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I love mine, too! nm

Posted By: Lila on 2006-06-16
In Reply to: Love my oreck, along with the handheld oreck.. nm - Aunt Bea

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Will never go to another chair!
Love mine sm
Sony MDR-U10. Been using these for 15 years. First ones lasted 14 years. Check out www.transcriptiongear.com.
for prices.

i love mine
got a kinesis classic and it has really helped me. A bit pricey, but i think worth it. The upside: keys can be programed to be in different places if you want or you can program them with macros. The keys are in different locations per research that is easier on the hands, and at different heights. The downside: It does take some effort and time to adjust!
Love mine
I have had my Bose earbuds for about a year and love them. Even mumble mouths come in clearer.

Love mine!
I absolutely love mine! I will take you a few days or so to get used to it, but I found that my production actually increased due to using it.  I no longer have hurting wrists. 
I LOVE it, and wish it were mine! - nm

I don't know about the best but I love mine
I have the Microsoft 4000 (I forget the whole name and I'm just popping back in here). I'm so afraid it will be discontinued because Microsoft LOVES to do that! Some think it's noisy but I wear noise-canceling headphones so that doesn't bother me. Personally, I don't think it's any louder than other keyboards and I love hearing the clickety-clack of keyboards when I'm not working :o). Odd, I know. Comfort-wise, it's great and there are cool features like My Favorites, Mail, Search, Web/Home, etc., above the F keys. I cannot use a straight keyboard now; it hurts!!
love mine!
I just got my Kinesis Freestyle with the VIP accessory about a month ago and love it!  I definitely wouldn't go back to a regular keyboard.  I like how you can adjust how far/close you want to separate the two keyboards plus I do think it's got a light touch.   You can always try it and if you're not satisfied, return it, as they do have a money back guarantee, but I can't remember if it's a 30 day or 60-day return policy, or even longer.
I love my mine

I have a 32-inch HDTV that I use for my primary monitor, and I can honestly say that it is incredible! I use 2 additional monitors, and I like those as well, because I don't have to minimize screens and have the desktop expanded out over all the monitors.

The display is crystal clear, and I get no headaches. Even nicer, if work is caught up, I can change the input to the digital cable input and catch a late-night movie while still keeping an eye on the work queue on another monitor. Sweet. Very sweet.


Mine too!! Would love to be on that little island
I have DX6490 too, also love mine!
Upgraded from an HP, no comparison in the pictures. Kodak wins hands down.
So do mine - and they also love liver, like me!!
Any other liver lovers out there?
I love mine!! Got it off Ebay.
LOVE them-- won't work without mine.
I use Sennheiser ........... love mine!!!
Mine just came today! I love it!! Well worth the $$..nm
Yeah, I love days like that. Wish mine was.
I was thinking about finding a job that's Tues - Fri because I like to take Mondays and clean up the house after having the whole family home for the weekend.
Love mine long. I have acrylics on 1/2 of them. nm
I love mine, adjusted quickly.
But don't spill a latte in it...and the dishwasher trick doesn't work for it. I had to go out and buy a new one...and ergonomics are getting hard to find in my area!
I absolutely love mine...see message
I have health issues and this bed has been wonderful for me. My husband up until we got our sleep number bed was always up by 4-5 in the morning because of pain. He hasn't had any pain since. It was well worth the money for us.
I bought mine off Ebay and love it! This is probably the keyboard I will always use now.
Slept in a recliner for a year before I got mine....LOVE IT. sm

I have degenerative disk disease in my lumbar and cervical spine.  We got a king sized, fully adjustable because of the level of my problems.  I rarely have had to use the adjustments because having found my "number" I am provided with an incredible night sleep.  My number is 35 and it has changed my life.  I have significantly less pain, I can sleep ALL NIGHT without rolling over and over and over in pain.  Wish I would have gotten it when it first came out.  We have had it for 2 years now.  I recommend it to everyone who asks.

I just pulled mine back out of storage - LOVE THEM!! nm
Funny! Mine is almost as large, and I don't mind cleaning mine!
It's no problem at all.  Besides, I'll take lots of oodles of square footage any day of the week over living in a sardine can!
love, love, love the show. hate american idol. this show is for real.
the only reason i entertained watching it was because of mark burnett and as usual he has such genious casting and editing. btw, don't know who anything about "metal" music but these performers make me like it. love marty and jd as performers. HATE JESSICA. susie is so nice and so emotional. it seems they all support each other and enjoy each others skills. regarding ty and bob marley, ty was excellent but he also lucked out on the song! bob marley was genious too and his music is very easy to listen to. i don't like 3/4 of what the others are given to sing but their performances make me love the music. dave navarro shines on this show, very gracious for the most part and letting the contestants down easy when they have to leave. he was great last night with brandon (?). sweet, sweet show. i am so impressed with everyone involved.
Yep that's it, 4000. Love, love love the zoom
But I feel like a dork typing...every time I try to type But it is coming out as Nut!
Mine isn't like that. Mine is 2. All are programmed different.
I love it too - love doing my nails 5 hours a day and staying awake

Love NOT getting paid while sitting doing my nails too.  It's a real turn on.

I tell all my friends to try it -- sit in front of your computer while you have no money to pay your rent and instead do your nails, you get a real buzz down in the pit of your stomach.


Also LOVE LOVE ESCRIPTION and make good money but...
Can I ask how you sit there for 8 hours. Lately, I'm having a motivation problem. When I focus, I can rack up the lines, but lately, I get so easily distracted. My mind wanders and I struggle to get my lines. Any tips on how you stay productive who do you work for?? I work for Transcend.
People either love it or hate it. I personally love it
but I know a lot of people say you cannot make any money on it and will not work on it. I do okay. I'm obviously not getting rich but I am making a living. I found it easier than Dictaphone and faster such in downloading and uploading job and you only have to log on one system and not like Dictaphone where you have to log onto the VPN and then log onto the program. It's always worth a try, but yes, the biggest complaint I hear is that no one can make a living and the cpl isn't that great.
I went back in house and love it. I love not being
secluded. I was working in my PJs, less organized and feel much better now that I get up and dress for work and see people (even those in traffic aren't so bad anymore). I find that I have more of a life now, and my family says that I spend more time with them now.

Working at home served its purpose for a long time; I was ready to go out into the world again now that I have no little ones at home.
BD WONG! I love him! I love all CSI and Law and Orders!
I am so addicted. I actually schedule my job and family around the shows LOL.
Love love love my chair
The arms can be lowered so they won't be in your way, I don't know about the tilt limiter. But I bought my off ebay about 6 years ago and can't do without it. No I do not think you can find another chair that even compares to the aeron, changed my working life completely, no sore back or butt. You won't regret it, but you will if you go for a cheap imitation.
LOL. I love it. I also love the song sm
I wouldn't take nothing for my journey now. Miss the Happy Goodmans!
Repeat after me: I love my job, I love my job. :) nm
You can love a job and still love being home! sm

I got into medical transcription for many reasons.  Yes, one was that I wanted to be home with my children, another was that I wanted to be in the medical field, and yet another was this just fits me.  Medical terminology and grammar are two things that have always come easily to me.  So, this fits.  I can work early, early mornings and late nights when they are asleep.  Also during afternoon naps.  Yeah, doesn't leave a heck of a lot of time for myself, but THAT is a sacrifice I am willing to make, leaving my kids for someone else to raise/care for all day wasn't. 

I do not love money but I love what it can buy
for me. I work 4 days a week now and was not bringing home what I wanted every 2 weeks, for some reason that is at least 1,000.00. I just decided to turn up the speed and put my mind to doing at least 3000 lines a day and figured by that should get what I want in the pay line. Worked well for me. I tell people if you want to talk with me call before I go to work, do not let outside influences bother me during my hours. Other than a bathroom break, glass of water, here for the straight 8.
I love Google and I love MTs
Okay, who in their right mind would not only discuss but have passionate opinions about hyphens and apostrophes? I love it!

Anyway, in googling grammar rules I found numerous references that two days' time would not but hyphenated but when used as a modifier like two-day history, it would be.

I remember telling an OB nurse friend of mine about fretting over 38 weeks pregnancy and whether the hyphen belonged in there and she just laughed and said she thinks she would get the point either way. Well harumph!
Mine are 10, 7, and 4.....sm
I get up early and get my work done by noon. If I have more that needs done I do it late at night after they go to bed. I have a very flexible schedule, so as long as the work is back in 24 hours it doesnt matter when I do it. Mine are all girls, so they play really nice together. My 10-year-old is pretty good at keeping the 4-year-old playing. When the two older ones are is school, my 4-year-old is pretty good at playing with her toys, computer or books until I am done. I stop occasionally to read to her or play with her, but I am usually done everyday at noon. For me personally, I would never use daycare. I would try to make it work with the little ones at home. I used to work in a very demanding hospital job doing insurance and billing. When I started work at home I knew I would never see another day care again! Good luck to you and hope you can find a way to get the little ones to stay at home with you!
not mine
I did not make that post
Yep, that's what mine is...
That "azul" thingy - think I'll take my computer, desk and chair to that island and sip a cold drink while I type....
should see mine!
Ours this time was 441!!!
mine is for $96 - but what for??? nm
You can have mine.
What a slap in the face! I will be returning mine with a nice little letter. They obviously think we are just a bunch of idiots and are just going to sit back and take their BS. I have had it.
Mine was $27 nm
Mine are up a bit too. NM
He's mine. Now get out of here.
Do you spend at least 2 hours doing your hair and make up in the hopes that he stops by your house? I didn't think so.
Mine does - up to 14 cpl for certain...
accounts.  I'm sure there must be others.  Our experience has been that there are still plenty of doctors/healthcare facilities who appreciate quality.  Yes, many simply want to save money.  Thankfully, some know money is not the most important factor.
Mine did for me
I worked for a company (not MQ) that used DQS and I only have dial-up available to me. I connect at 50.6 Kbps almost all of the time and never had a problem. Once the first dictation loaded, which took less than a minute, the rest would upload in the background while I was working so I never had to wait. Sound quality was always very good, but of course that can depend on your account.

I currently am working on the InScribe platform for a different company and it takes a little over a minute most of the time for my first dictation to load (so it is a little slower than DQS was for me) but after that there is no waiting, just like on DQS.

I have a really reliable ISP so very rarely get disconnects, etc.

HTH. :)
that's how I do mine, too...and they are

mine is
Pink Floyd, Wish You Were Here