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I too felt like it was an impossible career

Posted By: AR-MT on 2006-03-20
In Reply to: Discouraged and disgusted - stargazer

Now 8 years later, I'm glad I stuck with it.  Before working at home, I worked for two years at a local hospital and that really helped me build my work experience and really helped when I went out on my own.  By working at the hospital, I became familiar with the local docs and eventually got my own accounts with them.  I had to let those accounts go because I moved, and now I am working for a small MTSO for the timebeing.  I had no problem getting this job.  I had applied to many different places and was overwhelmed with job offers.  If you stick with it, it gets easier.  You've invested time and money into this, have patience and see it through.

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CAREER versus JOB--lovin' my CAREER
Career definition:

1. an occupation or profession, esp. one requiring special training, followed as one's lifework:

2. a person's progress or general course of action through life or through a phase of life, as in some profession or undertaking.

3. success in a profession, occupation, etc.

Job definition:

1. A specific task done as part of one's occupation or for an agreed price
2. post of employment; full-time or part-time position: She was seeking a job as an editor.
3. anything a person is expected or obliged to do; duty; responsibility.

Hence, medical transcription requires special training. This is a CAREER.

The report we transcribe is a job with a job number.

I love this CAREER and am proud to be in my 12th year as a medical transcriptionist. I'm not rich, but my consistent $18 to $20 per hour equivalent is pretty darn good in this small town where the cost of living is pretty low.

Career? this thing is not a career anymore...sm
this is a sweat shop job right up there with all the illegal sweat shops out there.

Right now, i have no other choice but to do this "job" because with my disabilities, no other place will hire me and I especially cannot work out of the home anymore. Until I can get disability, I guess I will continue to do this job, until we are all phased out by Indian MTs and VR.
It's nearly impossible to get by even on
This biz stinks more every single day.
Not impossible more improbable.
I didn't say it was impossible. Just not the norm and harder to prove. As in this case.
they are already impossible to reach
18,000 lines and your rate increases by half cent, whoopee.  MQ is a complete joke, a bunch of greedy, phony liars.  This whole business is in the toilet and i'm just sorry I didn't start school for a dif career sooner to be out of it NOW.  I'm gradually having to cut down on spending because my rate of pay is not up with the times, severe hand pain day after day, condescending technicians and supervisors.  I feel trapped.   
hahahaha - yup, it's impossible!!!!
Appreciate your thoughts, but all of this is impossible.

For so many reasons.  As one poster stated, these boards only reach about 10% of the MTs (very small number).  I, among others, have written numerous letters.  Heck, I even wrote to Obama, my congressman, major news papers, news programs, news magazines, etc.  It does not do any good.  I filed a complaint with the Employment Comission and Labor Board on the working requirements and procedures (that got me laid off).

Another very important thing to consider here is that not all MTs are unhappy.  I was for a very long time, but I am quite happy with my working conditions and pay at this time (even though I do not expect it to last due to the industry evolvement).  There are also more MTs than not who can not afford to do what you say is a good idea (strike or whatever).  Some will lose their jobs as I did and even if they did not, they simply cannot afford to go without pay for any length of time.  How effective would all of this be if only a couple of people from different companies did this?  We all work for different companies, and again, they are not ALL bad, even though there are not many of those left.  There is also the consquence of them replacing us with near-newbies at even lower wages, increasing the company profits, and further damaging the industry.

Our only hope was the AHDI and they stabbed us in the back.  More offshoring is being done to cover the tax/cost implications currently in motion, again further damaging the industry.  I just have to believe that it will evolve to its worst, and then swing back our way.  Wishful thinking, I know but that's all I've got.

1000 lines a day, impossible? sm
this is not unrealistic.  On a good day, I can easily do 16-1700 lines! A mere 1000 lines per day is NOT an unachievable goal, even for a newbie or semi-newbie. My company requires 1200 lines a day, which I believe is about average!
I have an idea. Let the MTSO do impossible
his business.  Instead of expecting me to do him for 1/2 of what he is paying, let her do him. 
Then it's impossible to comment on the QA's note. sm
There are, of course, situations where it's pretty obvious that an individual guessed at a term rather than either looking it up or leaving a blank.

For instance, when the MT uses a term that has no logical relationship to the subject being discussed, that's a pretty good clue that she did not look up the definition of the word.

I'm not saying that's what happened in your case; I don't know enough to say. What I would suggest is that you decide on one of two courses of action:

a. Let it ride. It's doubtful that the QA intended to insult you, although "please check the definition of terms that you're not sure of" might have been more diplomatic (or would you have liked that any better?).

b. Talk it over with the QA calmly. Let her know that you thought her comment was offensive and presumed something that wasn't true.

Either way, I'm sure you're already aware that it's always better to leave a blank than to use the wrong term - whether by "mistake" or by "guessing". I know that all of us take great pride in completing our work accurately and it just kills us to have to leave blanks (a wonderful attitude, by the way!), but sometimes its just unavoidable - and if you've done your reasonable best to resolve a blank without success you've done your job. Leave the blank and get a second set of ears on it. After all, the doc might have used a term that doesn't even belong there in the first place.

I hope you're able to resolve this conflict with your QA or get past it. I know how these things take approximately 63.795% out of the joy of your work! :D
LOL! Know just how you feel. They are near impossible to grow in SoFla.
Yes its true. They seem to be setting impossible limits for everyone lately and you have to wonder

if they just want people to quit.

The best place to get experience is in a hospital. I think it is near impossible
to work from home without the valuable experience of working onsite with others around to listen and train.

The schools all hype everyone up on working at home, but it is not that easy!
had a dictator who would give me an impossible long-
unpronounceable name, like Thyvongngang Tamboyvonangouwengay - and then say "common spelling" like it was John Smith. Cracked us both up every time.
Impossible to give answer as it all depends
on voice recognition program, dictator, etc.    I am working in such a lousy program lucky to get in 800 lines a day - it's the software - I spend so much time deleting what is there it is not even funny.  I could type from scratch much faster. 
One thing I've learned in life is it's impossible to
stand up for themselves. Maybe only 1 in 100 will even try. Sad to say, but we've brought a lot of this onto ourselves.
Thank you for response. :( I figured it was nearly impossible for transcribed lines.
I think my co. wants me to quit...
I find infectious disease to be IMPOSSIBLE, with all the bacterias AND the meds.
I wanted to learn it, but I fear the learning curve would be impossible. sm

since I can't take any time off from the qwerty keyboard.  How did you make the conversion? 

At 53 working 2 jobs 80 hours a week is impossible. I tried it, it does not work!! (sm)
I have been at this business 30+ years and at one point worked 3 jobs and 2 were for hospital contracts with taxes taken out and the other IC. It gives you no life. My suggestion, if you need the extra $$ work your 40 during the week, then 1 or 2 nights 2 hours and then Sat/Sun 16 hours which would give you 20 hours. That is more than enough and will give you a chance to see if you want to make a job change. Have tried the 2 FT 80 hours and almost had a seizure over it. Remember if your not physically well you cannot do it all!
You must live in Calif - finding a good old doctor is nearly impossible here.
It amazes me. But, it is true. The stories I have heard are heartbreaking.

I blame it on the cap they placed on malpractice suits. Doctors here are complacent. In my town, we go to Stanford or UCLA for serious illnesses. It is well worth the drive.
Explain you took on 2 acct at same time but find it impossible to do adequate job for 2 accts.
So you felt the need to be at the top?

Let me give you a little advice and that is find a hobby.  I like to read, swim, and go to the beach.  Do you have anything that you do for fun?  Defending yourself now is a little too late after the original post of bashing MTs and categorizing.  A lot of us really do not feel compelled to post our education, years of experience, etc. to feel above all.  The answer to not wanting to deal with MTs really is as the other poster states to quit.  Why not just try MTing again, it may boost your energy level, and you won't feel like you have to deal with the MTs you speak of in your OP from the other day.  If you are not new to this board, then you should already know that any QA that posts here usually gets a backlash because they almost always come off as greater than thou.  Good luck to you, and I do hope you find your way soon. 

So, you would have felt safer...
with Saddam in power?  Try to think beyond the simple.  Have a bigger vision.  Please, give me solutions to this problem.  How would you propose we defeat Islamic radicalism?  There are those who saw this coming 20+ years ago.  The 10+ years leading up to WWII were similar.  Europe chose to ignore the Nazi thread, hoping it wouldn't touch them.  This isn't going away.  It has to be changed fundamentally.  You want to put out fires, and there are those who want to clear the brush and prevent the fire. 
We felt that way about our house, too.
I absolutely hated living here because it was older, shabby and way too small for us. However, we've been working on it for the past year a little bit at a time. We're regulars at the hardware store now. The only big thing we did was to build an addition on the back of it because we came into some cash, but we've doubled the value of the house. You don't have to be that drastic, but a nice coat of paint and some reorganizing does wonders.

I hated renting. It was overpriced, the landlords were unreasonable, and we were always stuck with 6-12 month contracts.
Got it thanks all - felt so dumb and my
teenager wasn't home. 
That is exactly how I felt until several years ago
I started reading books on Buddhism and Hinduism.... I grew up in a very strict Pentecost church. I hated religion then. I believe in my heart that God simply wants us to have faith and to believe in his existence, and in loving one another and caring about all that he created. I believe in my own personal opinion that he would be very disapproving of the division in religion.. I don't believe this is what he intended.

Great books to read if you are intersted.. send an e-mail .
There are enough changes I felt it was worth it.
Can't list all the changes - but as in any profession - things change.
And to think....I actually felt bad when they banned me...
I just used a different email, but then I was very careful and didn't post a lot of things I wanted to say for fear of being banned again. ->sap<-
Absolutely. Felt this way for a while. The only way out of this
type of thing right now at least for me (I decided recently) was to find the most honest (well let's say that is 97% honest) on the line counting, the best benefits, and those who know me by name, where there is always work and where I do not have to worry Big Brother is over my shoulder. There are several MTs on my account making 1500 to 2K lines a day, so it is possible to get the kind of money we used to including the incentive... at least a big percentage. I found this after realizing the hospitals by me outsourced overseas, no more onsite hospital job for me, and after working for 1 giant MTSO and cheated, 1 little MTSO and cheated (for 2 years I might add), and then trying out a handful of positions last fall. Finally got the place I mentioned above and I am holding on tight. BTW: I wanted to work for Michael's arts and crafts and get out of the house, but guess what I was under and over qualified! Plus with the price of gas and clothes these days, (and daycare) this MT gig still beats going into the workforce at least for me.
So using me as an example:
1. you are not alone.
2. put your priorities on paper and
3. you have to go through a lot of trying out first-hand different places and situations and find what fits you best. It will never be 100%, but it beats sitting on a low line count and having high BP. Good luck to you!
I felt the same way but in 1980,
when I got into the world of MT. I had HIGH hopes that this was a smart career move for me. Unfortunately, when we were let go by the hospitals in the late 1980's to work at home for MTSO's, that is when our respect and low wages began. I do not blame the MTSO's, however, as I do know the lowest bidder gets the hospital accounts. The hospitals do not care that much about quality; they mainly want a low rate and a fast turnaround. Sad but true. The MTSO's do not have a fast track to wealth. I think the ones making the big bucks are those who sell the MT course and promise the moon!
I tried that, but I could not function. I felt
dizzy and had a headache all the time.  I'm wearing bifocal glasses right now and I have never adjusted to them either.  Last doctor suggested I just get monofocal contacts and get readers at the drugstore.
I always felt like it was a support position

and would, if it was appropriate, perhaps give hints on how I use my macros to avoid that particular pitfall, so I was not just handing them what was wrong, but was actively working on helping out with tools, instead of just citicism.  Some folks dig it, some not so much. 

Yes, I made that statement because that's how I felt after
dealing with the public all day long.  I'll readily admit that I'm an introverted personality.  I get exhausted after being around a lot of people and chaos, which is what my outside the home job was.  That's why I chose to isolate myself then.  Now, however, after working at home all day, the last thing I want to do is to be isolated in the evenings and on weekends.  That's why my social life is better now than it used to be.  That's all I was saying.  I know there are MTs out there who work home alone all day and spend most of their free time alone, too.  That's doesn't have to be the case.
Should be felt like saying that. It has been a very long day at the keyboard.
You've got that right... If only my joints felt...

like they did when I was 9.  For what reason could a normal healthy child need chiropractic care?  My kids are around that age and they sit on the floor, sleep on the floor at sleepovers, jump up in 2 seconds off the floor, and feel like a million bucks in that department. 

I once saw a show about a chiropractor who was rounding up kids from housing projects (with the permission from their not-so-bright parents), letting them hvae cookies and milk, and then bussing them all back home.  They guy was billing Medicaid and raking in millions in fraudulent money.  Sounds to me like this woman is doing something similar and pocketing the money.

Not sure exactly kind of just knew, he's the only one I have ever felt that way about - sm
I was 29 and had had a few long-term relationships already so all I can say is it was a different feeling. I'd pin it down to after 1 month of dating, we were at the Preakness, he was a little drunk and telling me how much he loved me (first time), etc. Kind of a magic moment believe it or not....got engaged 4 months later, and married 10 months after that. Been together over 10 years now, married 9.5.
I finally did it and it felt great! Lol.. I had
a computer that was a piece of JUNK. My husband and kids heard me almost daily yelling at the computer it that it was going to go flying out the window. Well, this morning it tripped and fell out the 2nd story window into the backyard and is now in computer heaven. My new computer is now about 1000 times faster than the other one. No errors, web pages are opening up when I try and open them up, files are opening instead of saying not found, etc. May the old one rest in peace.
I haven't felt sweet lately

Thanks once more.  I've felt that I'm tainting my spirit by being so angry and having to fight daily.  But the arrogance and power of this school makes me keep going.  I keep thinking that I could be transcribing rather than writing angry letters if I had just researched the schools.  Live and learn.  But again, thanks for the encouragement. 


You know, I felt exactly like I had been "thrown off the island"

I never watch "Survivor" or any other reality TV show but I have heard enough about it to know how it works. It saddens me that our young people are growing up with that kind of example - plotting behind other people's backs, ganging up on one member of the "team", always being out for number one.

Maybe "Leave It To Beaver" and "The Andy Griffith Show" were unrealistic, but at least they had good role models and discussed issues such as being kind to others, being truthful, and being a good person.

I know there are good people in the world - I just wish there were more of them.

So many posted on this and felt opposite of what you are saying
What you basically are doing is to fraud the company, gov and such to find a way to tell a person what to do because she cannot live on retirement after she took it, right? Oh, what a web we weave when .....I have been through an audit with IRS (they choose randomly, you know) and if I were her, don’t think I would want to do that. What a mess!
Always have felt they were more politics than beneficial. nm
For me, I felt I could type much faster than
the voice recognition.  It does take several weeks/a month for you to train your voice on the software, if you do it religiously, that is speaking and speaking to get it trained.  I found typing was much more efficient.  And yes, you can listen to files in Express Scribe and then "speak" the words and it will type them, but until it is fully trained, I don't think you will see much benefit.  Also, Word has speech tools that I used instead of buying Dragon, and it works just the same without spending all that money.  I would say give it a try and see if it works for you.  All of us are different and have different preferences.  You may end up liking it and it works well for you.  You just never know unless you try it out. 
I felt bad today, but you must feel like this everyday
You need some serious help, who is this mean and nasty person, BTK or charles manson!
I so hoped they would. I felt for that little boy and others who had to leave their pets.
Yep, its a great life out there ladies???Just felt like say that. NM
Do you snore? Could be that you have sleep apnea. My DH does. He felt like he was getting a

good night's sleep, but would find himself feeling tired in the morning and falling asleep a lot during the day.  I mentioned that he snored and seemed to move around a lot in his sleep and seemed restless at night.  The doctor sent him for a sleep study and he had sleep apnea.  Basically, he wasn't getting enough oxygen and working really hard to breath in his sleep which made him feel tired in the morning.  He was put on a CPAP machine for a while, but then we found that his seasonal allergies and chronic sinusitis was causing his snoring and he had sinus surgery to help him breath better and that did the trick.

Or another reason for feeling fatigued even after getting good rest could be that you are depressed.  Are you depressed or stressed?  Or it very well could be a vitamin deficiency of some sort or some other physiologic problem that they haven't even discovered yet.  The possibilties are endless...

Your best bet is to go to the doctor and have some lab work done and start ruling stuff out.

thanks so much! i felt dumb, LOL. Definitely sounds complicated, but will be trying out how many l
I felt the opposite, that the test was more difficult than the CD. nm
Hey Dolfan! You haven't felt me a troll before, and we talk a lot!

The poster who is freaking has turned the whole thing into an issue over camp, etc. It was NEVER about camp.  I still think her comment was awful, and I know she knows it was, too.  That's why she is still carrying on over this.  She likes the kids in camp all day, and gets them back exhausted at night.  And I asked an honest question, why have kids? I love kids a heap, and I can't stand mothers who are so blatantly thrilled to get rid of them as much as possible.  And her wording implied such - while, for instance, your post was the complete opposite. You are sending your little girl to camp for HER benefit, etc.  Its very obvious in the tones.  Naturally this Mom is NOW trying to sound like June Cleaver, and maybe she is. But her post was NOT.  Would have had less repercussions if she had just said, "Hmmmm...maybe that didn't sound good. Didn't mean it like that, but...", but she meant it the way she said it, and I think parents like that are awful. Is it my business? Yup, sure is, cause her kids are in this world with my kids, and this is one messed up world right now.  These kids all need help.  Many parents have such "fake" relationships with their kids, and that's so sad.  And then she justifies these camps like what on earth would the poor kids do at home? sit by her feet?  Huh??? Having your kids at home in the summer does NOT mean they sit at your feet. That's ridiculous!  I lived for the summer - out in the yard, playing baseball, fishing, swimming, hop scotch - the poster also acts like her kids would be deprived were it not for an organized activity every day. Double sad, and just trying to justify her original post, which she obviously did not put much thought into.  Yeah, sure, just posting about her kids, right? Would she have given more thought on a dictaphone post??

Agree. It was awful. Felt like it ate up too many lines. I quit. nm