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I put a good one on the Comedy board. It might offend some!

Posted By: MI-MT on 2005-09-22
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    Post jokes and comedy on Comedy board. (NM)
    Comedy board is for LOL!

    Okay, Top Ten Reasons Why... posted on comedy board

    This one is good.

    Reminder: Jokes go on Comedy board. (SM)

    This has been an issue before.  No exceptions.

    Thank you.

    I laugh at the comedy board not at a strike.
    then get off of the porch.  You call this OP venting?  Cut me a break.  Sounds more like a cry for help.  Why don't you all find a new profession instead of wanting everything handed to you on a silver platter.  I find no humor in compromising patient care because someone wants to have a b***ch fit!!!  
    Bloopers can be posted on the Comedy board.
    We had problems with the Main board and some posts were removed. You did not offend

    Of course you can, but there is a board for that purpose. Feel free to post on the Comedy Stop.
    You did not offend anyone..
    some people on this board are too uptight.  Don't worry about them
    Wow! Sorry to offend anyone...
    I was just looking to acknowledge this strong, courageous woman seeing as how nobody I talked to this week mentioned her. Yet, if it was a celebrity....
    Not to offend or anything (sm)
    but what is addicting? Not that I need anything addicting in life LOL Is it chatting on there or something? Can you chat on it? I've seen my niece's page and it looks neat but cluttered. I was going to open an account and figured I'd never be on it so cancelled it.
    Did not mean to offend. Simmer down all.

    I didn't realize what good eye sight I have, I guess.

    PS cute post about the "retired" hosewife.--I didn't think they/we ever retired., something to look forward to.

    Listen, I do not want to offend anybody
    here. That is not the reason for my coming here. I was just warning people of what I suspected. Other people must suspect it too or they would not be responding either. We are just sick of it! This person is ruining the board. I will leave it alone. Sorry.
    I'm sorry - I really never intended to offend anyone by this .... SM

    but we do live in a town of about 6000 people and they do live way out in the country.  I think it was probably working fine and, yes, math was probably difficult all the way around, and who knew at the beginning that their mother was going to pass away.  But I still think that this particular child would have benefited a lot by being around other children more than he has been, and probably scouts, YMCA, etc., would have been very good for him, but he wasn't exposed to anything like that.  However, like the poster below suggested, he probably is very depressed at this point over the changes in his life.

    By the way, your child sounds like he is really thriving on homeschooling, and obviously you have made a great choice for him.  You sound like a wonderful mom.  Thanks for posting!

    You Didn't Offend Me
    It was a very sad thing and I especially think of her son who now lost his mother and in a very short period of time.
    That was my whole point! I was not trying to offend anyone. nm
    Don't worry, you did not offend.
    At least, not me, you didn't.

    Let's just say that if you applied at one of the 7 cents per line (or less) places, it is a pretty safe guess that you could do much better than that at Transcend.

    I also read good things about the company on another board, back when I was looking for a job. I have read some negative things about them here, but my own experience has not been negative. Not so far, anyway.

    Again, good luck with your job hunt, and keep us posted.
    Offend someone?? Offshoring offends me as
    The Comedy Stop !!
    There's some funny stuff over there.  It's good to have a comedic break now and then.      
    you didn't offend me. you offended yourself and males who you know. if you think it's funny,
    i don't. and i don't like the buffoon dumb male vs very clever female schtick either. it is degrading to both parties. if the female is so smart, why is she with some dumba$$ guy anyway?
    standup comedy....My magnet says...sm
    I have a magnet on my fridge that says:  If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.  *LOL*
    LOL. And some kind of comedy competition soon too!!! nm.
    You're right - TV comedy had Phyllis Diller, - sm
    comedy readers had Erma Bombeck, and we MT's have Hayseed!
    Hey! Why did they delete the entire comedy folder from this site?
    Just added a favorite funny to the Comedy Stop

    It was popular in the 1990s, but I was able to find it again by googling.   I discovered that it is not a true story, which is disappointing, but just pretend it is. 

    Note: Go to COMEDY STOP to hear sis's latest adventure...nm
    MQ board good lord
    i need to go back to bed!!!!!!!!
    Good board for sharing sm
    I agree with Blondie though, some tough cookies on here who love to argue. It's a real turnoff as they "hit and run" after they smash you. On the whole, you will find some pretty good eggs on here who are not only helpful but can lighten it up a little for you. Just ignore the rest and go with the best! Welcome!
    Comedy Stop & Offshore Concerns were the last 2 boards to be changed over to the new format.
    Archives will be available soon.
    Good for you - we're not all nasty on this board

    moderator is doing a good job, board is clean.
    Posted another quick and good one on recipe board for you.
    That's a good question for the Company board or search the archives.
    Read the tips from the poster at the top of the board about Word. Good suff! nm
    Lots of recent posts if you do a Company Board search. Good luck! nm
    Google South Beach Diet forum and you'll find a good board there for information. nm
    And its gonna kill you to post on the Company board rather than the main board?
    This post should be made on the Company board. See that board. Thread locked.
    This post should be made on the Company board. See that board. Thread locked.
    This post should be made on the Ask the Dr. board. OP please repost on that board. Thread locked.
    Post belongs on Ask the Dr. board. OP, respost on that board. Thread locked.
    cherrypicking co-worker issue (meant to post it on this board instead of MQ board) sm...

    I need opinions please...I work on a very small account with just a handful of ladies.  Because of the nature of the software (trying not to get too specific here) we can see who is working online and what reports they are working on in real-time...

    We have one cherrypicker on the account.  Instead of using FIFO method, she retrieves the reports by author ID - usually picking the better dictators of course.  She knows I busted her and she did admit to it in on our work e-mail (not too bright) which I am saving just in case she gets out of hand - so far I'm still able to make money since really most of the dictators aren't bad. 

    But every night it's starting to wear on me since she's screwing up turnaround time.  I don't really want to cause a big uproar being that it is such a small account and I need to work with her almost every night usually one on one.

    What would you all do?  I want to handle this as delicate and professional as possible because we can't really afford to lose anyone on this account.  In other words, I refuse to stoop to her level by cherrypicking right back.

    My boss has asked me several times why so-and-so does so much more than I do...I just bite my lip at that point but one of these days I think I might explode and just open up a can of worms....

    Definitely one of the other board's people who refer to those on this board as "holy rollers,&
    Now go ahead and post your reply - I know you're dyin' to!

    Please see my question on company board -posted on wrong board
    read recent posts on this board and on the company board
    Post belongs on Ask the Dr. board. See that board. Thread locked.
    Word Board=Help Board. NOT a do the math = figure it out yourself=GOOGLE IT!

    What is the Main Board for? All general topics seem to get moved to the new gab board.
    wrong board - rules are pls use WORD board

    I meant to say Job-Seekers Board, not Company Board.
    No mssg.
    When I go to New MT/Students board I am taken to the Abbreviations board. NM