I pay $320/mo with ATT, ATT says no autodialing for personal use, sm
Posted By: Sharon on 2006-09-05
In Reply to: Cost of unlimited phone calling to do MT. What are the best rates. nm - MDMT
which is what they call when you dial into a phone number for transcription. There must be a real person on the other end, is what they told me. Therefore, I haven't tried vonage, as it says no autodialing. I wish I could find out if anyone else uses vonage and makes long distance calls for MT.
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Got cut off. Autodialing is what ATT calls it . In fine print vonage says no autodialing. nm
That should be quite a bit. Some people have Vonage, but it says no autodialing, which is what they
What do you mean by autodialing? I've read this but don't get why they'd have a problem wi
Autodialing- they told me it was a number called constantly and you are supposed to be voice to voic
This is not personal for me.
This afternoon I watched coverage of the mother and I am embarrassed for her as an American. She has gone far beyond the first time I saw her and really felt sorry for her. I believe her criticism is harsh assuming she knows no more about what happened to her daughter than we do or the judges in Aruba do.
Isn't that personal?
The best interest of the patient has to be examined here. Why, in order to prove something that is said about other occupations, do you compromise the patient's privacy in order to prove yourself?
Not sure if you mean as MT or for personal (sm)
If for MT, here you go:
my personal ob/gyn uses (sm)
EMR. I must say that as a patient I do not like to sit there while he types into his system, looking up at me occasionally to ask a question. It is very impersonal and, as I think you ORS is going to find, quite time consuming on his part!
I have no idea how he'd get his IMEs done, either. The one EMR report that I've seen (had to take one from my ob/gyn to a neurologist for my migraines) looked very "computer generated" and not "personal to me" at all. What a turn-off for a $150 doctor visit.
If your client is very busy, hopefully you will be hearing back from him once he finds out how time consuming it is entering all that data!!
Bonnie, new to the board
Dear SM, given your abject anonymimity, how can the question be personal?
Try not to take it too personal...sm
sometimes some people just struggle with being nice or trying to help. Everyone needs a break some time...even her. good luck to you!
My own personal take on that....
My daughter was in the process of being preopped for back surgery for scoliosis in her thoracic spine. She had had before playing basketball, but she got injured during a game, which really exacerbated it when a girl fell on her neck/upper back.
Anyway, the PA in one of the many consultants offices we went to actually asked, "Who fell on you? A teammate or someone from the other team?" My DH and I looked at each other and could hardly keep from laughing, but God love my daughter who answered her with a completely straight face, but asked later, "What difference does it make who fell on me?" That question still makes me scratch my head.
Same here, but it was my personal PC, and...
I ended up pulling off just the bare necessities (critical documents and e-mails), and I had to take it down to the dirt...partitioned the hard drive and reformatted, reinstalled the operating system and all my programs. I have degrees in programming and information systems, and it still took me 20 hours to do. If you can't do that yourself, you need to get it to someone who can, but plan on a pretty big bill, I'm afraid. It may be as much as a couple hundred bucks, maybe a little more.
I am so sorry for what you are going through! I think virus programmers need to be stuck in front of a firing squad.
I'm with ya on that one! ALL of our personal
personal thanks
Thanks so much for being so cordial. I just read a nasty gram telling me that basically I have been complacent for 18 years and now need to join the 21st century. I have done work on-line over the years, but have never had to take a test. I have tons of reference materials and just have nearly always used WP. I do know how to do Word, but don't use it every day.
Can you tell me who you are working for now? Any advice for me?
Again, thanks for being so helpful. I am going to go on E-Bay today and order that.
Write back with any advice, please.
Thanks, Jeanie
not sure about your personal accout, but
in my office they say just spell it as best you can and let the MR people worry about it unless it is completely unintelligble, then put Unknown and leave a note and forget about it. hope that helps you :)
Any personal experience with HRT?
Can weight gain be a side effect of hormone-replacement therapy? Has anyone tried anything else for symptoms of menopause? I need help! Gained 40 lbs in the 1-1/2 years on HRT and gotta do something about it!
It's a personal decision.
I prefer IC as well. When you're an employee, they pay you less per line than as an IC. You still pay taxes, federal, state, Medicare, Social Security as an employee. However, the employer pays for Worker's Comp and matches the social security and Medicare only portion of your taxes, which I believe is only 7.65%. That social security percentage is quite small when you consider the fact that self-employment taxes are only 15.6%. I don't remember the exact percentages because it's been a while since I had to manually figure it all, but you can look it up on Google.
As an IC, I get to deduct every little thing I can think of. I can deduct my home office, a portion of my utilities, a portion of my Internet and phone, any mileage, office supplies (and I love office supplies!), furniture, software, computers and other equipment, paper, reference materials, everything.
The issue is that when you are an employee, those taxes get taken right off the top so you don't even miss that money. Most people don't set aside a percentage of their pay that should have gone to those taxes, so they grumble when they owe at tax time. You actually get to see how much you're paying out in taxes. However, they got to use their money all year instead of loaning it to the government interest free. That's a perk.
Just my personal opinion
but I think the Herman Miller chairs are as overrated as they are overpriced. I bought one of the Aeron chairs and ended up sending it back. It would have been great for lounging, but it was all wrong for proper support for typing all day at a computer. I have no experience of the Mirra chair; it might be better. I ended up test sitting several chairs at Office Depot and Staples and found a very comfortable, very supportive chair on sale for about $100 that has worked very well for me. I'd recommend, before you spend all that money on a Herman Miller chair, try out the chairs at office-supply stores. You might find one that works for you at a much lower price.
Must just be personal preference then..
because I absolutely love it. Been using it for over 3yrs. Very easy to query the fields to change to correct DOS or patient if need be, upload statuses to use if info is not available. I am so sorry you detest this platform...I absolutely love it. As far as the ESP expander, adore it too. Sure, I had to add everything from scratch but once you get through the major bulk of it, adding ones here and there over time is a piece of cake. I even have complete reports including headers set up in my ESP files. Some Expander programs will not allow that. In answer to your question, no I have never used SmartType (sp?)...but I have no complaints with what I have now. Guess it's all what you're used to and what you like your expander to be able to do.
Cut it out with the personal attacks. If you don't like the subject matter, skip it. Banning is the next step. I'm tired of deleting unnecessary, ugly posts.
Nah, I don't have a tatoo. It's personal art. To each his/her own. sm
Some men find tatooes on women very sexy.
Don't be so judgmental. It's art and very personal for some.
Personal opinion here.... but
I would wait until my test results come back; however, I would be researching into which companies hire fresh out of school and also check with your school to see if they have any contacts with companies for their new graduates.
This is very personal information.
Eww, I think that is very personal and I wouldn't
Personal preference
I am a former nurse as well and I promise you that the CMT exam is not a speck compared to boards .. something I think I may still be traumatized by and it was way too long for me to feel that way!! You are going to get a lot of negative feedback here and I can only tell you that as a nurse with really good experience and an MSN there was no real reason for me to take the CMT exam save for personal validation. I think that if you work in a field and there is a credential then it is a personal choice whether or not you take the exam. Many companies do pay for your CMT and will pay as well for you to do the continuing education to maintain it. Additionally, promotions and the like are often given to CMTs first and I'd say mainly because it shows an employer you cared enough personally to validate yourself. I don't need someone to force me .. it was driven by my own personal goals in this business. I'd like to see people stop bashing AAMT because of issues that were not put into play because of AAMT but because of politics and big business squeezing for the buck. I'd like to see people give each other encouragement and support, but women seem not to be able to do that easily. I'd like to see this business shake itself off and start to live up to principles that make some sense too .. but I fear that my bubble has burst and still life goes on and we need to make a paycheck. If you think you will benefit from taking the exam (if only personally) then just do it.
Same here . . . no personal experience
My sister had it done a couple of years ago, and we are all (the whole family)truly amazed that she has 20/20 vision now. No problems with the surgery whatsoever.
Just asking you to consider that your experience is personal, as is theirs.
Just a personal preference
I am not the original poster but some people just prefer to do certain types of transcription and it has nothing to do w/ being scared. For me, I prefer clinic notes b/c they are a lot more repetetive and so I find I get more lines with them.
The only certain way that your personal information
will fall into another's hand is to totally remove the hard drive and either replace it with a new one, or sell as is. Every old computer that I have discarded, I made sure to remove the hard-drive before putting it out to pasture.
Rather personal question, I would say, --sm
and one that I am not willing to divulge. seems like you are just trying to find out what other companies are paying while you are looking for a job. I am not trying to be snitty, I just don't think, quite frankly, that it is anybody elses business how much I make and who I work for.
k ty my personal is a POS and always dies, especially
Good for you! Definitely a personal (sm)
choice to take this exam and I know it's a great feeling to pass. I used the CMT Review Guide as well as the Language of Medicine books to study. Read directions in the test carefully and take your time. Best of luck!
is this personal info?
Getting CMT is a personal choice. Obviously...sm
for you it's not your cup of tea, but that shouldn't deter someone else from sitting for the exam. For what it's worth, it's not 36 hours, it's actually 30 hours - ALL of which is very educational. If one works at home, the education alone is worth a lot. I make more than 1 penny per line as a CMT, but that's of no consequence to me - I keep it updated as a matter of pride. That's not to say that experience doesn't always help, but I know a lot of MTs with that much experience that have no clue about how to be a good quality MT. That said, CMT doesn't always guarantee quality, either, but it does help IMO.
Personal opinion only
Is that it is a side effect of spending so many hours alone. I worked in one office (in-house transcription) for 8 hours a day second shift. I seemed to be better when I walked to work (3 miles to work one way) and could get regular exercise, sunshine, fresh air. Then I started a business and was unable to do anything more than work, work, work. Over the next 5 years I wasn't paying attention to the signals. It wasn't until I cut back and started dating (have since gotten married this year - I'm 41 - yes, there is happiness after 40), and started relaxing that I began to recognize the symptoms. I think it is a symptom of working too much and being alone too much, and losing a sense of self esteem from becoming a slave to corporate America.
Symptoms like not wanting to write out the bills even though there is money enough to cover them, not wanting to take the kids out for fun activities, and instead dropping them off so that they can have fun while you return to "things that just gotta get done", discontinuing use of makeup, or ceasing to wear nice clothing and just "bumming it" all the time, no more time with girlfriends or family, procrastinating grocery shopping until you absolutely have to get some, etc. The symptoms are similar to depression, and it may be part of the solution, depression therapy. Music therapy, aroma therapy, light therapy, color therapy, church time, friends time, hobbies, play with babies (even if they are borrowed babies). I think Kissing helps too, but not everyone has that available.
Just a personal observation...
But are you as dissatisifed and miserable with your personal life as you seem to be with the MT profession?
You seem to go out of your way to spew negativity at even the most benign of posts.
I find myself sitting here and shaking my head at your posts. hoping that SOMETHING in your life pleases you or brings a smile to your face.
If you're as unpleasant IRL as you appear to be on these boards, I truly feel sorry for you.
I hope things start improving in both your personal and professional life, as you are quite frankly becoming just a dark cloud soon to be ignored and avoided by anyone stumbling across your animosity-filled posts.
It is all personal opinion.....sm
Don't worry about the age thing. I'm sure you are beautiful and as young as you want to be.
Does this have anything to do with personal issues?
I would not think the rules apply here- your name does not give history about you just by your signing in. I think this is a non-issue.
My personal experience...sm
Our pay for VR was dropped to 60% of our MT CPL rate. The theory that VR produces more lines for MTs is, IMHO, hogwash. The dictators I had were so bad, I usually blocked out paragraphs and retyped them. VR took my pay down to near minimum wage and I had to find another job. BUT, if you can, give it a try to see how it works out for YOU. I once received 2 long VR reports from an unfamiliar account and breezed through them with very little editing. That's where you make your $$, if you are lucky enough to get dictation like that. Good luck with whatever you decide.
Personal Decision for me because...
Two reasons. NUMBER ONE - This is not all about me. This is a USA issue with me first. We are only part of what is going on here. I have a new U.S. job, great. I still care about the MTs going through what I went through. I also care about the other millions of jobs that are offshored, those employees just like you and I, and the impact that has on this country. NUMBER TWO - I have recently signed a severance agreement. This was basically a nice financial agreement when I got layed off that stated I was to keep my mouth shut about the company and its practices now and in the future. It was a nice settlement and I have done that. However, I can run my mouth from a different angle - an American citizen who is fed up with the whole process and I figure the bigger the numbers I can quote - the more notice will be taken. I do not HAVE to mention a specific industry to be heard. I wish I could say something about confidentiality though, but I guess you guys will take care of that for me. I prefer to remain very anonamous.
if it's for a personal account
14 cpl is a good rate and more if you have to print or do anything other than receive digital files and send the reports back via internet.
As an IC contracting for an MTSO (subcontracting), about the highest I've seen is 9 cpl or 10 cpl with incentives if you are willing to work weekends and nights; sad state of affairs!
KT, I want to give you some personal advice ...
People respond to negative situations in two different ways. Some will learn a lesson and do all they can to help others avoid the same pain, frustration, stress, etc. Others will not learn anything but just be all the more angry, hateful, bitter, and want nothing but for everyone else who has the same issue to suffer as much or more as they did.
The difference is attitude, outlook, perception. It is the only thing you can control yourself 100%.
I guarantee you that if you look at the posts on this board, you will be able to understand more about the individuals posting here than they probably can tell you about themselves.
While it is true that your attitude will never undo actions, it WILL determine which direction you will take from that situation. A positive attitude will allow you to heal fully, to be more wise, to have more sightful judgment, to see the future with greater clarity, give you strength to take a tough stand and make difficult decisions, and above all it will keep you out of the emotional trenches that those with a negative attitude will be mired in all their lives.
Does anyone ever get on a personal level with anyone they work for?
Do you ever get to know the people you work for personally when working for these nationals? Ever have any faces with those QA names? I was just wondering. I find it a little difficult not knowing the people I work for, and I work for a smaller MTSO. They are all nice enough, I suppose, but all business. I can't imagine working for these people for years and not even know what they look like. Is it just me and my curiosity or what???
My personal opinion - for what it is worth - sm
yes, PCDI is a joke, and you don't get what you pay for... Career Step probably would have been the better choice. BUT, you are in it already, and my advice would be to just try to squeeze out every ounce of knowledge that you can.... OSi and DSC have great mentoring programs, and I myself have mentored girls and they have been very successful... I wouldn't mind seeing what you know and perhaps advising on your next step. I am just an MT that has worked this field for ten years, but I have learned a lot, and I am not a recruiter looking for a bonus or whatever it is they say it is... I talk to a lot of people who want to know about this field because for some reason sometimes it is really hard to get honest direction from long-timers... protective of the field I guess... worried about flooding the market... My thoughts on that is that if you got the gift (which is exactly what it is), you will be successful... It takes a special person to be able to do this work and do it WELL. Not everyone can just pop up and say "TA-DA, I'm an MT - HIRE ME"... anyway, I drone on... contact me if you want some info... don't mind at all... Bobbie
become an accountant or personal trainer
Although I dont make under 10$ an hour as an MT, try working more as my supervisors and managers have told me in the past when I have asked for a raise. In all seriousness, where do you work that you make that little? Are you paid by the line and how much? Switch companies, do not accept less than 8 cpl. I saw an ad for MDI and they start you at 8.5 cpl. IC's usually make 9+, if you do not need the insurance coverage.
The benefit of personal experience
I was surgically menopaused at 35 after 4 major abdominal procedues starting at 18. Prior to the removal of my uterus and remaining ovary, I've hemorrhaged multiple times, been critically anemic, etc., etc. Early on I was deemed a high risk for gyn cancer, although the major scare came at 35 with a necrotic ovarian mass. I made a conscious, informed decision early on not to have my remaining ovary and uterus removed until the threat of cancer could not be ruled out with testing.
Within days of the final procedure, I became despondent and so hormonally challenged I was suicidal. HRT took months to help. I have never regained what was lost by having a cleanout done, despite the obvious need to have it done. It does impact every woman differently. Some sail through and others suffer. I can tell you that in retrospect, the only thing that would move me to have this procedure is a life threatening risk if I didn't. Think long and hard because there are more terrible things out there than the imposition of monthly cramps and excessive bleeding. The quality of your life may improve or it may decrease. Please do not misunderstand me - If you are under a cancer threat or require transfusions, I would not hesitate to do it. Good luck to you.
For crying out loud, it's a job. Don't take it personal.
um, I never have put personal info online nor...sm
ever asked for personal nor professional advice online and been online 10 years now......
Well I don't feel the way you do. I figure that is a personal SM
decision, presumably made after soul-searching and weighing the pros and cons. I am truly not interested in somebody who wants to quit me. I'm interested in the ones who stay.
I never asked either, didn't care. Didn't lose many, though.
Chill. Personal attacks are not necessary. sm
I asked some thoughtful questions and you are questioning my right to be an MT. You don't know me. My work is excellent and I have many years of experience. If you don't want to answer a question, don't get personal. It isn't necessary.