be the problem.  I have my phone bundled in with my cable/high speed internet through Time Warner and the MTSO thinks this won't work, that I need something like Fair Point as a dedicated phone line.  Does anyone out there in MT land know anything about this?  The MTSO is anxious to hire and I'm anxious to start a job where I can finally make $ again and I don't want to miss out on this all because of the wrong phone!

Digital phone line with Lanier voicewriter
Now I am getting digital phone through my cable company with the addition of a data line which is suppose to give me unlimited access for dial up so I am hoping that will work. Does anyone else use a Lanier with Time Warner Cable digital phone and if so any problems?
Computer/digital phone system question - SM

I currently use a Philips digital transcriber system, which I call the number and get my recordings through the phone line.  I would like to get a laptop to start doing my work and was wondering if there was some way I could move the recordings to the laptop and just work strictly with the laptop and foot pedal. 

If anyone has any information or knows if this can be done, I would appreciate it. 

Thank you,


Is a C-phone like Bytescribe call-in system or Philips digital transcription
My 2 stations don't have the actual phone piece, but I can make calls to the place where I get work.  I'm just curious because I want to take a test that requires C-phone, and I'm not sure if my stations will work or not.  If anyone can give me some background or information on this, I would appreciate it.  Thank you. 
I have used a Digital Transcribe Station from Transcription Gear in lieu of a C phone just fine nm

I do tapes and digital. And I was told if I'm not logged into the digital system, they assume I&

BUT she wants me logged into the system by 9:30 a.m.  So I'm confused too.  I've decided that I may come back to her and just say I'm not going to do the tapes anymore.  I hate the tapes anyway.  The voice quality is horrible, it fades in and out.  It takes me twice as long to transcribe their tapes than the digital.

C-phone used to call in to dictating systems to receive work. A special phone. nm
I had a lot of trouble with static in my C-phone. I replaced the phone cord and that made a big

difference.  Also, have you tried a different headset?  Also someone told me one time that there is a microphone under your volume control on the right corner of the C-phone.  It's a tiny hole.  If you break off a Q-tip and stick that into the hole that will squelch a lot of background noise and that worked as well.  As far as getting your C-phone service, I heard that Dictaphone is "sunsetting" C-phones at the end of this year.  Meaning, they aren't going to service them anymore as they are considered an obsolete technology.  So, I would contact Dictaphone and see what your options are.

I know very little about Lanier equipment.  I've not used it as extensively as Dictaphone.  Is there a local appliance repair place in your area?  You might ask one of those places to take a look at your equipment and see what they think.  Kinda scary, cause they could do more harm than good, but maybe worth a shot.

Not much help, I know.  But I thought I would share what tiny bit of obscure knowledge I do have. 

I've changed them between an old phone and new phone, but the same company, i.e. Nextel.
I use my c-phone whenever we travel. You can hook it directly into your room phone. Be sure and as
I think you can dial into most systems that require C-phone without having a C-phone nm
I am wondering if there is a way to use your C-phone with Vonage phone service?
May have to change phone companies, have switched to job using a C-phone. sm
Currently have Embarq (formerly Sprint), and my usage will be going up about 12,000 minutes a month.  What phone companies offer really unlimited for a flat rate?  TIA.
C-phone and ATT. There is no problem with the C-phone, but ATT wouldn't let me use unlimited.
I have cable phone access and my C-phone works - sm
I am not sure about you problem, because it sounds just like I have mine hooked up.  The only thing I can think of is that mine has 2 line hookups in the back of the phone.  If you have this too, I would just try the other one, which you probably have already done.  Sorry that was not much help.  I wish you luck
I have a very loud hum when using my C-phone, but no hum when I'm using the regular phone. SM

Anyone else experience this problem with their C-phone?  Is there a problem with my C-phone?  At first I thought it was my telelphone line and called the phone company.  They sent a technician out to replace the lines and check the house, but the hum is still there on the C-phone.

It's driving me batty!

C-phone info regarding phone lines etc.
I am completely clueless on the subject of a C-phone.  Can someone help me understand exactly how this works?  Do you have to specifically have a separate "dial up internet" service to use the C-phone? I currently have cable internet and am wondering if there is anything else I need to get.  I guess I should contact my phone company.  At any rate, any help anyone could give would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you!
Anyone use/try C-phone with Medicom's phone service?
Wondering if it works?
C-phone and phone line
I have cable for my Internet so I have my C-phone on my regular home phone line and forward my home phone number to my cell phone.
A c-phone is just a phone, with headphones sm

and a foot pedal.  You call into a number (hopefully 800 number), put in your codes, and a voice file comes on.  You use the headphones and the foot pedal, and transcribe on your computer into a word processing program, then send the finished file back per their directions.

The c-phone is not connected to the internet in any way.  There is no downloading involved.  It is just a phone by means of which you get your voice files.  It needs a phone line and you stay on the line the entire time.

c-phone from cell phone
I believe if you check with your cell phone carrier they have an adapter that you can use to plug into your cell phone from the c-phone. Not sure about this but I think I had a friend tell me she had to do this but it was a year or so ago. Hope this helps.
It connects via phone like, just like a C-phone.
I have an old actual C-phone phone if that is what you mean, (sm)
not the newer kind that connects to a computer.  I don't know if yours is programmed the same, but mine shows 8 to decrease and 9 to increase.  Hope this helps.
C-phone and phone plans....
I have a company that I have recently hired on with that uses c-phones.  At home I have an unlimited long distance plan, but I'm wondering if while traveling there is a plan that you can get in order to use a c-phone in a motel, relative's homes, etc.  I like to be able to still work while traveling and I feel this is going to limit me.  Any suggestions or ideas?

Has anyone ever used a word Expander with Meditech? I understand that there are several different versions of this program and we use it for Radiology. We have V. 3.25.  I was specifically thinking about ShortKeys?  Any input would be appreciated.

Has anyone ever used Meditech?  Is it user-friendly?  Fast?  Thanks for any info you can give me.
No to all of the above questions.

Hello ladies.  Can any of you give me referral for the name of a good medical transcription service company to work for?  I've been with Spheris for almost 3 years and am looking.  I've been requesting to change from an intimidating and threatening supervisor for months, and it hasn't happened.  MANY PEOPLE are leaving Spheris.  I'm just wondering -- can anyone give me the name of a NICE COMPANY to work for??

Thank you very much.  Have a nice day. 

User-friendly? LOL. Shorthand helps.
I hate it!  Been working through Meditech. A huge hospital account and it's constantly going slow, booting you offline. And, it's been like this for years. They are losing a load of MT's because of it. It's okay for the hospital users, labs, docs, etc. NOT for transcriptionists. You need a dedicated line, not a system that serves a metropolis!
Does anyone use Meditech here?

I work for a hospital and I am forced to use Meditech.  There is nothing to help a Transcriptionist except for autocorrect.  The F11 key is diabled as well as macros.  Any one else experience this problem, and how did you get around it. 

Going crazy without my tools.  I can't stand not being able to F11 to my next stop, let alone make templates, etc.  Autocorrect on this computer is terrible as well.  It will only take words in a line, not a paragraph, for example.  Sheesh..  Any advice???

Yes - Have your supervisor get Smartype, which works well with Meditech in Word program or Abbreviate, which is cheaper. I have worked at a local hospital with same problem and they would not put Smartype on, would do nothing to help at all. Good luck, hope you get somewhere, it is like typing with one hand behind your back isn't it? Pain in the neck and takes so much of your time.
Meditech does not count lines.  It only counts black characters, no spaces. 
I would charge by the line - at least 12-14 cents per line (if you are the owner of the account)or charge 3.00 per report - 4.00 for specials. I have found with Meditech that this is about the only way to make any money. I had an account like this and found that radiology by the line if there are a lot of specials is the way to go - longer reports - more lines, especially if they use a lot of normals or negatives as some call them. hope this helps - you are probably being way underpaid if you are working on Meditech.
Meditech - What's it like to use?

Companies that have it always seem to want people who are already trained on it.  Is it hard to learn if you have learned many different softwares?


I have used the oldest version of Meditech, without a spellchecker and the newest versions with Word and not in Word. Even when I used the older version, I made excellent money. You can use ShortHand and with the old version, I used abbreviate. Of course when I used the old version for 8 years, made 10 cents per line and even the newer versions made 10 cents a line in radiology for all. The Cerner will slow it down, but not all the time. It is an old system, but you can make good money using Meditech. I use RadNet now which I love. Meditech is fairly easy to learn and your line count you get out of your main menu for Transcription Statistics, but not until the next day, that is the only bad thing about it. Good luck. It is not the worse platform. I have used 3 different Meditech programs, two of them old and one the newer one.
New Meditech is not like it used to be
Yes, you do need broadband access and internet.  So, good thing u've got DSL.  The new version is a whole lot better than the dial-up version - very user friendly.  Congrats on the new job!
I have a manual here but no fax machine - is there something in particular I can look up for you?

I've used Meditech and it is a very simple, user friendly program. Only problem I had with it was that there were no expansions.
Meditech lag
I also found Meditech to cause a huge problem with lag and it drove me crazy.  The Meditech in Word is better.  Have you updated your internet explorer to the new version 7?  If so, that may be the problem as I heard it does not work well with some of the medical software for companies, so I have not upgraded mine.  There is a web site www.worldstart.com, and they have a message board there, lots of people on the boards and maybe someone can answer your question about the lag time and what may cause it.  I stopped using Norton antivirus and have used AVG free as the Norton missed 200 viruses on my computer a couple of years ago.  What I used to do years ago is transcribe in Abbreviate and cut and paste into Meditech and that was faster.  Maybe you do need to uninstall your program and reinstall, that may help.  Good luck.  I know how frustrating this is.
Can you use ShortHand with Meditech? I know Meditech has canned text but it's kind of cumbersome and I really like Shorthand. Does anyone use Meditech + a word expander?