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I only have mine to listen to music. I don't give a toot about videos, so I have

Posted By: the nano and love it. Happy Birthday! nm on 2006-07-28
In Reply to: Help me decide which Ipod - 44 today


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Yes, I looked up his music videos for the kids because they
wanted to know why he was famous.
Go to collagevideo.com. Huge selection & you can listen to clips from all the videos/DVDs. Great
How to listen to music on CPU - sm
Am looking for a site that allows you to listen to a track or so on an album/CD without downloading it. Any ideas? Thank you.
I listen to my favorite music.
Do you listen to music while you transcribe?


I listen to music and pretend that I'm playing the piano.
Lots of instrumental, classical and new age stuff. Have you played TyperShark on popcap.com yet?
I meant bought. Hard to type and listen to the music at the same time.
If it will the pymt. of my mortage or pay off my mortage I care, otherwise I could give a toot! :)

Mine are 19 and 24, and, yes, when they want to talk, I do stop and listen. There are so many moms

out there who don't have close contact with their kids in this group, that I feel very fortunate when mine want to talk to me.  My daughter (19) and I are very close and she still lives here, and sometimes I really do have to cut it short with her.  However, my son lives away from home, and when he does stop by and wants to talk, I definitely stop and listen.   

Now, with that all being said, I definitely know what you mean about all this talking and listening cutting into the overall production for the day.  I just tack on another hour to an already long day and count my blessings that my kids and I can still talk.  Of course, if I have a deadline, I really do put a Do Not Disturb sticky note up, and they don't bother me.

Just as a side note and not to go into any details here, but my son was really into drugs and alcohol and wouldn't hold a job for about 6 or 7 years and honestly would hardly talk to me at all unless he had his hand out, wanting money.  Well, I guess I really should say that when we did talk and he wasn't asking for money, he was always lying to me to cover up what he was doing.  It was a hard road but we got through it, and I do love for him to talk to me now because I really feel like I have my son back.  So I guess I look at those interruptions a little differently.   :)

Mine's a classically-trained pianist/ jazz trumpet player/music teacher (private lessons), right
have mine 10 yrs, give free deliv & paper...nm

OK, gotta toot my own horn! ;) SM

I was shocked (very pleasantly surprised) to get an e-mail from my boss this weekend stating because I've mastered new skills and am always offering to work extra to keep our accounts in TAT, they are giving me a raise that will be effective on my next check for the last 2 weeks.  Wow!  I was trying to work up the courage to ask for a raise in June (1 year anniversary), but they offered me a raise first!  I've NEVER had a national offer me a raise in the past.  Cool, huh? :) 

:) Chickadee

Call me strange, but I'd trade a little toot with a "sorry"
over two of my guys.  One of them loudly masticates his chewing gum daily into my ear.  He can't pronounce clearly because he's rolling the wad of gum around in his mouth so much.  The other guy must need to be on Aciphex or something because he does that hiccup, belch, exhale thing.  Both just grate on my nerves.
Toot when you drive past Hooterville! :) Enjoy!
Also fondly kown as H2O-ville.   With all this rain, it's living up to its name. :)
No TV, no music, nothing. Music and TV cause me to daydream. nm

I watched the videos....I am an animal lover, but the truth is...the way the beef and pigs are killed is the norm.  It's been going on for generations. When I was growing up, there was a slaughter house in my town and if you would walk past there during the day, you could hear the cattle cry. 

Even your local farmers still use the method of slitting throats and/or shooting them in the head, or  using an electric prod to the brain to put them down....but at least you know they are healthy.  It's sad but what would someone suggest as a more humane way? I have no idea.

If PETA had their way, there would be no animals for food. Then they would start on the veggies. PETA is an out of control, radical bunch of freaks. I know someone who was part of that group and he was absolutely nuts. He would steal your dog, let your pet rabbits loose, etc. if he saw them in pens. I have no use for PETA. If you look at the end of the video, it it telling you to become a vegetarian and we all know that you need the protein and iron from meat in our diet.

But, on the other hand, I sure don't want to eat any of those animals seen in the video. I guess I will start going to my local farmer from now on. I don't believe in growth hormones for animals either. It's not natural.

 Sorry. I'm sure some will disagree with me and that's why I signed myself annomymous.


WATB, I'm another fan of her videos.
I do her 3 mile abs one every other day and walk on treadmil for 30 minutes every other day. Do you think every other day is enough to get results?
MT videos on you tube

If you guys need a laugh (or maybe a good cry, depends on how you look at it), check out the videos on you tube about medical transcription, the schools, etc. Check out the one on the Azimuth academy.  I watch other things on you tube, never thought to key in "medical transcription." 

News videos.....thanks for the info. nm
news videos and Rader sentencing

Go to MSN.com.  On the left three quarters down the page it says news videos.  When you click on that a box comes up with all little boxes of the days news videos and the past week.  There was a box to click for sentencing hearings for Rader live.  When I clicked the whole page was the court room.  Yesterday it lasted eight hours.  Today it lasted about six hours.  Check out MSN.com and the news videos.  They have today show videos, Meet the Press videos, news videos, MSNBC videos, music videos, funny videos, INXS weekly videos from the show. 

Here's link to her videos on Leno's page.sm
go to Gofish.com and look under recently uploaded videos, or
search by name and you can watch the song he sung last night on AI.  In fact you can watch MOST of Taylor's performances and some of the others.
Leslie's WATP videos are fabulous (sm)
I use these and when I do them faithfully...WOW! What a difference in that tummy fat and overall toning is incredibly fast! Yoga is also a gentle and wonderful way to tone up, destress, and get in touch with your body/mind self. Good luck!!
Have you checked YouTube for typing videos?
There are probably some there.
Leslie's walking videos might be good, or just get out and walk in general. Or do TaeBo at half
The girl was 13, the rapist a distant relative they took in. Give money, give food and your time, b
you don't put your family at risk by taking in strangers. That's just plain foolish. There were over 3300 registered sex offenders in NO. Where are they now. In your community? Perhaps in your house? Good luck.
oh our lovely government does give illegals medicaid, foodstamps, and housing so in term we give tha
i have been through some rough times lately and had to apply for some help. there are signs, big signs, all over our offices saying "YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE LEGAL TO GET HELP". so we and our government do give them our benefits whether they are legal here or not. now that is messed up. i am helping to support them so they can take away my jobs and i can't even support my kids and yes i get benefits, wow $75 a month in food stamps which lasts not even a week in a household of 6. don't get me wrong, i am thankful for any help at the moment, but i get penalized for trying to work my tail off and still can't survive.

there was recently an article in our local newspaper where one of our local school districts tried to charge $1000 a year for each illegal student enrolled. it was bulked and the illegals got a lawyer to sue for discrimination. the school district merely stated that they had to HIRE extra teachers that could speak the foreign language just to teach these children and were trying to offset some of the expenses. ridicilous!! so again our taxpayers money is paying to educate illegals as well.
Funny! Mine is almost as large, and I don't mind cleaning mine!
It's no problem at all.  Besides, I'll take lots of oodles of square footage any day of the week over living in a sardine can!
Aw come one give her a break. She said she was sorry and is willing to refund. Give her a chance to

do what is right.  If she fails to do what is right, then go about this in an adult way and not act like such a child.  "you suck"  That is so immature.

She is responding to you and you are eating her alive.  Why would she put herself out there to be treated like this if she didnt mean it. 

I am really astonished at how people can act on here.  Would you treat people like this in person?  If you do, I cant imagine you having very many friends. 

Remember we are all "HUMAN." 


I am a child of the 80's and felt like I couldn't be burdened with finding gigs. I am an accomplished pianist (A little rusty at 43) but I love music where there is only piano playing. Does DH like Elton John, Billy Joel, (ok - stretch -KC & JoJo's version of Lately), and Stevie Wonder. Nothing like a man and his piano.
Can't get into her music?
I don't know why not. Her and Mellancamp sound just as bad. 
Aah, music...
Taking a break.  Listening to some tunes to relax.  I think some other people should too.  Anyone ever heard of Jill Scott or Erykah Badu?  Common?   
Yay! Me too! MUSIC!
I agree with that, music makes my world so much brighter! I throw on some Stevie Wonder and I can't help but cheer up!
Yep, I love the 50's-60's music.   Makes me want to move.
music sm
I have a 5-disc CD changer that goes all day while I am working. All music types. I love it! Need the extra noise!
I like total quiet while transcribing. But if I'm doing some other kind of "busy" work in my office like filing or more of a data-entry-type job I can do mindlessly, I find that some classical, light jazz or easy-listening type music helps me be more productive.
What kind of music? nm
BA Music Education. nm
loved his music but I had the.....N/M

Music downloads
I have a music site with Burnlounge
and they are a legal dowload site :)
Music downloads

I have an online musicstore with Burnlounge at http://burnlounge.com/mlbliss and they are LEGAL to download from.

I would be very careful dowloading free music--they are fining people for this.  If you aren't paying for it--then consider it illegal

Music in the background
I have to turn on my music in the background. It is just distracting enough to force me to focus on my dictator..sounds crazy doesn't it?! That is for the boredom. Sometimes I don't even realize I'm not working and my mind is just drifting off. For the inconsistent income, I have a side income not involved in MT and when things get slow here, I just switch my focus to my other at-home business. Good luck to you!
No loud music at all. It is more sm

like soothing music you would get with yoga.  A lot of people like Windsor Pilates.  I personally did not care for them.  I LOVE Denise Austin's pilates DVDs.  I have a couple.  One has a 30-minute workout and then I have one that is Hit the Spot in which the work outs are only 10 minutes.  I will do one of the core or abdomen ones in the a.m. and then do a lower bod one later in the day. 

Pilates do wonders for your strength, toning, flexibility.  I have been doing them off and on for years.  If I stop doing them for a few months and come back, I can tell the different in my flexibility and strength in just about 4 work outs.  I do them about 3 times a week.

Instant Music
You might want to look into a product called Instant Music - its designed to convert cassette recordings to digital files and is very inexpensive.
Soothing music
We all have some dictators that we would like to strangle.  However, I find it very helpful to play New Age or other soothing music in the background while I do transcription.  Not loud enough to disturb but just there to soothe my nerves when these dictators upset me. 
Absolutely must have music - sm
If you haven't tried it already, sign up for a free Pandora Radio account.

You can design your own stations based on their recommendations or create your own and have commercial free music all day long.

If I have a dictator who is a very quiet talker, I just click over and pause my radio station. You can also adjust the volume separate from your dictation, which is really nice. Low as you want, loud as you need! :)

I have three stations that I have created to suit my moods.

Check it out. www.pandora.com
Music alternatives for ACDC..sm

My 9yo grandson is into ACDC. I want to turn him on to some alternatives. I am downloading some music for a Xmas present for him and need some suggestions as to something a 9yo ACDC fan might enjoy. Thanks.

What is the best music download site. Need to

be able to burn CDs too.    We don't have iPods. 

Tried iTunes - liked it, but since we don't have Apple products not sure it will work for us.

Tried Wal-Mart - liked it, but songs are only good for 30 days unless you burn.  I like to burn, but usually have that CD in the car and like to play off the computer too.

Various others that have a monthly fee charge additional $$ if you burn to CD and then if you discontinue the service supposedly all MP3 files are rendered inactive.

We range from 11 to 48 and like a variety of music, also like something user friendly. 

I need a chart where they list all the services and the pros and cons of each. 




Nope, and no music on, either! Must have silence! :) nm
Don't watch television, but have music
playing very softly in the background.
Having music on makes me happy :)
If I am having the worst of days turning on my favorite music changes my entire day.