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I try to remind myself that the checkers are

Posted By: Misha on 2006-04-11
In Reply to: Errors - Drives me bonkers

working on a tight time schedule. The classifieds are a horror, though. What irritates me more is when they do a medical article without delving deeply enough into the subject. Either they praise some new thing that's worthless (like the heel bone density test) or they give information that's about 20 years outdated. What a waste of space.

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How about the different virus checkers that
spell checkers

I just got a new system, vista.  What spell checker are you using with Vista.  At work I have Spellex on xp, but i was wondering if there was something better, steadmans??? any opinions.


Maybe you should remind him that
his judgment of others just might send him to "The Fire,"  not to mention out in the cold...  Good luck RadGuy.  You're invited to come to Kentucky and spend Christmas with my dysfunctional family if you'd like - it might make you feel better.   Merry Christmas and God Bless.
Why does this remind me of my mother? You are better off without them, and him.
can you remind us Tuesday???
Are there any free medical spell checkers for Word that can be downloaded?..



Remind her your overhead has gone up, i.e., the price
See post below, about investigating and presenting options, plus web site for spell checkers. NM
see post below, about investigating and presenting options, plus web site for spell checkers.

A somewhat better option, investigating and presenting options, that throwing up one's hands and saying, oh well. Of course they should have a spell checker. the idea about checking if Steadman's will work, even if Word is incompatible, is a good one. Also, the post below adds a reference to a web site that has spell checking programs.

Of course I sound strong. I don't believe in being treated like little girls. We deserve software, just like the programmers do.
My husband forgets important dates though the kids help to remind him - sm
He has never forgotten Valentine's but all we do is cards usually. Granted I am sure for a little while it was not a favorite date of his as his first wife left him on Valentines day....guess she wanted to make a statement/impression. He came home with some things for her to an Dear John letter and an empty house.
remind me, type what they say, type what they say, type....
"He indicated that at the beginning of the year he complained of health problems recently but has gotten better."  C'mon doc, which one is it?????