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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

I never thought of that. A newsletter would be kind of neat.

Posted By: jus me on 2005-12-27
In Reply to: Put things into perspective - former Team Leader

It means you thought enough of them to update them on what's going in your life and your family. And just think, years later someone who did not even know you personally would surely have interest as well, kind of like family heritage things. I thoroughly enjoy going back and reading several notebooks that my MIL wrote while she was alive. She always kept her notebook handy to write notes of things going on. It really is interesting reading and perhaps one day someone else will find these newsletters the same. Now....can I really take the time to actually write one? We'll see.

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You know, that sounds really neat. What kind of stuff do you hear? sm
Any recommendations if I ever want to get one? What kind do you have?

What happened to the regular MT Stars Newsletter?
Transcription Newsletter
Hi everyone:  I've been asked to create a monthly newsletter for our MTs.  Each one will focus on one specialty. I having a hard time coming up with a name for the newsletter.  I'd like something maybe funny, a play on medical words, etc., and I am woefully uncreative apparently.  Any help would be highly appreciated.
Catchy newsletter title.
Any suggestions for a "catchy" MT newletter title??  Thanks!
Communication is great. Last I heard in a newsletter
was Liz was back in the office part time,Jason was general manager, and altho Liz was prior owner, there was nothing about her being a general manager.

Ok, last time it was posted was in March, but when were the last 3 picked?

Are you all ever going to do anything about cherrypicking?

I got info on that from my ZDNET alerts newsletter. sm

ZDNet Tech Update Today
chris | Tue., December 16, 2008
I subscribe to this newsletter. Very interesting some times.

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Ryan Naraine: The password management feature in your favorite Web browser could be helping identity thieves pilfer your personal data, according to a study. All the major Web browsers -- IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari and Chrome -- are vulnerable.

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I kind of thought this fit with all the posts about low work, no work.
MTs complaining they are not finding jobs, or if they are the pay is extremely low. Seems to be a lot of posting mostly about no work...

I was kind of curious where all the work has been going, much more so than the usual slow times...
That's really neat..
That you get together with a friend and have lunch or whatever.  That is so important to keep up your friendships, keep your life balanced.  Sounds like you have done a great job!
I think that is so neat. sm
My fingers get so stiff when they get cold and this could be the answer. I also have thought about just getting plain gloves with open fingers. My only concern is would it get too hot?
Well that is neat...nm
That's a neat idea. I may have to try it.
By the end of the day my hiney is about dead. Maybe that would help.
Sounds neat to me.
here you go. A neat site. It is not about

any company, strictly a help site for production, including Word, WP, IT, Shorthand, etc.  Its very active, questions are answered quickly.  But remember, it is all volunteer help, so no demanding.


start out neat that is.....nm
This is a neat trick, if you don't already use it...sm
I'm sure many of you have heard of this already, but for those who haven't...it sure helps me when I'm typing AND reading back over my work.  You can hold down the control key and turn the roller wheel up a notch on your mouse to enlarge the print on your screen.  Then just hit control and scroll it back down to make it smaller again.  This has made it "easy on the eyes" for me.  Hope someone can benefit from this as I have!
that sounds neat...
Were they hard to get accustomed to?
They have this really neat thing at the top of this page
It's a little green box with the word "search" in the bottom middle. If you press that and put in the company name, you'll get all kinds of info that has been shared previously on most companies. It's really a neat feature provided by this board. Give it a try.
Jemez Mts are pretty neat also

You can drive the Turquoise Trail from ABQ to Santa Fe. I think its state road 14.  It runs from east of ABQ up to around SF somewhere.  Take the tram to the top of Sandia if you would like some nice views of the city.  There is a 2 mile nature trail up there too, if it is still there.

On the west side, there is Petroglyph National Monument.

Are you going to be there during the balloon fiesta?  It was always so cool to see all of those balloons in the air when I got up to go to class in the morning.  I went to the mass ascension once.  Very early morning and COLD! but a worthwhile experience.

Red River, NM is small but I have been there twice for long weekends.  There is a gorge somewhere near there that I stopped at both times to take pics - forget where or the name - sorry.

I do believe you can actually go to the exact point of the 4 corners.  Sounds like a fun photo op - not sure if much else in that area is exciting though.  Its pretty darn rural.

Have fun!


Aw, that's so neat, I needed that after a long day!
Thank you for posting that, many points worth remembering.
Pet collar for surgery. I found this neat
collar for my dog who just had surgery.  It works better than one of those cones.  It is called a no-bite cervical collar for pets.  They are available on the internet. 
Want to keep winning? Having fun yet? Got tons more neat stuff!

The timestamp sounds neat, but that URL reirects to another site? What's the right URL? Thx nm
Wow, just noticed a load of OR samples also...pretty neat.
How can we learn this neat stuff if it's not in the help menu? We have to wait till
neat web site 'chemo angels'. Help cancer patients
okay neatly correlated lies. and the trailer parks are really neat little hideaways the statistics
no excuse for not researching with google or even yahoo. my neighborhood is zoned to not allow trailer parks (ever wonder why???) thus my property if more valuable than another community that is not zoned against trailer parks. Now did you ever consider why communities would even think of having a zoning commission that would ban trailer parks. Community standards might come in to play and they don't want property values diminished. GOOGLE friend. The truth will set you free.
Saw him on CMT show with John Fogarty. Great, great singer with a neat personality and drop dead
gorgeous without seeming to know it. 
kind of
I feel your pain. I had been providing excellent service, never increased rates, always met TAT (usually supposed to be 48 hr, but most times office mgr would call and needed it in 24 -- a huge amount of dictation). As you did, I always put them first, above everything else. Well, the office manager decided to start transcribing it herself, and she did not even tell me that she was going to do it. I waited a little while (longer than I should have) hoping she was just trying to pay for Christmas (she had actually done that before) and I finally had to do something else. The something else did not work out either, and I am lucky to have what little work I do have right now. Meanwhile, she now has two full-time paychecks (yes, this was a full-time paycheck for me). It is a good thing that although I was making full-time money on their account (working 2 days per week) I never let go of my other work, but I still may wind up in the big "B" court as my options now are few, and I stupidly took care of things I needed to with credit cards while waiting for her to return the work to me. I also knew that she was going to call me spur of the moment wanting me to do the work when she was ready for a break/vacation, which she did, but I was unavailable to her as I had picked up the something else by then. I just wish that I had never heard of being an MT. As much as I love the work, the business is awful.
what kind of dog?
What kind of KVM do you have? -sm
I have heard that if you get a cheap one you'll have problems with the screen freezing up when switching back and forth. I'd really like to get one where you can use a hot key to switch back and forth. Can you please tell me what brand yours is?
Any kind
of sin, which is what this is, is not progressive or open-minded. What it is is sin. Go back and read the story about Sodom and Gomorrah and see if you understand then. Granted, there are other kinds lots of sins in this world also, but call this one what it is.
Usually those kind of
licenses are only for one computer. You can buy licenses for multiple computers from their websites.
A different kind of job

I have no idea how these things fall into my lap and don't how this will go but just met and got offered to do "formatting and editing" of finished documents for a Waste Recovery Company -- fancy name for garbage and recycling company.  This manager has to do long reports, handouts, employee manuels, etc. and just wants to type the report and all I do is edit -- not grammar or punctuation -- use a consistent outline form, do title pages, do headers and footers, make sure pages are correctly numbered for $25 an hour.  She wants me to make it have "eye appeal and look pretty."   She spends hours formatting and hates it and so I am going to try it.  Decided I had nothing to lose to try.   Depending on how fast I am probably not more than 6 to 12 hours per month so we will see how it goes.  But she did say if it worked out well, they have several other branches in Montana, Idaho, California and they might be able to use me more at those facilities also that have to do the same reports.  So guess I am branching out somewhat.   Just as one door closes, another open as had one of my most profitable account, suddenly retired due to ill health.  So was thinking of looking for another account when I got this call.    SOmething different at least. 


you are MY kind of MT
but I might have done this far sooner than you - I have almost zero tolerance for this cr____pola.

Would love to see this doc in court trying to prove a CHIMPANZEE (or even a sharp HUMAN typist) could do what we do...

Thank you very much for your kind help!!!
Can someone tell me what kind of (sm)
foot pedal works with winscribe?  I've got two Infinity wave pedals - they don't.  Any help is appreciated!
That was kind of like what I was saying before
Right to work states do that to people.

However, I am sorry you lost your job after all of that. It would have been easier if they had just told you the truth in the first place.
Yes ma'am. It's kind of cool actually..............
you can see everything they're doing and once they're done, they're gone.
what kind of person are you?????

"don't dog the people looking for your daughter and investigating the people who may have seen her last. "

okay, well maybe she feels that not enough is being done.  I mean, she did just lose her daughter.  Imagine that feeling.  I can't.  I am quite sure if it were me, no one COULD be doing enough.  I would probably be on everyone's case until she were found.  Also, are you dense?  OF COURSE they are going to investigate the people who have seen her last.  HAHAHAHAHA.  I cannot believe that comment.  Who else would they investigate??????

As far as the rest of your post, I don't believe it even deserves acknowledging.  Your thoughts speak for the kind of person you are.



What kind of advice do you want?

It's a rough life raising your kids and running a household by yourself while you worry about your husband's safety.  The kids can sense your stress, so they act up as well.  Then when your husband gets home from wherever he's been, you have to readjust to having him around again.  A lot of it also depends on what branch of the military he wants to get into, as well as active duty or guard/reserve.  If you're active duty, you never know where you're going to be sent to next.  It could be somewhere nice, or it could be a foreign country with mandatory boarding schools for your kids.  People think that military families have it so easy, but the military pay and benefits aren't great compared to what we could make if we moved to a big city.  Military housing has a lot of problems, and the old housing development with the leaking foundations, high water table, and backed up sewer lines is still being used by young military families 25 years after we lived there.  I could get into more details, but every time I do, people here think they know more about my life experience than I do, so I won't.

what kind of keyboard
Just curious, what type of keyboard do you type on?  I use the Microsoft erogonomic.  I absolutely love it!  I find that if I type on the traditional keyboards  my hands hurt.  Also, do you wear gloves for carpal tunnel protection?  I wear gloves and have found this helps me tremendously.  I have been doing transcription for about 15 years. 
What kind of software is best?
thanks for the kind words - it does help...:)
I know lots of places are hiring, but I don't have enough experience for most of them and am afraid to jump from the frying pan into the fire....

Well, it kind of depends. SM
Most of the pain management I've seen strongly encourages other modalities, depending on the patient and the condition. Exercise (swimming or aqua therapy are popular), stationary bicycle, walking, physical therapy (massage), acupuncture, sometimes counseling to help adjust to the chronic pain and accept it better, diet - an overall healthy lifestyle. Whatever the patient can do to make them feel better.

However, pain medication is still a fairly normal component - it's just watched and managed carefully with an emphasis on using it appropriately.

Unfortunately, even though our understanding of pain has grown over the years, sometimes all they can do is try and medicate it.
It depends on what kind of (sm)
disability you are talking about.  SS will not consider any type of disability unless you've been off work for a year.
What kind of lip balms are you using?
Some of them can actually CAUSE chapped and swollen lips.  Skip the mentholatum and other additives.  Try just plain old Vaseline petroleum jelly instead of chapsticks to see how it works.  None of that Carmex junk either.  Also, monitor your behaviors to make sure that you're not licking, biting, or any other habits on your lips.  I used to get a callous on my lower lip until I realized that when I was nervous or stressed, I chewed my lower lip.  Drink plenty of water, skip the day-long bath of sugar or artificially sweetened sodas.  If these suggestions don't help, then I would see a doctor.
what kind of info are you looking for?
What kind of doctor.
I used to type ENT docs who treated this condition. I would definitely not go to an oral surgeon. They deal with surgery. You want your condition treated not surgically fixed.
OTI is just that kind of place. nm
I have. No biggie. It was really kind of SM
fun for me, because I got to watch it. Amazing to the doc AND me because he couldn't believe what he was seeing. My symptoms weren't even that bad but woweee did I have horrible reflux.
What kind of pedal is it?
USB or 15-pin?  If it's 15 pin, you'll probably have to set it up.  If not, you might try going to the Express Scribe website to see if there's a patch to play the certain file you're trying to play.  They'll probably have technical information regarding Olympus footpedals there as well.