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I have a much different take.

Posted By: see message on 2008-04-16
In Reply to: Have been in this field for 15 years. sm - deni

I've been at this for more than 20 years.  Was onsite for 17 part-time and part-time IC work from home.  I think this is the perfect time to make the change.  You'll adjust and the children will adjust.  If the work offered to you at this point is not making you what you want, then you can switch companies down the road. 

Mine are 5 years apart, but I managed an infant and typed at home.  You can put the child next to you while you type.  They are not constantly in your arms anyway.  Since you will be self-employed, then you will probably have some flexibility in regards to doctors' appointments and such. 

Yes there is a learning curve for new accounts, but that is with anything in this business. You can have new dictators added each day that need dealt with.  You will never regret being home with your children. 

Is two months of pay worth giving up the opportunity to stay home with your children and still earn an income? 

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