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I use MCI unlimited

Posted By: WCMT on 2005-11-08
In Reply to: long distance - debra

Had checked into vonage but if your cable goes out no phone and u would have to rely on cell phone don't want to do that in my rural area.

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Their unlimited plans aren't really unlimited, which is

the problem.  Their limit is 5000 minutes and if you work full-time you'll need approximately 10,000 minutes. 

There have been several people who have received enormous bills from AT&T because they deemed their use as inappropriate. 

I currently use SBC for unlimited LD ... sm

When I signed up, they told me that I couldn't use it for telemarketing, faxing, or connecting to the internet.  Fine ... then 6 months later they tell me I have broken the rules. 

However, there is a happy ending.  I just switched to a business line with them.  They have an unlimited plan for business which is $49.95/month (at least here in Kansas), plus tax and of the extra charges that get tacked on.  I specifically told them that I used it to call in to Maryland to access a dictation system and transcribe, and after talking with a manager, he assured me it was okay.  He did say that it will still probably get flagged as "high usage," but they would put a note on my account.

Hope this helps.  I have also used MCI's The Neighborhood, and they never gave me any flack about what it was used for -- I was assured that "unlimited meant unlimited." 


Good luck!

No, unlimited is not really unlimited. They know
They know exactly how long each call was.  I was able to use SBC (which is AT&T long distance) about six weeks before they sent me "the letter."  Now I am switching to Road Runner (Time Warner Cable) digital phone with unlimited LD.
Regarding unlimited LD.
I apologize because I've asked for advice about this here before, but I'm really trying to nail down a plan and just have a few more questions.  I need this for a Lanier account so I'll be using lots of minutes.  I've read about the "unlimited" plans not being so 'unlimited' as in people are getting dropped or charged for going over x amount of minutes.  So my questions are these.  Is there any way I can keep my local phone service but add a LD carrier?  If so, what are best and where can I find them?  Also, I've been looking into phone 'cards.'  I've tried One Suite which is 2.9 cpm.  Good but not a great rate considering how many minutes I'll be using.  I've found Penny Talk online and they're 1 cpm.  Has anyone heard of or tried them?  Of course 1 cpm would be great.  They do charge a connection fee of 69 cents, I believe, but even with that and connecting once or twice a day, I'm thinking that would still be cheaper than 2.9 cpm.  Any help is SO appreciated.  I'm just muddling through trying to figure out how to do this and it be of minimal cost to me.  At this point I think the $25/month unlimited LD is probably not an option (with the amount of minutes I'll be using, they'll probably catch on), so even something that's in addition to my regular phone service but even $50/month would be better than phone cards.  Thanks again for any help!
Not again~Unlimited LD

I need unlimited LD to do my work.  We switched to MCI because AT&T wouldn't allow it. BEFORE we switched to MCI, we had a detailed discussion w/them outlining in great detail exactly WHAT I do and HOW I do it, and that I use a lot of LD minutes.  THis was about 8 or so months ago.  Today I get a letter in the mail saying they've realized we're using it for nonresidential purposes and will cut off our LD.  DH is on the phone arguing up a storm with them since THEY okayed this!  Are there ANY other plans out there aside from a phone card?  Does cable telephone work with MDI-MD phone lines?  I'm so discouraged and frankly, quite worried.  The phone cards can get expensive fast and I HAVE to work.  Money is super tight for us right now and I can't afford to lose so much as a day of work.  Thanks for any help. 

Unlimited LD
Our local cable company offers digital phone service for a flat $39.95 a month and LD is unlimited. If you use cable internet, your cable company probably offers the same thing.
Sure, you can use it if you don't have unlimited LD. In fact, they will sm

set you up with an account and just deduct it out of your check, if you'd like.  Or, at least they used to offer that option.  I'm not sure now.  I have unlimited LD with SBC, so it is not an issue for me anymore.

ATT/SBC has an unlimited package. sm
We use it on 10 lines in our office. It runs $54.99 (or something close to that) every month. It is called Total Solutions or Complete Solutions. You have to ask as they do not offer it unless you ask.
Unlimited LD Service - sm
I use Verizon Freedom.  I am wondering if anyone who uses this service and has had it for quite a while has had any problems with them, as in not wanting to cover their usage or receiving an expected phone bill for usage.  I use about 8 hours per day. 
Netzero.com Unlimited LD
I have this available though have not yet used it. Netzero.com is an internet service provider $9.95 a month. They also have different plan levels depending on your needs from no charge for 50 minute (Ithink it is) to 14.95 a month unlimited.  You need to have them as your internet service provider though. I have not really read up on all the details, but didn't notice charging for minutes or whatever. It is good for phone-to-phone, PC-to-phone etc.  Go to Google and type in netzero.com
Also need C-phone; don't know about unlimited LD.
And this is for unlimited LD for business use?
Do you have a guess about how many minutes they allow you to use? I mean, the so-called unlimited really isn't and when asked they will admit that. I just want to know what to ask for when I call. Thank you!
Does anyone know of a truly unlimited long

distance plan that doesn't involve VoIP?   I'm in the southeast.  I have unlimited LD with BellSouth, but unlimited to them and unlimited to me isn't the same thing and I've heard about the nightmares others have had with the $500 phone bills.  

I've googled and googled and not finding much information about reliable companies that may offer this. 

Transcription Unlimited



Anyone work for or are familiar with Transcription Unlimited? How much do they pay and what are the transcription systems they use?




Still have unlimited with Sprint.
Last time I checked I was close to 6 GB, but I do watch all my TV online.
I have unlimited for my aircard -sm
I asked about a cheaper plan but I exceed anything they offer and need the unlimited. I am on my aircard probably 12+ hours a day though. I am not downloading files constantly but I do stay online so I can google, look up addresses, etc. I average 100-120 minutes of work a day.
Quest has a $25.00 unlimited small
business plan that is very good.  It is $20 for residential, but to be on the safe side, I got the business plan. 
Unlimited long distance...

I know it's been asked before here, and I am searching the archives for info, but wondering if any new feedback about good, cheap, unlimited long distance plans that won't hassle you about using it for transcription, about 6000 to 8000+ minutes per month?  Oh, in the California area.


Does anyone use SBC for unlimited long distance
for transcribing?  What do you pay if I might ask? Do they hassle you about using it fulltime?  Looking into it before I call and inquire about.
AT &T and other co offer unlimited plans

We have an unlimited longdistace plan with AT&T for only $35 monthly I know there are a few other companies that also offer these type of plans. I would definitlly check into them if I had to pay longdistance charges.

Been using The Neighborhood or SBC unlimited for the last 5 years now. sm

I was NOT talking to a telemarketer at SBC.  I originally talked to one (I assume) when I called, but when I explained what I was using it for, I talked with his supervisor.  As long as I am accessing voice files and NOT using it for faxing, accessing the internet, or other "computer to computer" things, it is fine.  I have not had any hassle, except for once, and then when I called and talked to them and changed to a business line, I was fine. 

Hope you have better luck than you have so far.  :-)

California Transcriptions Unlimited...SM
No schedule, no line commitment.  They presently have an ad on the Job Seeker's Board.  All radiology. 
Transcriptions Unlimited Denver?sm
In Vegas now, but from Colorado Springs. Miss Colorado too.
Need unlimited LD for C-phone in WA, suggestions?
thanks in advance! 
Unlimited Long Distance.
What are the best ULD companies and plans out there that are MT friendly? I've heard horror stories! TIA
unlimited long distance
I imagine this has been discussed, so please excuse me, but can anyone steer me in the right direction for a good unlimited long distance service? I have an offer that uses a C-phone and unlimited long distance- I haven't a clue. I appreciate any information. Thanks.
Unlimited long distance
Check out ACC Business on the internet. I have been using them for 6 years. It's the small business service from AT&T and less than 3 cents a minute.
Try it, you'll thank me!
unlimited long distace
MCI has a plan that you can add to your existing local plan. I've had it a while. When I got it, I it was $12.95 per month. I'm not sure if it's available in your area, they also have plans with local and long distance together at a pretty good rate.
Unlimited long distance
I've been using ACC Business, a divsion at AT&T. I pay less than 3 cents a minute. Check it out on the internet.
unlimited long distance
I have Primus for my residential calls and I hate trying to deal with them because all their people are in India so I would rather not call them. Could you email me specifically what a bill from them for monthly service might be? Your typical work week.

Call and ask them how much they charge for unlimited
Many companies now offer a relatively inexpensive business plan for small businesses with unlimited LD.  Shop around.  Call several.  Then tell your current phone company you want them to meet the lowest price.
Unlimited Long Distance
I knew it was coming.  AT&T finally sent me my letter letting me know that I have 5 days left of ULD.  What companies out there allow us to do transcription with their ULD?  Help!!
Has anyone used Verizon unlimited for MT work. nm
unlimited long distance sm
I recently joined the Cox network, but if I were to get work over the phone lines, what would be the best way to go without paying an arm and a leg for dictation and being on the phone all day. I am sure Cox would not allow me to just stay online all day - I'm not sure how to even get started. I don't even know how to get an FTP or if it's safe? I would only take dictation from Eastern Standard or Daylight time - no 3 hour delays like the other time zones. Help!
Wow why so much I am only paying $54 with vonage for unlimited.
That is for the small business plan and I am unlimited.
Use an unlimited calling plan
I used to rerecord for 2 years with an old Dictaphone transcriber (standard cassette) that had a telephone record option, and the sound quality was crystal clear. However, that is an older model. When I rerecord using the cables, it has a hissing sound. With the unlimited long distance phone plans avaiable now, it is a lot cheaper and faster to go this route. Besides, using the C-phone foot pedal is a lot easier than working a transcriber pedal, and you will be able to transcribe faster. No more constant backspacing with the pedal because the C-phone stops where you left off. Also, you cannot beat the sound quality any more. Good luck!
Unlimited long distance
Hi, I had the same thing happen at AT&T. I still have them, but switched my account to a business account. Now I have no problems. It is actually cheaper this way and I have two lines. Another benefit is that if there are phone problems you are first on the list for repair service because you have a business account. Call them back and ask for this service.
No version has unlimited autocorrect.
Instead of searching for a true unlimited

plan (I don't think they exist), when I needed ULD, I used Qwest on 2 phone lines and split the time between the two lines. 

I'd check into it to make sure it was really unlimited.

AT&T offers unlimited, but there is a 5000 minute limit, so isn't really unlimited. 

You can get a digital phone service through cable company for under $40/mo and it is truly unlimited. 

unlimited phone time
I have Verizon too and unlimited minutes. My grand total per month is about 85 dollars. I think we have unlimited minutes but they tack on taxes, etc. I use it as a deduction on my taxes.
Unlimited Long Distance
AGGHH!!  Can anyone assist me with a question in regards to unlimited long distance through Verizon?   I am new to at-home transcription.  I have been hired by a service under IC status.  The service requires unlimited long distance.  I have two questions.  Will I be on the phone my entire shift of 8 hours a day?  The other question is about Verizon unlimited long distance, which is what I would be using as this is the phone service I have now.   I have read on the forum that they have Verizon unlimited long distance for $20 to $30 a month.  I thought I had this set up with Verizon, only to have them send me a notification letter indicating that I had not chose a plan, and that I would be charged 40 cents a minute!  Now, that is approximately $1000 a month -- YIKES!!!  I called and was told that I would be charged anything over their cap of 5000 minutes.  If I am on the phone my full shift I will be at approximately 9600 minutes a month, leaving me 4600 minutes to pay.  Does this sound right?  
voip.com has true unlimited
I called this morning and questioned her extensively on whether it was truly unlimited, and she assured me it was. www.voip.com - not to be confused with the generic voip service like Vonage. She did say that satellite internet users would probably not be happy with the connection, but I have DSL and it works perfectly. One warning - it disconnects at exactly 5 hours, so you have to remember to hang up and re-dial in prior to that.
Also - new vs old Sprint for unlimited usage sm
Any new Sprint accounts as of 11/2008 are subject to the 5GB cap. From what I am understanding, accounts created before then say that they can throttle your speeds, terminate service, or charge overage fees for going over 5GB but so far have not really done so.
You can count unlimited # of files using
What the other poster says about only counting 5 files at a time is something that her employer must have done to the software. If you buy your own version (around $20) and load it in your computer, you can use batch file to count all documents in a folder.
Does MDI-MD still require the mt to have unlimited Long Distance? nm
Best unlimited long distance companies?
What's a good monthly rate (or average)? TIA
Unlimited long distance...I know this has been discussed before...but..sm
just received letter from AT&T informing me that I cannot use their unlimited plan for what I am using it for, and if I continue to do so, they will charge me a per minute rate and/or remove the service.  I need to know where to go for an unlimited long distance package for transcription.  Please post and let me know what you all use.  Without unlimited, what the heck are we supposed to do? What does everyone else do?  Any help and info would be appreciated.  Thank you
Just got call from AT&T unlimited long distance and sm....

even though I talked with them extensively about this over 1 month ago, they still don't understand why the "trigger alarm" keeps going off on my unlimited plan account since I wasn't using the phone line for "internet" usage.  I dial into somewhere using a lanier and get the voice for dictation.  I do all the transcription over DSL.  They haven't put a block on me yet, but I guess what I am wondering here is....."IS THERE A TRICK" to keep the trigger alarm from going off??  What is everyone else doing about this because apparently they are not going away and I need a place to go if/when they cut me off.  TIA

I use SBC unlimited with a business line. It is called sm
Complete Business Solution. It is actually costing me $12 a month LESS than than to have a residential line. I called them, they switched it over that day and I have been with them for 2 years, working 8+ hours a day, 6 days a week. I kept the same phone number too!
I just switched to unlimited business plan
in order to get their LD plan, I had to get their Complete Choice business phone line. Since I already had Ultra DSL internet, with all of these bundled, the cost is $140 a month (phone, unlimited LD and 2 DSL connectors). When I compared it to my residential plan with my 2 DSL connections, it was only $57 a month more so I felt it was a good deal.

If you are on your dictation system 40 hours a week for 4 weeks per month, that is 9600 minutes a month at $57 and average $0.005 per minute, much better than a phone card and no getting in trouble with your residential unlimited LD plan (they will flag you when you hit 5000 minutes a month).