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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

I never dreamed but I'm a daydreamer

Posted By: ex-MQer on 2009-06-13
In Reply to: Being a New MT - Do You Remember.. - Hungry MT

... and I remember for the first six months to a year I would spell everything in my head, when I wasn't working that is. I'd be home listening to the tv, music, in a conversation with someone and whatever word I'd hear I'd spell it out in my head. Not every word mind you, my mind would find some random word and spell it. I dunno why LOL

I don't do that anymore. Now, the deficit I have, ever since I started working medical transcription that is, is if I need to spell something (when I'm not working that is) and can't see it in my head I pretend I've got the keyboard and have to use my fingers to spell it out.

Is that not insane ?!? My fingers are now so interconnected with that part of my brain I can't do one without the other. I sure hope it goes away lol

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