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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

I read yours after I had posted mine- funny about the - sm

Posted By: Laura E. on 2006-04-03
In Reply to: What I can tell you about tonsils - NCMT

sore throat thing. I wonder why we don't get sore throats anymore. I love it though, used to get them a lot though. No idea if I was intubated though, wonder if that is why my throat swelled up so much, who knows.

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sorry, i didn't read your post before I posted mine...says the same thing, pretty much! :) nm
Funny! Mine is almost as large, and I don't mind cleaning mine!
It's no problem at all.  Besides, I'll take lots of oodles of square footage any day of the week over living in a sardine can!
You posted under mine and I was
telling the poster exactly what the basic 4 are, if the ERs were included then it would be the 5. Believe you, I am tremendously thankful I did not have a transcription school education. I have over 35 years experience in this field so where do you get the it used to be lumped into medical secretary? Not where I come from, never was. I trained on the job in a hospital for over a year and I surely have enough years in but then maybe you were trained at one of those schools you are talking about and just were never taught any different. Years in this business, all hospitals where I have worked ERs had their own transcriptionists that did those.
mean it was posted before mine. You can stick
if you read what i posted...
I did not say they had to supply work or that I or anyone else could demand work at a particular time, I simply said the MTSO cannot dictate specific hours that any MT has to work if they want to consider that person an IC and not an employee. If they tell the MT when that person has to work, then that is not an IC relationship but an employer/employee relationship.
I posted below and read your note
Unbelievable but close to where I live this morning was having breakfast and heard 1 of the waitresses there saying - did you hear that girl that was just in here- trying to talk proper- and she said .....The other waitress told her she was saying it correctly - it is .....See, some saying talking PROPER when it is just good old English. I agreed with the crap we have to listen to- I had the word esophageal the other day- took me forever to figure out what the heck the person was trying to save- like working crossword puzzle only more irritating!
Mine's kinda funny . . .
I ALWAYS seem to type SHITORY instead of history, I kid you not! LOL
Shucks, I do eScription and mine is not that funny
almost letter perfect time after time. Where do I sign up so I can enjoy the reports?
Funny, but..if you read a lot or know people...sm
The EX-smokers get cancer...AFTER they quit. Never an issue while they smoke...only after stopping for a few years. EVERY person I know who QUIT had cancer. But then again, we are all predisposed to cancer, it is in our genes. They just do not know the exact triggering factor...just ideas on what it is and things you can avoid to reduce your risk, but again, this does not ensure you will not have some type of cancer. Working 12-14 hours a day...gee, one bad habit, better than drinking and not being able to work. LOL
OMG! How funny--- I haven't read this thead but
just seeing the subject lines...this made me laugh out loud, literally!!!!

Funny how we can read the same thing and come up with a different interpretation.

I don't see the message "lie down and take it" but rather, "change is coming". The above idea that we have to change with the times is paramount but sometimes I think there are those who want to stop all change from occurring and that's just not realistic.

However, I think we do agree that there is change in the air and it's up to the individual to find the best way for them to adapt to change and still be of benefit to their employer and self.

wish I had read your post before I put mine sm
you worded it better than me. But the bottom line is the schools and the promises and the desperation of the MTs graduating.

I am sure that you, like myself, have warned plenty of MTs about these schools and the expectations to no avail.

I dont' think there is a feasible solution that MTs are going to comply with. I will just be glad to get out completely.
how funny, must read this in USA news...more antioxidants than blueberries...

Antioxidants galore. Chocolate is rich in cell-protecting antioxidants. A 1.4-ounce piece of milk chocolate typically has 400 milligrams of antioxidants, as much as in a glass of red wine, says chemist Joe A. Vinson of the University of Scranton. Dark chocolate has twice as much; white chocolate, none. Antioxidant activity jumped 31% in the blood of subjects at the University of California, Davis, two hours after eating 2.8 ounces of M&Ms semisweet baking bits.
Anti-cholesterol. The antioxidants in chocolate help block chemical changes in bad LDL cholesterol that lead to clogged arteries. In fact, Vinson found chocolate's antioxidants better than vitamin C at detoxifying LDLs. Research by Penny Kris-Etherton at Pennsylvania State University shows diets rich in dark chocolate or cocoa powder raise good HDL cholesterol. Previously, she found eating a milk chocolate bar daily for a month (in place of another high-carb snack) did not raise men's bad cholesterol.
Clot blocker. Chocolate antioxidants act like aspirin to reduce blood platelet stickiness and thus the clotting that triggers heart attacks and strokes. In a recent study, 30 subjects drank water, a caffeine drink or a cocoa drink containing 1.5 times the antioxidants in typical hot cocoa. The cocoa significantly delayed blood-clotting time.
Vessel relaxant. Good vascular function (how well blood vessels relax) helps prevent heart disease, high blood pressure and artery clogging. Chocolate's antioxidants (called procyanidins) relax vessels by increasing the chemical nitric oxide, according to new studies at the University of California, Davis.

You may wonder ...

Won't chocolate make me fat? Chocolate packs fat and sugar, so overindulging does put on pounds. But chocolate is not a prime cause of obesity, studies worldwide find. The Swiss eat twice as much chocolate per person as we do -- 22 pounds a year -- but have one of the lowest obesity rates.
Isn't chocolate full of saturated fat, the type that clogs arteries? About 60% of chocolate's fat is saturated, and a typical chocolate bar contains 8 grams of saturated fat, so bingeing on chocolate drives up your intake of saturated fat. But moderate amounts do not appear harmful. Extensive research at Harvard found women who ate chocolate bars three or four times a week were no more apt to have heart disease than women who rarely ate chocolate.
Isn't the sugar in chocolate unhealthful? In excess, yes. But a chocolate bar's glycemic index -- a measure of ability to drive up blood sugar -- is surprisingly low, about like oatmeal's.
What about chocolate's caffeine? A dark chocolate bar's 10-30mg is modest next to the 100mg in a cup of coffee.
Isn't most research funded by the chocolate industry? Yes, but it's done by reputable scientists at leading universities and published in excellent scientific journals. Quaker paid for much original research on oats; that doesn't make it untrue.

LOL, mine rather do the worksheets than read, but I insist.
Yeah, I kept all mine and my daughters will get to read them when
have a bunch of them, Judy Blume, I think is the author.
duh, sorry, didn't read post below mine. NM
You're funny. Ignorant, but funny.
I don't live in NYC and I don't work out of NYC and I make wayyyyy more than $23 an hour, SandyGIRL.

I'm an employee at the largest national and I make anywhere from $58K to $64K a year.

You don't have to believe anyone but you show your ignorance by telling those of us who make that money that we're full of it.

Sorry, that was not an ASR funny, just a regular ole dictation funny. LOL! nm
In 12 years of MT'ing I've never re-read an entire chart. Edit/read as I type. nm
Yes, I read your post, and I just re-read it, and I've copied and pasted for you in case

you've forgotten your own words! Your post above is 100% different "flavor" to it, now all positive and cheery! Your first post was 100% doom and gloom every which way, including "raining on your parade", and "if you want to go forward"...God, sounds like she's talking about jumping into oncoming traffic! Here is your quote:

My first boss (the one who hired me as a new grad) gave me some words of wisdom that I haven't forgotten. She said that transcribing at home with small children NEVER works under any circumstance. Either the work will suffer or the parenting will suffer.


How can the word "NEVER" in caps be interpreted in any positive way? You took about 8 paragraphs to cover every aspect and completely dash this poor woman's dream.  I'm not blind, I'm not talking about day care at all, I'm talking about the total negativity of your original post! You know exactly what I'm talking about, cause you added some sugar to your second version! And that's much nicer than the first!

Oh I've read that site and continue to read it...sm
I agree...much motivation there. I have tried to quit numerous times in the past and did successfully quit when I was pregnant for the first time many years ago but I have never managed to summon up the strength or resolve to stay quit. Thus the "need" for a financial investment in my efforts. It somehow makes it more motivational to know that I have $$$ invested in this effort over and above the $$$ saved on cigarettes.
Who had time to read?LOL I only get a chance to read This Old House once in a while. (nm)
What a funny, funny reply. LOL
You are a genius! I am sorry you are ugly and fat. I feel bad for you, but what I can I do to help? Go to a plastic surgeon.
now that's funny, true, but very funny
Anal Association of Medical Treachery.
I didn't read the other posts but just read this
My daughter got pregnant at 17, said she wanted an abortion but BF didn't. I have a wonderful 2-1/2 yo grand daughter that I don't think I could live without...and now, guess what? I don't. I have custody of her. She was dropped off on my door, I got court ordered temporary custody and final custody hearing in a month.

I'm single with no family support. I had just taken a new MT job one month before this happened and they have been wonderful during my adjusting to being a mom again and I hope I can resume a normal schedule by next week.

I'm passing no moral judgments or giving moral advice. The situation is what it is. My prayers are with everyone involved.
Definitely an eye-opening read. Having my teens read it, too. nm
Mine isn't like that. Mine is 2. All are programmed different.
thank you - please do keep me posted. - sm
I was supposed to be there next week.
yes - keep us posted
I am sick to death of these companies. My credit card company called me Friday night at 9:45 P.M. to ask where my payment was, which I made last week and it was not late!!!! I was so mad and I knew the call was being monitored "for better customer service" that I screamed "listen you job stealing m**f**, do you have any idea what time it is, and if you knew your job, you would see that I am not late with my payment and it was RECEIVED last week." I was sooooo mad I couldn't believe I had lost it like that. I was screaming all kinds of profanities.

Ooooh that felt good getting that off my chest. Now if a big hurricane or tsunami would hit their towns I would be even happier. I have never been racist a day in my life, but I realize that I am racist against countries taking our jobs.
Where was that posted?
Can you direct me to that?
that was probably LL who posted.
I think that is the same guy that posted
before about the $25/audio hour and got actual bids for $10 and $20/audio hour. He/she sounds like a scammer
I got in right after I posted here, but before that
This was NOT posted by myself.
Hello PJ, nice to meet another, but how about we find a way to set ourselves apart. I am an MT and an Editor for multple accounts and frequent the boards here on MT Stars, come visit me on the Holiday/Recipe board if you like.
You might as well have posted
What is this? What can we do with this. Sorry, I'm not a technical person. How can we use this?
I posted below on this...
This lady I referred to before who wrote the doctor, he was actually more impressed with her at trying to learn a profession and showing that she cared than he was with the MTSO. He got mad at the MTSO for firing this lady and thought she should have been given a chance. He was actually really upset by this. I just think maybe a doctor should know how much their demands can affect a family...especially now that I am out of a job!! As far as the MTSO and everyone else seeing this and having a long memory, do you really think I would ever be able to work for that company again? She fired me over e-mail and told me not to contact her and then stayed logged off of her IM, so she is basically "hiding." Now that should stick in everyone's minds for a long time, I would think. It does really hurt to be an MT for so many years and have a mishap with a TAT a time or two, be told about it, apologize and then be given more work for a week while the MTSO trains someone else and THEN get fired!! I thought there was some kindness in the world, but I guess not when it comes to business. That is such a shame.
I saw that you posted....
a little lower that he was fine, but now he's having problems again.  I really do think it's some sort of allergic reaction, and he went and exposed himself yet again.  What is he eating or drinking???  Only the two of you can decide how serious this is, but if it IS serious, then get him some medical help--and to hell with the cost!
Well, I think this is probably a first for me to see posted
I have mixed feelings about what to say because I don't know what kind of felony it was (and I'm not asking), but I would think that would be a huge factor in getting any kind of job in the medical business. Usually it takes 20 years for things like that to roll off a reference check. I'm torn between telling you not to disclose it and roll the dice of it not being found or continue disclosing it and not being able to find a job. (I know that statement will generate some livid responses!) In general a felony is enough to keep you off most employer's payroll and I imagine it would be next to impossible for jobs related to the medical industry. Maybe try some local clinics where you can explain face to face your situation.
Saw them AFTER I posted!
Again, sheesh, sorry to be a bother - I thought this board was for support.  If you don't want to answer, you don't have to!  People talking about what they are fixing for dinner are not attacked!  I'm trying to save my house and feed my children.  I logged in after a long absence, ran a search, got 0 (again have no idea why), posted my message, and yes, THEN related messages popped up!  I only come here now and again and probably did something wrong but jeepers!   That's ("how can you say that?!") how I can say that.  Please think twice before basically accusing someone of lying! Thank you for a lovely end to a lousy day with only $26.00 earned due to no work at my job. 
I don't know why I posted that there!
Maybe this should be posted on the
Thanks again!!! It's also posted above!!...sm
Since I never win anything, this truly made my day - thank you MT Stars again and again for this huge recognition this year!!!!  Your support makes us happy!! 
I know this has been posted before, but...
I just got a job in which I will need macros in word. Since it is something I have not needed before now, I never really paid attention to the posts on it. Can anyone explain this to me? Thank you!
done, but please keep us posted (sm)
I really got hooked on American Idol when it was on. If they ever put clips up we could listen to, it would be fun to hear. Maybe you could keep us posted on the process. Did this just start recently? Much more fun that MT, isn't it! Sing one "for the girls"!
Just posted on this...
I make over $20.00 per hour on VR, even with the low pay because I can do more than straight. The VR is different with the platform- just like working for 1 company as opposed to another. Where 1 does not like, another loves this form of doing their work- what system are you on? Mine lots of time takes very little editing really.
I know - I just posted above sm

about some other discrepancies - like the templates from DQS I put in only register two or three Keystrokes but it doesn't count the characters at all.  The templates I have in IT shoot the count up, but then I haven't determined what happens when you remove part of it.  It must keep the original count of the template?  

Yes, that was exactly what was posted above you and below
Then everyone who posted here who said (sm)
they transcribed a report knowingly on a family member either likes to not follow rules, doesn't want to toss the dictation back into the cue for loss of lines, or is just plain ole NOOSEY BODIES.
Well after I posted this...
it brought up the list of related posts and they were all so similar to my situation! and good advice too. I feel better. I notice though, the only people who never respond are the pickers themselves.
That was me that posted about...
the online removal and no, you don't have to have their service. It's an entirely one-time thing. McCaffee is the one I used. Do a search on Google for McCaffee online virus removal. I haven't seen it on my bill yet, but it was between $60 and $90. Allow at least an hour's time to complete the removal.
There was a job ad just posted by
a Christian-based MTSO.  Of all the MTSOs, I'm sure they would understand your dilemma.  Give 'em try, but be upfront and honest about your belief system.