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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

I think it's great!!! Where did you get it? Can you email me a link or something?

Posted By: MT and worn out on 2008-05-04
In Reply to: How many posters feel that my avatar is offensive? - Running on MT


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Just send an email to the email link inside the post.
Can you email me that link?
I would love to check that out!  Thanks!
Hi, email link is in both my messages.

I'm still interested.  Thanks.

email link supplied

serious inquiries only. Will release limited information and then request proof of financing ability. Kindly identify if U.S. citizens as sales to other than U.S. citizens require much more legal work.  TransDLS@dls.net

Email address link
Please use 'reply by email' below.
By clicking on the link in the email, sm
you activate a trojan that copies your passwords and the hacker can get into your account. I ALWAYS sent mine to spoof@paypal.com and no longer get those emails.
Link and email inside...

The link is present in my second post under the blue box on the left   It says link/URL, otherwise here it is:  http://21stwebsite.com/  I just called him and he was good about returning calls, never emailed him but email addresses are listed below.  Sorry he didn't have any TTUs.  He was happy to get mine because he doesn't come across them too often.  He has been dealing/working with PC-Dart for at least years, so hopefully he can answer any of your questions. 

There are two emails addresses listed: 



to NEWBIE, use link inside to email me.
i have been with the company for 6 years, in the business many many years.  WIll be happy to answer any specific questions you have.
Thank you (email reply link inside)
Email the link to admin@mtstars.com
This is incorrect information. See the save email link.
Yes, find the Secret Santa post and click the email link to enter.
great - i will email you later this evening
and let's see if we can find a match for you!
Thanks for this great link!
Great link! Thanks! It really does help. nm
Thank you! Great link! Now I know! nm
Here's a great link
Used the link.....too funny. It was great.
Here's a great chart at this link that should help - sm
If this is so great, why not post the link here.
after passing that exam and paying all of that money, people would want that list posted on the highest mountaintop!!! 
This is a great resource (see link)

Great link - a must read!

It pretty much answers all questions as to what is the norm for the industry.

This is the first time in my life I've made this much money - working 10 hour days, 5 days a week.  I have no idea how long the opportunity to do it will continue, but I was really surprised to see how few pass the 40k mark, and now I know I'm extremely fortunate and should definitely not take it for granted.

Here are some great recipes in link attached.
Enjoy!  (I hope I did this right)
Please leave an email or email me at my address....click the email button. Thanks...nm
If you are having any problems validating your email addy, please email support@mtstars.com
KVMs $20-60. One internet connection. You'd have no email or a 2nd email acct for your 2nd puter.
I don't understand. I didn't get email from MT Stars, I got email from offshore people
is what I'm talking about. I'm not a liar and take offense to your insinuation.
They can send an email that goes to all MTs in one shot. I think she just means a courtesy email
would be nice. MQ is not getting any easier. My account has been picked over thoroughly when it went on DQS by ASR and I get all the remains because they only have a core group doing ASR which I think is wrong because you get all the bad dictators and it would be nice to be acknowledged that at least you know the person you can discuss problems with as they crop up. This is a big one and we have no manager anymore and no one to discuss this with at all in my office so you just sit here very day doing this work and no way to vent to someone that could offer some suggestions on this and other issues that come up to help relieve some of the stress of working this way.
Again, because you entered your email address, you CAN receive email from anyone, but THEY

e-mail address because it is not revealed when they send mail because we have spam protection in place.  The only way they would know what your email address is, is if you reply to the email they send you.  If you don't want to receive any email from anyone, simply do not enter your email address in the Email field.


I intended to email it- already email the mods to remove
Not through the MTStars email server. Your email address is NOT
visible to anyone.  The only way your employer would know it is you is 1) if you respond when someone emails you, or 2) they recognize the way you write. 
I simply chose the wrong link. See inside for the correct link.
See link
tried to email, invalid poster or email it said nm
San Antonio; email me; I can give you email for MT sm

who is in San Antonio and may be able to help you.

I'm in Corpus.

what link? You failed to include link

Can you email me? Email inside
Please email me as I need to find a good employer--trying to get rid of those golden handcuffs!  Thanks.  lsmithes@hotmail.com
and I also got an email in my home email--sm
address for a similar type of *job opportunity* today, although it was not this person's name. I can't believe the presumptiveness of some of these people! Don't they realize that they are taking jobs away from us and probably doing something illegal, to boot? I sent the email to the authorities this morning after reading it. T'd me off!
Saw him on CMT show with John Fogarty. Great, great singer with a neat personality and drop dead
gorgeous without seeming to know it. 
Great post. I swear by both Advantage and Frontline Plus-- both work great! - sm
I don't know about "natural" approaches for the house. I have always used flea bombs in the past before the miracle of Advantage and Frontline changed my life. Have not had a flea problem at all since I began using those products about 10 years ago, dose all the dogs religiously once a month with the Frontline Plus except in Dec.-Feb. to save a few bucks and because the ground is generally frozen by then and no fleas are scurring about. -- Hope you get flea free soon.
I think you forgot the link? I don't see a link
to check this out....sounds interesting.....
Thanks to all. Got some great feedback and ecouragement. This board is great.
My rant passed, ate a late lunch, now back to the trenches.
GREAT GREAT SHOW! I still think Ellen Pompeo
should have gotten the Emmy/Golden Globe whatever it was for the show. I like Sandra Ho, her character just needs more depth... Next week looks AWESOME!! Maybe there is still a chance for McDreamy!! First season DVD coming out with deleted scenes! Can't wait to get it & watch it!!
It is a GREAT company and great deal! I've had
Vonage about 6 months now and I love it. The only mistake I made was trying to keep my original phone # - I wouldn't recommend that. You have a temp # for a while, and the other provider can fight for the old #, etc. Go to vonage. com. They have new features all the time! There is even a new soft phone that is a phone on your screen. You don't need a real phone when working - just headset. It has 800 #s you can have very inexpensively - great voice mail. You get emails when you have new messages, etc. I only wish I had used them a year ago! Nothing but good things to say, and I complain about everything!
Sounds like he will do great then. Again, best wishes for great success!
That's great Patti. Thanks. Have a great time at the beach.
You should feel great as a transcriptionist if they think your work is that great!!!
It is not your fault they approached you. I think it would be a different storey if you were the one searching for the job to take away from a company. They obviously want to get rid of the company and if you didn't take the job they would probably ask someone else. You should enjoy the better position and not feel guilty!!
Great post -great job of wording your answer! (sm)
Original poster - I completely agree with this answer, especially the part about finding yourself and using all that you have learned intellectually and connecting that to something that you will also enjoy with your heart!! You have so many wonderful options for your future - much more than many of us.
IT - great program, great support system. nm
Thanks for all the great advice! You guys are great!
what is your email so I can email you
about some companies to look into and maybe find a company that fits you.
email me
email me.