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I second the motion on AVG. I used to have it and -

Posted By: Flibertygibbit on 2007-07-20
In Reply to: free firewall - tired MT

liked the free AVG better than the McAfee I currently have that with my new PC.

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I second that motion
Brilliant. They hear what they want to hear anyway. If you have it in black and white that it is 10 cents for 55 characters that is being honest. All they will notice is that it is 10 cents. If 10 is the magic number this way everyone is happy.
I second that motion.
I'm also from the south. I sorta like Bucky when he sings but not when he speaks. Not feeling that hair either although it is much neater looking since the stylist worked on it. I'm more irritated by Kellie though than Bucky.
I second that (e)motion.....*lol*...nm

I second that motion!
Motion Sickness
I am one of those people who absolutely cannot read while in a car. I also cannot ride in the back seat (reading or not reading), and I have to avoid any and all motion simulation rides at thrill ride parks.

HOWEVER, my husband and I recently made a 3-1/2-hour drive to visit his family, and I worked in the front passenger seat the whole time and wasn't bothered one bit. It was a little tough to get situated at first, but once I got everything in a comfortable position, it worked out perfectly.

I'm not sure what the difference is, but there certainly was one in my case.

Hope this helps!
Foot range of motion

I think he is referring to range of motion when he says 5,0,8,0,3,8,2????

I second the Mr. Clean eraser motion
My son recently got black permanent marker on my wooden kitchen table . . . amazingly, the magic eraser rubbed it right off. I have used them for textured surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom before also and they "work like magic".
They sounded awful and were all moving in slow motion.
that should be, public, free TV will be gone...wheels in motion starting 2006...(nm)
Interesting article on MSNBC regarding repetitive motion strain and malaise.
I get motion sickness and I think if you are prone to car sickness
you wouldn't be able to type in the car.  I know I wouldn't be able to at all.  I wouldn't even try it if I were you.