I love hearing good news! Congrats to you BOTH! NM
Posted By: Endiqua on 2005-07-22
In Reply to: Imagine that!! - Mom-CMT
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- Imagine that!! - Mom-CMT
- I love hearing good news! Congrats to you BOTH! NM - Endiqua
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Congrats to you on your good news!! :)
My theory is no news is good news. (sm)
If there is really a problem with your transcription, then I would not worry about it. They will get to you if you screw up.
As far as policies and procedures, look in your manual. I am sure they gave you info for all of that stuff. JMO.
Personally, I love hearing stuff like that!
I love it when I can hear if they are having a great day or a crappy day--I really love the angry ones, 'cause, well, I'm mental. You can almost always tell when someone got laid or really needs too....or maybe that's just me and my creative imagination at work again. Either way, it's so nice to have the change of pace and a reminder they they are people too!
I have good news and bad news 4U...
The good news is on Saturday, July 1 many of your least favorite residents will be "graduating." The bad news is that on the same day you'll be getting a virtual box of candy with brand new residents who have no clue how to dictate! RU excited?? ARGHHHH!!!!
I love to hear such news! :) sm
It always makes me happy to hear when someone has bettered him/herself professionally. Congratulations!
Good for you! Congrats!...nm
Good news - thanks
Good news! sm
She wrote back about 2:30 and agreed to 8 CPL. Very happy. I know it's hard out there, as I was an MTSO. Very happy she could do it.
good news
Glad to hear there are so many still trying to steer their kids in the right direction. I've been wondering have all the parents gone mad. Around here there seems to be a very few who take the time to know what their kids are doing. What really blows my mind is those parents who know and dont' do anything about it--or worse, encourage it. Let's hear it for the strict moms! Whoo-hoo!
Good news
I will be starting back on my old position in the next few weeks. Whew! Big relief! Thanks for all the replies
Just good news
Just heard on the TV where a teacher got choked on a salad at school. The only person around her was an 11 year old student of hers who asked if she was alright, she told him no and he immediately got behind her to do the Heimlich maneuver and dislodged the stuck food. Now get this, he said it must have been intervention from above- he did not know the name of what he did, had never even seen it performed and basically he said just had to move and move quick to try to help her. Is that not a good story??
What a good story - thanks for sharing.
Good news. Woo hoo!
Good News
My mammogram came back normal! I am so relieved. I want to thank those of you who responded and provided caring and encouragement to me. I really appreciate it and I also appreciate having this place to come to that is full of people who understand all about being an at home medical transcriptionist.
Sorry not to have good news, but the UK went to SM
the EMR some time ago (national health insurance). Do a search on MT activity in England and see what you (don't) find.
Well at least some good news
is that Sallie Mae announced that due to unemployment rising they are moving over 1,000 jobs back to the USA from India. That's great news for me, as I have to deal with their poor English skills and rudeness to handle my student loan account.
Good news
Thanks. It sounds like I am doing the norm. I was given a different impression from my company, but as I mentioned in my bottom post, the communication and thinking there leaves a lot to be desired. I was also instructed by a couple different people in management that asking for advice or tips on this (or any) MT board was the worst thing I could do. Hmmm...? :)
Assigning Can Also Be Good News s/m
My office assigns work to me, and in DocQScribe, they come up with a little "R" next to the job number for "routed". Periodically, they are nasty and were obviously attempted and jettisoned by someone else. More often, however, they are a bank of reports for a particular dictator, who I suspect has gone through the channels and whined and wants all their reports NOW.
The pros of this situation:
One dictator for 10 reports means I can fly through because they're probably saying the same things over and over. Or at least I can get used to their style and plug away.
Sometimes the group I'm routed is awesome: seven podiatry surgeries or consults in a row.
I like to think that things are routed to me because my office knows I will sit still and type until every one of them is done. I'd like to think they can count on my accurancy and efficiency.
I take it as a compliment. Maybe it's intended that way for you too, even when it sucks rocks. My partner gets nasty, nasty dictators routed to her sometimes because she's one of the few people who can do them and refrains from whining. Building goodwill with your MTSO pays off in odd little ways in the long run. And again, while it sucks for you, it might your strong work ethic and accuracy that leads your supervisor to believe you are the one for these jobs. Take heart!
The good news about links...sm
"missing" on that site is that you can add more yourself. That appears to be the whole purpose of the site - to provide links to references (ergo MTReference) that one might need while working.
Anyone can find anything on the internet; you're right about that. But I'd prefer not to be worried so much about that and more worried about doing my job correctly with appropriate references and answers.
Don't register if you are not interested in the site. I, for one, appreciate that it is there.
Thanks for sharing the good news! (sm)
it's so nice to hear that things are better instead of worse for someone!
That is GREAT news! Good for you!
That IS a rainbow after a storm now!
I am truly happy for you and KUDOS to that hospital system for yanking those jobs out of the grips of the greedmonger MTSOs in India.
I would apply myself if I didn't have to drive to Michigan!!
I hope all goes well with you. Congratulations.
Well, the good news is no one knew you were a newcomer!
But can't you look back and re-read your post and rather see the humor in it? You describe all these horrible natural disasters, but with no detail, and then say your landscapers "suck". Sometimes we have to be able to laugh at ourselves, especially our written words, and that did sound funny! And with fires and monsoons and microbursts, your post just shocked lots of us!
Hope you get good news from the biopsy, sm
My husband just had a similar situation, only his was a growth on the side of his nose. Doctors thought it was a cyst or a mite that got stuck in there. After sending it off to 3 labs, it was diagnosed as Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. They may have gotten the whole thing during the surgery, but husband still has to undergo 20 days of radiation therapy to the site. His prognosis is excellent. He was very scared during the waiting period and once he received the diagnosis, however he has adjusted to getting the radiation and has settled down.
You can be his support. When my husband had all kinds of negative things running through his mind, I kept encouraging him that it may not be as serious as he is imagining. I also have a brother that had Non-Hodgkins lymphoma and he talked to my husband about his treatment, which helped my husband a lot, as well.
Good luck, I'll keep your family in my prayers.
A big smile and nothing but good news for the first 24 hours.
That's what men like best.
Finally maybe some good news on the horizon, please see
Any good/bad news about free firewall
I needing to find a firewall and thought I'd ask you all for opinions - Any good ones? Any to stay away from?
When I am on my computer, I keep hearing clicking sounds as you hear when you click on something within a website. Am I being paranoid? I have heard stories where people's computers have been "overtaken". My Norton Security expired this month and just a couple of weeks ago I downloaded a free antivirus program that was recommended by my home office. Now I'm without a firewall and I think I made a mistake in doing that.
Not-so-good news re: medical coding,
I was watching the news tonight (Sacramento, CA area), and there was a story about a lady who was looking for work. She had spent $10,000 on a coding/billing education, but can't find work. Apparently that field is "saturated", as the newscaster said. (Maybe from lots of MTs trying to get into that?) Anway, I had sort of been thinking about going to school to learn coding, but now I think I'll pass.
It is great to hear good news!
Good for you!! It is so nice to hear a positive post.
I do not suppose you would care to share your new company?
That is such good news, I am sooooo happy for you and Tom Kitty
So glad to hear your good news!!!! Eat a candy bar anyway :-) no message
Also LOVE LOVE ESCRIPTION and make good money but...
Can I ask how you sit there for 8 hours. Lately, I'm having a motivation problem. When I focus, I can rack up the lines, but lately, I get so easily distracted. My mind wanders and I struggle to get my lines. Any tips on how you stay productive who do you work for?? I work for Transcend.
just checked i-mail. no news. how did you get your news?
News flash..Don't know where you get your news, but the economy is doing very well.
Good one--I love it!
Although I won't offer for her to knock on my door whenever she wants to talk. I've finally managed to play it "cool" enough so she doesn't knock on my door every day now. She did that in the beginning. When I moved in she said she was so glad I moved in and she was so lonely. As soon as she would get home from work she would come straight to my door and ask what was for dinner. I finally managed to get it across that I was working and on the "time clock". Plus every time she wants to talk she always wants to bad mouth her exhusband with choice words or even worse talk about new men and sex and how much they want her. Kinda sad really. I started letting my eyes glaze over when she did that. She got the hint I'm sure but she just can't help herself. It is all she wants to talk about. And I must say hearing her talk about it is about like imagining my parents in that situation. I just don't want to know. Ugh.
No, but would love to have a good "Hubby." LOL
OMG I **love** BBQ! It smells so GOOD!
I love the Good Times reruns...sm
glad that TVLand is showing them now!
Good for you. I love my local at home job.
I do VR, love it, make good money at it
and I have no idea why people who do not do, have not done, don’t plan on doing talk so much against it.
Boy, would love to know your story, its not good to harbor such hatred - sm
and resentment, does not do anybody any good. You, of course, are entitled to your opinion but I doubt you will find many that agree with you. Chill out.
good idea with the potpourri, love the scent of cinnamon
I also like peach and orange smells too, but they never seem to last with the candles or other glade air fresheners, and the expense is too much. I have two animals and a litter box to cover. Those air things with the fan do not work, nor does the thing that squirts out scent periodically, waste of money.
Hahahah! Are they good Italian folk? I LOVE me some garlic!!
I put garlic in practically everything, short of desserts!
The sex is too good. LOL Besides, I'm a committed girl. I do love him. He's just a jerk somet
Good lord, enough! We get it, you love DocShuttle. How bout other options?
Lucky. I love long reports. I thought I got a good one, but it was a 1.5 minute
report with 12 minutes of dead air. Sit here and do nothing. For free.
Good for you, I love people who rescue homeless pets. I take in cats myself
Thank you fellow MT. I love that site.....good source of info without the complaing....
Thanks again.
Thank you fellow MT. I love that site.....good source of info without the complaining....
Thanks again.
I love procedures, colonscopes, EGDs, cardiac caths - this stuff earns me the good money, ESL or no!
I have noticed a hearing change. But it is weird as my hearing is better in my right ear where I listen to the dictation. It is my LEFT ear that isn't so good anymore. I guess old age is catching up with me; unfortunately, in many ways, not just one !!
the latest buzz about hearing and earphones was more related to ear buds that fit in your ear, which puts it much closer to your tympanic membranes.